PC 81-26RF.SOLIJTIO!d ~~In, PC~;1-2r~
A RESOLUT i ~N OF TlIF AilAll[ I!1 C I TY PL~\Ilt! I tIR CO'tN I S51 ~~I
THFlT PFTITIO'I F~,", C~IIDITI^~IAL !JSE PER'11T 'l~. 21F2 [3F f,q4~;TED
L'HEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission ~1id receive a verified
Fet i t ion `or Cond i t iona 1 Use. Permi t`r~m Bl\I1!; OF /1'~E.°, i f,,^,, "1.T. j S.A. F1S CO~:POR/1TF
e/o tSeMorgo~ 6 Company, >^. California Street, ;'315^, San Franeiseo, California ~f~lll,
owners, and illLLi~9F1 I:, DAVIS, 14~~ PJorth Bristol Street, S~aite 21~5, Ne~~port ~each,
California 92G60, ag~nt, of certain real property situated in the City of Flnaheim,
County of Oranye, State of Califernia, described as:
A portion of Lot 3 in B1ocL ~ in the Golden State Tract, in the
County of Orange, State of California, as shown on a map recorded
in bool< ~t, pages 6o and u7 of Miscellaneous ~1aps, records or said
Count•;, described as parcel 2 on a Parcel !•1ap recorried in hook hC,
page 35 of Parcel ~1aps, records of said Orange County.
WhIEREAS, the City Planning Commission .;id hold a puhlic hearing at the Civi~:.
Center in the City of Anaheim on January 26, 1~~1, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said
public hearing haviny ~een dulv given as reGuir::J by la~•, and in accordance taith the
provisions of the Anaheim Dlunicipal Code, Chapter 13,C3, to hear and consPder
evidence for and against said proposed conditional use perr~it and to investigat~ and
make finciings and recommendations in connection thereti~~ith; and
4JHERE~S, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made
by itself and in its behaif, and after due consideration of ail evidence ano reports
offered at said hearing, does find and determine the fnllo~•rincl facts:
1, That the or~posed use is ~r~nerlv c,nn f~r ~~ihich ~ cnn~iition:,l u~P
permit is authorized by Anaheim Munici~al Code Section 1".(1.05~.5^.3 to wit: to
permit a truck terminal in the ~`1L (Indestrial, Limited) 2one.
2. That the proposed use is hnrety granted sul~ject to the uetitioner`s
stipulations that all emp'oyees' vehicles and truc6;s ~~~ill be parked on-site, H~ith nu
parking permitted on public streets in tne area.
3. That the ~roposed use is hereby granted subject to the petitioner's
stipulation that tfie access gate on La Jolla Street wtll remain onen durin~ regular
business fiours to prevent ~~aiting trucl:s fror~ blocking the strPet.
~~. That the prcposed use will not adversely affect the adjoininn land uses
and the growth and develoqment of the area in ~onich it is proposed to be located.
5. That the size and shape nf the site prorosed P~r Y.he use is adequate to
allow the full devclopment of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the
particular area nor to the peace, heaith, safety, and general ~~elf~rr of the Ci;izens
of the City of Anaheim.
(,, That the 9rantinq of ti~e Conditinnal Usc Pernit under the ~O~~~cneral
imposed, if any, ~•~ill not t,e detrimentil to Che ~cace~, i~ealth, safety and 9~
+~elfare of tLe Citizens of the City of An~heim.
7, That the traffi~ gennrated bY the pr~posed use ~~ill n~t imnose an und~e
burden upon the streets and hiyh~~~ays desi9ne~l and improvr.d to carry the tr~ffic in
the area•
~, Tiiat tL•ro persons indicated their presence at said puhlic 11eaSUb~~ct
opposition; and that t~~!o l~tters were ~ios rrceived in o?Pnsition to the 1-
ENVIRbtU1EiJT~~L IHPACT FIhIDIIIG: That thP Anaheim City Planninn Commission has
revieti•red the proposal to permit a trucl: terninal in the ~1L (Industri~l, Lir~ited) Z~ne
o~ a rectangularly-shaP~ximetelyi3l~tfeetnon thesnorth~si~ie,n~f~Y~aat~°~1a•~Street,
feet and bein9 located aPP mximately 23~
having a frontaoe of app
having a maximum depth of approximately 2h~~
feet east of the centerline of Red Gi~m Straeafeaan e~nvir~onment~l~pmpact reportcontthe
Declaration from the r~quirement t~ prep
basis that there ~+ould he no si9nif~v~~r ~rnthis~tlegative Declaration sinceethe
environment~l impact due to the ~F~~
Anaheim fencral Plan desi~~nates t`~e subject pr:-~erty `or 9eneral in~±ustrial land uses
comnensuratosa~l!tlthatetl~e~P~itialtStud~~subm?ttecl^ hy,/;t emr~~tirionertsindicateolvno
in the prop ,
significant individual or cumulativc~ a~lv~rse envi mnmental impacts; and that the
tJe9ativc Deciararion su~?stantiatinc, the t'ore9oinq finr.in~s ic on file in the City of
Anaheim Planning Departrnent.
