PC 81-143"ESOL~!TIU!; !lf~. PC~;1-1'i, _"_'._'_=----~_ `=ESOLUTI~i~I CF THE !1~!,1IIE1~1 CITY PL~~It~irir, C~~+~~ISSI~~I TfIAT PETITIJ'; FOa ~/.4'I~'ICF ':0, ;'?17 ~E ~nq!!TEfi WNE'2f:A5, the AnaFieim City Flannin~ Cc.r,nission :tid receive a verified Petition fqr V~riance frc~m t/ALDRpr, ~OSS, 7~7~ East 1lnndra, Faramount, California 9~%23, c:;ncr ~ agent ~f ' 'n'~ ICHA^D TI^t?p~. ~ni?, ;lorth [a,tsicie, Santa Ana, California ~ ~ eerc~in real propert~~ situated in tt~e City o` .4naheir~, 2701, Statc of California descrihed as: Countv of Orange, That portion of t`~^ RancF:o Santi~go de Santa ~~na, in the County of ~Jrangr_, State of California ~~y ~ee~~a/~~~°rnia, as ac~uired hY the St~te of Official Reeo~ds in t'ie officr_rocorded in Bonk ~~;,~~ pa~e ~n~ of County, 5ounded 4/e_st~ r)y Lhe C,ount•+ Re~ord~r of said described linc: Bcyinnin ~nd Northtires*_erly by t~c f~~ta~.~~~g P~olongati~n op ~ ~t [he intcrsection of th~ 'lortherly the ~lortheas~~~ty 1 ine of Starl (nn I,~~y~ r,~ feet ~ride, as sho~m on ~~ap of Tract tln, ~~,~ Fages jc;, }7 and 3r3 of ~tisrel laneo • '~cor-ued in Sook 1a?~ Southerly lin~ op i, us "taps in sa~d offi~~~ ~~~th the t~3t parcel so ac9uo~ed; t.tience '~ortherly alona said `lorthc-)Y P~olong~t~on, ~J 3n~ - u tangent curvc concavc Southca,tcrlv^L ~3 ~~' ~r'~~ f~et to a fee[; thence !Jcrtheasteri ~~`~ F°~~~"-' ~ radius of 75,,'1n y`~~ 5'+~', an arc distancc ~i~long said curvc th~ro~c~f~ an a~qj~ of ~~o ~lorthaies[erl 3~•~~ fect to a reverse curve conc~ve ~~ortheastcrly a1on~ 1ast1salcl3~i~~~~~us of i~l+~'~n fcet; thence 13n :firou9'~ an anqle of 4° ~ Sou[fiea~trrlc dl5tance of ;4,7i fc~et t~ a rov~r~.. ~ 4n ~lortheasteriy alany1ulast ~ r'~~iur of ~(n,n'~ f~'et~1 ~thence 2~~~> an arc distance of Z,~~~Sf~et [~rtheth[asterly 71g~A ~ofrJSaid parcel so acquired. ~•~NEREAS, thc City Ptannfnq Conrission dici hold a Center fn the City of Anaheim on .1une 1, 1~~31 hearlnn havin , at ~;jn Puhlic hrarirg at the (.ivic 9 been dul~, giv~n n.n,, notice of said public provisions of the AnaFeim Plunicipal~SCode~urCA~ hY ~o~~ ~~~ ~r accordance o-itth the evidence f~~ and against said ' ~dPter 1,,'1~~ t~ hear and cons?der ffndings and recorrner.d~tions in eonPo~[~ion ~~,r~~nce an~1 to investigate and make continued to the Pir.nning Cor~missic,n ciee[in9'ofcJune~?~~id„~ubllc hearin9 having been + ~ •~1; anc+ WHERE/1S~ ;~id Crn;,rnission, ifter dur inspection, inve,tic~ation ond stud m- ~y i[se)f and in i[s bc;hali`, and aft~r du~, c~•nsi;'er,~tion ~f a11 evidence anci reports offered aL s~id he~irinq, does finr? Y dd~ nn.1 determine ['~e fo)la,•inn f ~cts: 1• That [h~ I`eti:ioncr• r>r~~o:r: ~:~,~iv.,~; nf t~~~, ~~iln;~in~ sinqle-f;~;~i'y residenc, : ~o ccnstruct a PC(i1-143 (a) SF.CTION lII.?_G.OG1.017. ' t•tinimum lot area. 7,200 square feet required; 5,200 square feet existing) (b) SECTIOM 13,2G.OE1.02;~ - htinimum lot width and frontage. 70 eet required; '~et existing) (c) SECTIOW 1$,26.~63.~~~ - Minimum landscaped setbacF:. ~5 eet required; 1~Tto 2? feet proposed) (d) SECTIOtJ 1£3,26,~65.~1~ - Permitted orientation. ~ Residence re uired to rear on arterial highway; ront-on orientation proposed . Z, That the above-mentioned waivers are hereby c~ranted on the basis that the petitioner demonstrated that a hardship exists due to the shape and location of subject property. 3, That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions app]icable to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not appiy generally to the property or class of u>e in the same vicin(ty and zone. l~, That the req~ested variance is recessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a su'~stantial property right possessed by other property in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 5, That the requested variance will not be materially detrimental to the public vrelfare or injurious to the property or improvements in such vicinit~~ and zone in rrhich the property is located, (~, Th_=.t one person i~dicated their presence at safd public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to tFe subject petition. EiJVIROPIMENTAL Ih1PACT FItJDlidC: 7hat the Anaheim City Planning Commisston has reviewed the proposal to permit construction of a sinole-family residence wtth waivers of minimum )ot area, minimum lot width and frontage, minimum landscaped setback and permitted residential building orientation on a~ irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 5,200 square feet l~cated at the southeast corner of Riverdale Avenue and Starling lday; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the re~uirement to preoare an environme~tal impact report on the basls that tfiere would be no si9nificant individual or cumulative adversr environmental impact due to the approval of this tlegati•:e ueclarat'on since the Anaheim General Pian designates the subject propertv for hillst~o low density residential land uses commensurate ~~rith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental inpacts are involved in the pro~osai; that