PC 81-30RESOLUTiO'I 'J0. Pf_ ~~1-;~l
E~ RESOLUTION OF Tf!E l111AHFIhi CITY PLF~IIIdI~)~ C0~1~115510'!
tdHER[A5, tlie Anaheim City Planninn !.'ommission dicf receive a verified
?etition for Variance from CHE"YL JO H/1TL~JC~;, 1"Z1 Derhy Drive, Santa Ana, Califarnia
92705, o~•mer, anJ SUND/1Y E C0~1PA~lY/TOM "1.~TL~C1;, 1?71 Derhy Drive, Santa itna,
Califernia 927Q5, agent, of certain real property situated in the City of ll~aheim,
County of Or~nge, 5tate of California descrihed as:
Parcel 1: The northerly 95 feet of the tlortherlv ~ acres cf the
foiloa~ing: The East half of the ~dortheast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of Section 1~!, in To~•,nship 4 South, Rancte il
b/esc, San Bernardino Qase and Fteridian; exerting from said East
Half: The Northerly 67^.4' feet thereof; Excepting fron said
Northerly 95 feet.: The Easterly ~+~ feet thereof as 9ranted to the
State of Califorria, by deed recorded !tarch l, 7~51, in 30~1; 2151,
Page 1414~~ Official Records in the r;ffice of the Countv Recorder of
said Oranye County; ~lso excepting from said ?Jortherly ~5 feet:
The !Jesterly 27~ fcet thereof; and
Parcel 2: The Easterly 9.~ fcet of the lJesterly ^7~1." feet ~f the
IJortherly 5 acres of the foilo~•riny: ?he East one-halr of the
Mortneast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Ser_ti~n 1l~, Tot:~nship
~F South, Range 11 West, 5. B. ~. &!1.: Except~nq therefrom: The
IJortherly G79.46 feet ~f said Fast one-hal`; Exceptin~ rrom said
Ester)y ~.5 feet: The Northerly 95 fnet; and
Parcel 3: The southerly 10 feet of the ^lortherly 105 feet of the
C:as[erly i jJ ieec ui i:iie n~riiieriy > acres or [ne roi io~~~ing: Tne
East one-half of the 'rlortheast quarter of the Southeast quarter oF
Secti on 14, To~,msh i p h Soutfi, Range 11 ldes t, 5. E3. 3, b '1.:
Excepting from said East one-half: The Northerly ~;79.~~~ feet
thereof. Excepting from said Southerly 1(1 feet: The_ Easte;ly 40
feet thereof as granted to the State o` California, by deed
recorded March 1, 1~51, in Book 2151, Pa~e t+l~s3, Official Records,
in the office of the Co~nty Recorder of said Orange Coun*_y; and
Parcel 4: The IJesterly 270 feet of the tJortherly 5 acres of ~he
folloo-ring: The East one-half of the Northeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of Section 14, ~~ Ta~mshio 4 South, Range 11
West, San Dernardino 6ase and tteridian; Exceptinn therefror~: The
Flortherly 679.~~6 feet or said East one-half,
w'NEREAS, the City Planning Corm~ission did hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim on Januiry 7.~, 1931, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said
pubiic hearinn having been dulv given as required hy 1a~•i and in ~ccordance ~vith thc
provisions of the llnahcim Hunicip~l Code, Chaoter 13.^.3, tc~ hear and consider
evidence for aiid against said proposed variance and te investir~ate and m~i;e findings
and recommendations in connection there~:~ith; and
b11iE'E/15, said Comnission, after duc ins~ectien, inve>tiqation an:l study made
uy itself and in its behalf, and after due r_~,nsideration of all evidf~nce an:l reports
offereu at said hearinn, does find and d~,terr,ine the f~llowinn facts:
1. That T.he petitioner prnposes a~•raiv,r of the follrr:~ing t~ establ~sh a
49-lot, !+1}-unit condominium suhdivision:
S[CTIOt! 1 ~.01 .1 3~ -'e ui red lot frortaq^_.
Al1 lots requireci to front a oublic street
or alley; private s[r~et frontage nronosed)
?_, That the requr_sted r~aiv~r is hereby nrante~! or tne basis that the
developer has aoreed to enter into an agreement ~•~ith the CiY.y of Anaheim pursuant to
Government Code Section 5591~ to pr~vide '?5; of the units as lo~•~ or moderate income
housing ~~ith appropriate resale cantrols as approved hy the City nf Anaheim.
