PC 81-163RESOLUTIOId PJO, pCC)_~,c~
A RESOLUT 10!J OF THE A~JAHE I'1 C 1'fY PLA!!~! I'!r rrn~;', ~ 55 I 0'?
Thll11' P[TITIO'! F0~ C0.'JC(TIO!liiL USF PE!"4~T yn. ?,"?+~ !3f Gpq~ITFfI
llHEP,FAS, tiie Anahr.im Citv planning Commissior ~lid rr_c~iv~ a verificd
P"`tition for Conditional Use P_rr-iit from IIA!I~ J. 3RE!!PI A!:~ F~?IrCA ;'
Ocean '~Jay, Laguna BeacS, f,alifornia `;?_'.51, oUmers, and D~R21Cf; PJFt:'TOt1eP11?.1; Par`k
5treet, Cerritos, Caltfornia ~0701, agent, of certain real ~~~~erty situated (n the
~~[y of Nnaheim, County o` Oranqe, State of California, d~scr(hed .~;;
FARCEL 1: The East~rly 1%17 feet of that ~~ortion af the ;•lest h~lf
of t~e ~;orth~•,est quarter of the North~inst nuartc- of Section 23,
tn To~,,~nship 4 South, Ra~ig~ ~~ l/est, in the Ranch~ Lc~s Coyotes, as
per Map recorded in hooi; ~1, page 7 and fo)loi•~inc, ~liscellaneous
Haps, ir, the office of the County Rec~rder of ,~id f,ountY, lyinn
Northeast of the right of ~•~~y of the Los Anqeles InrPrurha~
Ra i l~»y C~,~„~a~Y, ~..~r ;e;r in ,
bool: i~. . Pi9e 3~:;~ Jeeds.
WHER~~S, t!ie City Planninq Conmission did ho)d a puhlic hearinq at the Civic
Ce~ter In the Ctty of A.naheim on July 27, 1~31, at 1:3~ n.m,, notice of said nublic
hearinc~ havinq been duly yivr_n as required hy la~~ and in accordancc o-~ith the
P~ovisions of the Anahefm Hunicipal Codc, Chanter 1~,~3~ t~ 5~ar and consider
evidence for and against said propose~ ~o~dit;~nai use permit and to tnvestigate and
make findings and reeommendations in connection l'herer~ith; ane!
WHEREq$ said Commissian, afr,.r .+~~~
~, ~
~r ~iseif ~n~ in its behalf, and ~ft~r due consideration ofv~lilcvidencerandrureForts
offered at said hearin9, does find anJ determine t!,e fo11o~.;in~ facts:
1. ThaL t`~e proposed use~ i s proper ly one for ~~h i ch ~ conci i r i ona I use
permit is authorized hy qnaheim Mur,icipal Code Section 13,h!i.~r„~ ~~n t,~ wit• to
permit a cocktail lounge in t'ie CL (Commercial, Lirnfted) Zone. '
Z• That the propo~;ed use is hereby grant~d suhject to the petitioner's
stipulatlon to comp)y i~~ith Sectiort ~,7? ~f the AnahF~ir~ 'lunir_~pi) CodP ~ertaining Z~
sound attenuation regulations for properties located iyithir ?•~rl feet of residentially
zc~ned property,
i. That the proposed use ~•~ill m~t adversely affect [he adjoininy land u~es
and the growth and develonment of the arco in ~•~hicn it Is prn~ose~1 t~ f•F )ocatad,
lF. T~~at thc siz~ and shape of the s~~: nro~~osr.d f~r the use is adequate to
~~~o~+ tlie full d~velupnent of thc nroposed use in a mann~r n~t rlcCrimental to thc
particular area nor to th~: neacc, heiltl~, S~fr~tv, ~~,1 ~enerol ~•~~,Ifare of the Citizens
of the City of qnaheiri,
;. That tlie 9ranting of the Canditional Use Permit undrr the eonditions
inposed, ii any, ~•,ill not he detrimental to the ~+eace, health, safety and general
welfare of the C;tizens of the City of Flnahein,
~. That the *_raffic nenerated by the oroposed use ~.~ill n~t impose an undue
burden upo~ the sr.reets and {IIC~Il410ys desianed and impro •ed t~ carry the traffic in
the area.
