PC 81-169RESOLUTIO!t N~i. PC31-1'~
A R~SOLUTIOi; OF THE ~1NAfIEIM CITy p~~,;;~i~;lr ~~~jr+IS510!!
TIIAT PLTI i 1~1P~ Fp~? RECL~~SSIFIC,'1T~0~1 ~l0, 3~-?,1-';~ ,iC GRA'JTF'1.
S/HFR[A5, the Anaheim f,ity Plannina Cemmission did rf~ceive a verificd
petitfon for Recla=sification frr,m F~~7; TZF 4rU~ ~r,r.,, f,~~~~n~ Street, Loma Linda~
California ~235tF, ol•,nc~, ~nd OA~/ID CHF!!~, 5)%31 f.ountry f,fuh Lane, Afl7hnj,r,~ Callforr.ia
9Z~~~, agnnt of certain rPal property situated in the City of Anahcim, County of
Orange, State of Califnrnia, descri!~ec,' as f~)~~~.,5;
The South ~1G feet of the tlorth ~~°1 feet of the Fas: half of th~
East half of the Southeast auartcr of the Southeast nuarter ancl
the South ~h fcet of the North !i?1 feer of the East 3 fePt of the
L/est half of the Ea;t half of the Southeast q~iarter of the
Southeast quarter ~f Scction 1'E, in To~•m;hi~ •'~ Sout~i, ~anqe 11
I~~C-~t, in the Ranctio Los Coyotes, City of Anaheim, County of
Orange, State of Ca)ifornia, as per map recorded in hook ~1~ oaqe
11, of ;iiseellaneous !1aps, in the Office of th~ ~ounty Recorder of
said County.
WfiEREAS, thA City F'lanninn Co~o~:iission rld hnld a puhlic hearinn at ;hc Civic
Center in the City of Ar.ai~eim on July 1;~ 1~;,1, at 1:3~ p.m., n~tice of said pubiic
hea rinq having oeen du)y given as required by i~o-, an:i in accordance a,ith the
provisions of the ,4nahe+m 'lunicipal Cod~, Cnapte; 1",f'?, t~ liear and consider
evidence for and against said proposed reclassification anc; to in~~esti~ate and make
findings and recerxnendations in connection the~re;r;th; said nubiic hearin~ havinn been
continued to the Planninc~ Commission meetinn o` llur~ust 1~, 1~31; ~n,;
~~NE4~~~, sa~d Commission, after due Inspection, investi~ation anc' study made
by itself a~id in its 5ehalf, and af.^r ~i~~~ ~.. ~,.~,__.-
~~'~~~~=u at saiu hearin do ^ ."' "'~~ "~ ~,~i ~vinence and reports
9, es find and determine [ne~follo+-~inc~ fact,;
1. Th~t thc petitioner pronoses reclassification ~f suhjer_t ~ro~,erty fror~
the RS-A-1~3.~p'1 (Residential/Agricultural) 7.one to the f.L (Conmercial, Limited) Zor,e,
?. That the llnahein General Plan designates subject pr~pPrty fc,r qeneral
commercial land uses.
3. That thc: rroposed reclassification of subject i~rnperty is granted tvith
the adc+itionai conditions stipulated to by [he ~etitioner, ~f increasinq the height
of the o-~esterly block wall to six (6) f,~et as r~casured from the hiqhest adjacent
9rade tevel, adding a chain linl: fence, and a lanriscapin~ buffer consistinn of trees,
and reloeating tiie s~-rinming pool casterly a~.vav fron tlie nearhy residen~s,
4. That the Proposect reclassification oF suhject ~;np~rty is necessary
ancl/~r desirable for the or;+,e~~.~ i~~ proper develonmen[ of the connun~ty,
'• T~~~t th^ pr~~~osed recl~ssi`ication or suhjec! pro~~rty dn~s properiy
relate Co t`ie zcne~. anu tiieir oernitted uses localiv estahtich.>~i in close proxirnity
te subject pro~erl:y ar,J Cv the zones and their permitted uses genrra)ly established
throuG'.out t:~c communi_,,
~. That Che ~~rn~o-,ed rr~_I.is~~ificnti~~^ nt ~~ihj~~t urrncrty r~~quires the
dedication and inmrr~vcm~~r.t of :~i.~.~ttin-~ str~•ct~ ic :,ccc-~rr!~r,c-~ ~ith thc Circulation
Eler~ent of t'ic Gcner•il Plnn rlur. •
y~~n~~rated b~ ~ t~ '~e ,~rticin~t..,d inrrna;~ in ~raf`ic •:•~'~ich ~•iill be
- thc intensific.~[ion of 1,incl i~;~.
