PC 81-191GE`.;Of.UTlo~l Ilr,, p~~~;~-~n~
/1 RESOLUT(Q:'! ~F T;IE f,(Il~.IIE!!1 CITY PL/1tII!!!!G r.nr~f91S51~~!
1111EREP5, the ;lnahcir~ City ('l~nninn Cnmrais;i~n dicl receive a verificd
petition for Reclassific~tion frorri I;EITII [:. C[SC~, IIi, i~5 Florth liarbor
L'oulevar~l, /lnahcim, California ~'1.~05, o~,:ncr ,~d ~;i~~.inr~ !1. ~J~pUYARp, 3~0 South
flarbor Uoulevard, ;`~iqlEf~, ,1n~hcira, C,~1if~rnia, ri~~en[, of certain renl property
situated in the Cil'y of Analiciri, County of Cr-anr~e, St~ite nf Cnliforni:i,
deserihe~ as follo,,s;
L~t 17, Lloci: !~, tr,~ct Iic~. 37~, in thc Citv ~f llnaheim, County of
Orange, State of California, as pnr map recorded in bc>oi; 1;, page
3'~, hti,cel lancous Ptaps, in the o`fice of the County Recorder of
5~~~ County.
lIIIEREAS, the City Planninn Comnission did holrl a pul~lic hearinq at the Civic
C~ntcr in the City of l;naheirn on Sr_pternber '1, 1~~1, at 1•;0 pam,, notice of said
public hearin9 havinq been duly r~iven as repuired hy )avi and ir accordance ti~ith the
provisions of th~ Anaheim ~tunicipal Gode, Chapter 1°.~3, to hear and consider
evidence for and aoainst said preposed reclassification and to inves[icate and make
findinr~s and recoramendations in connection thercarith; and ~
1lilERE~;S, said Corimission, ~fter due insnection, investiqation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and af'ter due consideration of a11 evidence and re~orts
offereJ at said hearin~~, cloes find and detarr~ine the follrn•iinn ;`aets:
1• That the petitioner pro~~osed reclassificatinn of ~uhjcct property from
the P.Fi-2h00 (Residential, Multirie-Far,iily) :one to the CL (f.oc~merciai, Limited) Zone;
hrn-~ever, based on limited parking alon~i [his arterial hi~;h~vay (Harbor Qoulevard), the
Plannin9 Commission granted the reclassification to CO (Cnmmercial, Office) Zoning.
2. 7h,r ~t,., n..~~.,,r
mediuri density residentiai land"uses'hut1that~adjacentn~nd5neafrbycnro~erties are used
and zoned commerciaily.
.'• That Che pro~o5ed reclassificati~n of subject property is necessary
and/o~- desirable for the orderly and pro~,er dcvelopment of the cnmmunity.
~+• That the proposed reclassification of su!~ject property does properly
relate Co the zones and their ~ermitted uses locally established in close proximity
to subject propert~~ and to the zones anci Cheir ~ermitted uses gen~rally ~stablished
throughout the comriun i Yy.
5. That tl~e proposed recl~issification oF suhject prop~rty requires the
dedication and improvement of abuttinq streets in accorJance with the Circulation
Llement of lhe Generai Plan, due to the anticipated iric~-e,~se in traffic ~~hich will be
generatecl by the inLensification ot land use.
b. That no one indicatecl their F,resence at said publ c hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence ~•~as rec~ived in ooposition to the subject
EIJVIRON~1[ilTAL 1MPACT FitIDIMG: That the Anaheirn City Plannirc Commission has
~evie~aed the proposal to reclassi y suhj~ct prc,perty from the RM-?4!)0
Plultiple-Family) Zone to the CO (Conmercial, Limited) Zor.e to permit theecommercial
use of a residential structure ~::ith ~•-aivr_rs of minlmum landscaped setback. and
required sire screening on a rectangulariy-shaned ~arcel nf iand conststing of
approximateiy 5,~t5~ square feet, locare.~ ~~p~~ximatel~~ 1~~ feet north of thF
~enterline of tJorth Street; and dnes h~reby anprove the Fleg~tive Declaration from the
~equirement to prepare an em~ironmentai imnact r•eport on the has(s that there would
be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environr~ental impact due to the
approval of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General P13n desig~ates the
subiect property for lot~~°mndium land uses comriensurat~ a~ith the proposal; that no
sensitive environmental impects are involved in the preposal; that the Initial Study
submitted by the petitioner indicatc:s no significant indivfdual or cumclattve
adverse environmental imeacts; and that the Negativ. ~eclaration substantiating the
foregoing findings is on fiie in the City of Araheim Planninq Department.