7. That one person indicated his pr~sence at said ~ublic hearing in
opposition; and that a petition containinc approximately 2D stgnatures ~;ias received
in opposition to ttie subject petition.
EPIVIRONHEPJTAL IMPAf.T FIFlDING: That the Anaheim City Pianning Commission has
revie~~~ed the proposal to permit a cncktail toun9e in the CL (Conmercial, Limited)
Zone on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consistina of apnroximately 1.1~ acres
I~aving a frontaae of approximately 107 feet on the south side ~f Ball Road, being
lucaee~ appreximateiy ;5~ feet e~~s[ o` the cente~ lir~e of F:nott Street (;1i1!i 4Jest eall
Road); and does hereby aoprove the tJegative Declaraticn from the requirement to
prepare an environmental imnact report on the !-~asis that th~re ~•~ould be no
significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental fmpact due to the approval
o` this I~eyative Declaration since the Anahein General Plan desi9nates the subject
properr.y for general cammercial land uses c~mmensurate :~~ith tne proposal; that no
sensitive environmental imnacts are involved in the ~roposal; that the Initial Study
submitted by the petitioner indicates no siqnificant individual or cumulative
adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Deciaration substantiating the
f~r~~c+in~ fi~ciin~c ic ~n filF in thF CiFv c~f Anahc~~m Planninci DPn~rtme~t.
NG',J, THEREF~RE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission
do=s hereby grant subject r'etition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following
conditions ~.•~hich are hereby fuund to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use
of che subject property in order to preserve t!~e safety and neneral ~~~elfare of the
Citizens of tne City of Anaheim:
1. That trash storage areas shall be provided in accordance ~~rith approved
plans on file ~•~ith the Office o` the Executive Director of Puhlic 1•lori<s.
?. That subject ~roperty shall he devel~oed suhstantlally in accordance
with plans and specifications on file atith tlie City of Ar~ahein markerf Exhlhit Nos. 1
througl~ 3.
3. That Conciition ~Jos, 1 anu 2, ahove-mentiorie~l, shall be complied with
prior to final building ~nd zoning inspections.
~i. That the ~etitioner shall cor~~ly i~it'i Section ~.7? of thr Anaheim
Mur~icipal L'ode pertalnin9 zo anplified sound regulations for nroperties located
within 200 feet of residentially zoneci property.
BE IT FURT}IEfi RESOLVED th~t the Anaheim City Plannin~a Commission does hereby
find and deternine that adoption of this Rcsolution is expressly predlcated upon
applicant's compliance ~vith each and ali of the conditions hereinabove set forth.
-Z- PCS1-163
Should ~~Y such condition, or any part therecf, he deciarr_d invalid or unenforceable
by the final judgment of any court of cempetent juris~iiction, th~n this Resolution,
and any ~PProvals !~erein c~ntained, shall i,e deemed null and void.
TIi[ FOFEGOIN~ RESOLU71OI) is siqned and approved hy ne this ?7th day of July,
~~:-~~~~i-~~, ~ ~ ~ \ ~:.-~•-
CHAIRMA'1, AL'1HE1~1 CIT PLRN~lI~1~ C011M15S10~1
_~~ -~ ~ ~,1~-~
~, Edith L, Harris, Secretary of Y.he ~nahein f.ity Planntnn Commtssion, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~•1as passed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planninn Comm(ssio~ neld ~n July ~7, 17~1, hy the folloa~ina vote of
the members thereof: ~
I~l WITtIESS '.JHEREOF, i have hereunto set my hand [his ?.7th day o` .:uly, 19?1,
/ ~ /' _
~~~..L~ ~/_ ~Q~~ ~ ~ , -
-3- PC81-lb?