7. Tha[ aG~r~_,r.i~nrc ' in~licnt~~1 thc
f 1~~ ~r_r,c~: ir rrc~~nc~ .~t sair' ~ublic
liearinq ir, on~n~>iCion; and that n~ c-,rresr.n~dencc ~~a; rrcr~ive•l in ~,opositinr r,, the
subject petiLion.
EtIUIR%1;1~1ENTAL I:ufr.`:T FI'!DI?!~: Th.~t thr Mahr.in City Pl,~nninn Cornission has
revie~~red t'~e prono;a 1 tc~ recla,s i fy ,uhject nrnnerty frnm t~~~ ^c-q-~+~,~~n
(Residential/ilgrieultur~l) Zone tn t~;e CL (Corn~~rci~~l, Linite~ll Zone t~ nernit a!!1-
unit ~~tei rrith waiver of maximum ;trur_turil heinhr_ o~ a rect,~noul~rly-sh,~~ed pareel
of land eonsisting of approxir.,itciv ~,•', ,~~rr, h~vin~ a`rnnr~~c~ of ap~roximately '1C
reet on [hc t:~est side of :3cach ~3oulev~rd, havinq a maxinun ~l~~th of approximately 7?~
f~=ei ~nd t,eing located apprnxinatclv ';./~:) pret nnrth nf t~~e centerline of P,all Road
(932 Sou[h 9eacli ~oulevard); and ~lnes here`y ~nnrove t'~e tle~~ative 'leclaritton fr~m
thc requirement to orepare an cnvirnnnental innact report on [hn basis that there
o-~oulrl be no sign(fieant in;;ividual or cu~ulativr a~iver~e environm~ntal innaet due to
the a~proval of tiiis 'legative pe~~ar;~ti~n sinre the An.~hcin Gene~~~ p~~~ ~±~signat~s
the subject pro~er[v for ~~nnr,~ ~~,,m,.r~;~~ ;~~~„ i~y~,y c~~-+nensur:~te i•iith the oroposal;
that no sensitive environm~~ntal^~in~~c*s arc inv~lver! in rhe proposa); that the
Initial Study suhnitted f~y the pctition~r ir.dicate5 no ;ic~nific,int in~fiviriw~l or
eu^ii~lativc adverse environm~~ntai inp~c[5; and that t'~e Nrq~tive Deelaration
substantiatin;~ t~ic fnren~inn findin~s is on `il~ in ' Citv of Anaheir~ Pi
Departr~~nt, t "' anning
t!0',l~ THE2EFOi,E, :>E IT 2E5~Li'=~) t';~t thr_ ~1n~hei~ City Pianninq Cor,+mission
docs herd~y r~rant suf~j^c; ^etition for Recla~sifi-.~tion and, !•,y so doin~, that Title
i.',-Zoning of t!,e llnaheiri !luniciPal Cnde h~ ~~,,,,,,~„~ «„ ,,,,..~.,.,,.
~~~-~P=;'~~i ~~ur~ tue «~-n-'t3,rr,)r, IRESI~E~;TIl1L/A~41C~ILTUR/~L) Z~~11? and t~~ incorporatc~said
deseribed propr_rty into thc CL (C~'1~trpr~;~~_~ LIMiTE'll 'n~lf ~~p~n ±~~. follo~ring
conditions which ~re iierchy `rund ~p I,~ ; ~ecessar.% pr~rernlisitc t~ the nronosed use
of suhject nrop~rty in or-fer to nrc~^rve the saf~tv and aencr~l i•~nifare of the
Citizens of the City of Anahcim:
~. Tha[ all engine~rinn requirements of th~ Citv of Anah~ir~ alonc~ Ecaeh
~oulevard includinq preparation of imnrnvemont plans and installati~n of al;
improvemenis sueh as cur~~s ar~i gutters, sidei~alks, strert nrading and paving,
drainac~e faci 1 ities or other appurtenant ~~~orl;, sha11 F.e com~l iec+ ~aith as rer,uired by
the City Engineer anrl in accordancr_ viti~ specificaCions ~n file ?n the Office of the
City Engineer; that street lig'tin9 facilities nlnn~ 3eac'~ Roulevard shall he
i ns ta 1 1 ed as requ i red hy the Off i c-~ ~~ 1!t i 1 i t i es Gen~ra 1 btanin~r, an~+ i n aeeordance
with speeifications on file in tf~e Office ~f l!filities ~enAr.i1 ~9~n~qe• anri/or that ~
bord, ecrtifieate ~~f dn~q51C, lettcr o~ cr.,~lit
,.c__. , or cnsh, in an ar~ount an-1 forn
~~:~~ ~_~~~y i~ iiie i.ity of !lna'~cirn s!iill he posted ~•~it'~ the City
installation of thc ~~:ovo-mcntiuned re-quir,mcnts nrior c~ ocr.upancyt~ 9uarant~e ~,~~.
