PC 81-218RESOUITlO`! !J~, PC~~1-?1° A RESOlUTI01t OF THE At!/111E:IM CITY PLA~iNII;~ Cn'1~11~51~^! REC~'dHEtl~ I tIR TO TtIE C ITY COUIdC I L OF TI~E C ITY OF AM~IiF 11' A°PR(1VIP!G n'I A~tE(lDM~PIT l'0 TNE L~^t•l~ US[ ELF~1E^!T TE`!T 6~ IH~ GEtlERIiL PL/1FI DESIf,P1AT[D !~5 A'1F"lDMF'IT N0. 17~ IJHEREFS, the C i ty Counc i 1 of the C i ty of P.na~,c im ~1 i cl adont the .~nahe im ~eneral Plan Sy Resolution !lo, 69R-~~~!~:, sho~~ring the ~~~neral description and er,tent of land us~s !aithin the Cit~ and indicating the pres~nt b°lief ~f r.h^ Coimcil as to possible future developm~nt and redevelopment of land ~•~ithin t!~e Citv; an~l IdNEREAS, the City of Anaheim desires Co amend the Land Use Etement text to permit hfgher density developments in certain areas desinnated for 'tedium Density Residential land uses and to update the current General Plan in this recard; and 1~lHEREAS, the Anaheim City PianninR Commission did ~iold a puhlic hearing at the Anaheim Civic Center, Council Chamher, 2~(', South Anaheim E3ouleva~-d, on October 19, 1981, at 1:3~ p.~n., notice of said puh~ic hr.arin4 havinp heen duly given as required by lat~~ and in accordance a~ith the provisiors or the anaheim Municipal Code, to hear ar,d considcr cvidcncc for and again>t said Amnncir,^_nt to the Anaheim ;cneral Plan and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~•~ith; and iJHERF/1S, said Corrnission, a`ter di_ie inspection, invc:stiga:ion and study made by itself and in its hehalf and after due consid~raf.ion of a)1 evidence anr! reports offered at said hearing; DOF.S HERE9Y VIND: 1, That evidence a~as presented ~•lhich substantiates the need for an amendment to the Anaheim General Plan, and it is deemed apor~nriate that th^ t~~.<`. be amended i n the fo I 1 ovz i ng m;~nner: PAGE 12 - L,4ND USE ELEMEHT TEXT Of THE GE~i[RAL P~.~II -°L~.~I~dIM~ AREA A. !1EDIU"1 DENSITY RESIDENTIAL . EXISTI~IG "This cate!~ory is typically implemented by ttie R-3, multiple- family residential zone and standards governing moFilehome p~r~ development." PROPOSED "This catego ry is typically implenented hy rhe RM-i7.n~, multiple- family residential z~ne and standards govern;ng mohilehome pari: development. Ilo~•~ever ir, certain aeogra~nis areas such as the '~dovmtoo-m" area or unuer certain conditions srith adequate intrastructure and meeting certain speci ic conditions as ~ti ie in the zoninc~ ordinance, hiuher densiLy resid~nti~l PC31-.'.13 land uses may be permitted. In such specific cases the mediun dens ty ~d use desiqnation could he implemented hy one or more zones permitting a higher ensity. NOW, THERcFORE, BE iT F~SOLVED thaC the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon has revietaed the proposal for a General Plan Amendment to amend the Land Use Element text as above-mentioned, anc+ does hereLy a~prove the ~degative Declara~ion from the requirement to prepare an env~ronmental ir~pact reoort on the basis that there would be no significant individual or cumulativr_ adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this h~eaative Declaration, since no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; and tfiat the ~legative Declaration substantiating tiie f~resoing findings is cn file in the City of Anaheim Pianninr~ Derartment. TNE FOREGOIflG RESOUJTIOPI is signed and approved hy mr this l~tti day o` October, 1931, CHAI M PRO TEMPORt A;JAHE [!1 C ITY PLAtlill NG COM SS I ON AT?ES7: ~ "~~i:.'u/",%/~j~ ~~/h/~~ 3ECRETAR P,0 Y PIPORE, ANAIIEIrI CITY PLAtJNItJr CnMrtls5lo~l STATE OF CALIFORPIIA ) COUNTY OF OI2A^IGE } ss. C ITY OF APlAHE IM ) I, PamP~~ fi. Starnes, Secretary Pro Tempore of tlie Hnahein City Planning Commission, do hereby certify tl~at tlie foregoing resolution ~~ias passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planniny Connission held on i~ctober 1~, 19f31, at 1:30 p,m., hy the following vote of the mem~~ers thereo`: RfES: ~^~~~tIES?O~• •~S: BOUAS, FRY, Kir1G, TOLAR NdES: COMMISSIr, ...~'S: PJOtlE ABSE^1T: COF111155: ".-~,5: EnRNES, BUSHORE, HERRST IPJ W17tJES5 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this l~th aay of October, 1~381, ~~~~.~,1~~ 4~~'/1P/G~i~ 5 CRE R PRO TE RE ' AN/111E1M CITY r~LAiJiJIiJG C4M!~1ISSIOtI -?- PC81-218