PC 81-145~,_,
RESOLUTIQPI '!0. PC~1-1!+r
llHEREAS, the Anaheim City °lanniny Commission did petition for
Reclassification of cert~in real pro~erty situated in the City of An~heim, County of
Orange, State of Callfornia, drscribed as:
Lots 1~ throu9h 19, i~1A and Lots 7~1 through ?^ in 7ract ~Jo. ZS`, as
sho~vr. on a map recorded in Book '!~, page 25, Miscellaneous Maps,
records of Orange County, Cali`ornia. Excepting therefrom any
portion tl~ereof lying ~~iithin Coffman Street and Cypress Street, as
shown on the map of said Tract,
WHEREAS, ti~~ City Pianning Commission did hoid a puh;ic hearing at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim on .~U!'tC 29, ;~31, at 1:30 p.m,, notice of said public
hearing having been duly yi~en as required by la~,i and in accordance ~•~ith the
provisions of the Anahein Municipa; Codc, Chapter ~;.~3, to hear an~l consider
evidence for ar~l against said oroposed reci~ssificati~~n and to inv~stigate and make
findinys and recommendatior.s in ccnnection therewith; and
WHEREAS, ;a~~{ Commiss~on, after due inspecCion, investigation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, anc' after due consideration of all evidPnce and reports
offered et said hearing, does find and dr.t~rmine the followinq facts:
1. That the Anafieim City Planning Commicsion ~ro~oses reclassification of
subiect property fmm the. RS-%200 (Residential, Sinnl?-=amil~~l ,,,,~ rh~ Pn-C ~P~rl~~,,,,
District-Commercia~) Zone to the RPi-24~0 (Residential, ~iulti~le-Family) Zone.
2. That the Anaheim General Plan, as amended in connection ~•rith ;eneral
Plan Amendment ~~o, ~(,q, designates subject property ,`or loo-~-medium density
residential land uses :~~ith a maximum density of fifteen (1~) unit~ per ~ross acre,
3. That the proPosed reclassification of suhject property is necessary
anc!/or desirable for the orderlv and ~rooer development of the community.
!~• T~~~t the proposed reclassiflcation of suFject ~r~pe~'Y ~~PS properly
relate tu the zones and their per:~itted uses locally estahli~ ~.~; in C~OS!' oroximity
to subject Property and to the zones and their permitte:l uses ,- cra11)'~ '`.~lished
*.hroughout the corrxnu~ity.
5. That tne proposeJ reclassifi~ation of su -.~t pr~ ~y rcquires Lhe
dedieation and improvement of abutting streets in accordance ~•~it ~e Circu~ation
Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in tr:~ ~:~hir_h iaill be
9enerat~d by the inCensific~Cion ~f land u5~,
u. That four (1F) E,ersons indicated [heir presence at said publie hearing
in opposition; and that no correspondence ~.~as rec~ived in opp~sitio~ t~ the subjeet
FNVIROMMENTAL IPIP~CT FlilDl'IG: That the /lnaheim City Planning Commisslon has
revie+~ed the proposai to reclassi y subject property from th.^. RS-?700 (Residential,
jj~9~~-Family) and the PD-C (Par4~ing ~is+:ricr-Commercial) Zone to the RM-2'+00
(Resldential, Multiplc-Familyl 7_onc on a recta~gularly-shaped p~~~~~ of land
eonsistin9 of appraximaCcly 6.~i acres north of Center Strcet on hoth sides of Coffman
and Cypress Strects; and does iiereby appro~ic the Ncgative Declaration frcm the
requiren..:nt to preparr_ an environmental impact report on ttie basis that there would
be no significant individual or cumulative adver,e environmental tmp~ct due to the
approval of this Negative Declaratior since the Anaheim General Plan designates the
subject property for lo~-i-medium density land uses com~ensurate ~•~ith thc: proposal;
that no sensitive environmenta~ impacts are invelved ir~ the proposai; that the
Initial Study submitted 'oy the pe2iCioner indicates no siqnificant individual cr
cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration
substantiating the foregoing findin~s is on fiie in the City of Anaheir~ Planning
P1041~ TfIERFFORE, 6E !T RESOLb'[D that the Anahetm ~ity Plannin~ Ccmmission
does hereby 9rant subject Petition for Reclassification and, by so doina, that Title
1$-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-~~S~ribed
property from the RS-720~ (RESIDENTiAL, SINGLE-FAMILY) ~ND PD-C (FAP,Y.i"!r DISTRICT-
COMMERCIAL) ZONES and to incorporate said descrihed property into the RM°2L~0
(RESIDF.tJTIAL, NULTIPLE-FAr11LY) ZOIJF up~n the foilo~•iin~ conditions 4~hich are hereby
found to be a ner_essa ry prerequisite to the proposed use of subject property in order
to prescrve the safct; and grncral +•!elfare ef thc Citizcns of *_he City of P.~%~heim:
1. That tfie a•~ner(s) of subjeet property shall deed to the City of Anaheim
a strip of land ~0 feet in ~•ridth frrx~ the centerline of the street along ~~f~man
~trEet for street widenin~ purposes.
