PC 81-36RESOLUTION N0. PC31-3f,
llHEREAS, the llnaheim City Planninc; C~Mmission did receive a verified
Petition for Conditional Use Perm;t from RAY110ND H. SIFGELE /111~ THEODORA R. SIEGELE,
500 5outh Atchison Street, Anaheim, California, 92805, o~~mers, and E. E. ?OUPIDS,
LEROY D. OWE~! COHPA"~Y, 500 South Main Street, Suite 50~CT, Oranae, California 9?.668,
agent, of certain real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange,
State of Cali`ornia, described as:
Lots r, 9, i~, 11, 12, 13, l~f and 15 in Blocl~ "D" of the
Resubdivi;ion of Theodore Relser's subdivision of ~Jineyard Lot "r-
2" Anaheim, in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of
California, as per map recorded in bo~l< 1, paqes 1~ and 11,
Misc~llaneous Record '1aps.
WNEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hoid a puhlic hearin9 at the City
Hall in the City of Anaheim on February 9, 1~31, at 1:;0 p,m,, notice of said public
nearing having been duly given as required by 1a~,~ and in accordance with the
provisions of the knaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 1~.~3, to hear and consider
evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit and to investioate and
mal:e findings and recommendations in connection there~viti~; and ~
WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, invr..stigation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and after ciue consici~rarinn ~f :,il ~~~t,~,,.,~„ .,.,
oTrered at said hearing, does find and determin~ the f -- -'~,;~~~~
cllo~~inc~ `acts:
1, That the proposed use is properiv one for ~•~hich a conditional use
permit is authorized by Anahein Hunicipal Code Section 1P,~,1,05~~,~7n to wit• to
permit an automobile repair facility ~•~ith ~raivers of: ~
A, SECTION t1inimum landscaped setbacl:.
ZS feet required rorn Santa /1na Street and
5~eet required from Atchison Street;
1 ~ c>cisting)
B, SECTION 18,67.Of6.05Q - Ptinimum ni:mber of parkinq spaces.
30 spaces require;; 15 sPaces propose~l)
C, SECTIOPd 18,(1.~~8.~3~ - Required enclosure of outdoer ~se.
Wood s at enc ng required;
aluminum slats pronosed)
2. That the above-requested waivers 1, and D, are herehy nranted on the
basie tf;at dcntal ~~oulJ deprive ~ubject property or a privilege being en_joyed by
other properties (n the sai~e zone and vicinity.
3. That the ahove-recuested watver C, is herehy granted in part allowing
aluminum slattinc~ on the south, a~est and north ~roperty lines ~•rirh no slatting
required on ti~e east property line abuttin
Railroad right-of-way on the basis ~~,_: ~ 9 the /ltchison, Topeka and Santa Fe
nrivi lege ocinn enjoye~i by pther prnp„-~~~r~ii,-; r~~~r lci dr.prive suhj~ct ~~ropn.rt:• of ;~
sa'n~ :°one ~~nc. vieinity.
~'. That the proposed uSe, a, granted, i•ri11 not adversely affect tFe
~djoining lar,d uses and the gro~•rth and develooment of the area tn which it is
p roposed to be located.
is adequate toTallo~•~~the full develoamentf ofe s~te ~~•~~~osPd for *he use, as granted,
detrimental to P th~ pronosed use in a manner not
the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general
weifarc af the Citizens of the City of Anaheim.
~• That the Conditional Use Permit, as granted, and under the conditfons
imposed, ~~I11 not be detrimental to the peace, health, safet~. and general a~elfare of
the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, •
7. That the traffic generated hy the proposed use w.ill not impose an undue
burden upon the streets and highways desinned and impreved t~ carry the traffic in
the area.
8. That no one indicated their presencA at said public hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence ~•ras receiveci p~ opon;~tt,-~„ ;~ the subject
EtdVIRQNMENTAL 1~1PACT FINDI~JG: That the AnaSeim CiCy Plannino Commission has
reviewed the proposal tc permit an autonohile r~pair facility wi
landscaped setback, minimum number of parking spaces and requ~iredrenclosuremof
outdoor use on a rectan~ularly shaoed parcel of land cnnsisCing of apprnximately 1,3
acres located at the southeast corner o,' Santa Ana Street and fltchison Street (5~q
South Atchison Street); and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the
requirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the hasic rh,r f~..~_ ,
be no s i gn i f i cant i nri i~~ i~+~_„ ~~,. -• ;14 ~„~ ~ ve ~ J~erse env i ronmenta t impact due~ to ,~the
approval of this Negative Declaration since the Flnaheim General Plan desiQnates the
subject property for general industrial land uses commensurate with the proposal;
that no sensitive environmental impacts are i~~~)~ed in the proposal; that the
Initial Study submitted by the petltioner indicates n~ sic~nificant tndtvidual o~-
cumulat(ve adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration
substantiating the foregoing finding; is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning
Depa rtment.