the Initial Study submitted by thie -z- Pc8t-t~r3 petitioner indicat~s no si9nificant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the i7ec~ative Declaration substantisting thr: foregoing ftndinqs is on file in the City of Anai;eim Pianning Department. PlOll, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVFD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does liereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the follovrin~ conditions o~hich are hereby round to be a necessary prerequisite to the pr~posed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens oT the City of Anaheim: 1, That all enyineerin9 :•equirements of the City of Anaheim along River~ale Avenue and Starling ~~ay, includinq preparation of improvement plans and installation of all improvements such as curbs and gutters, sidea!alks, street grading and paving, drainage facilities or other anpurtenant uiorl~, shail be complied with as required by the City En9ineer and in accordance riith specifications on file in the Office of the City [ngineer; o~ tliat a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amo~nt and form satisfactory to the City of P.naheim shall be posted with tlie City to yuarantee the installation cf the above-mentioned requirements prior to oc:cupancy. 2. That the oti•mer(s) of subject property shall pay to the City ot Anaheim a fee, in an amount as determined by the City Council, for tree ptanting purposes along Riverdale Avenue and Starling Way. 3. That the a•mer(s; of suhject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee, in an amount as ~etermined by the City Council, for street lighting along Riverdale Avenue and Starling Way. 4, That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City E~9~neer. 5. That the ownzr of subject property sliall pay to the City uf Anaheim the appropriate parl; and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be aoororriate by the City Council, said fees to be patd at the time the huiiding ~ermit is ~ssued. 6. That subj°ct property shall be served by underground utilities. 7. Ihat tlie o~m er(s) of subjec* Property shall pay the traffic signai assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3~96) in an amount as determined by the City Council, for each new ~~•lelling unit prior to the issuance of a building permtt. 8, That appropriate water assessment fees as determined by the Office of Utllities General Manager shall be paid to the City of Anaheim prior to tlie issuance of a building permit. 9. That a raved vehicular backing area shail be providad on-site adjacent to the proposed drive~~~ay from R;verdale Avenue in accordance ~~ith the City Traffic Engineer's recommendatiois. _3_ PC81-t43 ~0. Prior to the issuance of huiidin~ permits, tl~e a~plicant shali oresent evidence satisfactory to the Chief ~uilding :nspector that tfie proposed residence is in conformance ~r~ith Council Policy ~Jo. ~1f?, Sound Attenuation in P,esidentiai Projects. ~~, That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~~ith the City of Anaheim marked Ex!iibit ~dos. 1 through 3• ~2, That Condition hJos. 1, 2 and 3, above-mentionecl, shall be cor' ~~ rtor prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under tfiis resolution or p to the time that the builciing permit is issued, or ~•rithin a period of one year from date hereof, ~•~hichever occurs rirst, or such further time as the Pianning Commission may grant. 13, That Condition iJos. if, 6, 9 and 11, above••mentioned, shall be complied ~y~t{~ prior to final building and zoning inspections. [3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED tliat the Anaheim City Planninci Commission does hereby find and determine thaY the adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's comptiance with each a~d all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condition er any part thereof, be declared invalicl or unenforceabic by the final ju~gment of any rourt of competent jurisdiction, theri tli~s Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOPI is signed and approved by me this 2~th day ot June, t98t. ~ . n ~_-7 (1 ~~.~2~. ~ . ~,~'~- CHAIRMA~d PRO TEFIPORE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION ATTEST: ____~-a~--~ y~ ~ SECRETARY, ANNnctn ,. ., ~~ANNING COMMISSIOhI _c,_ PC81-t43 r .... ~ i ~ ~ ~ STA7E OF CALIFORNIFl ) COUNTY OF ORAP~GE ) ss. CITY OF AWAHEIM ) i, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahein City Piannin~ Commission, do hereby certify that ti:~ foregoin9 resolution was passed and .adopted at a meeting of the Ananeim City Planning Commission he1C on June ?~, i'=181, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the memhers tiiereof: AYES: COMIIISSIOtJERS: BAR~IES, BOUAS, BUSHORE, FP.Y, HEREST, Y.l~I~ NOES: COM!11SSIO~dEP,S: NOPlE ABSENT: CQMMISSIONERS: TOLAR ItJ WITNESS WHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand this 29th day of June, 7981. ~ ~ ~° ~.~ SECR[TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLA~itlI~IG COMNISSI!1P1 -5- Pc81-~43