2. That all enginecring requirements or' the City of Anaheim along
CoTfman Street including preparation of improvement plans and installation of all
improvements such a; curbs and gutters, sidea~al~:s, street grading and paving,
drai~age facilities or other appurtenant work, shall be coriplied ti•rith as required by
the City E~gineer and in accordance ~•~ith spec!ftcations on file. in the Cffice ot the
City Engineer; that street lighting facilities alony Coffman Street and ~YP~ess
Street shall be installed as required by the Office of Utilities General ~4anager,
and in accordance o-~ith specifications on file ir, the Office of Utilities 6eneral
Manager; and/or that a bor.d, certificate cf dPposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an
amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim sh~ll he posted ~•~ith the City to
guaran*_ee the instaliation of the ahovc-mentioned requirements prlor to occupar.cy.
3. That the owner(s) of subject property shall ~ay to the City of Anaheim
a fee, in an amount as determined by tfie City Council, for tree planting ~urposes
along Loffman Street anu' Cypress Street.
4. That side~oalks shall be installed aloncl Cypress Street as required by
tiie City Engineer and in accordance with st•~ndard plans and specificatlons on file in
the Offlcc of the City [ngineer.
5. That trash storac~e areas shall be provided in ~cc~rdance with approved
plans on file ~yith th~ Office of the Executivc Director of Puhlic Llorks.
~. Tiiat rire hydrants shail he installed and chargeJ as requircd ;,nd
detei'mined to he nec~~ssary ny the Chief of tiie Fire Department p~ior to commencement
of struc[ural framing,
-2- PC81-t45
7. That dr~in~qe of suhject ~rn~erty shall he disposed of in a manner
satisfacto ry~ to th~ City Enaincr.r.
3, 7hat the oamcr of suhject proncr~y ;;~a~~ ~ay to the CiY.;~ of ~lnaneim ti~e
appropriate f~~r~_ and reercation in-lieu fer_s as r',terninr.d to he appropriate t~y the
City Council, said fr_~5 to I,e paid at the time the Luilding pr.~mit is issued,
). That the a,;ner(s) of suhjeet prnnertv ~hall pay the traffir_ siqnal
assessment f~~ (Ordinance I;o. 3~3~~0) ir ~n amount as detrrmined by the City f,~uncil,
for each nes•: d~.ielliny unit prior to the issuance
t~r l ~lUl i:~lfl~ ~A~(TI C.
10. That ordinances reclassifying th.~ property shall he a~iopted as each
parcel is ready to comply ~•~ith conditions pertaining f.o such parcel; ~,rovided,
hoti•~ever, tfiat the o-rord "parcel" shall mean presently existing parcets of recor~ and
any parcel or parce)s ~pp~oyE~ ~y tt;e C.ity Council for a lot split.
11. That a modified cui-cie-sac shall !~~ nrovided at the easterly terminus
of Cypress Street sub;~~z to the approval of Che Citv Engineer.
12, That the mar.imum density for any d~~~n~opm~nt nroposal shall b~ fifteen
(i~) dwelling units per gross acre.
13. Prior to t'~~ ~ntr~ri~iction ef ~r o~•Jinance rezonina subj~~~ property,
Condition Flos. 1, 2~~nd 3, a6ove-mencioned, shall he cmm~leted. The orovisions or
~ights granted l~y tnis resolution 5!l3II hecome null and v~i~1 hy action of the
Planninq Cominission unless said conditians are complied i~~ith o-~ithin one year from the
date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Commissicn may qrant.
14. That Conditior.lJos, iF, 5, 7, and I1, al~ove mention~d, shall be complied
witt~ prior to final buildi~g and zonina inspectior,s,
6E IT F!1RTHER P,ESOLVEQ that the Anaheim Cir„ pl,~.,t~~ r„~~,~«r.,., ~_
~. , ~~, i~~:rc?,y
~;~~ .:;;~' ~~~=:~~;i;;~ 41~dC [tie adeption ot this Resol~ti~n is expressly predicated upc~n
applicant's compliance arith each and all of the conditions herPinabove set forth.
Should any condition or any part thereof, be declared irvaii~l or unenforceable by the
final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then tf7is Resolution, and any
approvals herein contained, snall be Jeened nuil and voiri,
~9~1. T~1E FOREGOIflG RF.SOLUTIO"! is signed and approved by roc this '?9th day ei June,
~~.,v.s.,~~_ V ` . ~ l,~-61-K1e---~
A"JAHE I M C I TY PL,1'I~ 1 I ~!G COrt~~ I SS I ON
~~1~~, , ~
~/ ~ !~
SECRETARY, AtlAHEIM CITY P~/~rl~„~~ p!~~~tSS10~!
-3- ~c3t-145
I, c~ith L, Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Flanning ~ommisslon, do
hereby certify that tiie foregoi~, resolution 4~as nassed and adopted at a mee[ing ~f
the Anaheim City Planning Commission helu ;^ ,lune 2~, 1`?`31- at 1:3n ~,,~n,~ ~y the
folloa!ing vote o~ the nembers thereof:
IF! WIiNESS WiiEP.EOF, I have her unto set my hand this 2°th day ~f June, 1981.
o~._ ~° ~~-~_,
-~~- PC81-1115