PC 81-18~
THAT PETiT10;1 FOR Vl1RIANCF N0, 31~1 B[ uRl1NT~D
41HEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verifted
Petition for Variance from ROBERT bl. KA4!Ii,Y. AN~ T~DII L. Y,/1411CK, ?.l;31. East Underhtll
Avenue, Anaheim, California ~28n6, o~•mer, and R. J. ARNOLD, ?2~ PJorth Sunkist Street,
Anaheim, California 9280b, agent, of certaln real property situate~l in the City of
Anaheim~ County of Orange. State of California descrihed as:
Lot G1 of Tract 256~ as per map recorded in E3oo4% ^G, pages 3~+ and
3G of Miscellaneous Mans in the o'fice of the Countv Recorder of
Orange County, State of ~alifornia.
WHEREAS~ the City Planning Commtssion did holrl a ouhlic hearing at the Civic
Center in the Ctty of Anaheim on January 17, 1~81, at 1:~~ p.m „ notlce of said
public `~earing having been duly given as r~quirecf hy ~iw ancl ir. accordance wtth the
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code~ Chapter 14.~3, to hear and consider
evidence for and ageinst said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings
and recommendations in connecti~n there~•~ith; an~i
WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection. investTgation and study made
by itseif and in its behaif, and after due consideratlon of aii evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, dces fl~d and determine [hc follorrinn facts:
1. Tha[ tne petttioner proposes a a~aiver of the foll~o~tnn to retaln a
SECTIOfJ 18.~A.o43.101 - Maximum fence height.
and 1.2 . ~ 2 ncnes perm-ltted;
t i~nches extsting)
2, That the above-menttonr.d ~•iaivcr ts hereby granted on the basis that the
aetttioner delnonstrated that a ha~dship extsts in that the rr.quesL is min~mal and the
fence ts brtck with wrough[ iron and does not create a traffic safety hazard,
3. That there are excepttonal or extraordinary circumstances or conditions
applicabic to the pr~perty involved or to the lntended use of the property that do
not apply generally to the property or class of use in the sime vtcinity and zone.
4, That the requested vartance is necessarv for the preservation and
enJoyment of a substantla; praperty rlght possessed by other preoerty in the same
vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question.
5. That the requested v~riance wtll not be mater(aliv detrimental to the
public welfare or tnjurf~is to thc property or imnrrnements tn ~urh vicinity and zons
(n which the prope~ty is located,
6, That no ~ne indicated their ~resenc~ it ~aid nublic hearing In
opposTti~n; and [hat no correspondencP r~as rrcrived in nroosition to thr subject
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FIPlOIM~: The Plannin~ Director or his authortzed
representative has determined that~t e proposed project falls ~rith;n ths definition
of Categorical [xemptions, Class 3, as defined in Paragraph ? of the City of Anaheim
Environmental Impact Report fuidclines and is, therefore, catFnoric~lly exempt from
the requtrement to prepare an EIR.
Nf1W~ Tt~EREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannina Commtssion
does hereby grant subjec:t Petition for ~/ariance. upon the followin~ cc+nditions which
are herehy found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subject
Property In order to nrrserve [he safety and g~nerai ~•relfare oF the Citizens of the
Ctty of Anahetm:
1. That suhject property shall be develooed substan[tally in accordance
with plans and specifications or. file a~fth the City of llnahein mirked Exhibit ~lo. 1.
RE IT .iIRTliER RESOLVEO that the Anahcim Citv Planninn Ctx~mission does here6y
find and deterntne that a~loption of this Resolution is exnressly predicaced upon
appllcant's c~mpliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth.
Should any such condition, or anv part [hereof, he cieciared inval!d or unenforceable
by the final judgment of any court of cc~mpetent juriscliction. then this Resolution,
and any approvais herein cnnt~ined, shall he deemed null and v~id.
THf. F(1R~rn~~_r RFCn~,iiT~n.~ i, ;~zr,ed an: anpr<~ve~i hy me t~is i2th day of
January. 1~8i.
/CaC,GO~[I (~' ~~
CHKIRNA~v, NANE M ITV ~A±lrt~~~r, C~N`~ISSIO~t
i~C.~.. ~ ~
C ITY OF ArtAHE 1~1 )
I, Edir-. ~. ~tarri:, Secre[ary of ;hc Anaheim Cit~ Plinnln~ Comn~sslon, da
hereby certify that th~ forec;oing res~lutton was nasse~i an~t ad~nt~d r~t a m~~tTnn of
the Anahelm City Plannfnn Commiss(on hclrl on Januirv 1?., 1~'3'~ hv t'~F followina vote
of the members thereof:
AYES: Cf1MMIS51CsNERS: BOi~AS, FRY, , Kltl~~ T~~Aa
I1~ 411T"tESS bfF1E2E0F~ i have her~unt~ set mv hand eh15 1?rh nav ~f Ja~uary~
~~ .~ ~ --
SEC4~ARY, `: -~ 1~ I ~' L N~! ': •, yH . ~:
-2- PcR~_~p
RESOLUTInrI ",n, PC?i-1~~~
A RE~!1LU'i'I ~'I OF THF F1~JA1!E I ~~ C I TY PLA~111 I"!!; C~11~1 I S~ I ~~i
T!I~? PETITIO~i FnR V~RIl11JCF ~10. 31°1 f?C ~.;R!1HTED
41HERF:AS, thF Anaheir~ City Pl~nr.inn Commission did r~crive a verifiPd
Petition for Variance fror~ hQBE"T N. YJ\';!ICY, Fl~iD T!~HI l. I;~'.!IC!', 7.432 [ast Unrierhill
p~enue, Anah,:im, Cal ifornia `~23nF,, o~:~ner, and R. J. ARPJf`LD, 2,'.~ ~lorth Sunl<ist Street,
Anaheir~, California ~2';~6, agent, of crrtain re,ii ~ropcrt~~ situate~i in ~he City of
Anaheim, County o` Orange, Statc of California drscrihed ac:
Lot Gl of Tract 256~ as per map rec.orded in Eo~N ^~~, pages 3J! :~nd
3~• of Miseellaneous Mars in the office of the Coe.mt~~ Re~order of
Orange County, Sta~~ of California.
