PC 81-34aESO~uTior~ r~o, P~8i-3~E
WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified
Fetitfon for Conditionai Use Permit from ORANGE COU~!TY WATEf; DISTRICT, P. 0. Box
8300, Fountain Valle•~, California, 92708, o~,~ner, and D~IiGLAS EI.LIOTT, 497 South
Country Hill Road, Anai~eim, California 92807, agent, of certain real property
situated in the City of Rnaheimp County of Orange, State of California, described as:
That portion of fractional Sectien 4, To~mship 4 South, kange ~3
West, S.B,[3. E!1, and that portion cf Lots 18, 19, 27_ and 23, all
in Block 36 of the Yorba Linda Tract, as per map rFCOrded in 8ook
5, pages 17 and 1L of ptiscellaneous 11aps, Records of Orange
County, located in tiie City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of
California, described as follows: Commencing at the intersection
of the centerline of La Palma Avenue, 10E~ feet wide, with the
intersection of Tustin Avenue; thence South 8$° 28' ~2" East
399.99 feet along a portion of the cen:erline of !a Palma Avenue;
thence South 01° 31' S3" 4•lest a distance of 53 feet to the true
point of beginning; thence South A8~ 28' 02" East 100.~5 feet te
the beginning of a tangent curve concave North~~esterly and having
a;adius of 1253 feet; tfience Easterly and ~iortheriy along said
curve through a central angle of 51° 29' 11~" an arc distance of
1125.97 feet; thence P~orth 40° 02' 44" East 54~.n0 feet to the
5eginning of a tangent curve cencave Southeasterly and having a
radtus of 1547 feet; thence Plortheasterly along said curre through
a central angle of 3B° SiE' 30" an arc distance of 1(150,53 feet;
thence South 07° 28' 30" lJest 321.~16 feet; thencP N~ri.h Rao 4~~
i7" Easc %~~h.05 feet; thence South 00° 11' 05" East 1117.~4 feet;
thence South 89° 48' 18" West 160,44 feet; thence SouLh 00° 11`
OS" East 117,5 feet; tnence South Ey° 4&' 18" West 7F0.00 feet
more or less to Westerly line of said Lot 23, In Filock j6 of the
Yorba Linda Tract; thence aiong said Westerly line South i~7° 27'
48" West 1126.62 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot ?_ of said
fractional Section 4, T. 4 S., R. 9 W,, SBEi b M; thence along the
Southerly line of said Lot 'l North 8g° 11' 2?" b/est 1050,14 feet
more or less to the Southo-~esc corner of said Lot 2; thence South
01° 19' 45" West 5U6.45 feet; thence South 60° d7' ~~5" West 3~39.~31
feet; thence South 79° 51' 45" West 2II5 feet; thence North 4%° 43'
06" West 529,1~3 feet; thence North 41° 45' S9" lJest 21!9.85 feet;
thence North 45° 5~' 05" lJest 127.42 feet; thence 1lorth (11° 31'
53" East 78.90 feet; thence South 8~~ 11' 22" East 330,0?_ feet;
thence North 01° 31~ 53'~ r.ast 789,12 feet; thence South $90 11'
22" East 40.00 feet; thence North Ol° 31' S3" East 473.09 feet to
the true potnt of heginning,
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a puhlic heartng at the Civic
Center in the City of Ar.aheim on February 9, 1931, at 1:3n p,m,, notice of sald
public hearing hav!ng been duly given as requ~red by la~~~ and in accordar,ce ai(th the
provisions of the Anaheim Fluricipal Code, Chapter 1ri,C3, to hear and consider
ev'dence for and against said proposed conditional use pei•mit and to investigate and
make findings and recomnendatiens In connection therewith; and
WNEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigatlon and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and aftAr due ccnsideration of a11 evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does find and determine the folloi~ring facts:
1. Tha t tf,e proposed use i s proper ly one for o-~h i ch a cond i t Pona 1 use
permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sections 13.21,05p,2$p and
~a•~3•~3~•~i~ to permlt a private recreational fishing facllity 4iith on-sale beer and
Z. That the proposed use ~•~i11 not adversely affect the adjoining )and ~~ses
and the growth and development of Yhe area in o-~hich it is ~roposed to be located,
3. That the size and shape of the stte proposed For the use is adequate to
ailaw the full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the
particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general ~reif~re of the Citizens
of the City of Anaheim.
4• That the granting of the Condttional Use Permft under the conditions
imposed, if any, wi11 not be detrime~tal to the peace, health, safe*_y ar.d g~neral
welfare of the Cittzens of the City of .Mahe~m,
5. That th;e traffic generated by ;;he proposed use ~•iill nut impose an undue
burde~ upon the streets and high~•,ays designed and improved to carry the traffic in
the area.
6. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in
opposition; ar,d that nc~ correspondence was received in opposition to the subject
Ci1L'~Ru~l~FN-q`r ~ ~Mpq~T FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has
reviewed the p::;pr~sal to permit a
beer and wine on an irregularly-share~ate recreational fishing facility witn on-sale
acres, having a frontage of ap~~roximatejarcel of lend consistin~ of ap~roximately 125
Avenue (4060 East La Palma Avc~nue, lJarner~Spreadfncl Basins)S~and does herebLaa Palma
the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prepa~e an environmental Pmpact
report on the basis that there taould be no significant indivPdual or cumulative
adverse =nvironmental impact due to the approvai of this Negative Declaration slnce
the Anaheim Genera7 Plan designates the subject property for ~•~ater conservation uses
commensurate with the proposa); that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved
in the proposal; that the Initiat Study s~~bmitted by the
significant irdividual or cumularive adverse environmental impa~tsone~n~nathateSthe
Negative Declarat!on substantiating the foregoing findings is cn file in the City of
Anaheim Planning Department.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Flnaheim C.ity Planning Commission
does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditio~al Use Permit, u~on the followi~q
condttions which are hereby found to be a necessary prereGuisite to the proposed use
of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and ~eneral tideifare of the
Citizens of the City of At~aiieim:
-z- Pc3i-31~
1, That trash storage areas shali be provided in accordance ~~~ith approved
plans on file with the Office of the Executive Di~ector of Puhlic 4Jorks.
2. That the radius of the drive4ray approach to subject property shali 5e
increased and tiie proposed ticket booth shiall be relocatPd ir accordance with the
requirements of the Traffic Engineer.
3. That subject property shall be developed suhstantially in accordance
with plans and specifications on file ~•+ith the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Plo. 1.
4. That Condit~on Nos. 1, 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be complied v~ith
prior to final 6uilding and zoning i~spections, or prior to commencement of the
activity herein approved, whichever occurs first.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commission does hereby
find and determine that adoption of this Resoluticn is exrressly predicated upon
applicant~s compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinahove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenf~rceable
by the final judgment of any court of competent iurisdiction, then this Resolution,
and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void,
THE FORFGOItJG RESOLUTI6N is signed and approved by r~e this 9tii dav of
february, ?981.
~~~ ~.
CHA I R~ APJ, AMAhIE I 11 C I TY PLFl~1N I ~dr, COM111 SS f Ot!
~,~' ~ ~~~.
I, Edith ~. Harris, ~ecretary of the Anaheim City ~lanninq Commi~sinn, do
li~reby certify that the foregoing resolution a~as passed and adopted at a meeting of
the An~heim City Planning Commissioi,lield on February 9, 1qf31, by the following vote
of the members thereof:
IN l•JITPIESS Wl1EREOF, I have her~unto set my hand this 9th day of February,
1 ~ ~ ''
-3- PCIIt-31i