PC 81-149RESOLUTIO?I Np, PC31-1~~'~ A RESOLU; 10"! OF TIIE Fl'lAHEI`1 CITY PLl1H'!I~If, C~tt!11~51~"! TNAT PETITIO~! F~R C~tJDITIONAL I~SE PERHfT PJ~, 27.1n BE r,nq~~T~~~ ~~~ PppT WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Pianning Commission did recelve a verified Petitton for Conditional Use Permit from R~SA h1AP,Y CASELLl1 ULIV( ANf1 AM9FL~ CASELLA~ 2124 East Valley Glen Lane, Orange, California, 92cb7, cwners, and PATRICY, J, DAkR AND JULIA R. DARR, 3~93 tast 11iraloma, Anaheim, California 97.3~~7, agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Caltforr.ia, described as: A portlon of Lot 7, ~locF~ 5, of the Golder State Tract, sho~•m as Parcel h, of Parcel Maps, 3004: 5~, P~g~ ~~~ Official P,ecords ef Orange County, California. I~:HE:EtiS, tl~~e City Planning Commtssion did sche~lule a ~ublic hcaring at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on June 15, i9B1 , at 1:3~~ p.m., notice of said public Fearing havinq heen duly given os required hy la~~ and in accordance ti~iith the provisions of tne Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 13.^3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use ~ermit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~•~iCfi; s~id public hearing havinq been continued to the Planning Commission mee:in~ of ,lu1v 13, 1~E1; and !JHEREAS, said Commtssion after due inspection, investination and study made by itself and in its hehalf, anrl ,fr..~ .+„~ ~r.,.,__. cffered at said hearing, does find and determine the folloo-~tng'facts.nce and reports i. That the prooosed use is pronerly one ror o-~hich a conditional use permit is auChorized by Araheim Munlcipal Code Section In.(1.'~5n,pr,~ ~g,(,~,~5~.5p3. and 13.61.050.G01, to a~it: to rctair, an existing auto detail facility and permit auto sales and truck stora.;;; in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zo~e with the folloo-ring waiver: SECTION 1R.G1,p63,011 - Minlmum landscaped sethack. 50 eet required; 12 and 11F feet existing) 2. That the proposed use is herFhy granted, in part, to permit the automobile detailing facility and truck storage in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone and denying the requested used automobile sales on the basis that the slze of the Pr~perty is not adequate to accommodate all the proposed usES and on the hasis that it is located on one of the heaviest traveled ,.orners in the northeast industr~al a rea . 3. That the ~roposed use is herehy c~ranted, in part, P~r a period of one year subject [o review upon Y:ritten request from [he petitioncr t~ determinr_ if the use has had a detrimental effect on the area. PC81-ih9 4. That the approved truck, storage shail consist for two automobile transport carriers to he stored behind t.'ie existing fencc at the reir of the property. 5. That the reyun_str_d i~~aiver is hereFy grantecl, in part, to ~ermlt thc existing canopy and pum~ ;sland located 14 feet from the south ~ronerty line adjacent to 141raloma Avenur on the hasis that the existing canopy is attached to the main structure; and denyina the reeuest for an ^-foot h(gh inten•~oven chafnlink fence propo;ed to be located 12 feet from the east property itne adjacent to Y,raemer Qoulevard on the basis t~-at no hardship ~ias demonstrateri pertainlnq to the size, shape, topegra~hy of suhject Pr-operty. ~• That the proposed use, as granted, ~;~iil not adversely affect the adjoin(ng land uses and the growth and development of the area in which it Is proposed to be 'ncated. is adequate toThjto`rti~e f~~~ ded`lopment~ ofe t~ie~ ~'renosed for the use, as granted, detrimental to the particular area nor to the pr~~OSed u~c (n a manner not welfare of the Citizens of the City of ,q~~,tie~,-,~ PEace, healt., safety, and ~eneral n. That the granting of the Conditionai Use Pernit un.ler the conditions imposed, if any, ~,~(i) not be detrimental to the peace, he3)th, s~fety and general welfare of the Ci[izens or the City of Anahein. 