A RFSOLUTIO~! OF Tfi[ A~7/111E111 CITY PI_P~.~RJIN~ CO'1~11SS1~'1
WHER[f1S, the Anaheiin City Planning Comnission did receiva a verified
petition for Reclassificatiun from htAGNOLIA 3AP?IST CI1URf,H QF /1'I~HFIM, 72~ South
•'~agnolia Street, Anaheim, f.alifornia 92cO~i, o~•mer, and MARG[ i'J1T0, c/o SABER R[ALTY,
3'JO South 6rookhurst Street, /lnaheim, California ~2~~!1!,, ~gent or certain real
property situated in the Ci[y of Anaheim, Count;~ o` Or~n~e, State of California,
descri~eu as:
The IJorth 100 fret of the South 4~)3.32 feet of the East half of
the West half cf the ~:orth~aest quarter of the South~~est quarter of
Section 13, in Tow;,ship 1~ South Range 7~ 4~est, in the Rancho Los
~oYotes, as sho~,in on a Plap thereof rccorded in i3ool; Sl, page 7, et
seq,, Mlscellaneous Naps, records of said Orange COunty.
EXCEPTIt1G T4[REFROM the Cast 3~ fcet thereof,
IIHEREAS, the City Planning Commissicn did hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim on Novemher 2, i9;1, at 1:30 p,m,, notir_e of said
public hearing having been dul,v given as required hy lat•~ anci in accordance ~•itth the
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter lZ,p3, to hear and constder
evidence for and against said proposed reclassirication anri to investfgate and make
findings and recomrnendarions in connection there~•rith; and
WhIEREl~S, said Commission, after due inspection, investigat+on and study nade
by itself and in its behaif, and after du~ consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does .`inu and determine the followinn facts:
1. That the petitioner proposes reciassification of subject property from
the RS-A-43,C00 (Residential/Ayricultural} Zone to the RM-1200 (Resldenttal,
Multiple-Family) Zone.
2. That the Anaheim General Plan designates suhject properCy for iow-
medium density residentfal ]and uses.
3. That the proposed reclassi`ication of sut~ject property is necessary
and/or desirable for the orderly and proper development of Lhe coromunitv,
4. That the proposed reclassification of suhject property d~es properly
relate to the zones a~d their permitted uses locally estaFlishe~l ;n close proximtty
to subject property and to the zones and their permitted uses generally estabiished
throughout the community.
5. That the proposed reclassification of subject property requires the
improvement of abutt~ny streets in accordance ~~~ith the Circulation Elerent of the
General Pian, due to the antic(pated increase in traffic which v~~ll be generated t:y
the intensification of lancl use.
6, That no on~ indicateJ their pr~sence ~t said nuhlic hearing in
opposition; and that no c~~rrespondrnce ~•~as r~c~ived in onposition to the suhjeet
Et~!VIROtJMttlTAL I'•1PACT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planninq Comr~isslon has
~evie~aed the proposal to reclassify suhje,;t ~rooerty from the ~:5-~-43,non
(Residential/Agricultural) ,'_one to the R~!-1200 (Resident~al, '1ultiple-Family) Zone to
eonstruet an 13-unit apartment complex wit;~~.•raivers of max.imum huil~ina heiaht and
minimum distance bet~veen buiidings on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land
~onslsting of aporoximately ~.( acre, h~vinr~ a frontage of appror.imately 1~~ fee~ on
the west side of Velare Stre.et (7,)5 South 'lelare 5treet); and does herehy hpprove the
Negative Declaration from the requirement to pre~are an environnental impact raport
o~ the I~asis that tf~ere ~JOUId be no significant individuai or cumulative adverse
environmental impact due to the approval of this tJegative Declaration sfnce the
Anaheim General Plan designates the suhject property for lo~,d-medium residen±ial land
uses commensurate with the pro~osal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are
involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner
indicates no significant individual or cumulntive adverse envlronmental impacts; and
that the Negative ~eclaration substantiating the foregoin!~ findings is on file in the
Cit/ of Anaheim Planning Department.
