PC 81-217. L RcSOLUT1011 (!0, PCuI-?.17 ~ RESOLU"i0;1 pF TIIE ~!lF~HFltq CITY PLAfJFllllr; ~~~~;;~c~~nr~ TI1AT PFTIT17~1 F~1~ Cor!nlTlrni~,L U~E PER'11T '~f), ?~?n ,r.,E prtl~c~ W~IEREAS, ~he Anal~eim City P)anning Conmission dfd receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Pernit from Rn,a,EpT bl. I;HITE A'lfl JA~1FT "1, k/HITF_, f2~(, North 3rooF;hurst Street, Flnaheim, Cal i fnrnia, =??~~~ f o~•mers, and JAY IU~lfP,Y, PIETROPOLITAhI OUTl100R ADVERTISI~IG, 100G-G ~:/est Fluntinnton Drive, 4rcadia, Ca)ifor~ia ~range, SL-ate offCalifornia,'lescrPbede35Y situated in the City of Anaheim, County of THE SOUTH 21Fc3.3~ ~[[T OF TF{[ b![ST 't~l,,~~ F~FT OF T~!F ~IOF',TH 15 ACP.ES QF TI1E SOUTIIl:EST OUARTER ~F THE 'JORTHI!EST OUA"TFC OF SE^,TI0~1 II, TOblilSHIP 4 SOUTN, RAtJGE 1~ 4/EST, I~f TIIE Rq^JCNp Lf15 Cny~TFS, q~ PER MAP RECOi~~ED IhJ BOOF; ~1, pq~[' ~^ OF F1ISCELL/1P![OUS ~1APS, II1 THE OFFIC[ UF Tf!E COUtlTY RFCO(',DER OF SAID COU"JTY, EXCEPT T~IAT Pf1~TI0td THEREOF DESCP,I3ED Itd TNE DEE~ TO TFIE ST.4TE OF CALIFnnr~~q~ rF~~r~E~ ~dARCH 21;, 1n55 II1 QOOY, 300(, PAr,E 3,~3 OF p~FICIAL R~COr?~c. 41NEREAS, the City Planning Commission di~i ~+e1d a p,~h~ic 'riearinc~ at the City f~a~~ ~~ the City of Ananeim on Octoher 19, 1~31, at 1:3r1 p.~;,, notice of said public hearing having been duly giv.r.n as required by )ai~~ an~1 in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim t4unicipal Code, Chapter 1'~,,n3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said prnposed conditional use perr~it and to investigate and ma1;e findings and re.:ommendations in connection t`iere~•iith; anri WHFREAS, said Comnission, after due inspection, investinatior, and st~dy ma~e by itself and in its hehalf, ancl after due consideration of all evidence and reports of`ered at said hearing, do~s find and determir.r, the fo11o~,.,jrr~ fartc• ~. That tlie propc,sed use is permit is authorized hy Anaheim Municipal Code~~Sectio~n~1~~(,~~~n~;~r.~~~nCOnditionai use pernit a biliboard in the h1L (Industr' ~ t~ w1t• (A) SECTiO;d 1°,~,,11i ~e} S[CTlO~! ti.n5.112.02~J (C) SECTIO'! ;u.05.i1G.O20 ~ 'a , L~mited) Zone ~iit!i ~•raivers pf: ' to Permitted iocation. bi116oards permitted within ?i)~ feet of an arterial highway intersection and no closer than 75 feet from a residential structure; `~'~'~ tc~et from an arterial intersection and 3~-F~~m a residential structure proposc~d) - Maximum size ~~~ S feet -,---~~ permi ttc~d; ~7:.. square feet proposeci) Haximum hei~ht. 7_7 fee~ permitted ~.,ithin 3^'~ f~et of a residential structure; ~~~ f__nt proposed) PC81-21] 2. That the petitioner did not demonstrate that a hardship er.ists and that approval could set an undesirabie ~recedent for oversized biilf.~oarcls and hillhoards located too close to residential structures. 3. That the proposed use ~•~ill adversely affect the adjolninr, land uses and the growth and develapment of the area in ~•~hich it is preposed to be loczted. ~+. That tL•e size and shape of the site aro~osed 'or the use is not adequate to alloia the full development of the propnsed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to th~ peace, health, sarety, and general welfare of the Citizens o` the City o` Anaheim. 5. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit will be detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. G, That the traffic generated b; the proposed use :,~ill impase an undue burden upon the streets and high4lays designed and improved to carry the trarric in the area. 7. That no one indicated their presence at said puhlic hearina in opposition; ancl tiiat no correspondence ~•aas receive:f in opposition to the subject petition. E~~VIROPlHFPdI',:L IItPl1CT FINDItI~; The Planning Director or his aut!~orized representative has deternined that thr proposed pro,ject falis ~~~ithin the definition of Categorical Exemptions, Class 11, as defined in the State EIR fuidelines and is, therefore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an FI.°.. tlOW, TIlE~EFORE, EE iT R[SOLVED that the Anaheim l'.ity Planning Commission uoes hereby deny subject Petitiun for Conditional t!se Permit on the basis of the aforementioned findings. THE i'OREGOIPdG RESOLUTI0~1 is signed and approved by mr. this l~th day of October, 1931. ~ f ._----- ~ FIAI h1A I PRO TEHPORE AP!AHEIM CIT1' PLA~IMiNG CO~iHiSSIOPI ATTEST: ~~i~u~~i/n! ~~~~ SECRETARY PRO TEMPORE At~AHE It1 C ITY PLANtI I i1G CO?iM I SS I OPI -?- PC&1-217 STATE JF CAIIFORWIA ) COU~lTY OF ORA~dGE ) ss. C ITY OF Flt:AIIE ~Pt ) I, Pamela H, Starnes, Secretary Pro Tempore of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution aias P855P.CI and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Ci*..y P)anning Commission held on October 19, 1q81, at 1;30 P.m., by the folloi~ing vote of the memhers thereof: AYES: COMMISSIOrdERS: DOUAS, Fr,Y, l:IPJr,, TOLAR hJOES: C011MISSIONERS: NRiJE ABSENT: COMMISSIOtJEnS: BAF;tJES, FUSHORE, HE^[3ST !tJ WIiPlESS l1HERE0F, I have hereunto set my hand this l~th day of October, ?981, 1'"~ /Q / i(1l. ~iyi~l~- SECRETlIRY PRO TEF~POFE APIAfiEIM CITY PL/1t9P:1~1~ COMM~SSiOt! r3- PCf3t -217