NOIJ, TFIERFFORE, QE IT RESO~VF~ t!~at the Anaheim Ciry Pianning Commission
does hereby grant suhject Petition fer Reclassification and, by so dnin~, that ~~~it1e
~~;-%oning of the Analeeim Municipal Code be amended to er,clud~ the ahove-described
property fron the RM-24~~ (RESI~~t1TIAL, ~tULTIPLE-FlIt11LY) 7_OHE and to Incorporate said
described property intoi the CO (Cp`1MERCIAL, OFFICE) Z(1^IE upon the fo)icwing
conditions which are hereby found to be anecessary prerenuisite to tt~e nroposed use
of subject property in order to preserve the safety an~l aeneral a:elfare of the
Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
1• That the owner(s) of subject property shall deed to the City of Anaheim
a strip of land 45 feet in ~,~idth from the r.enterline af the street alono Hzrbor
Boulevard for street a~idenino n~,~~~~~~
2. That trash stora9e areas shall be provid~d in accordance with approved
plans on f11e with the Office of the Executive Director of Public 4/orks.
3. That the o~~mer(s) of suhject property shall pay to the City of AnahePm
a fee, in an amount as determined by the City C,ouncil, for street li9hting along
Harbor Boulevard,
4. That the vehicular ac~ess rights to Hanc~r Boul~var~i shall be dedicated
to the City of Fnahelm.
5. That tl~e ex(sting structure shall be hrouqht up to the minimum
standards of the City of Anaheim, including the Uniform duildina, Plumbfng,
Eiectrical, Mechanical and Fir~ Codes as adopte~ by the Citv of Anahein,
~. That ~uhject property shall bP developed suhstantially i accordance
~•~ith plans and spc~cifications on file ~~ith the City of Anahelm marked Fxhihit F:os. 1
throuGh 4,
7• °~+or to the introduction of an ordinance rezoninc± subject property,
Condition Nos, i, 3, and 4, ahove-mentioned, shall he completed. The prcvlsions or
-2- PCE1-191
~tyhts granted by this resolution shall hecom~ null rind void by action of the
Planning Commission unless said conditions are co~iolied i~iith iiithin one year from the
date hereof, or suui `urther time as the Planning Commission rny grant.
a. That Conditicn Nos. 2, ~, a:~u 5, above-r:~en[ioned, shali he complied
~rith prior tu final huilding and zoning inspeetions.
BE IT FURTIIf.P, RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hcreby
find and determine that adoption of tnis Resolution is expressly predicated upon
appiicant's compltance ~~~ith each a~d all of the conditions hereinahove set forth.
Should ~ny such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or un~^nforceable
bY the final judc~ment of any ccurt of compet~nt jurisdiction, then this Resolution,
and any approvals hercin contained, shall be deemed null and void,
THE F~REGCINf P,F.SOLUTI0~1 is sioned and approved hy ne this ~th day of
Septenber, 1~31,
~~.~ ~~ ~ . ~~
~' ~s ~ ~ al~.~
SECRE?.~RY, n~1Fl~i~irt r,~rv PLAtJPliNG co~~r.~~ssiori
I, Edith L, flarris, Secretary of the /lnaheim City Planninn Commission, do
h~reby certify that the foreyoing resolution ~:~as passed and ado~ted at ~ meetinq of
the Anaheim City Pianning Commiss'ion held on Septemher 9, 19~1, by the fo11c,,.1l11ry vnt~
~f the members there~f:
it! WIT~dESS WNEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~th day of September,
~~ ~~-.~- ~ ~~ ~ -