PC 81-173°ESOLUTIOtI ~10. PC~~I-17; A RES6~';TIO'! ~F 7HE A'!~,f'F I~`t C IT'( PLP~PI~II'I~ C0~!NI;S I'ln TfiAT PFTITID'1 FOr V,1F~IA';CE "!0. ?231~ [3E ~?~';TE~ ',~HF.2E/15, the An~ihcim City Plnnnir,~i Cor,;nission rlid receive a verified Petition for Varianc~ from D F. ~ DFU[LOPMEHT C~uFh~!Y, 17~~~° tlor~,~al~• Roulevard, Santa Fe Springs, Ca)ifornia ~1~67~~ o~~;ner, and J'1N~1 F, 5'!I'1T, 7.~7 ';i~st "!or tF Street Anaheim, California ~2~~'1~, aqenr, of eertain real ~rn~Frty ~itu•ited ir the City of /lnaheira, County of Orangn, Sta[c of California described as: PAP,CEL ? AS SHQ';!N ~;~ !~ PP.!?CEL '~AP, FILFD I"J BOOY. ~^ P:1,E 3~ OF °ARCEL f4APS, IN THE 0('FICE OF TI'E Cf1lR;TY ^Ef.C~pCP OF Sl11~ C~li!JTY. WHERE;IS, the City P7annin~ Commission diJ h Center in the Ci[y of Anaheim on August 1`~, 1~?:;1, at hearing having been duly given as required hy provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chanter evidener_ for and against sa(d pr~posed variance and ~nd recommendations in connection there~.~ith; and ~ld a ouhlic h~ar•ing at the Civic 1:3'~ o.m., notice of said publ?c las~ and in accordance ~-~ith the 1~.~3, tn hear and conslder to investi~ate and make finding; tlHEREAS, said C~mnission, after duc in;~ection, invr.cti~ation an~f study nade by itself and in its !:ehalr, and after due considrration of al? evidrnce and reports offered at said hearing, does find and deternine t`~e f~11rn;~ing facts: 1. ~ha[ the e~titioner pro~oses ~;~aivcr of t!-,~ fn11o~•~inn tn construct a 11- unit motel in the CR (Con~ercial Recreatio~) ?one: SECT10'I 13.J(,.T~~,!}?~~'j -~~nimun nur~tier of parl:inq snacrs. (172 spaces required; /~ spaces prnposerll 2 That [he ahove mentioned i•~aiver is herehy c7r~nte~1 on the basis of a previous parl;ing study ttiat v~as d~ne su~portino this 1•~alv~r ~nd that the request is minimal and denial Eaould dHprive su~,ject pronerty frnm a privil~ne enjoyed by other propertics in the same zone and viciniCV. 3. That ti~ere are exceptional or extr~ordinarv circumstances or conditions applieable to the property involved or ~o the intended use of the nroperty that do not apnly generally to the nroPerty or class of use in ttie sar~e vicinity and z~ne. 4, That the r~quested v~riance is necr.ss~ry f~r the pres~rvation and enjoyment of a substantial property right possessed i~y ot!ier pronertv in the same vic;inity and zone, and denied to the proo~rtv in question. ~• T~iat the requestecl v:~rionc•• ~,~i 11 not he r,ateric? ly detrir~ental to the public +~~elfar.r. or iniii-ious [o the pronerty ~,r imnr~vrm~nts in such viclnity and zone in ~~hir.h thc pronAr~r is lnco[ed. ~. r`~~t n~ one indic~[ed t;elr pr~•;rnce at said public hearing In oppos i t ion; and th~t no e~n-esi on~lence i-~a; r~~c~ i ved i n c>nnn~ i t i~n to the sub j~et petition. PCcI-173 [}lVIROPlMENT/1L I"1PACT FIPlDI~JG: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has revie~~ed the proposal tc r.onstruct a il-unit motel ~:~ith i~aiver of minlmum :iumher of par~;ing spaces on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of iand consistina of approximately 2.~; acres, having a frontage of approximately ;~0 feet on the eas~ side of Narbor Boulevard, having a mar.imum dept of apprnximately 25C feet and being located approximately 1G~ feet ~orth of the centerline of Orangewood Avenue (2!?5~ South Harbor Boulevard); and does hereby a~prove the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the hasis that there o-lould be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environnental impact due to the approval of this PJegarive Declaration since the Anaheim ~eneral Pl~n designates the subject property for general commercial lan~ uses cor~mensurate ~~:ith the pr•oposal; that no sensitive environnental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individuai or cumulative auverse environmental impacts; and that the Plegative Declaration substantiating tlie foregoiny findin9s is on file in the City of F~naheim Planning Department. tJOW, 7HEREFORE, GE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning C~mmission docs hereby grant s»hject Petition for Variance, upon the follo~,~inq conditions i•fhich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the oroposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general ~•ielfare of thie Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That side~,aalks shall be irstalled along Harhor Boulevard as required by the City Engineer ar,d in accordance ~~~fth standard plans and specifications on file in the Office of tne City E~gineer. Z That the o~vner(s) of sui~ject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee, in an amount as determined 'ny the Cit~~ Coi.incil, for tree planting purposes along liarbor Boulevard. ~ 3. That trash storage areas shali be provided in accordance ~•~ith approved p1~n~ ~a fil~ .;it!; ~;,e ~"ic~ o` ~i~e GXCGU(,IVB ~~irectur oi' rubiic t,iorks. 1+. That fire hydrants shall be installed anrf charcted as required and determined to be necessa ry uy the Chief of tlie Fire Department ~rior to cnmmencement of structural framing. 5. That subject property shail be served 6y underground utilities. 6. That drainage of subject pr~perty shall be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engineer. 7. In the event that subject propert~~ is to be divi~ied for the purpose of sale, l~ase, or financing, a parcel map, to record the approved division of subject property shall ~e submitte~d to and approved by th~ City of Anaheim and then be reco~ded in the office o` tne vrange County Recorder, ~i, That the nUmer(s) of subject property shall pay the traffic signal assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3>`1~) in an amount as determined by the City Council, for commrrcial buildings ~r(or *c the issuance of a nuilding permft. -~- PCIII-173 9. That the oom er(s) of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a feeT in an amount as determined by the City Council, for str~et lighting along Harl~or Boulevard, 10. That the o~~~ner(s) af subject property s!iall suhnit a letter requesting the termination of l/ariance r~o. 3n47 to the Planning Department. 11. That suhject property shali be developed suhstantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file r~ith t5e City of Anaheim r~arF:ed Exhtbit tJos. 1 through 7; provided; ho~,~ever, that kitr_hen effici~ncv uni*_s mzy be installed in no more than 25."0 of the units, aiith a maximum of 6-cuhic foot refrigerators, two-burner stoves, excluding oven and bakin4 facilities, and single compartment sinks; except that the manager's unit ~•~ill be alla•red to have fuli kitchen facilities. 12, That Condition IJos. 7_, 7, ~, and 1'1, above-mentioned, shall be complied ~~ith prior to the cu~~mencement of tf~e activity authorized uncier this resolution, or prior to the time that the building permit is issued, or ~~ith,in a period of one year from date hereofs whichever occurs first, or such furthAr tim~ as the Planning Commission may 9rant. 13. That Condition tlos, l, 3, 5, 6, and 11, above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspecttons, CE IT FURTHER RESOLVE~ that the Anaheim City °lanning Commission does hereby find and deternine that adoption of this R~solution is ex~ressly predicated upon applEcant's compliance with eacii and all of the conrlit?ons hereinahove set forth. Shuuld any such condition, or any part thereof, I,e d~clared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment oF any court of competent jurisdiction, the.n this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shali be dAemed null and v~id. THE FOREGOiPJG RESOLUTIOM is signed and a~proved hy me this lOth day of August, 19~`31. ATTEST: l J-~.~ -~ ~ ~-a1~--0-.-~. CI1A15MAP!, APlAHEI'i CITY PLAMPdI~~G COMMISSIQM ~~~ ~ ~ ~ SECREIARY RO TEMPORE AIJAHEIM CITY PLANNING CO"L'11SSION -3- PC81-173 STATE OF CAL I FORIJ IA ) COUNTY OF ORAF:GE ) St, CITY OF A~JAHEIhI j ~, Pamela H, Starnes, Secretary Pro Tempore of the ,4naheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregosng resolution ~~as passed and adopted at a meeting o` the A~aheim City Planning Commtssion heid on August 10, 19?1, at ~;gp P•m., by the foilowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIOPlERS: BARNES, BOUl15, E3USN~JRE, FRY, HE°BST, KING NOES: COPiMiSSION[RS: MOtJE ABSC~JT: COMHISSIOrlERS: TOLAR ~~J WITIJESS WHERFOF, 1 have hereunto set my hand this l~th day of Auqust, 19$1. ~~~ .~• ~a~,i " SEf,P,ETFlRY PRQ TE"!PQ~E A'IAHEiH CITY PLA~d~11M~ COMMISSIO'! -4- PC81-t73