PC 81-238RLSOLUTIO!! ~+~. .3t-23~
A RFSOLUTIO'! OF TfIE /1'!A~!FI'i CITY PL,~>ItIiIdG C~'~'11551~1~! ~~~PTI:`!~
A!!D RFCOH~IFI1^ I~:G T(1 TIIF C ITY C~Utif, I L ~~ TNE C i?Y ~F P,!lAFIF i'~
ADOPTIO"I ~- /1i! ,~!!E~1~'1F.'!T TO TI1E l,4ND U~E ELF'^FI!T OF TNF
GEilEnAL PLA'I ~E$ I G';P•,TE~ AS A~1C.`I~H~IJT il0. i ~`~ ~[.'<II I~' I T"A~'
~JHERE~S, The City Coimcil of thr City of Anaheim ui.f adnot the Anaheim
Gen~ral Plan !~y Resolution hlo, ~')~-C;l~4, ,ho~•~inq the !~eneral ~lescription ~nd extent of
land uses ~~~ithin the City a~d indicatinc-i the ~resent be~lr,f of the Councii as to
pu,sible future development vJit'iin the City; and
lv'NEF[/15, pursuant to requests fram the City of Aniheim for a General Plan
Amendment siudy, the Anaheiin City Planning Commission directeJ City Staff to prepared
a General Plan Amendment for an area consisting of approximateiy ;.! acres located on
the ~•~est side of Citron Street nort~, o` La Verne Stre~t anc' the north si~fe of
Wort!igate Lane on the east side of Citron `treet; and
41;IFRFAS, the Planninn DerarrmPnt d?r,mr>d ir ,nnrnnri~t~, ~~irs~~int t~ t~?
provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, after rev;ei•~ of tlie nroposal
and t~~e Initial Study ~nd fnurd no siani`ic~nt envi mnr~ental impact and recorr~ends
tliat a Plegative D~claration be apprr,ved; ~ncl
~J4Ei:EAS, thr. Anaheirn City Plannin~ Commission did hold ~~u511c hearin~ at
t!zc Anaheim Civic Center, Councii Chamher, 2^~ Snuth Anahcir+E3oulevard, on :Jovenoer
2, 1981, at 1:3'7 p.m,, notice of said puhlic hearing having heen duly qiven as
required hy la~;~ and in accordancr ~~~ith the nrovisions of the .Anaf~im Municipal Code,
to he~r and eonsider evidence for and against said Amendm~nt to the Anaheim Seneral
f'lar, and to investigate and make tindings and recomr~en~lations in connection
therev~i th; and
WfIERE~S, said Comnission, after due inspection, invr.stioatinn and study made
by itself and in it~ hehalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and re~+orts
offered at said hearing, ~OES HERE[3Y fIND:
1. That evi~'ence ~•~as presented ~:rhich suhstantiates the need for an
anendr~ent to the Anaheim General Plan, and it is decmed appropriate that "[xhibit ~"
be adopted,
2. That the CiCy Council consider the inclusion of those properties on the
east side of Citron Strcet bet~:men LaVerne Strcet and I;orth9ate Lane as nart of the
t1011, THEftEFnRE, l3E 1T RESOLVED that the Anaheim Citv Planninr, Comnission has
revie~~~ed the proposal for a Gencral Plan Anendment on an area consistinn of
appr~xinately ;.u icres located on the east sidr of Citron Streer. from La Verne
Street to ilorthgatc Lane; and dc~es iiereby ,~p~~rove the "le9ative Declarat~~n from the
requirement to prep~rc an enviror,ment~~l ~mpact report on the hasis that Chere a~ould
be no significint individuol or cunulative adverse envi mnmental impact c+,ue to the
approval of this Negativ;~ DeclaraCion, since no sersitive envirnnm~ntal impacts are
involved in the ~roposal; and that the Ilegative ~cclaration suhstantiating the
foregoiny findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Ptannin~7 Departmrnt.
DE IT FURTHER RE501_VFD that pursu.~nt tc the for~qoing findings, t'~~ Anaheim
City ?lannirg Commission dnes hereby adpnt and recommend tn tiie Citv Council of the
City of A~,aheim adoption of General Plan Amendnent IJo. 1(?, .~s follno-,s:
1. That "Exhibit A" (LoarMedium 7~nsity) be ac}optec+ for approxinateiy 5,~i
acres located on the ~•~est siclc of Citron Street north of La Verne Street and th~
north side of PJorthgate Lane ~n thc cast sidr of Citron Street.
~. Tttat the City Cnu~cil consider the inclu,ion of those pro~erties on the
east side of Citron Street '~et~~een La Verne Street and "lorthgat< Lane as part of the
TNE FOREGOIfJ~ RESOLUTIO't is signed and aonrnverl hy me this ?nd day of
~Jovember, 1~~1,
~~ ~~ , -_'~,,~...,aQ„_._,_
Ci Il11 rr;n,tl, ,'~I~r~,f{E~f 11 C i TY PLAr~r! I r;~ cmt~! I 55 ~ or!
~~N_c.~ ~~~ ;~v~.~c..~.~
SEr.r3FTnr,Y, ,1PIAIIEIM CITY P~nr~r~i~~r, con~~issio~!
1 r 1 . ,
•. ~~~~~~ ~. i~drris, ~t;~re~ar~ of the Nnaheim City Ylanninq Commission, d0
hcreby certify ~hat the fore9oing resolution 4~as passed and adupted at a meetinn of
the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission hel~i on Novemher 2, 1^&i, hy ~~~ foilowtng vote
of the 7embers thereof:
I~J 'dlTtiE55 "NERE~~F, I have hereunto set my hand this ^nd day of November,
~('%~~~~ ~r %`~~t'i(.-t ,
St CR[TA°Y, A~!hHE 111 C I TY PLANN I ~lr COPiM I SS 10'!
'~' F'C~ 1-233