, ,
• ~n~t Lhe o,~;ncrls) o; su~~ject ?ronert s~all
.~ f~,F•, tn ar. ~^cunt ;s :1,.t,:re~in~.~i by ~~~ t:ir,~ Council, for~~tree tnlantfnn~f~nroo-es
alonq GeacL 9oulevirrl,
` PC41-1(9
3. That trash storaqe areas shall Le provided in accordance ~viTh approved
pians on file with the Office of the Ex,ecutive Director of ~uhlic Works.
4. That fire hvdrants shail br_ installed and char~ed as required anu
~etermined to be necessary hy the Chi~f of the Fire Denartment prior to commencement
of structural framing.
5. That suhject prnnerty shall be serv~d by ~nder~round utilities.
6, That a G-foot nigh masonry ~•~a11, as measureci frem the hiohest adjacent
grade level, sna11 be constructed along the r~est property line; that subjects fence
and the rence of the Razzmatazz !1ote1 r~ill have desian unifornity. That the westerly
landscaped buffer area ~,rill consist of trees and ~~~tll he enclosed !~~ith a 6-foot hiqh
chainlinl; fence with gates to discourage pro~~~lers, and to relocate the s~~imming pool
easteriy away from tiic nFarf~y residents.
i. That drainage of subject property shall be disposed of in a manner
satlsfactory to the City Engineer.
8. That the o~~m?r(s) of sul.~ject nroper,y sha11 pay the traffic signal
assessment fee (Ordinance No. 33~?6) in an amount as determin~d hy the City Council,
for commercial buiidings prior to the issuance of a building ~ermEt.
9. That subject proper~y shall be developed suhstantially in accordance
u~rith plans and specificaticns on file t•~ith the City of Ar,aheim markecl Exhibtt Mos, 1
through 1~; and/or provided; hot•~ever, that kitchen efficiency units may be installed
in no more than 25:~ of the units, with a maximum of G-cuhic foot refriqerators; two-
burner stoves, excluding oven and 6al<ing faciiities; anri sincle compartment sinl;s;
except tha t the manaqer's un i t ivi 1 1 be a 1 1 o~•~ed to have fu ) 1 I: i tchen fac 1 1 i t i es .
iQ. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subject oroperty,
Condition Plos. i and 2, above-mentioned, shall be com~leted. The provisions nr
rights granted by this resolution shall become null and void hy action ~f the
Planni~g Commi:sion unless said conditions are comolied a~ith ti;~ithin one year f-om the
date hereof, nr s~_i~h fur*_hc~- ~i;^c „~ ~;~~ ^;d~i„iny Commission ma
' y grant.
11. F That Condition tlos. 3, 5, 6~ 7 and ~~, ahove-mentiuned, shall he
com?lied ~,~it.i prior to final bui,ding and zoning inspections.
f3F IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pla~~ning Commission does hereby
find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated ~pon
applicant's compliance ~~~ith each ar,d all oi` the conditions hereinabove set forth.
~hould any such condition, o- any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable
by tlie final judgment of any court of competent jurisd?cti~n, then thls Resolution,
and any approvals herein contai~ed, shall be deemed null and void.
TfIE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOFJ is signed and approved by me this lOth dey of
Auyust, 19~1,
~ , ~~ ~.~
CiiAIRMAtJ, APIAHFIM f.ITY PL~"I^a~r!r, C~!•1!115SION
~~ d "l5(a^~>.
3 PC81-1Fi9
1, Panela H. Starnes, Secretary Pro Tempore of the Anaheim Ci*y Planning
Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoinn resol~rtion ~;ias nassed and adopted at
a meeting of the Anaheim City Plannina Comnission helci on August ln, 1931, at 1:30
p,m., by the foltoviing vote of the meml~ers thereof:
IN WITP!ESS WHERf_OF, I have hereunto set rry hand this l~th day of August,
_~_~ ~ N~., .,..~
' ~+" PC81~169