9• That the traffic generated by the prooosed use, as granted, will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and hi9h~Jays designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area. I ~ T~. . , ~-• ~~~~~ nu one indicateJ their Fresence at said publ(c hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence ~~~as received in opposition to the subject petit~on. EN6'IRONME~JTAL IMPACT FIFJDitlG; ihat the Anaheim City Planning Cor,gnission has reviea~ed ~he proposal to perr~it a~ automobile detail facllity wtth automobile sales and truck storage in the ML (Industria), Linlted) 7_one with waiver of m(ntmum landscaped setback on a rectanqularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately ~.( acre located at tfie north~~est corner of .Miraloma Avenue and Kraemer Boulevard (2092 East htiraloma Avenue); and does hereb a Declaration f~~ the requlrement to pre~are an environmentalpPm~ve the Negative ~asls tliat there a~ou~d he no significant individual ~r ~~ct report on the environmental impact ~iuc to the a ~~~ulative adverse Anahetm General Plar dr_siqnates the suhPecta, °t this PJeqative Declaration sir,ce Yhe commensurate with the oroposal; that no senPitivetenvirnnmental impactsiare,invol~ved in the proposa); that the Initial Study su6mitted by the pet(tioner indicates no significant ir~dividual or cumulative adverse environmental im~acts; and that the ~'egattve ~eclaration suostantiatinn the foregoln~ findinns is on *ile in the City of Anaheim Planning De~artment, °2- PC81-149 NUIJ, THEREFOP,E, BE IT r',ESOLVFO that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does herehy qrant, in part, suhj~~ct Petition for Conditional I!se Permit, upon the follovling conditfons o-rhich are herehy found to be a necessary ~rerequisite *_o the proposed use of the subject ~roperty in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That all automohile detailing and stor~nc sf~all he confined to the interior of Lhe buildiny or shall b~ ~roperly enclosed hy fencina, in comoliance with the Zoning Code, 2. That the existinn structure snall be hro~ight up to the minimum standards of the City of Anaheim, including the Uniform Duilding, Plumbing, Electrical, Hechanical and Fire Codes as adopted by tha City of Ar,aheim. 3. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance t~~ith approved pians on fite o-iith the Office of the Executive Director of P~~hlic Worb,s. 4. That subject properry shall ne developed suhstantially in accardance with plans and specifications on file ti~ith the City af Anah~im marked [xhihit No, i; provided, lio~~ever, that there shall not be anv chainlinl: fencino within rhP fifty ($0) foot setback from Y,raemer Boulevard to the east. ;. That Condition Ilos. 2, 3, and 4, above-m~ntloned, shall be comf~lied ~vith prior to final huildinG and zonin~ inspactions. BE IT FURTHFP, RESOLVED that the Anaheim City ~lannin~ Comnission does hereby find and deternine _hat adoption of this Reso)ution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance :rith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any sucii condition, or any part thereoT, he declared invalicf or unenForceable 1... wl... f.! ~1 _r ~, ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ja~yr:~~r~ ~~ ~ny :,.,uri ui cvino~[~ni jurisdic[ion, then th15 Resolutlon, and any approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and ~mid, THE F'OREGOIPlG RESOLUTIOhI is si~ned and anproued hy re t~is 13th day of July, 19E1. ATTEST• ~a~- R . ~ ~~ CHA i RNAN, AHANE I ~1 C 1 TY PLFPIH I Plr, CQ~1!~ I SS I ON ~~~ ~ ~~. SECRETARY, Ar1ANEIM CITY PI.Atl~JINr, CG~1"ISSIOr1 -3- PC8t-t4~ STATE OF Cl1L I FOR~J I A ) COU~dTY OF ORAIdGF ) ss. CITY OF A~JANEIM ) I, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of tne Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoinq resolution ':17$ passed and adopted at _a meeting of the Anaheim City Planr,ing Commission held on July 13, 1~~1, by the fo)lotving vote of the members thercof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: J~1R!lES, B01)A$~ FRY, hI~R~ST, ~:IF1G NOES: C014M15510"JERS: ~3USHORF ABSENT: COMMISSIOP!ERS: TOLAR it! 411TNESS ~~/hIEREOF, t have heraunto set rny hanJ this 13th day of July, 1~81. ~ r~ ~ ~ SECRETARY, ANAHEI~1 CITY Pl.p,~~!~~Nr rn~nM~SSlQM ~fi~ PC81-149