PC 81-171R[SOLUTIOid `J0, PCi;I-1'71 A~4FSOLUTIO~J OF TNE fl~JAHEiIt f.ITY PL~i~i!It1~ Cn~11+IS51n!I TH/1T PETITIOiI Ff1R CO~JDITIOPIAL USE PER'11T PJ!1, ^;1++ RF ~RAI•ITE'~ W~IfREAS, the AnaheiT City Plannino Cor~missirn ciid receive a verified Petition for Conditional Us~ Permit fror THO~MF~S J, T.1L'30T !\!I!? Y7L.41J~l1 "1. TALB~T, 15732 Tustin Village Fiay, Tustin, California 92'-"i, o~~mers and ~!!SH'~AN r, llAI;FfIFLD OF CALIFOR"11A, IP;C., 1717 Soutf~ State Coll~ae Boulevard, Suit~ 1~~, Anahein, Cali`ornia 97_~n(, agent, of certain real pr~nerty situ~r~.~ in t'~~ City of Anahein, County of Orange, State of California, described as: Parce) 1, in the City of Ar~aheim, as per r~ap recorded in booi~ 111, page ~t5 of Parcel hlaps, in the ~ffice ~f thc county recorder of said county. 41f1[REAS, the City Planning Commission did 7o1d a c~uhlic h~arinq at the Civic Center in thA City oT Anahein on A.uqust 1~, 1"S1, at i:3r~ p.n., notfc^ of said publie hearing having heen duly given as required hy 1aL•, an~i in accordance ~~rith the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chapter 1'.:1?~ to hear and consider evidence for and ayainst said proposed conditional use permit and to investiaate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~~~ith; an~i WHERE/1S, said Cortnission, after due inspection, investigation and ctudy made by itself and in its L•ehalf, and after duP consideratioi, of all evidenr.~ and renorts offered at said hearing, does find and determine the f~llowing facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one f~r ~•;hich a conditional use oermit is aufh~riz~~i hv ~n,h~;~, ~!~~.,a~a.,-,i r,.,, . . _.._,;'-. „_.~..: ~'-~i:irl ~~,~~.~.~~>~^. ~i~.~ Co \VIL: t0 permit retail sales of automot+ve parts in the ML`(Industrial, LimitFd) Zone. 2. That the ~roposed use is hereby qranted ~~~it~+ the stipulation that retail sales area shall occupy only 2~v of the floor area. 3. That the proposed u:,e a~ill not adversely affect t~e adjoining land uses and the grovith and development of the area in ~•~hich it is proposed to b~ located. ~. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allo~~ the Yull developmer.t of the proposed usc in a nanner n~t detrimentel to the pzrticular area ~or to the peace, health, safet~, and general ~~ietfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That the yr•anting of the Conditional iJse Permit undcr the conditfons imposed, if any, ~.vi11 not Le detrimenta: to the ;,eac~, health, s~fety and general ~:~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That the traffic qenerated hy thc r,ronose~l u~,e ~ri~~ ~~~ (~pose an undue burden ur.on the streets and high~rays designed and improveJ to c~rry thP [raffic i~ the ~7'r'ea. PCS1-1]1 7. That nn onr_ indicated their presenc~~ at saici puhiic hearing in opposition; and t'iat no corre,pondence ~ias reeeived in onposition tn the ;ubject petition~ E!1VIROtltlF~dTAI IPIPACT FI(!^i!IG: Tl~~t thc ~nahein Cit~~ Planning Cocimis=_ior, has revie~~ed the ~ro~osal to permit r~tail sales of auto narts in the ~1L (Industrial, Limited) Zone on a rectan9ulariy-shaped parcel o!' lin~i consistin9 of approximtely 1 acre, !iavinr~ a frontage or approximately 2~t! f,,~~t on ti,e s~uth side o` Dall Road h?ving a maximum deprh of a~prnr.ieiately 17'! fr;et and being locatr_~i ap~roxir*atAly 30~ feet east of [ne centerlinc of Al~ec Street (G1~~ East "all ^oad); and ~oes hereby approve t(;e PJegaCive Dec.laration from the requirer~~nt to prepare an environmental impaet report on t!ie basis that tnere ~;rould Le no signific~nt individual or curnulative ndverse environmenCal impact di~~ to t',e an~,r~val of this ,lenative Deelaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the suhject property For general ir,dustrial land uses comcu.nsurate ~•~ith the nro~osal; that no sensitive environmer,tal impacts ar~ involved in the nroposal; that tne Initial Sti,dy submitted by the petitioner indicates no sicinificant individual ~~r cumulative adverse env?ronmental im~acts; and that t',e I~C~7tIVn ~eclaration suhstantiatin~ tho foreqoin9 finciing; is on file in the City of ,lnaheim Plannin~ ~epart^~ent. ~1~~1, TNEREFORE, BE IT °,ES.