PC 81-175RESOLUTIO'I td~~. PC31-17'~
A RESOLUTIQU OF THE l11IAHE1"S CIT`( P~l1~lhll~!~ C~~1~~I;S1•~~;
TfIAT PETITI0~1 FOR `Ji1Rl~"~tICE N0, ;'L31 BE GRA~lTE'.l
ldFl[REAS, thc Anaheiin fity Plannirg Commission dirl receive a verified
Petition for Variance from AhlllHElf1 fiOUSi^!S ~~!THORITY, ("forman J. Priest, Ex~c~rtive
Director), 7( South Claudina Street, ~'S00, Araheim, California ~7_''15, e~mer of
certain r~al property situated in t~,e Citv of Flnaheim, County of Or~znqe, State of
California, described as:
Lots 1'), 11 ancJ the Southerly s;i feet of Lot 12 of the Schaffer -
Oswald Subdivision in the City of Anaheim, Countv of Orange, State
of California as per map recorded in Book ? Page 1~~ of
!1iscellaneous Maps in the office of the County P,ecorder of sai~i
County. TOGETHER with t'ie South 7.5 feet of that certain vacated
a11cy adjacr_nt to the North line of Lots 1',t and il, and the West
7.5 feet of that ccr*ain vacated alley, adjacent [o the East line
of Lot i;) a11 as sho~•m upon the map as referred to ahove. FXCFPT
Tf!EP,FFROM the Southerly 53 fcet of Lots ln, 11 and 12 as measured
to the centerlin~ of La Palma /lvenue. For the purpose of this
description the centnrlin~ of La Palma .~venue is assuned to b~ the
South line of Lots 1'?, 11 and 17. Lot 12 of the Schaffer - Os~rald
SuL•division as ~er nap recorded in E3ool: 7?age hl of !lisceilaneous
Maps of Oranye County, California, except t!ierefrorr~ the Southerly
33 feet thereof.
4lNEREAS, the City Planning Commission did h
Center in the City of Ana~ieim on August 10, 1''•i;i, at
hearing having been duly given as reauired ~,y
provisions of the Ananeim Ftunicipal Code, Cha~ter
cviuence iur anci avainst said pr~posed variance and
and recommend~tions in connectior, there~:~itli; and
~ld a puhlic hearing at the Ciuic
1:30 p.r~., n~tice of sairi puhlic
liti anci in accordance with the
~n.n' tl~ hr~r .~n~1 rnnci.7~..
to investigate and mal;e findinqs
l~lHEREAS, said Conmission, after due insper.ti~n, investiaation and study nade
5y itself and in its hehalf, and after due consideration oP all evldence and r~ports
orfered at said hearing, does find and determine the follo~•:ing facts:
1. That petitione;• roquests !~~aivers of the folloo-~ing to construct a 11-unit
condominium comqlex:
{A) SECTIOt! 1+3.3t,0o?,q325 - !tini~num floor area.
~370 square feet required
for ~-bed room un i ts ;
1,1?_4 syuare feet p n;nnsed)
~~) SLCTIOf! 1"~.31.OG;.~i1 - !1inimun landsca~ed s~t!~ac4;
(2D fcet r~c~u i red .~lnnn ;~
orimary arterial higi~ait~y;
1 j P:~et proposcd)
'L. Tnat the a~-ovr-m~ntioned ~•iaivers ~re i~crchy c~ranted on the basis that
the requests are minimal.
3. That there aYe c,~ceptional nr e>:tra~rdin:~ry circumstanccs ~ir conditions
applieable to thc prnrerty involvcd or to the int~:~ndrd usc of the nroperty that do
not apply 9enerally to thc pr~pcrty nr r_lass of us~ in t!ie sanc vicinity ancl zone.
~+. That the renues[ed varianee is necessary for the ~res~rvation and
enjoyment o` a substantial property ri9ht possess~cl by other pronerty in the same
vicinity and zone, ar.d denied to the prop~rtv in question.
5. That tfie rcouested varianc~ ~~~ill not te materi~liy detrimental to the
publie welfare or i~j~rious to the property or imorevenents in such vicinity and zone
in whith the property is located.
6. That ne one indicated their p;esence ~t said puhlic hearin~ in
opposition; and ti~at no correspondence ~:as received in onpc,sition te the subject
E~Jt~IRObIrtEr~TAL IHPFlf,T FI~!DltlG: The Plann~ng ~ireetor or his authorized
representative has dete"mined that the pronosed project falls ~:~ithin the definiticn
of Cateyorieal. Exemptions, Class 3, is defined in the State EI~ ,iiicielines and is,
therefcre, categorically ex.empt from the requirement to ~renare an ~I~..
