PC 81-182RESOLUTIO`1 ~!;). PC31-1'Z A RES01_UT I OP7 OF THE ANAHE I ~1 C I Ti PI_!`Mi! I'IG C0~1M I SS I 0~1 TIIA7 PETITIO"! Fi1P, RECLASSIFICl1T10!d t10. ~1-J2-4 GE GRA~ITED, II' PART WHER[AS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified petitior for Recl~ssification from GLOPIA P,n~,,~E, 1G11 Cliff Drive, Ner~port Beach, Cal ifornia g2Fi(,3, o~.mer ~nd D/1VID ;, r~LLI~dS, 1~77 4Jest Ball °oad, Anaheim, ayent of certain real pro~erty situated in the City uf l~nalieim, County of Oran~e, State of Ca;ifornia, described a, follows: P~RCEI 1, IN THE CITY OF P.~'AH~IM, COI~`JTY OF OR/1h1GE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN 0"J A PARCEL '9AP FILED IPf 30(1K 14~ PAGES 12 A~1D 13 OF PARCEL MAPS, IPl THE OFFICE OF TNE COIRITY P,~CORDFR OF SAID COU'JTY, and That certain parcel of land lyiny ~~rithin a portion ef Parcel ?, as shoo-rn on a map recorded in [sook 11E~, paqe 13, Farcel Maps, P,ecords of said Orange County, described as follo~•,s: Be9lnnin~ at tne most n~rthwestcrly corncr of said farcei Z, as shcwn on saici parcel map> thence N j3° 2~' 3r;" E. 13.22 feet; thence S 3~° 31' 22~~ F~ ~~3~.93 feet to the be9innin~ of a tangent curve concave northwesterly and having a radius of a_5.nn feet; thence Southerly and Southwesterly alonq said curve through a central ar.gle or ~~o 00' 00" an arc distance of 3~,27 feet; thence S 53° 2';' 3R" 1•1, 115.62 feet to an intersection with a line parali~l ~~ith and tt(.n0 feef easterly of the centerline of Fairr~~nt Boulev~rd; t'ience r~ 37° ~F~ ~°" W, ~.33 feet; thence PI 5~~ 2:;' 33" E, 117,7; feet; thence N 32 52~ ~f2" 41, 2~0.~0 feet to the noinr nf h..~a,,.,P~., 'dHEREAS, the City Plannin9 Commission did hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Aug~st 2h, 1a81, at 1:3~ p.n., notice of said public hear i ng hav i ng been du ly y iven as req~ i red by 1 a~.~ anc{ i n acccrdance i•ri th the provisions of the Anaheim Nunicipal Code, Chapter 1;.f13, to hezr and consider evidence for ano againsc said proposed reclassification anci to invPStiqate and make findings and recommendations in c~nnection therewith; and WNEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiaation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due r_onsideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determtne the follo~•~ing facts: 1. That the {~etitioner proposed reclassification of sub,ject propc.rty from the RS-A-43,C~00(SC) (Residential/Agricultural - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Aone to the CL(SC) (Commercial, Limited - Scenic Corridor Overlay} Zone. However, based upon the location of subject p~operty in the Scenic Corrldor, near hillside estate density, and at the corner of Santa Ana Canyon Road ano Fairmont P.oulcvard: the Plannina Commisslon granted the reclassification to the C~~(SC) (Commercial, ~ffice - Scenlc Corridor Overlay) Zone, therehy limitfng the poss(hle coririercial uses anri lo~-~ering the potr_ntial traffic impact on nearby residentlal uses and the adjacent streets. 2.. That the Anaheim ,',enerai Plan ~lesignates suhject proper[y for general commercial land uses. PC81-1$2 ~. Th~t the propo~ed reclassific~~tior~ af su6ject prooerty, as qranr_ed, is neeessary and/or desirable for tlie orderly and prn~er d~velopment of the corrmunity. 4. That the proposed recl~3ssification oP suhject property does properly relate to the zones and their pernitted ~~ses locally estahlished in close nroxinity to su~ject prcperty and to T.he zones and their permittcd uses qenArally established t!~roughout tlie communitv. 