PC 81-139RLSOLUTIO!I r~o. ~c&i-i;, A P,ESOLUTIQI! OF TFIE ~tJAI+.Ell1 CIiY PLA!lh;IP1G C0~1~115510~1 TH{'.T PETITIOI! FOR CO~IGIT1~)~1l1L USE PER111T I10. 27.?_~: E3r DEIJICU l•IN[R[:AS, the /lnaheiri City Pl~nninc Cornmission did receive a verified Petition for Condition;~l Use Permit frori IIl1RRY S. FLRGUSOil, ,;715 Landfair Roael, Pasadena, Ca 1 i forn i a 9 1 1~7, cn•iner, and IIACI\Y FE I i15T[ i tl ~ ZIIJ j South Harbor (3oulevard, Anaheim, Ca!ifornia ;1~^1, aqent, of certain real propert•~ situated in thc City of F~nalieirn, County of Orange, State of California, described as: Parcel 1: The south 1%5 fcet of the east 1~~ fect of that portion ~f the souCh~•~est quarter of the southeast quartcr of the northwest quarter of section tarenty-seven, to~•~nship four south, range ten west S. 6. B. b F1. City of Anaheim, County of Oran~e, State of Calit'ornia, described as folla:~s: 3eginniny at the seutheast corner of saiu north~•~est quarter, said pr~int beinc~ the centerline intersection of Ilarbor Uoulevarc~, as described in deed to the County oi Orang~, Reeordcd June 1~, 19hL i n bool: i'~:~~,, page 1G3 of officiai recurds, and Orangetvood Avenue as deticribed in deed to the County of Oranc,~e, recorded tlovember ?0, 1'1~~7 i n bool: 1599, pa,e 157 of ofricial recor:ls; thence along the southerly line of said north~lest quartcr an:! the centerline o` said Orongearood Flvenue, south i:9-1/!E !+3' 2;" ~•~est CG(;."u5 fcet to the t•~esterl~~ line of sa~d south~•:est quarter of the southeast quarter of said r.ortin•~est qu~rter, thenee alonq said ~~esterly 1 ine -~nrth 1-1%1~, ~3' 0~" ~vest GG0.~~2 fer.t to the nortiierly line of sai~i southeast quarter; thence alonc~ said northerly line north ~~~-1/~! 43' 37" cast GG;.32 fect to the east2rly line or said southeast quarter and the eent~rl i ~~ ~F ii,.-~,... o,,.,, _ u~cr~~c diunq SaiU centerline south 1-1%~t 21' 07" cast ~60.OO,feet to the point of beginning. 4111EI2EAS, the City Planning Comri;ssion did hold ~, public hearing at the Civic Center ir. the City of Anahein on June 1>, 19~1, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publie hearing having becn duly ciiven as required by la~•~ and in accordance ti~~ith the provisions of the /lnaheim ~1unicipal Code, Ch~pter 1~.!1;, to hear and consider evidence for and against said ~~roposed condiCional use permit and to invest~gate and make findings and reconmendations in connection ther~~~~ith; and 4/11EREAS, said Co mnission, after due inspr_ction, im~~stigation and study riade by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence ~nd reports offered at said hearing, docs fird ~nd determine the folla:~ing facts: 1. Th~,t tne proposed use is pro;~erly one For ~:~hich a conditional use pernit is authorized by Anaiiein Plunicip~-! Codi~ Section 1~.`)7,~?~ to ~•~it• To permit truck ;.~nd Crailer rentals in an existing service st~~tion, 2. That the use is clenied or, the bo,is that the r~,uc~st is ~xcessive. PCt31- 1 j9 3• That thc pro~~oscd use ~:ili ~ci~icrscly aff~~ct T.he adjoining lan~l uses and thc gra-~th and devclopc~ent of thc arca in ~•~Iiich it is proposed to be located. h. That the sizc: ancf sliaE~e of t,ie site pro~osed for the use is not adequate to allov~ the full dcv~lopmcnt of the proposed usc in a manner not detrinental to the p~rticular arca nor to 'ic pcace, hcalth, safety, and neneral wclr"are of the Citi~ens ef the City of Anahcin. 