PC 81-168RESOL~ITI^~I '!0. PC°1-1<'? A. RcSOLUT 10~! OF TIiE 1t;FlIIE I~1 r, I TY PLAr!~J I t1r, Cn~1r~ ~ SS I np; T!{~,i °ETITIOtI FOR RECl.l~SSIFICATI011 .'I!1. '3't-S1-L:3 [iF G",q!1TF~. 1lHFREAS, the Anaheim City Planninq Comnissior did receive a verified petition for P,eclassification frcm JOSEPH C. STEPNF"50'I A'!D ft~(~n7NF.A. '1, STEf'FIE~lS01~ 8?_2 Jade 4/ay, llnaheir~, Calir~rnia 1?3~5, amers, an~ .IA~~FS R, ";EF[~f~q~~~ nt,~~ Sandra C(rcle, Viila Park, California '12F,(j, ac~ent of certain real pronerty citu~te~i in the City of llnahein, County of Orangc, State of Callfornia, described as follot•~s: The East ?.7_5 feet, said 22; feet I~eing mcasured fron ~he center o` ilorth ~itron Street of that portion of Lot ;~1 of Anaheim Extension, City of llnahein, as pr.r man of survey made by 4lilliam Ilanel and filed in the office of the County R.ecorder•of Los Anneles County, Ca 1 i forn i a, a copy of ~•~h i cf~ i s sho~-in 1 n hool; ?, pa~es 1!>J_ 1~~3 and 16~t, entitled "Lo, Angeles Count/ Haps", on file in the office of the County Recorder of Orange County, described as folloo-JS: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot .3~, and running thence Plorth4iest~rly alor,g tne Northeasterl~~ line of said lot, 97,5 feet to t`~e Southeast: cnrner of r~~~ land descrih~~i in t~c deeJ to L. Dale Viictt and ~•~ife, recorded June 1~, 1~47~ in ~'O°'~ ~~7~, P~ne 320, Official Records, in the office of the County Recorder or said Orange County; thencr South~•,~sterly along the Soutiieasterly line of said land, 5`~4.8!~ feet to the Southwest corner of said land; thence Southeasterly alnnn the Southr.ast~rly extension of the Southa~esterly line of said land, ~?,^~1 feet to the Southeasterly line of said Lot 3~; thencc ~dorthe~sterly ~~~ii~ the Southeasterly line of said loC, 5~1f,HJ feet to the po?nt of beginning, EXCEPTI'1G THEREF°pr1 that pnrtion inclur~ed in the 5t("@f:t <il(lncl t~~n rlr.r~~.~-,o«.,.-1,. ~ ~ _ _ ._ ._ . .. ., ~ „~~;, ~> >i~u~~n ~~n sa!~i n~p. WNEREAS, the City Plannin~ Commission did hold a ~uhtic hearing at t5e ~ivic Center in the City of Anaheim on Jul,v 13, 1~31, at t:fi7 p,m., nntice of safd public hearing having heen duly given as re~uired hy lati•r and in accordance with the provisions of the ~naheim Municipal ^ode, Chapter 1R,~3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed reclassification anr: to investlgatr_ and make findings and recomnendations in connection therewith; said puhlic hearing having 6een conti~ued to the Planning Commission meeting of Au~ust ln, 1~31; and 41HEREAS~ said Commission, after duc inspection, investigatfon anci study made hy itself and in its behalf, and after due c~nsideration of all evidencr and reports offered at said hearing, does find and deterr.ilne [he follrn:~in~ facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes reclassiffcatior of sub;ect nrpporty from the RS-10,0~0 (Fesidential, Single-Family) Zon^ to the RN-?.!~~n (Residential, Piultiple-Family) Zone. 2. That the Maheim General Plan desi,nates subject property for lo~~ density residential land uses. PC81-ltif3 ~ 3• That the proposed reclassification of suhject nroperty is c~ranted ~~ith the stipulation they hav~ gara~es instcad of caroorts. 