PC 81-154R~S'IL~~TI~i'~ 'ID. PC°1-1';~~
~ RFS(%L'JTIO" OF T!I[ ^~'!~f!EI~1 CITY PLf•.tl~ll'IG C^'i'il~`I~N
TIIAT PE'i ITi~'1 F0~ ~!!"1DITIrt~nL l!SE Pf_~."IT ~I').. ??3~ I'F G'F,PIT~'?
4111ERFA~, thc ~~n~hei~~ City Pl,~nninn Corr.iissinn cfid receive a v~rificd
Petiti~n for Conditional '!~e Per~~it fror~ LE~~SE-ALL L", PA!''!`,, lE'1^1 East La Palma
/lvenue, Unil A, Anaheici, Califnr~i~ 9?:''7, ~',~nnr, anri P~. J. F1P,T!`.LI, TIIE LE~!~[RTOtd
~p,, !i~~~i Cast La Pa~ma Avenuc, Unit ~1, .Anaheim, Califo-~ ~a `~2%'!~7, ane,~t, of certain
reai propcrty ~itu~ted in thc City o` ~~naheim, Couity o~ ~r~n~~, Sr~te of C~lifornia,
dcseribed as:
Pare~.l 13 as siiotm on ~ map rceorded in ['oo~: 1:.' Parics ~. ~nci 7 of
Parcc'. ~1~P5, P,ecords of Oran~~e County, Cal i fornia.
llHEREi+S, ?he City Planning Conriission <ii~l h~id ,-~ pu`~1ic hearin~ at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim on July 13, 1'?~~1, at 1:3" ~•^•, n~tice of said pu5lic
hea r i ng hav i nn been du 1 y ct i ven as renu i red !,y 1~~;: an~1 i n acc~rdane~ '++i th the
provisions of the Anal~eim ~lunicipal Code, Chanter 1"~.'~', to hear and consider
evidenc~ ror and a~ainst said propose~i conditional use pernit and to investigate and
ma4:e findin~s and r~commcndations in c~nnection [h~ret•~ith; anr~
Wf~f.RCl15, said f.omnissinn, after di~c insr,ection, investic;at~on ar,~f st~dy mzde
by itself and in its hehalf, and aft~r due c.onsiderati~n o` <'.11 evidencz and reports
offered at ~aid he.~rinc, do~s find ard drt~rmine the foilo~.~ina ficts:
1, Tha t the t~r~posed use i s proper 1~~ on~ t'or ~~h i r_`! a con~1 i t i ona 1 use
pc.mit is aut'ioriz^d hy Anahei~n ~lunir_ip~l Code Seeti~n i~•`~'•^?'~•'~~'~' ~`> wi`' tO
perr~it certain c~ci~crciil uses in t`~~~ '~L ~!nriustrial, Linite~l) 7_0~~.
2, That the proposcd usc
;,~eeific eonrnercial uses:
is ~erehy ~ranted to nermit the folla~~in9
Ad~~iinistrative 3;isine.sses
r",dvert i s i nc~
Ans~:rerin9 Servicc
Are!~ i teet
llssociations - Dus~ness and
Tr~de, ~•hanher of Comnerc~,
Lal,or, Froressi~nal, etc.
Autonotive Dctailing
Automotive Specialty Repair
A~tomotive Gff-roarl Equi~ment
ar~d Install~tion
~utoMOtive Paint Distributor
Fwtomotive `dan Conversion
BroE:ers - Z. E,, Business
Gpportunitics, etc.
6usiness Syst^~ Corpar,ics
Civic Or~anizations
Collection Agency
Conciun i ca[ ion Consu ~ t-~nt
Corporation Neadquartcr~
Re9ional Offic~
C red i t Repo r_ i n!~ llgency
ACCOUn C i nq - E3oo4'kce{~ i ny
~at~ Prneessir9 ~:nters
~esi9ner - Industrial,
I~tcrior, ~raphic
~evclopment Companies
Financi~l Institutions
~ener~l Offic~
(;overnmental Ufficn
Importers%Exporters/General Office
Insurance Companies
Inventorv Serviccs
Investiqation 5^rvices
I~vr_stnent Services
Leasinn Compani~s
Legal Services
1lanayement Cor~~nies
~1art;etin9 CoMnanies
`tort9a~e Companies
Personncl Aqencv
Put~lie ~gene:ies
Puhlishinq Cnrinanics
"csearc'~ ~ '~evelnnr~ent
5~1-~s ~ffic. (out;id~~
$CCfC~~~fi21 Cn~Virnc
T~tlc COrrnanie~
Tr~vrl Aqeney
3. That the proposed use ~:~ill not advcrsely affect the ad.joining land uses
and the Gro~•~th ani development of the area in t~~hich it is pro~osed to be located.