5. That the c~r~ntinr~ ot the Conditi~n~l Use Perr~it undcr thc conditions impose~, if ,~ny, t•~ill be detriciental to the ~r_ace, !~ealth, safeCy and ~ener~l ~•~elfare of the Ci ti zens of the Ci ty of f~n~heic~. 6. That the tr~ffic gcnerated by the prnposed usc i•~ill not impose an undue burden upon rhe sL-reets and higln~ays de,i~~n.^d and in,proved to carry the traffic in the area. 7. That no one indic~ted tlieir presenee at said pub'ie hearine in opposition; an.l that no correspordence o-~as receiveci in ooposition to the subjeet petition. E~IVIRO!1~1EiJTAL IIiPlsCT FIPJDIf1G: Tha~ the Mahein City Plannin~ Commission has revie:~ed tfie proposal to permit trucl; and trai ler rental ; in an exisr.in~t service station on a rectanc~ularly-shaped parcel of lanu consis*_inn of approximately 0.5 aere located at the northtrest corner of Orange~~~ood /lvenue ind fiarbor Eoulevard and having froritages of approxinately 125 fect un the north side of Orange:•~ood Avenue and 125 feet on the v~r.st side of Flarbor Goulevard (2~"03 SouCh Harbor Qouievard); and does I;ereby approv~ thc Negative Deciaratior. from the requirenent to prepare an environmentai impact repert on the b~sis that there ~•rculd be no significant individual or eumulative adverse environr~ental inpact due to the appruval of this ~Jenative Deciaration since thc Anafieim General Pian cJesignates the subject property for 9eneral conriercial land uses comnensurate ti•~ith the proposal; that no sensitive r,t,.~~~~ ~ _ '„' '~r"'~~~~~ ~"- ` ~-~ ~;,v~~v~u ii; ~i~u ~~ru~~~~sai; tha[ Cr~e Inltial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no signific~nt individual or cumulative adverse environr~cntal impacts; and that the Ileqative Declaration sui~,tantiatinn the foregoing finJings is on filc in the City of /lnaheim Plannin9 Department. IJOIl, Tii[REFOR[, [3L IT RESOLV[D that the Anaheim CiLy Planning Commission does hereby deny subject Pe[ition for Conditionai Use Permit, on the basis of the aforementioned findings. TII: FOREGOIt1G R~SOLUTIG!! is signed anc approved by rie this 15th day of June, 19&1. ~~-,-~-~ ~ ~.w~.~..~ ATTEST• ~t~nlRrti~n Pr,o T[~~NOR[ ' AtUUIEIH CITY PL,'1111lI~1G C0~1!•11SSIn'1 - ~~~ d~_~~- SECRETARY~ ANAfiEIM CITY PLAFltJINr, ~UMMISSI6N -2' PC81-139 STATt OF CALI FOR~11i, ) COUIlTY OF OR/1tl~E ) ss. CITY OF AI!!{HEi~i ) ~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of tiic Anahciri City Plann?ng Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoin9 resoluCion ~~~as passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahcin City Planning Conmission hcld on June 1~, 19;1, at 1;j~ p.m., by the follaoing vote of the r:ien~bcrs thcreof: AYES: C0~91iISSIOi;EP.S: f3/1RIiES, GOl41S, iiUS;IORE, FRY, iiERGST, F:lilG NO[S: CONIiISS10;lERS; NONE AE35 E:lT: COMI11 SS 10!IERS : TOL/1R I~! l~llT:lESS llIiEREOF, I h~vc hercunto set my hand this tith day of June, 1931. d~~ ~L ~,~ar~~. sECr~~rnRV, nr~nfiEir~ ctTV P~,~r~~~inr cor~r~issio„ ~3- PC81-139