5. That the prooosed reclassification of sut:ject pronerty requires the dedication and improvement of ahutti~g streets in accordance ~-:ith the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to the anticipated increase in traffic ~-~hich will be generated by the intensification ~~f land use. ~. That no one indicated their presence at said puhlic hearing in opposition; and that no corres~ondence a~as received in opposition to the subject petition. E~JVIRUNp1ENTAL IMPACT FI':DltlS: ?hat the Ar~aheim City Plannino Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify su~ject ~roperty from the RS-q-1~3,~100(SC) (Residential/Agricultural - Scenic Corridr;r (lverla~l ?one t~ the Cn(SC) (fommercial, Offiee - Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone t~ n~rmi[ ~ church, prr_school, an~ of`icN complex o-~itn waivers of minimum lan~iscaped se:bacF:, m:~ximum structurai heiqht, minir~um numbcr of par~~in9 spaces ano perri*te~1 numher, type and size of sic~ns on an irreqularly-shaped parcel of lano c~ns(stinn of anproximately ~.( acres located at the souCheast corner of Santa Ana Canyor Road and F~irmont Eoulevard, havinq a frontage of approximately 1`3~ feet on *_he souCh sidr_, of Santa Ana Doulevard and a frontage of approximately ~i^0 feet on the east side of Fairmont Boulevard; anc does hereby approve the Ilegative Declar~tion f~on the requirement to prepare an environr~~ental im~.~act report on the oasis that there t•i~~ild be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental inoact d~ie to the annr~val ~f rhic ~~~=d~~~~'~ ~~~~~r~C;~~~ ~inc~ ~n~ Hnaheim General Plan designates the sub.;ect nroperty for general commercial )and uses conmensurate ~,iith the proposal; that no sensitive environnental impac[s are involved in the proposal; that the initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the 'legative Declaration suhstantiatinq the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning Oepartment. NOW, Tt!EP,EFORE, BE IT RESOLV[D that tiie Anaheim City f'lanning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclassif~cation, in part, and by so doing, that Title 18-Zoning of the ,4naheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude th~ ahove- described property from the RS-A-IF3,On0(SC) (RESIDFNTIAL/AGRICt1L- '?AL - SCE"Ir CORRIDOR --OVERLAY) ZONE and to incorporate said described properCy int^ ~~e CO('~ (COMMERCIAL, OFFICF SCENIL CORRID~R OVERIA.Y) ZO~IE upon the follov~ine condir'nns which are herehy found to bc a necessary prere~.~uisife to the ~rop~-~,! uwe of subject property in order to preserve the safety ancl gencral ~•:~lf~r~ o` the .it~z~,n< - r~~~ City of Anahe~m: - 1. That all en~ineering requirements of th~ City ~f An~hcim a'ong Fnirr~,a~t 6oulevard, including preparation of im~rovement plans and installation of ~il improvements such ~s curhs and guttcrs, sidewall.s, strcet gradin4 and pavi~g, drainage facilities or other appurtenant r~ork, shall he complied ~•rith as reeuired hy the City [ngineer anci in accordance ~•~ith specifications on ffl~~ in the Office of the City Enginecr; that str~et lighting facllities along Fairmont ~oulevard shall b~ -2- PCoI-1~2 installed a5 required by the Office o{ :I[ilities General 1lanayer, and in aecorcianee with specificatioris on fil~ in tiie Officr of Utilities Grneral Manaqi~r; and/or that a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an anount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall he po;tecl~~~ith the City to guarantee the installation r~f the ahove-n~ntioned rer~uiremenl's nrior tn occupancv, Z. That the ovm er(s) of suhject property sh,~il ~av t~ thc City of 4naheim a`ee, in an amount a~ detcrmined hy the City Cnuncil, fnr trne nlantinp purnoses along r"alrmont aoulevaru. 3. That trash storage areas shall he provi~led in accor~!ance with approved plans on f;le ~•~ith the Office of the Executive Director of Puhlic '+Jorks. 4. That fire hydrants shail he installed and ctiarged as required and determir.ed to be n~cessary hy the Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencement of stru~:tural framing. S• That suhject property shall 7e served hy under~~rounr! ut(lities. ~. That draina~e of sutiject prr~perty ;tiall he disposed or in a manner satisfactory to the City Fnyineer, 7• In the event [hat suhject property is [o be divided for t^e purpose of sale, lease, or financin~, a parcel map, to recnrd the app~oved division of subject property shall be suhmitte~f [o and ar.pre~sed hy [he Ci*~~ ~f F,naheim and then be recorded in the office of the Orange Cour.ty Recorder. ~. That the applicant shail record a reciprncal part;inn covenant for the joint use of the parking facilities on the church and office nortions r,f subject property In cor.junction ~•lith the recordation nf any parcel map dividing t`~e ~roper*_y. 5. That the oimer(s) of suhject ~roperty shall pay the traffic sinnal assessment fee (Ordinance 'lo. 38°6) in an amount as determtned hy the City Council, for cummercial buildings prior to the issuance of a ~uilciing permit. 