PC 81-206RESOLUTION rao. ~~8i-zo6 A P,ESOLUTION OF TH[ AN~HEIM CIT`f PLANNING COMMISSION f?ECOMMENDI~~G 70 ~HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE rITY OF ANFlHEIM FIPPROVIPJG AN /1MEND~IFNT TO THE LAND USE ELEPt[~JT OF THE THE GENEP,AL PLAN DESIG~JAT[D AS AMENDMENT N0. 165, E;(HIE31T "A" WHE°EAS, The Cily Council of Chr_ fity of An~hciri did odopt ~~,c Anaheim General Plan by Resolution r~o. 59R-644, ;hoo-ring the c~F•ner;~! de;cription and extent of possible future development ~:~ithin [hc City; and WHE°EAS, pursuant Lo a request from a property oarner for General Plan Amendment study, City staff prepared a General Plan Amendr:;ent for an area consisting of approximately 25,p acres bounded on the east by Stat_ C~ilege Boulevard, south by Orangeo-~ood lvenue and t~iest by Anaheim Boulcvard; and WH~REAS, the Planning Dep~rtmenC deamed it appropriat:., pursuant to the provisions of the California Environoiental Quality Act, after revie4~ of the proposal and i~e Initial Study and found no significant environmental impact and recommends tha[ a Ne9ative Declaration be a~proved; and WHEREAS, tne An~heim City Plannina f.n:r.~:,i~sier. did hold ~ puLlic nearing at tiie Anaheim Civic Center, Council Chamber, 200 South Anaheim Boulevard, on September 21, 1y31, at 1:30 p,m,, notice of .;~id public hearing having heen du)y given as required by laL•r and in accordance o-~iCh the provi;ions of the C,naheim Municipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against s~id Amendmen[ te the l,naheim General Plan and to investigate and make findings ard recomrr,endations in connection Cherewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, ~ftcr due inspection, investigation and study made by itself ,~nd in its behalf ~nd after due considera[fon of all evidence and reports offered at said hcaring, DOES HEREBY FIND: 1• Tha[ evidence ~~as pr~sentcd ~•ihich substantiates the need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Pi~n, and it is deemed appropria[e tha[ "ExhibiC A" be adopted. N~W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED [hat the An~heim City Planning Co~~imission has reviewed the proposal for a Ceneral Pian Ame,ndment on an area consis[ing of approximately 25.0 acres bounded on the ~ast by S[ate College Boulevard, south by Orangeo-~ood Avenue, and west by Anaheira Boulevard; and does hereby ~pprove the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepare an environmental impac[ repor[ on the b~sis that there would be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impac[ due to the approval of this Negative Declaration, since no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; and tha' the Nega[~ve Declaration substantiatinq [he foregoing findin9s is on file in the Ci[y of An~heim Pl~nning DeparUnent. ~ THE FOP,EGOING RESOLUTION i~ siqneci ind .,pprov~~d by ;nc ttii5 ?1st dtiy of September, 19$~, ~ ~-~.~~ 6~ ^ ~ ~TTEST: ~H111R~tAN, ANAHEf~t CiTY PLf~~OMMiSS!ON ` ~ i: ~.-'~_`'~` " ~tLL L t, , SECRETAiiY, /1NAHE1~; CITY PLl1N~JING COh1MISSION PCBI-206 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE )ss. S~CY OF ANAHEIM ) i, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plarining Commission, do hereby certify that the foreyoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on September 21, 1981, at 1:30 p.m., by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BARN[S, QOUAS, BUSh'ORE, FRY, FIERBST, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMiS510NERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 21st day of September, 1981. ~~ .~ ~~ SECRE.TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAhNIN6 COMMISSION FC81-2o6