PJ041, THEREFORE, DE IT RE;OLVED that the Anaheim City Plannina Commission
does hereby grar,t, in part, subject Petitton for Conditional Use Permit, upon the
following conditions aihich are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the
proposed use of the subject property in order to pr~serve the safetv and general
we)fare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1. ThaT tne o~•mer(s) of ,ubjec[ property shall conditionally dedicate to
the City of llnaheim a strip of land 3~ feet in ~vidth from the centerline of the
street along Santa Ana Street for street i~idening purooses, Sai~i dPdicatlon will he
conditioned upor the existin9 met~l buildings being rem~ved and replacerl with new
2. That all engincering requirei~~ents of the City of Anaheim along Santa
Ana Street and Atchison Street, includinn preparation of improvement plans and
installation of all imorovements such as curbs a 3utters, side•,•~al!<s, street prading
and paving, draina9e facilities or other appurt~,ant ~~rork, stiall be ca~pl~ed with as
required by the City Engineer and in ar_cordance a~ith specifications on file in the
Office of the City Engineer;or that a Uond, certificate of deposit, letter of r_redit,
or eash, in an amount and form satisfactory to thie City of Anaheim shall be posted
~alth the City to guarantee the installation of the ahove-mentioned requirements prior
to occupancy.
3. 7hat trash storage areas shall be provided ir. accor~iance ~rith approved
plans cn file with the Office of the Exe~utive Director of Puhlic tJorks.
~f. That fire hydrants shall be installed and char9ed as requfred and
determined to be necessary by ttie Chief of the Fire ~epartment prior to commencement
of structurai framing.
5. That the existing structure stiail he brou9ht up to the minimum
standards of the Citv o` F:naheim, including the Uniform Building, Plumbing,
Electrical, Mechanicat and Fire Codes as adepted hy the City of Anaheim.
6. That the owner(s) of su~ject prooerty shali pav the traffic signal
assessment fee (Ordinance Mo, 3c~96) in an ar~ount as determined hy the City Council,
for c~xnmercial buildinc~s prior to the issuance of a building permit or prior to
corrmencement of the activity, whichever occurs first.
7. That the o~•mer(s) of suhject property shall subnit a letter requesting
tne termination of Conditional Use Permit P~o. 155~i to the Planninq Dep~r~ment.
3. That the automotive repair use shall not corxnence until af*_er the
existing recycling operations have been terminat~d and removed from subject property.
9. That subject property shall be developed suf~stantially in accordance
with plans and specifications on file ~~itn the City of Anaheim narked Exhibit No. 1.
10. That Condltion Nos. 1, 2, 7, and 8, above-mentioned, shall be complied
with prior to the commencement of the activity authorized uncler this resolution, or
prior to the time that the building permit is issued, or ~•~ithin a period of o~e year
from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the ?lanning
Commission may grant.
11. ThaL Condition Nos. 3. 5 and 9, above-menttoned, shall be complied ~~~ith
prior to final building and zoning inspections.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLV[D that thc Anahei~~n City Planning Commtssion does hereby
find and determin.: that adoption of this Resolution is exnress~y predicated uoon
applicant's compliance with each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable
by the final judyment of any court of competent jurisdic2ion, then this ?esolution,
and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and voi~i.
~HE FOREG01~dG RESOlUT10~1 is signed and approved by me 'his ~th day of
February, 1931.
-3- PC31-36
/ ~ / ~ ~ / ~/Y~_fZ', f..
C~"+'iISS 10'J
/ / C~ ~ I /4/J A
~, Edith L. }larris, Secretary of tlie Anahcim Citv PlanninU Commission, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolut(on was passed and adonte~ at a mcetirg of
the Anaheim Clty P1~nnirg C,o-~missi~n held on February 9, 1'?`31, hy the `o11oti~~in9 vote
of the members thereof:
IN WIThJESS WhIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand tfils 9tn day of February,
~ ~ A ~
SECRETAPY, ar1aH.~r~TV n~A~,~N~ C,~,~,~ISSIO~J
_t'_ ~C9~-31