1~. That the o~mer(s) of subject property shail dedicate and inprove a 10 foot wide equestrian and hiking trail as shoim on the Equestrian and Hiking irails Component and that improvement plans, in accordance o-~ith standard nlans and speci`ications on file in the Officn of the City Engineer, shall be suhmitted in conjunction with the grad~ng plan; and!or that a bond in an amount and form satisfac~ory to the City of Anaheim shall hc posted o-rith the City t~ guarantee the installatfon of the a~ove-menttoned requirements prier to occupancy. il. That the fire and storn drain access d rive shall he surfacec: in a manner acteptahle to the Fire Uepartment and Street Maintenance an~ Sanitatior, Division, 12. That [he develeper shall landsc~ne and irriciatc~ the parl;~:~ay of Santa 1na Canyun Road as required hy the Park~:~av 'daintenanc~ Divisi~n, The developer then maintain said la„dscaping. -3- PCF31-1~2 13. That ne vehicular access ~oint to suhject propert/ from fairmont [~oulevard sha11 he located cioser than 33~ feet to the centerline of the east-hound lanes of Sanra Ana Canyon Road. lh. That suhject ~roperty shall he develooed suhstantiaily in accordance ~~ith plans and speciFications on fite ~.yith the C(ty of Anaheim marked fxhihit Nos. 1 through 4; provided, hovrever, that the northcrn mosC egress drlveway located approximately 11~ feet south of Santa Ana Canyon Road on Fairmont E3oulevard shall be eliminated, and that the church steeple shall he no hinh~r than ti~ feet as m^_asured from the finished grade level at the hase nf said ~te~~le, 15. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning subjPCt property, Condition Nos. 1, 2 and 1'7, above-mentioned, shall t,e compieted. The provtsions or rights granted by this resclution shall become null and void by action of the Planning Commission unless said conditions are complied ~~ith viithin one year r"rom the dare hereof, or sucn further timr_ as the Planning ~ommission may grant. le~, That Condition r~os. 3, 5, G, 11, 12, 13, and iiF, above-nentioned, shall be complied ~•rith prior to final building and zoning inspectiors. BE IT FURTf1ER R[SCLVEU that thc Anahein City Planninn Commission does hereby fin,i and determine that the adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant~s compliance ~.~+ith each and ~I1 of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof., be declared invali~l or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Res~lution, and any approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and void, THE FORFG~I~lG RESOLUTIO~! is signed ar~d approved hy mr thi; ?~ith day of August, 1~~1. ,f , ~ -, -, i% sjY/ ~~'"J~~~ ~- H ,t1A,J PP,~ TE~1PORF AtIAHE I'1 C I TY PLP.?1"J I^Ir CO~f S IO~~ ATT[ST: ~:,c..c-LG. ~ !1[~U._.~.<.. SECRETARY, Ar~AHEtM CITY PLAtIPJIN.r, COMr11s510~, -4- PC£31-182 STATE OF CALIFORFIIA ) COU~ITY OF ORAIJGE ) ss. CITY OF Al1Fli~1EiM ) I, Edith L. Harr~s, Secretary of the Anaheim Citv Planni,ig Commission, do hereby cerrify tha: the forE-~oing rr-_solution ~-~as passed and arlo~ted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Conmission held on August ?.~i, 1R~1, at 1:30 p.m., hy the following vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: COHMISSIONERS: BARPIES, BOUAS, FRY, HF?RST, Kltl~, TOLA~ "lOES: COMHISSIOWF.RS: tJONE ABSEiJT: COM!11SSIOIJ~4S: BUSfIORE ~ IPJ 111T";ESS b1ElERFQF, I have hereunto set my hand this 71~th c!ay of Auqust, 19`;1, ~ C,O~~.r, ,..?~ ~ , ~if,"vtu.~ SECRETARY , APIA!i[ I ~t C I TY PLA~1P11 ~!~; COM~11 SS I ~'; -5- PC81-iR2