~;p~;, '1'I'[REF~RE, I3E IT R~S~I.V :D t~at the Anahe im C i ty Pl ann i n~ ~ fo1 ~~4lion
does hereby grant suLiject Petition for Conditionai User~~~~uisiteUt~nthe~P~~Posed use
conditions which are hereby found tn be a n~cessary p
s-. ~.~~~ r., nr~~.Prvr the safetY an~ general ~:~elfare of the
Of the Sut~jt9GL NfUF+c~ ~'j' ~~• ^• -_ . -
Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1, 7hat siderialks shall `?e installecl along La Jo11a Street as required by
the City Engineer and in accordance ~,~ith standard plans an~f sf~ecifications on file in
tl~e Office of the City Engineer.
2, That trash ~torag~~ areas shall be provided in accordance ~r~ith approved
plans on file ~~~ith the Office of the Executive Director o` Public blork.s.
3, Tha± fire hydrants shall be in<_talled and charged as required and
determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fi~e ~epartment prior r commencement
of structural frarn~ng.
4. That subject property s`~all be servr.d by under~round ~±ilities.
~ That draina9e of suhjeet pro~ert" shall he disn~sec: nf i ~~ann~--r
satisTactory to the City Fngineer.
That tlze oti•~ner(s) ~f suhject property ~~»>1 p~y the traffic ~iynal
( f'ity Coun~.il,
assessment fe^ (Ordinance Plo. 33`~~) in an a^~oun* as cJc:t~minrc'1eb~l~~'~
for industriai huii~iings pr+or to the issuanee ur a l~uilding
i• Ir; the event that suhject pronnrtv is to I,e divided for the purpose of
sale, lease, or financing, a parcel map, to record the apprrn~ed ~iivision of subject
property sPiall ~e submitted to anc: aopro•~ed by thc City of Anaheim and then be
reeorded in tiie offiee or the Orange County Recorder,
°. That ~•.proF~iete a~at~~r as~essment fees a~ determineri ~~y the Office of
Utilities ~ener.~i 'lanager ,hail he paid tc thc City of 4naheiri pri~r tn the issuance
of a f~uilcling permit.
9. That subject oroperty sha11 be developed suhstantia~ly in aceordance
with plans and speeifications on file ~•~ith the City of Anaheim marke~i Exhihit ~los. 1
and 2,
1C. That Condition No. 3, above-nentioned, shall he com~lied ~•~ith prior tu
the conmencement of the activity authorized und^r ~his resolution, or prior to the
time that the building permit is issued, or 4;ithin a period of one year from date
hereo`, tirhichever occurs first, or such further timc as the Planning Conmfssion may
11. That Condition ?los. 1, 7_, 4, 5, and ^, above-cientioned, shall be
complied ~:~ith prtor to final buildinq and zonin9 inspections.
i2. That the proposed access gntes on La Jolla Str~et shali remain open
during regular busin:~ss hours.
13. That all emptoyees' vAhicles and trucl:s shall F;~ par~:ed on-site t:~ith no
par{:ing allaaed on surroundin~~ puhlic streets.
DE IT FI!RTIIER RESOLVE^v that tf~~e Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
find and determine that adoption of ti~is Resolution is expressly nredlcated uonn
applieant's complianee r!it`~ each and all of thc~ conditions her~inabove set forth.
Shn~~l~! ~nv ~i~r~, ~.Ci°'i..r _ ~ ;L iiic:r~c~i n~>
"` ~ "' ~~ N~ , neciared invalid or un~nforceable
by the final judqment of any court of comper.ent iurisdiction, then this Resoluti~n,
and any approvals herein contained, shall be deer~~d null and void.
THF FOREGOING RESOt.L'TI~~J is signed and approved by r.,e this 25th day of
January, 1931.
CHAIP,P1l1M, APt~HEI!~1 CITY PLAN^lItJG C0~1~11551npJ
~ .~° ~,~.., •
~'- ~C81-7~
CITY OF AtlAllEill )
~, Edith L. H~3rris, Secretary of thc Anaheim Cit:~ Planning Commission, do
here6y certify that the foregoing resalution a~as passed and ariopted at a meeting of
the Rnal7eim City Planning Commission iield on January ".5, 1^~;1, by the `ollov~ing vote
of tite memhers ther~~of:
Al'ES: COM!115510~lERS: DARElES, BOUAS, BI1SfI0RE, FRY, Y,ItI~, TOL/l4
It, 411TPIESS WF!EREOF, ~ have hereunto set my hand this ?_~th day of January,
,0 a ~, .
SFC~,ET4RY, A!lA4El~l CITY~ry~t(nir ~p~~u~S~fO'1
' ~~' PC'? 1-26