PC 81-3RESOLUTION N0. PC81-3 RESOLUTION OF THE APlANFIN CITY PLAMNING CQN~11S51~~~ THAT PETITION FQR VARIA-ICE' Nfl. 31A7. BF DF~11ED IJNEREAS~ the Anaheim City Planning Lommtssion cifd recetve a verifted Petition for Variance from CONRAD J. LFTTF.R AND J~SEPHI~IE M, LETTER, 3107. Vallejo Drive~ Anaheim, Caltfornia g2804, owners, and WALTER K. BOW~iA-I, 7~36 Cerritos Avenue, Stanto~. Laliforr~?a 9Q~R~~ agent, of certaTn real property si*_uated in the City of Anaheim, Ccunty of Ora~ge~ State ~f California described as: That portion of Lot t of the Anaheim extension as sho~m ~n a map of Survey mad~ by Willtam Hamel and filed fnr recordinq in the offtce of the Coun:y Recorder of Los Angeles County, California~ described as follows: Beginning at a point in the ~lorth line of said lot being in the South line of La Palma ~venue. dlstant thereon 255•33 feet West of the Noriheast corner of sald lot running thence West alonc~ the North line of saTd Lot 79•91 feet, thence South parallel ~•11th the Easterly line of said Lot 307.23 feet thence North 73° 54' 25" East 77 feet to a line which is parallel with the Easterly line of said lot thr~~ a potnt of beginning. Yhence Northerly along said lot menttoned parallel line 279.8-~9 feet to the point of beginning. Said land is shown on a licensed Surveyors Map ftled in Book 16, Page A of Recnrds of survey in the offfce of the County Recorder of said Lounty. V:HEREAS, the City Planning Commission dtd huld a pui.: c hearinq at the Civic Center in the Clty of Anaheim on January 12. 1~81. at 1:3~ p.^+., noti:e of satd ~ublic hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accc~dance with the provisin~; of the Anaheim Municipal Code. Chapter 1R.03~ to hear and consider evidence for and agalnst sald proposed variance and to Investi,qate and make ftndings and recommendations ln connectlon therewith; and WHEREAS~ satd Commission~ after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideratton of all evidence and reports offered at said hearfng, does find and deternine Lhc follot•rtnn facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes waivers of the following to establish a 1- lot. 7-unit condominium subdivlston: A. SECTION - Nintmum buildinq slte area. (3000 s uare eet per unit reaulred; 2155 square eet proposed) B. SECTION 18.31.Q62,012 - Maximum structural 'aht. i storv permttted wi,n~n 150 feet of st~e-family residential zonina; 2 storfes proposed at 6~ and 113 feet) C. SECTION 18.31.062,020 - Maxlmum site coveraqe ~„ perm tLed; 5~i proposed) PC81-3 D. SECTIO`I 1~,31.Q63.~21i - Minimu~ landscaned set~ac~•. 2~ eet a acent to s n~ c-faTTly residential zonin~ reauired; 3 feet ~r~posed) E. SE~TIO!J 1P.31.~~3.~31 - Minimum recreational-leisure area. in00 souare eet per unit renuired; ~1 square eet or~posP~) F. SECT10~! 1~.31.OF6.~10 - Minimum numbe' oP park.inn SpdCP.S. 25 spaces req~ired; 17 spaces pro~osed) 2. Tha[ the ahove-mentioned walvers are hereby denled on the basis that the petltioner dtd not demonstrate that a hardship exists due to the size, a'~ce, to~~graphy or location of subject property and that aoproval o.° the six praposed waivers would ~et an undesirable precedent. ;~. That there a-e no exceptionai or extraordinary circumsrances or conditions applicable to the property involved or to ttie intended usP of the prooerty that do not apply generally to the proper;y or class of use in the same victnitY and zone. 4. That the requested variance is not necPSSary fr.r the preservation and enJoyRent of a suhstantlal property right possessed by other prooerty Tn the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in questlon. 5. That the requested varlance will be nateriallv detrimental to the public welfarc or injurlous to the nroperty or improvements in such vicinitY and zone in which the property is located. 