1E• That the proposed reclassification of suhject preperty is necessary and/or desirahle fnr the orderly and proper u~~velopment of tlie community. ?. That the p,^oposed recl~ssification of suhject nroperty does properly relate to the zones and their pernitted uses locally estahlished in close proximiCy to ,ubject property and to the zones and their perr~itted uses generally established tiirpughout the eommunity. °• That the proposed reclassification of suhj~cr property requires the dedication and im~rovement of abutting streets in accordance ~~,it~ the Cirr_ulation Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in trafflc ~•~hich ~~rlll be generated by the intensification of land use. 7. That aporoximately ; per,ons fndicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence ~•ias received in opposition to the subject petition. E~IVIRO~IME"JTAL IFIPACT FItJDIPI~: That the Ana!~eirn Citv Pl~nnin~ Co^~^~i;;~~~ has rev i e~•~ed the proposa 1 to rec lass i - Single-Family) Zone to t7~ ~~1~24,~h~ect pro~erty fr~m the RS-l~,flnr? (Residential, rectangularly-sha ed ~~•~~sident~al, ~tulti~le-Family) Zone on a p parcel of land consistin~ of anp mximatelv ^,1~3 acre, havinn ~ frontaye of apprc~xima*.ely ~~3 faet on the ~;~est side of Cftron Streer, havin~ a maximum depth of approximatejy ~nt} fcet and beino located anproximately 1~~ feet north of the centerlinr of La Ucrne Street (921 ~Jorth Citron Street); and does hereby approve the ~Jegative DeclaraCion from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis Lhat there 4rould be no significant individual or cunulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim Genera) P1a~ desiqnaees ei,~ ~~~tia,,... ~ uses cammensurate with the ro osal• J ``~M~~~~~`y ~"' i~~~.vi censity rnsidential land ~nvolved i~ P P , that no sensitivr_ environnental impacts ~re the propos~l; that the Initial SCudy subnitted by the petitioner indicates no significant 3ndividual or cumulative adverse envirenmental impacts; and that the ~~egative Declaration substantiating the fnregoinn findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning oepartment, PlOl/, THEREFCRF, EE IT RESOLVED that the Anahetm City Pianning Commission does hereby grant suhject Petition for P,eclassification and, hy so doi~q~ that Title 1F3-Zoning of the Anahein Municipal Code be, amended to exclude the above-described property fron the P,S-10,000 (RESIDENTI,~L, SINGLE-FANILY) ZONF. and to incorporate s~id ciescriL-ed property into the R~t-21ip0 (RF:,lD[!ITIAL, ~tULTIPLE-FqMILY) 7.OP1E upon tne fol)owing conditions ~~hich are hereby found to be a necessary prer-equi~ite to the proposed use of suh~ject property in order to preserve the safety and general ~~~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That t'~e oo-~r~er(s) of ,ubject property sha11 deed to the C(ty of Anahein a strip of land 32 feet in ~:idth froin the centerline of ihe stroet ~l~ng Citron Sireet ror Street ~•~i!lening ~~rposes. 2. That Qil engineering requirements of th. Citv of Anaheim alon~ Citron Stre~t, fncluding prepara[ion of improveMent plans ancf inst~llation of a~~ impro~~ements such as curbs and gutters, side~~,a1F;s, street grading and paving, -2- PCf31-1GL drainac~e facilities or other appu~t~nant ~•rorl;, shall be complied i~ith as required 6y the City Engineer and in accordanc~ i~ith specific~tions or `ile in the Uffice of the City Engineer; that street lig!~tinc~ faciliti~s alonq Citron ~tre~~t shall he installed as required Ly the Office of !lti ~ties General ?tanayer, an~i in accordance wfth speeifications on file in the Office o` Util(tie, General ~lanaaer; and/or that a sati~sfaetor~f~~ate of deposit, letter ~f credit, or cash, in an amount and form y to the City of Anaheim shall he posted viith the Ci[y t~ guarantce tne installation of tiie ahove-mentioned ren,uirements prior t~ oecunancy. ?. That the o~-m er(s) of suhjer_t ~ronerty shall piy to th~ City of ,4naheim a fee, in an amoun~ as determined by the City Council, for tree planting purposes along Citron Street. 