PC 81-150i;rsoi_~~~ io~i ;:o. Pcs'.i-,5~ ~ R[SOLI!TfOtl OF TI!F n!1hHEl~! CITY PL~~J"It~l~ C~'!!~I~SIn~i TiiAT °ETITION F~R R[CL!`,SSIFICC~TI(?'! ";~. ~3~-3?-!:~ [3E G~11!1TF~, llHEREAS, t`ie ~1nahein City Planninc, Cornission did recciv^ a verifier; ~et i t ion i'or Rec lass i f i cat ion f ron LES~:Y DF.VF! f?P~?Ft!T C(1. , P, 0. Box 5~2 ~, 310~ Wilshire 6oulevard, 8ever)y I;ills, California ~~21~, o~-mer, and GEORf,E A. LPS~Y, VICE PRESIDE'JT, CDATS b tlALL.1CE DCVELOFPI~~JT CO., Itl~,, ~~71 Slater Avenue, Suite 240, Hu~tington Beach, California ~32~i1f7, agent, of certain real prooerty situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orarsge, State of California, ciescrtbed as: The tJorth li-4 fAet of the South 323 feet of the Northeast quarter of [he Mortheast quartcr of the Northeast quarter of Section 2~i, Tormship ~E South, Range il 'dest, in th~~ Rancho Los CoyoCes, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Cali`ornla, as per map ra_cordr~d in ~o~l< 51, Paoe il of Miscelianeous Maps in the office of tne County Recorder of said County. EXCEFT the ':lest 132 feet tiiereof. WHEREIIS, t7e i,ity Planning Conmission ~iid hold a auhlic hr.arino at the Civic Center ir~ the City of Anahcim or~ July 13, 1'~~t, at 1:3^ n.r., noticr_ of said public hearing having been duly qiven as requir~d by la~•~ anci in accord~nce arith t'ie provisinns of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, C~a~ter 1'.'!3, to hcar and consider evidence For and against said proposed ~nrlnac.jfi~~r~~~ ~-;r+, ";,-,vr;tiqate and make flndings and recommendations i~ connection ther~~•~ith; an~l WNEREAS, sald Commission, after duc insoection, investi9aiion and study made by itself a~d in its hehalf, and after dun considr.rati~~n of a11 evirfence and reports (~ffnrr~l :7~ c~ir1 I~n~ri ~in..r. f7n-1 .,a .I.,f-. ..t... C..,~i.' c'_ ~ _ , . . ... _.,.. ... __.. .. _ . ... , .. ~,..., ':~ ~ ~,..~~. 1 That the petitioner proposes r~classification of subiect property from the RS-A-43,'100 (Residential/Agricultural) Zone [o the RN-3~On {Residential, Multiplc-Far~ily) Zone. 2. That the Anahein General Plan d~signates suhj~ct oropPrty for medium density residential. and general commercial land uses. 3. l:,at the proposed reclassification of subject pronerty is necessary and/or desirablc for the orderly and proper developraent of the comriun?tv. 4. That the proposed reclassfficatlon of subject property does prop~rly rela[e to the zones and their permittrd uses locall;~ estahlished in close proximity to subject propt,rty and to the zon~s and the~r permitted uses 9enerolty establ(shed ti,roughout the corrrnunity. 5. That the preposed reclassi`(cation oF ~uhi~ct proo~rty requires th~ dedication ~ind imr.rovement of ahu[tine str~~c•cs in acc~~~lanr.~ a:ith *~~ Circulation Pf.~1-150 El~.ment of tne Gener~l pl~n, due to the nnticin~tec; increa;e in traff~e 4ihieh ~•~ill bc generated ~y thc inten~i~`ic~tion of lnnd usc. ~. Tnat no ~ne indicated their ~rr.sencc at sa;d public hearing in oppos(tion; and that no correspondcnc~ t:~a; rcr_~i~i~~ in ~pp~si inn to the subjer.t pe[ition. E'~VIRONfiEt1Tl11. I'iPACT FI!ln~;l~: T~~~ t~e .4natieim City Planning Commission has revie«~ed the p~opo,~~ to r~~~issify suhjec[ prnperty ~ron the °S-A-4 (RESI~ENTI~VAGRICIJLTU3AL) ZOIIE to the R!~-3~~p (nESIDE~!TIAL, !ii 3'~~~ construct a 25-lot, Zli-unit condoninium suhdivision ~•~it'i aniversPLufFArequ(red'JFio~t frontage and mininum landsca~ed setback on a rectangularly-shaped oarcel of land consisting of approximately 1.~5 acres, havin~~ a frontage of anproximately i(4 feet on the arest sidc of Magnolia ,4vr_nue, approxinate~y ;l,n fe~t south of the centerline of Ball Road; and does hereby approve th~ Negative Declaration fron the re4uirement to prepare an envir~nmental imnac[ report on the hasis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental innact due to the approval of th(s ~tegative Declaration since the Anaheim General Pla~ designates the subject ?roperty for general corrnerc(al and rnPdium-density land uses commensuratv wf*h th~ proposal; tiiat no sensirjy~ ~.