N041, THERF.FORE, FSE IT ~,FS01_1!ED that the .4nah~im f.ity Plar.ning Commission
does hereby nrant sut,ject Petition for Variance, upon the `ollo~~ino conditions ~vhich
are !-~rrehy f~und to be a necessary prereauisitc~ to the ~roposed use of the subject
property in order to preserve Che safety and general ~•~~lfare ~f the Citizens of the
City of Anahein:
I. Illdl cJ~)IJ~~l1Ul IclLc: Wclll:l ]~~:y11~ll:l~ll. II:C~ ~l:> l.l'i~.~~~~~l~lc.~i ~/Y l~~~i: ~Cril~i: ~it
Utilities General I•lanager shall be paidJto thc City of llnaheim ~rior to tne issuance
of a huilding permit.
2. That the o~rner(s) of suhject pr~perty shall pay te the City of Anaheim
a fee, in an zmounC as determined by the City Council, fnr street lighting atona La
Palma Avenue ~nd Patt Street.
3. That t`ie cvmer(s) of suhject nroperty shall ~ay the traffic si9nal
assessment fe~ (Ordinance tlo. 3~96) in an anount as determined hy the City Council,
for each new d~•relling unit nrior to the issuance of a buildin~ permit.
!t. The seller shall provide Che purchaser of each condoninium unit ~vith
written information concerning Anaheim Hunicipal Code 14.37 S 00 pertaining to
"parl:inp restricted to facilitate street st•reepin~". Such ~~r•'tt~n informattun ~~ili
clcarly indi._ate ~~hen on-street ~+arking is prohibited and the pcnalty for violation.
5. ?hat the ot~m er(s) of suhject prncerty shall decd to the City of Anaheim
a strip of l~nd 30 feet in ~aidth, or as other~;~isc required hy the City ~ngineer, from
the eentcr'ine of the street alon~ Patt StrPFt f~r str~~t ~•~irl~ninn nur~~sea,
G, ?rior to issuance. of huSlding rerm{ts, the aPnlicant s{~all present
evidence satisfactory to tt~e Chief 3uiiding Inspector r.hat the units vaill 6e in
-z- PCBi-~75
ccnformance ~aith ~loise Insulation Standards specir'ied in the Callfornia
Adninistrative Code, Title :?;.
7. Prior to issuance or building permits, the applicant shall present
evidence satisfactory to the Chicf C3uilding Inspector thaY the proposed proj~ct is in
eonfcrmance a~itl~ Council Policy Plumber ~l~2, Sound rlttenuation Pn Residential
8. That suhject nreperty shall be developed suhstantiallv ir, accordance
witii p1.3ns and specifications on fil~ ~•iit:~ thc City of /1na!ie~m marl:ed Exhibit Plos. 1
and 2.
9. That Condition P7os. 2 and 5, ahove-mentioned, shall he complied ~vith
prior to the commencement ef thc activity authorized under this rr_sciution, or prior
to the time that the huildinn pernit is issued, or ~•~ithin a perio~l of one year from
datr_ i~ereof, a~hichever occurs first, or such further tin~ as the Pla~ning Commission
may grant.
1~. That Condition "lo, c, ahove-mertioned, shall he complied ~~ith orior tn
final buildin~ and zoning inspections.
BE IT PURTIIER RFSOLVED that the Anaheim f,ity Plannin~ Conmission ~ioes hereby
find ar,d determine that adoption of this Resolution is exnressly predicate;i upon
applicant'~, corpliance a~ith each and all of the conditions t•.e~einabove set furth.
Should any such condition, or any nart rher~of, be declared invalid or unenforceable
by the finai ju~igment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution,
and any approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and void,
THE F04EGOIPJG RESOLUTIOP! is signed and approved hy me this lOth day ~f
August, 1~31.
S1 ~~.-, Q~.~ R . ~ ~~
CHA I RMAN, AtlI1NE I'1 C f TY PLA~JN I I) .r. rn~~M I SS I Ot!
~~~ .~' ~'~.~.
t•:~~NEIM CI7Y PLFlNNI~JG COt1"'i5S101~
-3- PCSt-175
sr~T~ oF cn~iroa~iin )
~, P~mela H. Starnes, SecretarY Pr~ Tempore of the P,naheim City Planning
Commission, do hereby certify that the foragoinn resolucion ~.aas passed and adopted at
a meeting of the Anaheim City Planninq Commiss~on held on August In~ ~q3~~ at T:;O
p.m., by the following vote of the memhers thereof:
~~~ WITWESS WNEF[OF, I have hereunto set my hand this lnth day of August,