4• That trash storan,e areas shaii he provided in acr_ordanr.n ~•~ith approved pians on fil~ t•~ith the Office of Che: Fxeeutive Dlreetqr of Puhlic I/~rl~s. 5• That fire hydrants shall he installed and char9ed as requirnd and determined to be necessar, by the Chief of the Fi-e Department prior to cor,ron~ncement of structurai framino. E- That su!-ject n m~,rrty ~h~~~ ~;~ ~er~rJ by undrrnround utilities. 7. That a G-foot !ii~h masonry ~:»)~ 5~~~~~ h~ ~~nstructed alc~ng the north and west property lincs, ~• That drainaqe of cubject propertv shall be dicp~s~~ of in a manner satisfactory Co the ~:ity En~ineer. 9. That ti~e ormer of suhject pr~perty shall pay to the City or Anaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-1 ieu fees ~s d~r~rm~.,...+ „ ~,,. f' i r., r...~~,. t~ . . _.._ . . ,_"~~,, ~~~~ i~es ~u be pald at the time t!ic buildinn« ~rmi•1~.,~~'J~~ 1dCe uy the P- t is issued. 1~. That the owner(s) of subject prooerty shall pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance t~o, 3c3~f~) in an amount ~s deternined h;~ the City Council, for each new dwelling unit prior to the issuance of i huilding nermit. 11. That suhject property sha11 be developed suhstantially in ar.cordance ~yith plans and specifications on fiie ~~rith the City of Anahein marl<e~l Exhihtt ~~os. 1 tnrough 3; provided, hoi~~ever, that 9ara @5 sha11 h 9 e con~tructed instead of carports. Cor~dition2Nos,P1,~2 and ~,1~abovr.tm~ntioned,~shall~h~i~~~~~~,t~~ontnT~eub.ject pronerty, rights granted by this resolution shall hecnne nul~ and votd hyPa~rion~of the Plannine~ Comnission unless said conditiuns are complied ~~ith H~ithin one ye~r from rhe date hereof, or such further tim~ as thc Planr.ing Commis~ion may qrant. ~~+. That C~ndition ~los. ~~, L, 7, ; 3~~ ~~~ aheve-mentioned, shall be c~~mpiied ~•~ith prior to fin~i buildiria ancl z~nino ins~~ctions. E3E tT FtiRTHt:R RESOL!~ED that the Anaheim City Planning Comnission does hereby find and determine that ad~ption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon appli:ant's compliance ~•~ith each and a11 of the cond(tions he>einab~ve set forth. Should any such corditior, or any part thereof, he declared invalid or unerforceable -3- PCSi-163 ~ ~ by the final judgment nf ~,ny cou;t of comnetent juri,rfiction, then this P,esolutian, and any approvals herein contained, sfiall hn_ deemecl null and void, THE FOR[G01'1~ R~SOLUT IQ~I i s s i aucd and annrnvr.~f hY me ~h i s 1 pth day of August, i~fl1, !~ ~_ , r~' ~(~.a--- cf±,n~~;~r,~i, nrir~~a~i~t CITY r~i_~,Fi~,~rir: c~~.,~issio~i n ~-rEST: ~ ~ ~.`~. I . SECP.ETA2Y RO EtiPORE ~ ANiiHE I'1 C I TY PL.4Nt! I ~fr Cn!t!1 I SS I~~'I STi1TF OF CALIFOR!IIA ) COU~lTY ilF ORA~lGE ) ss. CITY 0F A?Jl111EIM ) ~, Pa7ela H. Starnes, Secretary Prr, Tennore of thP Anahei^~ City Planning Comr~ission, do herehy certify thot the forPn~inr, rAsolution ~.ris oasser' ari~i a~opted at a meetino of the llnaheim CitY Planning Conmission heid on llueust 1~?, 1~.°1, at 1:30 p.m., by t~ie follo~vinci vote of the memher5 thereof: AYES: COM';ISS104EP.S: BA~P~ES, P.OJ!1S, GUSFI!1"r:, F^Y, HE°.'ST, Y,IF!~ hlOES: CO!1';ISSIONERS: !dOt!E ABS[I~T: COMh115SI0NE,°,£: TOLA.R ItJ ~lITNESS IdHEREOF, I have hereimto set mv hanrl this l~th d;~v nf n~~~„~« 14R7, ~~ C^ . 9iI ~f~,_r._ SCCRETARY PRO TEMPOf?E A~IAHE i rt C I TY PLl1~?~l I ~!~ CO"!~~ I SS I OFI PCE1-1~i8