6. That one person indicated their oresence a[ saTd nubl(c hearino tn opposition; and that no correspondence was received in oopositlon to the suhject petTtion. EMVIRQNMENTAI IMPAf.T F;NDING: That the Anaheim Citv Pla~nina Commisslon has revtewed t e proposa to estabi sTFi a t-lot. 7-unit condomir~um suhdivTsTon wtth walvers of minimum bulldine ::ite area, maximum structural height, ~aximum stte coverage, mintmum londscaoed setback, minimum recreational-leisure area and m(nimum number of parking spaces on an trre9ularly-shaped parcel of land consistinq of approxfmately 0.47 acre of land having a frontage of approxiMately °,n feet on the south s(de of La Palma Avenue. having a maximum depth of approximately 280 feet and being tocated approximately 800 feet east of the centerlTne of East Street (1260 East La Palma Avenue); and does hereby approve the Negative Declaratlon from th~ requirement to prepare an envtronmental impact report on the basis that there would be no signif!cant individual or cumulative adverse environmental inpact due to the approval of this Negatlve Declaratton stnce the Anaheim ~eneral Plan designates the subJect property for medium density residentlat land uses commensurate with the proposal; that no sensltive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petttioner indicates no siqnifteant lndividua) or cumulative adverse environmental imp~cts; and that the Negative Declaration _2_ PC81-3 ~. substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anahetm Planning Department. NOW, THEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commtssion does hereby deny subject Petition for Variance, on the basis of the aforementioned fiindtngs. THE FOREf,QiNG RESOLUTIOt! is stgned and approved by me this 12th day of January, 1981 • CFIA t R 4AN, ANAH i M C ITY PLANM I ~!G C~MM I 55l ON ATTEST: _ SECRETARY, AMAHEIN CITY PLANIviNG COMMISSION STATE OP CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAPIfE ) ss. CITY OF ANANEIM ) i, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anahetm City Planning CommissTon, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of -, the Anaheim City Planning Commissfan held on Januarv 12, 19~1~ by the following vote of the members thereof: AYE5: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, FP,Y, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISStONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: BARPJES~ HERBST IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of January, 1a81. ~~ ~ ~~ SECRETARY~ APIAHEIM CiT PLANNING COMMISSION _ -3- Pc~i-3 RFSOLIITI~'! '!^, P~:&1-? A RES~LUTI~~1 OF TN~ A~lAfIF'~1 ~(TY PLA'RIIN~ C~~"'~ISSI~~~ TFI1T PF71T10!1 F'1P, VF,RIA'JCF ~1~. 31~2 ['~ r)~-'!IEn 4~!IE4El1S, tf~e Anaheim City Fianninn Commissi~n rlid receive a veriried Petition for Variance from C~NRAp J. LF?TFR ~~~D J~SE?fll~!E '1. LFTTFR, 3102 Vallejo Qrive, Anaheim, California ~2~'1~~, namers, and 4;A~TEn K. f30~:!`1A~~, ?~;~ Cerritos ~venue, Stantnn, Ca 1 i fornia 9'1(,%;~, igent, o° ccrti i n rca 1 propcrty s i tu~t~d i n t,,c~ C i Ly of Anaheim, County of Orange, Sta[e of t,alifornia dcscrihed as: That portion of Lot 1 of C7e Anaheim exte~sion as sFo~m ~n a man ef Survey made hy 4lilliam Hanel and filed fnr recordinn in the offlce of the Cc~unty Recorder of Los Ange~es County, C.3)ifc,rnia, d~scrihed as folloa~s: "eginnin9 a[ a po;nt in the tlorth line of said lot heing in the South line of La Pal:na /lvenue, d(stant thereon 25;,33 feet SJest o` the Northeast cnrrer of said lot running thence 41est alonn the .'lor~h 1~ne of said Lot 7°."i f~et, ther,ce South paralle! i:~ith ''~e Easterly ~ine ~~` said Lot ?~.'.2"i feet thence North 73° 5~+' 25" Eas[ 7? r~ni =n i line ~~hich is p~r~lici v~ith the Easter;v iine of said lot chrn a noint of beginnin~, Thence Northerly alonn said lnt ^~entinred oarall~l 1 i ne ~ 79, ,'jtio feet to thc ~o i nt of bec i nn i n~ Sa i~1 1~n~_' i s shni,rn on a licensed Surveyors Ma~ filed in Bool; 1~, °aae ~ ~f P,ec~ras o~ survey in the oFfice of the County °ecorder of said Count~~. HN[R~AS, ~he ~ity Planning Comnissior did hcld a Nuhlic hearlna at the Civic Center in the City uf Anaheim on January 1?., 1~f31, at 1:3~ p.m,, notice oF said pubiic hearing f.avirig been duly qiven as require~l hy laai an~l i,~ accordance o-~ith the provisions of the Anaheim Mu~ictoal C~~iF ('h~ntnr i^. ~? r.. ti„-,~ ,.,.+ ..;a,,.. evidence for and aaainst said proposed variance a~,d [o investlaat:e and r~aE•~ findinqs and recommendati ~ns in c~nnection tnerea~itf~; anr+ WHEREAS, said Corrmission, after due inspection, invectiaation ancl study made by its^lf an.i in its hehalf, and ~`trr due consi~ir_rati~n o` all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find ,.nd determine tF~e follo~~~in~ ractc: 1. TFat the petttioner ~+r~~~c~s waivers ~r the folir~~•~inn to establish a 1- lot, 7-uni' condominium suLdivlsion: A. SECTIOP! if,31,!1F1,~1? -'linimum huildinq site arc•.,,, (3'~00 square feet per unit reeuired; 2155 square eet nr~oo~ed) p. SEC.T10;1 1~,31.