^.L'~~E~ that Lh~. ~lnaiieiri City r'lannin~ i.omnission does iicreby grant su'aj~,ct Petitior. for i.onditional !ise °erait, upon t'~c follo~~~ing eonditions ~•ihich are herehy fnund to be a necessar;~ preraauisite to tFe proposerl use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and ~ener~l ~•;elfare of the ~itizens of the City of Ananein: 1, That side~:~a1F•.s ;hall hc inst,~lled alonn Fa11 f;oad as reouired by the City Engineer and in accordance ~~ith stand,~rci pl:~ns and specifications on file in the Office of the City Engineer, t. lhat the o~;ner~s) of sut•ject property s°iall pa;~ the differ~nce bet~~~een the in~iustrial and comnerci~l traffic siGnal assessment fees (Ordinanc~ ~~o. ;39G) in an amount as determir.ed hy th~ Citv Council, prlor Y.o the issuance of a buildfng pcrmit. ~ 3. That the oi:ner(;) of subject property shall na~~ to the City nf Anaheim a fee, in an amount as deterninr_d by the City Council, for streer_ lighting alona Eall Road. h. That the o~•mer(sj of subject propertv sha? i su~~mi t a lettPr r~que~ting the ter~ninatic,n of Conditional Use Pcrmit tlo. 2~0~? to the Pl~nnin~ Departnert. 5. That subject property shall he Jevrloped substantially in accordance wi th plans and speci f ications on f i lc ~li th the C i ty of F,na'~ein marl;ed Exhih i t'Jos. 1 ar.d 7_, G, That pctitioner~s retail sales or~~ shal! ocu mv o~1y 2~°; of th~ total floor area. 7. ThaC Condition li~,s. 3 an:1 ~~, ahove-mentionecl, sh~~l Ne complied ~~ith prior to the comTeneement ~f t'~e activity authorized under this r~solution, r.,r prior to tl;e Cir~e that the buildina permit is i;sued, or ~~~jthin a reriod of one year from -2- PC,81-ijl date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such furCher time as the Flanninq Commission may grant. i;, That Condition ~~os. 1, )_ and ~, ahove-mentionecl, sh~ll he complied with prior to final huilding and zonina inspections. f3F-. IT FIJRTHER RFSOLVeD Chat the Anaheim f,it~~ Plan^in~ Commission rloes hereby finti and determine that adoption of this Resolution is er.pre5sly predicated upon applicant~s r_ompliance ~aith each and all of the r_onditions hereinahove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, he declared invalid or unenrorceable by the finai judgment of ~ny court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. 7HE FORE(~OIPl; RESOLUTIGtd is signed and ap~roved hy me this lf)th day of AuguSt, 1~31. / ~-~X- V~- • ~l ~-~--n~. CH/`, I RHf~"i, l~tJAHE i!t C I TY P~nrRl l"I~ ;:OMM ( S^ i OtJ Al'TFST: ~~.~.~ ,~ ~,~:, SErRETARY PR~ Tf.r1PORF ANAHEIH CITY PLAMHIPlG COi~1HIS510~1 STATE OF C/1L i FORtJ IA ) COUNTY OF ORAIJGE } ss. C ITY OF /1tlAHE IM ) I, Pamela H, Starnes, Secretary Pro Tempore of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution 4~as pas<_ed and adopted at a meeting of the Hnaheim City f'lanninq Gommissfan held on lluaust ~~, 19~~1, at 1:.;0 p,m., by the folluwing vote of the memhers thereof: AYeS: COP1~11SSIONrRS: BAP,NFS, BOIIAS, BUSHURE, FRY, HFRBS7, KIP!r NOES: COM!11SS IONEP,S: NO?lE Af3SE~~T: CO"ItII5SI0NERS: TOL1R 1 ~£31 . IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand `his lOth day of .August, ~Q C~~~(. !~ ~ [~{~-d'/(~t-!~i SECRETAP.Y PRO TEMPORE ,1~~AHE I ft C I TY FLArlrl I ~lr, C~MM I cc ~ nr~ -3- PC81-171