PC 81-204R~SOLI1Ti0'i IJO. PC 81-20~+ A RESOU1710~1 OF THE APIAI~[IN CITY PL/1!J~II"IG COt!~~,I~g~~r~ Tf'AT PF.TITIO"1 FOR vn~in~ir.F ~~p, ~237 BF DC'll[D IdHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commissiori riid receive a verified Fetitfon for VariancP fro^; JA!1ES T. RP,fFFRTY APID SHIRLEY llAhlE'( RP.FFFRTY, 17~ Paseo P,obles, Anah~in, Cali`orni~ 92u(~7, ormers, and FREDERICK J. LAl15~U, qTTORMFY, 16311 Ventura [3ou)evard, Suite S°~, Encino, California ~1143~, a~r_nt of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Ca,ifornia described as: Lot 4G of Tract No. 747~, as st:o~•m on a ~"ap recorded in bool; 32F, paqes 18 to 20 of Niscr_llaneous Maps, records of Oran~e County, California, WHEREAS, tFe CiY.y Planning Commission did !;~1d a puhlic hearing at the City Hal) in the City of P,naheim on Septemher 21, l~Zl, at 1:3~ p.m,, notice of said public hearing having been duly given as requir~d hy la:~ and in accordance ~~fth the provisions o` the Anaheim Hunlcipal Code, Chant^r 1?,^~~, to hear and consider evidence for and against said prooosed ~~r;ar.ce and to investinate and ma4<e findinos and recomme~dations in connectio~ there~~ith; an~i 41HERFAS, said Commission, after due insoection, invesCiqation an~i study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of a11 evidence and reports offered at said heariny, docs find and determine the fofioi•~inrt facts• 1. That the petitioner pronoses a r~aiver of the follo~aing to retain a ground-mounted antenna: ~ECTIOM ":,8~+.0lt2.D12 - Prohihited antenna. Ground mounted antenna ~oY oermitteci in the Scenic Corridor; ground-mour,ted antenn~ existina) Z. ihat the ahc~ve-mentioned waiver is hereby denied on the basis that the petitioner did not demonstrate that a hardship exlsLs, that an und~sirahle precedent would be set if this proposal ~•~ere approved, and that the maximum height of the antenna (7~ feet) substantialiy exr.eeds the permitted structural height (25 feet) i~, the Scenic Corridor. 3. That there are no exceptional or extraordinary circumstance~: ~r conditions applicable to the property involved cr to the intended use of the pronerty that do no[ apply grneraily to the praperty or class of use in the same v, inity a~- zone. ~~. Thar the requesi[ed varianc~ is not necessary fcr the preservati~n an~i en_joyment of a suhstantial pr~orrty rtght pos~essed by other nrnnA~ty in the sar~e vicinity and zone, anJ deni~.d to the pronerty fn questior,. PC81-20~; S• Thar. thc rr~nueste~l vnrianee r~i 11 hr rn~terial lv rletrimental tn the puhlic ~•~r.ifare ~r fniiirious to t;,e pronrrty nr imornvement5 in ,nch vlcinity an~1 zone in t•ihich the ~rn~r~rty is locate~l, ~~. Th~t nine (9) person~, indicaterl thcir nresnrr,e at said ouhlic hearin9 in opoosition; and thaY a petition c~ntaininq 1~1~ sianaturns i~ia~ r~ceive~! in ooposition to the suhject netition. E!IVIRf1N~1F~lTAf. IMPlIfT FI~IDI~JG: That thc An~f~ein ^it~~ Planninn Comml;si~n has revieti•~ed the prnp~sal to retaln a gmi.ind-mnunted ant~nna in the Scrnic Corridor Ove~`lay 2one on an irregularlv-shaned parc~) ~f lan~! c~nsistlna nf aonroxinately ,~~ s~uare fr_rt, iaving a fronta~e of ap~ror.imate~y 3? feet ~n the snutheasterly side of Paseo Rohics, having a maximum dent7 of annroxirnatc~ly 1?S f~rt ar.d heing locatr.d approximately 1F0 f~et southeasterly of the c~nterlin~ of Avenida Arhol (17~ Paseo Rohles); and does herehy disaoprove the He~~tive ~ec.laratl~n from the requirement to prepare an envir~nmental im~act renort on the hasis that there cvould be sipnificant individu~l or cumulative a~iverse envire,nmental im~acts due to the apnroval of th15 Negative ~eclaration; that sensttiv~ envirnnmental impacts are involved in the prerosal; t~iat the Initial Studv suhnitt~ri hy the oetitioner indicates no slc~nificant individual or cur~ulative ~rvFrse em~irnna~ntal tri~acts; and that the F1eg3tive Declarat~on suh5tantiating the f~rAqoina findinc~s ic on flle i~ the City of Anaheir~ planning Deoartment. ~Jn~1, TNE~rFO~F, f',r IT FrS~i_!'F~ that ttie Ana~,eim Citv Pl~nnin~ remmission does herebv deny su7ject Petition for ~~ari~nc~ ~n the hasis ~` the iforementi~ned findinqs. TF:E Fn2F~!1lNG RFSOL~ITIO!! is sinn~d and annr~ve~i hv mP th(s ?lst day of Septemher, 1~~1, ATTEST: `'~:.~-~--.~R~( ~2. ~~.~-~~--~. CNAIRNA"d, A"Iq"EI"+ f.IT~ PI.Altrll~l~ C~!+MISSI~N ~ ~-r; ~ ~ ~ ,~ i l~.~GC.~~ ~'". ~!..c~ ~___, SFCRF~.qRY, A~Mf!FIPt CIiY P~/1P!Nlrlr, ~n~.!!11SSIO~i STATE OF CALIF~P,111A CQUtdTY OF ORAtJGF 1 ss. C ITY OF A~IANE 1~4 ) ~, Edith i.. Harris, Secretary of the Anahein Cttv Plannln~ Comr~issi~n, dr_ herehy certify that the foregoir.q resolution ~•~as oassed ~nd adopted aT a meetlnq ~Q the Anaheim City Plannfng Comr~issi~n hcl~t on Sepr_emher 21, 1~~1, by the followinn vote of the members thereof: AYES: LOM~115SIONERS: BA°PIfS, BOIiAS, BUSii(1t?F, FRY, ~1FRf?ST, Klnlr. PlOES: CON"115SIO~IFP,~; ~JOriE ARSE~IT: C~M~+ISSIO!!EpS• TnL~R I~d WIT~!FSS +:;NFRFOF, I h~v~ 'ier~unt~ s~t mv hanrl this ?lst dav of Septer~ber, 1'~~1. ~.:~(~.~ ~ ,~i-~-u... SE CRETARY, A~lnf~F I ~+ C I TY PL.4~Iti I"I^ C~!1M I S S I n~~ PCR1-2n4