PC 81-20RFSOLUTIOPJ Fd~, PC~1-2n
A RE5~LJT1o~! OF TNE Ar!~f~EIM CITY PL~FIFIIUr, ~~~~~q~5s1~~!
THAT PETI710!I F(?3 Vl1RInhlCF. flfl, 31nr~ f;E G,n,~plTFD
IJHEREAS, thc Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified
Petition for Variance frcKn WqLTER D, FOSEY AND J/IPIFTTE R, PngEy~ ~~~ p~orth Brookhurst
Street, Anaheim, Califr,rnia 928~1, oi•mers, and R~eER'f J, CH~;IST!1~F, i74 South Orange
Street, Suite A, Orange, California ~2(>G(, aqent, of certain real property situated
in the ~ity of Anaheim, :ounty of Orange, St~te of California ciescrihed as:
Pfl•~C~L 1 AS S!104R! ON A~1.~P FILE~ IN E300K 85, PAG[S 4 At1D 5 OF
bIHEREAS, the Cit~ Planninq Comr~ission did hold a puhiic hearinq at the Civic
Center ir, the City of Anaiein on January 12, 1~31, at 1:3'? n.m., notice of sald
pub 1 i c hear i ng hav i ng h~en dul v g i ven as renu i red by 1.~~•; and i n acc~rdance ~•~i th the
provisions of t'ie Anaheir ~lunicipal Code, Chapter i°,!)3, t~ hear and consider
evidence for and a4ainst said pror.ose~i v~rianc~ ~~d t~ ;nvesti~ate and make findings
and recomnendations in cn-nection therer~ith; and
WHER~AS, said Co~~~ission, after due inspection, investipatinn and study made
by itself and in its beha'", and after due c~nsider~~tion of a11 evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, c-,es find and determine the follo~;~inn facts:
1. That the pe~itioner ~rnnoses a~~~aiver of th~ fo11rn.1inn to construct an
office building;
CFf"f'In~~ ,o ~~ .,, ...
. .~",."~j~ - ^ljnimu~ numher of parlcino snaces,
and 1+.~.it.r~., ;. spaces re~uired;
35 spaces ~roposed)
~. That the above-mentioned ~-iaiv~r is hrreby granted on the basis that the
petitioner demonstrated that a hardship exists in that the request is minimal
amounting to only 3 parl<ing spaces.
3. That there are exceptional or e,~tr3~-dinary circumstances or conditions
epplicahle to the property invoivcd or to the intended use of the nroperty that do
~ot aPP1Y generally to the prooert~~ or class of use in the sime vicinity and zone,
!+• That the requested va;iance is necessary fqr the presArvation and
enjoyment of a substantial property ri_yht nossessed by other prooerty in the s~,me
vicinity and zone, a~d denied to r.he pr~~nert~~ in nuesti~n,
5. That the r~ryuestecl variance ~~iiil noC he nateriallv detrimrntal tc, thc
puhlic ~~elfare or injurious to th~ nr~oertv nr i^~~rrn~~m~nts in sucf, vicinity ind zone
in ~•~hich the ~rnp~-t~ ~5 i~c~t~.cl.
~. That n~ one indic~*n~{ their ~resence at said nuhlic hearinq in
opposition; and that no corresnondc~nce r,as rec~-~ived in opaosltion t~ the subjeet
E~IVIR~~JMENTAL IMPl1CT FII!DI~lG: That [hc Anaheim f,ity Planninr~ Commission has
reviewed tfi~ propos.~l to construct an office ~uild•,nn ~~iith ~•n~vcr of ninimum number
of parking s~aces on a rectangularly-shaped parcel nf lan~i eonsistina of
approximately 0,47 acre, lacated at the southa~est corner ~f Cresc~nt Avenue and
Val;ey Street (?.1r0 llest Cresr_:,nt Avenue); and d~es herchy approvc the Plegative
Deelaration from the requirement to prr_pare an environment~l im~act report on the
basis that *_here woul~ be no significant indivirfu~l ~r cumulative adverse
environmental impact du~ tc thr ~,pproval nf this Mec~ative neclaration since the
Anaheim General Plan designates the suhject n;ooerty for medium-ciensity and
commercial land uses corrm~ensuratc o-iith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental
impacts are involved in the pr~posal; that the lnitial Study =uhmttted by the
petitioner indicates no sinnificant indiv~di.ial or cur~ulative arlverse envi mnmental
lmpacts; and that the M~qative ~eclaration suhstnnti~tino the fnren~in~ findings is
on file in the City ~f AnaF.eim Plannin~ [lepartm~nt.
PI0~;1, T!IER[F~R[, BE IT RES~LVED tnat the Anahcim Citv Plannincl Comr~ission
does hereby grant suhject Petition f~r +Jariance, unon the fnilo~•:ino conditicns t~fhich
are herehy found to i,e a nec~ssary prerecuisite to the prnnosed use of the suhjeet
property in order t~ preserve t!ie safety and qeneral a~elfarr of the Citizcns of the
City of Anaheim:
1. 7nat side~•~al!~s shall he installyd al~nn Crescent Avcnue an~ Valley
Street as required hy the City En~ineer and in acc~rdance ~ii*_h standard p13n, and
speci`ications on file in the Officr o` tne City Enaineer,
?, That th~ o~•mer~s) of suhject nronertv sheill nay the traffic sinnal
assessment fee (Ordinance Mo. 3'?5) in an am~unt as determine:'. hy the City Council,
for commercial ~uildings prior to the issuance of a huildinci nere,it.
~. Th~r ~~ti7,.,-«
__ _., ._... _~_ _•;:` ~~:,;C ~~~;,,:~~ 5ui,~ ~ant i a i iv i n accorhance
~vith plans and specifications'`on~,file ~:ith the City of /1na'~eim marl;ed Ex'iibit ~Jos. 1
through 3.
4, That Condition PJos. 1 and ;, above-menti~ned, shall be corrolied r~ith
prior to final huiidinq and zonina in>~ections,
BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVFD that the Anaheim Cit/ Planning Commission does herehy
find and determine that adoption of this Resolutinn is ex~ressly predicated uoon
applicant's cor~olianee r~ith each and all of the condit~:~n~ ~,erein~b~ve set forth.
Should any such condition, or any nart thereof, hF ~{~~)~.~,~{ ~nvali~ or unenforeeable
by the final judnmr.nt of any cou rt of comretent jurisdictir~n, then this Resolutinn,
and any approvals hercin cortaineri, sha11 be deenr~d null anrl v~id,
T!![ FQREf,C1"!G RFSOLL'Ti01! i, si~ned ind aonrove~i ~y me this 1?th rlav nf
January, 1~!:1. ,
--_,,.L~~-~-~ ~ ~~~~.._-
~u~~~n.~~,~~ A.~.in,~~~~,~, Clry pi n~~.~~.ir, ,^,n~.1'+ISSIf71!
~1TTEST: ~
~ ~,J ~LfLtiL,.~N,,
SEC!'FTP,RY, !1PlAI~FIF1 CITI' PLF,t~iJl"!r COI1i~IS51R~1
-'" Pc3t-?_n
I, Edith L.. Harris, Secretary oF the Anahcin City Planning Commission, do
hereb certif that the foregoiro resolution ~:~at passed ~_+nd adont?~1 at a meetinn of
the ~naheim City F{annin~ Corronission helci on January 12, t''?1, b~i the foilowina vote
of the membars thereof:
I~l WITtIESS 41tIEREOF, I have hereunto set my h~nd this 17.th day of January,
~~ /~ ~ %'~~R/~-~a~
-3- PC31-7_r