WH[REAS, the City Planning Commissiert did ho1~1 a ouhlic heari~q at tF,e Civic
Center in Yhe Ciry of Anaheim on January 12, 1^81, at 1:3~ p.m-, nc,tice of said
Public hearing havin9 !~een duly given as require~l hy la~~~ and in accordance with the
provisions of the Anahei.m Municipal CodP, Ch~pter 1",~;, to hear and consider
evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investigate and make findings
and recommendations in connection there~~~ith; anri
WHEREAS, said CorSmissior., a`ter due irs~ection, investi~ation and study made
~y itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearinq, does fi~d and determir,e the follrn•~ina facts:
1. That *_he petitioner ~rnnoses a ~~ioiver of the foll~~~inn t~ retain a
SECTIOtd 18,~1f.043,101 - ~laximum fenc~ height.
and 1_?_~.f) ~ ~2 inches nc~rmitie~i;
~ ,~inches existin~)
2. That the above-mentioned ~~~aiver is hereby granted on the basis that tl~e
petitioner demonstrated that a hardship exists in that the request is minimal and the
fence is brick ;~ith wrought iron and does not create a traffic safety hazarcl,
3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions
applicable to Lhe propertY involved or to the intended use of the property that do
not apply generally to the ~roperty or class of use ;n the same vicinity and zone.
4. That the requested variance is necessarv for the preservation and
enjoyment of a substantiai property riqht possessed by ot~er prooerty in the same
vicinity and zone, and denied to the pro~erty in question.
5. That the requested variance i•~ill n~t be miteriailv cietrimental to the
public welfare or injuri .~s to the property or imnr~vements in such vicinity and zone
in which the pr~perty is located,
6, That no ~ne indi~ated t5eir nresence ~t said ~u61ic hearina in
~pposition; and tnat no correspondence a~as received in nrpositi~~n t~ the subjeet
ENVIRO~!MFPlT/;~ IP1PAf,T FIP101~1~: T'ic Plann~n~ Director or his authorized
representative has determincd that th? prnr~~sed pr~j~ct fills ~•~irh;n the definition
of Cater,~rical Exemptions, Cl~ss 3, ~; defined in Paraqranh :' ~f the City of /1n~h~im
Environmentai Impact Report Guirielines and is, theref~re, c~te~in~iCnily exempt from
the requirement to ~r~pare ari EIR,
t;f)l•!, TFIFRFFOP,E, BF IT °,PSOL!'EO thit !he Araheim f,ity Plannina Commission
does herchy grant subj~ct Petition for '/ariance, imnn the follrnrina cc,nditi~ns ~•~hich
are hereby f~>und to b~ a nec~.ssary prerequisite to the prop~sed use of the sublec*
propcrty in order to ~rescrve the safety ~nci n~nera'i ~.:~elfare nf the Citizens of Che
City of Anaheim:
~. Tliat suf,ject property shall he dev~lo~ed suhstantialiy in accordince
wit~i plans and sp~cifieations or. filr ~iith the City of llnah~im mar!<ed Exhihit ~lo. 1,
EiE IT FURTfIEP RES01_VED tha t thr /lnahc i m C i Yy P 1~nn i nn Conm i ss i nn does herehy
find and deternine that a~!op*_ion of this Resolutian is exnressly predicated upon
applica~~t's compliance ~•,ith each and all nf the conditions hereinabove se: forth.
5hould any such condition, or any part thereof, he decla~ed invalid or unenforceable
by t"e final judgment of any cnurt of comnete~t jurisdictinn, then this 2esolution,
asid any approvais herein contained, si~all !~e deemcd n~:?1 ~nd v~id,
THE F~RFr,r~~r~r RESOfJJT!0"! is sir,ned and anproveci t;y r~c this 12th rlay of
January, t~~l.
~c~'~'~'"~ ~ ~~~cG~-
Cf1/'.IR"!A^,, API:1F'r.IM ~ITY PLA~L'i~r~r, ~nrn~~~510;~
~.t~.~.~ ~ ~
SECP,ETARY, A~JAHEIM CITY PLAr~rll!Jr, C~r1~ltsslr~~f
~iAlk ul= I.ALIFfI~?pJIA )
COUtJTY OF OR/1NG[ ) ss.
I, Edith L. Harris, 5ecretary of *_he Anah~im Citv Planninrt Cemnissi~n, do
hereby cer~ify that the foregoin~ resnlution ~•~as ~assed and aric,pted at ~ meetin~ of
the Anaheim City Planninq Com~nission helrl<>n Janu~ry 12, 19Z~, hy the followinq vote
of the menbers thereof:
I~a IJIT'iFSS '.JHE^FOF, I havc her~untn set my hand this 12th rlay of Jam~ary,
f0 [J~1-~ ,.( / ~, -A-s-r....
S[C^ FT/1",y ~ q!'~HE I ~! r IT~ PL~~I~I I N^ C~~~M I SS 10"1
-2- PCRI-1~'