~,;i.;;~-~rntal ir,~nacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study subnitted by t!ie petitioner indicates no signiricant individual or eumu~ative adverse ~-nvironnental imnacts; and that [he Neaatfve Declaration substantiatin, thc foregoing findings is on file in the Citv of Ananeim P)annfng ~epartment. ' ~~~~J, TfiE~EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED chat [he Anaheim i:ity Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition fo~ Reclassification and, by so doing, that Tftle 13-Zon(ng of the Anaheim Municioa) Code be amended to exclude the above-described property fron the RS-A-43,000 (R[SI'~;-;1TIAi/nr,p~rniT,;~~~~ , ~~ "~`~;`~ ~ N~un~~-ty into the RM-12~0 ~ `~ "'.` d1U «~ incorporate said following conditions which are hereby foundctoDhe+T~3F~Lnecessa~LE-FAMILy) ZOp;E upon th~ proposed use of suhject property in order to preservA th~ s~fetPran~l~uisite to the of the Citizens cf the City of Analicim; Y general ~•~elfare ~ That an ordinanc~ reronin~ t'~e sut~ject prnperty shali in no event become effectfve exce~t upon or fo~)oi.~~~9 tliA recorciation of Final Tr~;ct Nap No. 1156L~ ~vithin the time specified In Governnent Code Section ~•L4,53,5 or such further tine as the advisory agency or C1ty Council may ~rant. 2. That the o•Nner(s) of suhject pro~ert,• ~h~ll deed to the City of Anaheim a strir or land 53 feet in ~~icith frnc; the centerlinn of the street aionq ~Magnolia ~venue for stree[ ~•~idening purposes. 3. That all engincerfnr, ;,~q~~r,,n;ents of the City of Anaheim along Magnolia ~lvenue includinr, pr,~par~~tion of ir~nrovement plans and installation of all improvements suc'~ as curf~s ar,d ~u[ters, si~1~~•r~li:s, s[rPe[ nradinn ancl pavinn, drainage facilitics or o~I,,,r appurterint ~:orl, s,~; )1 h~. ~nr;~~I^,1 t•~ith as reuuired b Ch~ City En~ineer ind in accordance ~•ri[h saeciFicitions on file in the ~`fice of the City En~~inccr; ~n~t ;trcci ligi,iinq f~~Ilitie~s alon~ Magnolla Aveni;e sha11 be installed as requirec! by the Office of Utilitfes Gener~l "tanac~er, and in aceordanee -2- PC31-150 with specifications on file in the Uffice of l;tilities ~enerai Manag~r; and/~r that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credtt, ar cash, in an amount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the C'ty to guarantee the installation of the a,.~ove-mentioned requirements prlor to occupancy. 4, Prior to issuance of building permits, the ~pplicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the Chief Building Inspector that the units ~+~ill be in conformance with Noise Insulatien Sta~dards specified in the California Administrative Code, Title 25. 5. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the Chief Building inspector that the proposed project is in conformance a~ith Council Policy Numher 542, Sound Attenuation in Residential Projects. 6, inat subject property stiall be developed suhstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on ftle aiitli the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 throu~h 5. 7. Prior to the introduction or an ordinance rezoning subject prof~erty, Condition Nos. 1, 2 and 3, ahove-mentioned, shall he completed. The provisions or rights aranted by thls resolution shall becone null and vold by action of tl~e Planning Commission unless said conditions are compiied with ~~rithin one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 8, That Condition Plo. 6, above-menttoned, shall b~ complied o-~ith priur to final building and zoning inspectior,s. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that tl~e Anaheim Citv Plan~in~ Commtssion ~oes hereby find and determTne that adoption of this P,esolution is e~nressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be deciarEd invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOI~IG RESOLUTION is signed and approved by ~e this 13th dav of July, 1981. . ~~ ~ ~ ~. CHAIRMAN, APlAHEIM CITY PLANNING CONP~ISSION ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ / SECRETARY, AtdAHEIM CITY LANNING COMMISSIO~! -3- PC8t-15o STATE OF C~~L I FORPI IA ) COUNTY OF ORAPJGE ) ~s. CITI' OF AtJAH[IM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the .4naheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the fore9oing resolutian was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held o~ July 13, 1481, by the folloa~ing vote of tha members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIOPfEP,S: QARPIES, BOUFlS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KiNf; NOES; COP1111SSIONERS: PlOIJE ABSE.NT: COMMISSIOt•IERS: TOLAR ID! WIT~lESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of July, 1Q41. ~~ ~ ~.,~, SECRE7ARY, ANAHEIPI CITY PLANNIPl~ COMMISSION -/#- PC31-150