PlO::, THER[FORE, BE IT RCSOLV[D ihat thc Anaheim City Plannin; Comrnission
does hereby grant subject Petition for Reclasstfication and, by so doing, that Ti*_le
18-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be enended to exclude the above-described
property from the ftS-A-43,000 (RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTU,^,AL) Z0~![ and to incorporate said
described property (nto the R"1-1200 (R[SIDENTIAL, ~tIILTIPLE-FP.!~ILY) ZD!IE upon the
following conditions ~•~hich are hereby found to be a necessary pr~requisite to thA
proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the s~fety and 9eneral ~•~elfare
of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1. That damaqed and/~r hazard~us SI(IPIJRIF'S sh;~ll bP VelarP Str~Ft ac
required by the City Engin~er and in accordance o-~ith stvndard ~,lans and
specifications on file in the Uffice of the City [nainee:r.
7, That trash sCorage areas shail be provided in accordance arith approved
plans on file ~.vith thu Office of the Executive Director of Puhlic llor4~s.
3. That flre hydrants shall be installed 3nd charged as required and
determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Oepartment orior to comr~encement
of structural framing.
1+, That prior to tt~e sale of suhject property, an easemc~nt shall be
recorded granting access for trash collection purpo~es over property loc~ted to the
west of suhject ~roperty facing Piaynolia Avenue.
5. That appropriate ~rater assessm~nt fees as cietermined hy the Office of
Utilities feneral ttanager shall be paid to the City of Anahein prinr to the iss~~ance
of a huilding pe~mit.
b. That suhject property shal l be ,erved hy ~~nderc~round utllit!es.
7, hat drainage of suhject pro~erty shall be ~Ilsnosed ot in a manner
satisfactory to the City Engin~er.
-?_- PC31-233
3, That t'i~ o~:ner of sul~~ject property shail pay to the City of Anaheim the
appropriate park ~ncJ recreation in-lieu f~es as cictermined tr~ be a~nropriat~ hy the
City Couneil, said fees t~~ hc ;~aid at the tine the huil~lirg nermiC i; lssued.
9. That a ~-f~ot I~igh masonry ~~~ail (a~ rreasurrd fror^ the highest adjac~nt
grade) shall be consr_ru u ed alonr the sout-h nroperty line.
10. Prior to issua~ce of buildin~ orrmits, the appiicant shall present
evidence satisfactory to tie Chief duilding In,pectar that the units ~•rlll be in
conformance r~ith Noise Insulation Standards s~ecified in the California
Administrative Code, Title 2;.
11. That subject property shall be (jnVf.~O~C(~ suhstantially in accordance
a+ith plans ancl specifications on file i~ith t;~e City of Anaheim marl;ed Exhlbit Wos. 1
throuch 7; providecl, hoi~rever, that the slcpe of the drives•~ay from the subterrean
parking area shall he approved hy the Tra`fic Engineer.
12. That Condition Plos. 1, 2, ~., ?, 9 and 11, above-nertioned, shall be
complied with prior to final bu~iding and zor,iny inspections.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin~ Comm;ssion does herEby
find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predtr_ated upon
applicant's compliance ~•~ith each and all of the conditions hereinabo~ie set forth.
Should any sucli conditian, or any ~art thereof, he declared invalid or unenforceabie
by tiie final jud,ment of any court of comaetent jurisdicti~n, then thiis P,esolution,
arid any a~provals h~rein containect, shall be ~leemed null ard voici,
THE FOREG01~lG RESOLUTI01' is signed and aoprove~i hy me this 2nd day of
tlovember, 1981,
%~~s~ 12. ~~
~,~ I 1 L J 1 .
~~ ' \ ' ( T^~ -'/Z.[,Gi
COUftT~ OF ORA(!GE ) ss.
I, Edit'i L. Narris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninq Commission, do
hereby c:ertify that the foregoing resolution ~•~as passed and ](~ODCP_d at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on ~7ovemher 2, 19"1, by the follo~•~ing vote
of the mem6ers thereof:
~iOES: CO`1~11SS10t1FRS: N0~lE
17 rS 1
!!1 b!ITqE~S IJHERi.OF, I hav~ hercur,[~ set c~y hanc! this ~nd day of Pdovemher,
(~ ` jl J~
S< r1~ • / y~ n~ ' ` .
~) L~L~Ii~ ~ • (`f-~'~/~-~-?i
Si:CRETA~tY, AtJhHE I H I 'dN i, !1 ., O~J
-3- PCII1-233