3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions
applicable *o the oroperty involved or tc the intended use of the oroperty that do
not apply generally to tne prooerty or class of use in the sane vicinity and zone.
1~. That the requ~sted variarce is necessary f~r :i~e preservation and
enjoyment of a substantiil property right po,sessed by other nrnperty in the same
vicinity and zone, and denied tc t'ie property in question.
5. That the rcquested varianc~ v~ill not `~e materiall,v detri~n~ntal to th~
publie ~~eifare or injurious ~o the property ~~r imnrovements in such vicinity and zone
in ~~hich the property is located.
G. That no one indicate~l their presenc~a at said puhlie hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondencr.~;~as receivr-d in o~~~siti~n to the sitbjeet
rc" ,,..,,.
Er~VIROtlHENT~L Ih1P11CT FUdDl~ir,: That thc Anafieim Cit~ Planninct Commission has
revie~~~ed tne proposal to estahlish a~+~-lot, 4~~-unit condomin(uT subdivision w~th
~•~aiver of required lot frontage on an irregulariy-sha~ed parcPl o` land consisting of
approximately ?.~37 acres, having a frontaqe of aoprnximately i~S fcet on the west
side of Beach Boulevard, having a maximwn depth of approximately G13 feet and being
located approximately 670 feet south of Orange Avenue (G49 Sn~rth eeach Soulevard; and
does hereby approve the Plegative Decl~ration fro~o the requirr_ment to prepare an
environmentai impact report on t7e hasis that there would be no significant
individuat or eumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this
hJegative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan desiqnates the subject orop~rty
for general commercial and/or medium .'ensity residential land uses ccmmensurate with
the proposal; that no sensitive environme~tal imnicts are inv~tved in th~ proposal;
that tl;e Initi~l Study suhmitted by the pr-_titioner indicates no siqnificant
incJividual or cumulative adverse environment~l impacts; and that the ~le9ative
Declaratio~ substantiating the fore9oing ftndings is on file in t'~e City o` /lnaheim
Planning Department,
(JO~J, THER[FORE, ~E IT 'tESOLVFD thar thF An~heim City Plannincl Cnr~~ission
does hereby grant suhject Petition for l~ariance, unon the follrn~ring conditions whfch
are fiereby foL~~d to ~e a nec~ssary ,~rerequi;ite tc~ the ~?roposed use of the subject
-2- PC31-30
property in order to preserve the s~fety anci general ti~~elfar~~ nf the Citizenc of the
City of Anaheim:
1. That this variance is ~arante~~ suhject to approva) ~f Revision ~!o, 1 of
Tentative Tract tlap PJ. 11211.
2. That this Variance is c~ranteu s~hject to the cor~nletion of
Reclassification No. 3'J-81-5, no~•~ pendir~g.
3. Tliat suhject property shall be develoned suhstantially in accordance
a~ith plans and specifications on file ~•~ith the City of .~naheim marl:ed Exhibit tlos. 1
throuah 5.
BE IT FURTHEP. P.ESOLVED that the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission does hereby
find and determine tfiat adoption of this tZesolution is expr~ssly pred~cated upon
applicant's compliance ~~ith each ar~~i all of the conditions hereinabove set for~h.
Should any such condition, or any part the~eof, be declared invalid or un~nfcrceable
by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdicti~n, then thiis Resolution,
and any approvals herein con:ained, shall I>e deemed null ~nd void.
7HE FOP,EGOIWi, RESOLi1T10~1 is si9ne.d ano anprove<( hy me this ~Fth day of
January, 1981.
~ ~
CFIA I P,!1/1t1, AF!AHE I ~± C I TY PLA~J'! I ~!G COM'1: SS I OPI
`~ ~' ,~,,, ,~
i, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of tne Anahe~m City Plannina Commission, ho
hereby certify [hat the foregoing resolution ~~as passed and adopted a*_ a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on January 2~, 1~F1, by the follo~.~ing vote
uf *_he members thereof;
I~I IJIT~JESS UfICRFOF, f have her~untn set my hand this ?~~th day ~f .lanuary,
~~c,~~ ~ ,~:~,.~
-3- PC8~-3~