1t, That the stze and sF:ape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to
allow :he full development or tne proposed use in a manner not detrimental ta the
particular area nor to the peace, heaith, safety, and general i•~elfare of the Citizens
of the City of Anaheim,
5. That the grantinci of the Conditional Us~ Permit under tFie conditions
imposed, if any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general
welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
6. 7hat tiie traffic ~enerated by the ~~roposed use ~ri I l not impcse an undue
burden upon the streets and highvaays designed and improved to carry the traffic in
tlie area.
7. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in
opposition; ar.d tiiat no correspondence v~as rcceived in opposTtinn to the subject
ENUIRO~IME~T/1L 1~1PACT FIMDIPIG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has
revieY~ed the prop~sal to permit certai~ commercial uses in the F1L (Irdustrial,
Limlted) Zone on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land cnnsistina of approximately 8.5
acres, having a frontage of approximately 6£n feet on th~~ east side oi` Van Buren
Street (1240 Van Buren Street); and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration
from the requirement to prepare an environmentai impact report on the basis that
there ~vould be no significant individue:l or cumulative adversE environmental impact
due to the approval of this Plegative Declaration since the Anaheim Generai Plan
desi9nates the suhject property for general indusirial lan~l uses commensurate with
the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal;
tliat the initial Study subr~iitted hy the petitioner indicates no stgnificant
individual or cwrulative adverse enviror.mental impacts; and that the Pdegative
Derlaration substantiarin~ t~,_ ~or~~n~~r~ f;••~i^., ., ,,,, ~?lc .,. t`,c ~ity c` ,,,~al~e9,~
Planrzing Department.
NOl•!, ThIEREFORE, B[ IT RESOiVED that the Anaheim City Planning Corrrnission
does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, uoon the following
conditions ~vhich are h~:reby Tound to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use
of the subject property in order to pr•eserve the safety and general ~•ielfare of the
Citizens of the City of .lnaheim:
1. That trash storage areas shal) be provided in accordance with approved
plans on file with the Office of the Executive Director of Public L•lorks.
2. That fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and
determined to be necessary hy tne ChieT of the Fire Department prior to cammencement
of structural framing.
3. Tliat subject property shall be served by underground utilities.
~E. That side~~al~s s:,all be installed alony Van 3uren Street as required hy
the City Engineer :.nd in accordance ~~rith standard plans and specificatlons on file in
the Office of tlie City Engineer.
-2- PC81-151!
5. That drainage of subjec~ prc~perty shall he di=_nosed of in a manner
satisfactory to the City [ngineer.
6. In the event that suhject pronerty is Y.o he dividnd `or the purpose of
sale, lease, or financing, a parcel ma~,, to rFCOrd the a~proved divisiun of subject
p roperty shali be suhmitted to and appreved hy the City of AnaFeim and then he
recorded in the of`ice of the Orange CounT.y Recor~ler.
7. That the o~•ner(s) of su6ject property shall p~y appropriate drainage
assessmcnt fees to the City of Anaheim as ~letermined hy the C.ity Enoineer prior to
issuance of a I~uii~iin~7 permit,
II. Tliat the o~dner(s) of subject prop~rty shall pay the traffic signal
assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3896} ir. an anount as determined by the City Council9
for industrial huildings prior to the issuance of a building permit.
9. That appropriate ~~ater assessr„ent fees as determined hy the Office of
Utilities General Nanager shall 6e oaid to thc City of Anaheim prior to the issuance
of a buildir.g permit.
10. That the proposed industrial/:.emmercial comnlex shall comply ti•iith all
signing requirements of the '1f_ (Industrial, Limited) Zone.
11. That all proposed automotive and/or trucF; re~+air services and re?ate_1
uses shall ~e conducted sihotly ~~rithin the building.
1?_. That subject prnperty shal~ be developed suhstantially in accordance
with plans and specifications on file o-~ith the City of Anaheim mariced Exhihit IJos. 1
through '.
13. That Condition P~os. 1, ;, 4, 5, 1f1, and 1?., ahove-inentioned, shall he
complied u~itn pricr to final building and zoning insoections.
i~t, That the permitted uses shall be limited to the specific list contained
BE IT FURTHER RFSO~VED that the Ar.aheim City Planning Commission does hereby
find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon
applicant~s compliance o-~ith each ancl all of the condittons hereinabore set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable
b/ the final judgment of any court o` competent jur?sdicr_ion, tnen this Resolutio~,
and any a;,provals herein contained, shall be deemed null ancl void.
ThIE FOREGOIDlG RE:SOLUTIOPI is signed and approved by me this ljth day of July,
_ ~~.,~.~. ~~ _ 1~ ~.~...~.A-
. ~
~_.c_r~ or: ~~U~.~,;_
SECRF.TARY, ArfqH[1~1 CITY PLAHr~ir~; COP1'11SS1011
'3° PC31-1;4
I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of tlie Anaheim City Planning Commission, ~'o
hereby certify that the foregoing resolutlon ~•~as passed and adopted at a meetiny of
the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission held on July 13, 1981, hy the following vote uf
the members tliereof:
IPl WITPlESS WHEREOf, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th da~• of July, 19£~1.
~ ~~ ~`'+ i''~~.~.
-l+- PC81-154