^,62.~1^ - ~taximum structural heiaht. ~1 stnrv permitted wi[hin 1~~ feFt ~f s(nale-family residc~nti~l mninc; 2 stnries aronoseci ai ~:' •;n~i 11 ;~e~~tj C. SEf.Ti0t1 i S, 31 ,Oc;2,i120 - Max Imum s i te coverane l +~., ~erm tt~~1; S~iX prnposed) Pr~t-3 ~. SFCTI~'I 13.31.~~'.'~7~~ - 'linimnr~ l~nrl5canec; sethac~•. 2~ eFt adiac~nt to Sin:t1~-f~Tily residentiil znnin~ rCrul~~~~; 3 rPet nr~~~sed) E. SECTIO`! 1?.31.~~3.~31 - Minimum recr~ati~,n~l-leis~~rc ,~r~a. i~~n0 s~ are~t ~er unit re^~~irr_~'; ~1'• Square eet nr~~o;c~ri~ F. SEf."'10" 1?.31.~FG.~t: - Ninimum nuRher of parF~inn snar_~s. 2S spaces renuire~!; 17 s~aces pr~~osedl Z. That tf•~e ahove-m~ntioned ~,~aivers are herFFy •ienie~ on the basis that the petitioner did not demonstrate that a hardshio exists due to the size, sha~e, [opo~raphy or location of suhj~cr_ proper[y anc' that an~rnval ~f t!~e sir. pro~osed waivers ~~~ould set an undesirahlr ~recedent. 3. That there are no excenti~nal or extrac~r.:~n?ri circ~imstane~s or conditinns applicahle to the pr~perty inv~lved or t~ tti~ inten~'e~l u~e o` thi pronertv tfiat ~io not apply gPneril)v tn the nr~p~r~v nr class ~f use ie the s:~me vieinity and zone. ~i. That the reauested virianc~~ is nnt nec~~ssarv `~r th~ ~reservatinn and enjoyrr.ent of a suhstantial proper[y right n~ssrssed hy ~t~~r prr,ner[y in the same v(einity and zone, and denied tn ~!~e proper[v ir, nuestinn. 5. That the rcques[ed var(ance will hc ~,ateri~ilv ~tetrimentai to the publie weifare or injurious [n the oropertY r~r imnrovenents (n ,uc~ vicinity an~i zone {fi ~..~~.,. ~~1~. Nfi~(ici-i.y ~~ ~u~~i~._ . 6. That one per,on in~iicate~ [heir nresenct• ~[ said nurl~c hearino fn opposition; and that no correspondenc~ ~•ras recnived in oooosition to *_he suhjeet petition. EFlVIROMME~~TAL IMP.Af,T FIM~I~;G: That the Ana~eim Cit~ Plannino Commission has reviewed the proposal to estab sh a 1-lot, 7-unlc condoninium suhdlvision with waivars of r~inimur~ huildinn site area, maximum structural heiqht, maximum slte coveraqe, minimum landscaped set~acl;, r*inimum recreational-leisure ar~a and minimum number of parking spaces on an irrenul~rlv-;haped narcel of land consistinq of approximately 0.47 acre of land havin9 a frontage of aooroxinatelv °.n feet on the south side of La Palm~ Avenue, having a maximum ~epth of aoor~ximat~iy 28f1 feet and belnq located approximately 3~~ feet east of the cP~ erlin~ of East Street (12~0 East La Palma Avenue); and doPS herehy anpr~ve the Neaatlve Declaration frem the requirement to prepare an environmental imn~ct repert on the basis that there wculd be no significant individual or cumulati~e adversr. environnent:+l in~ict due to the appraval of th15 Plegatlve Dec:lara[ion since the A.nahei~~ Srneral Pl~n des(qnates the suhject prc,~erty f~r r~~diur, ci~nsity re~i~lentlal lanc~ uses cemmcr.sur~te ~•~i±h the prnposal; that nn sen;itivP envir~nmrntal i~nr,acta »r~ in~i~lv~ri fn thA n~•~~nsal; that the Initial Study suhmitted hy the n~tltionrr indic~tes n~ sinnff~cant tndivldual or cum~lative adverse envir~nment~i ir~n~cts; and that tti~ fJeqaT.ive !~eclaratfon -2- PC8'-5 substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of F\naheim ~lanning Department. ND41, THEREFORE, BE IT RFSO!_~~[D that the Anaheim City Planninq Commission does herehy deny subject Petttion for Variance, on the bas+s of the aforementioned findings. THE FOREGOIPIG PFSOLUTIO~! is signed and approved by me this 12th day of January, 19~31. /~~.~,~' r~ ~' ~ Ct!AIR AN~1 ,,qDJAh1EIM CITY PI_PN~;IHf, C~MMISSION Al"fEST: ~~ ~ ~ SECRETARY, AMAHEIM CITY PLANNIPI~ COM~41SS10"! STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAPIt;r ) ss. CITY OF APIAHEIN ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninq Commission, du hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetlnq of the Anaheim City Pianning Commission held on Januarv 12, 19`~1, hy the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOIIAS, BUSHORF, FP,Y, KINr,, TOLAR NOES: C~MMISSIQNERS: M0~lE AfiSENT: COMMISSIOtJEP,S: BARNES, HERBST IN WIT~aE55 WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand r.his 12th day df January, i~ul. ~~.c.c~ .?~ ~[~.~:. SECRETARY, AMAHE' M C I TY PLAPIP! I~!!; C~Hti~ I SS I ON -3- PC81-3