PC 81-42RESOLf1TI0rl t!~, Pr~;~-7~~
A RESOLUTIOtt OF TNE A'1l1HE1~1 CITY r~_n.:riinr, C0~1~!I551~'"!
TNl~T PF1'ITIO'I FOR RCCLASSIfIC~T10'; tl0, ;;~~-;1_2, ftE ,nn~ITFn,
lJhl~?El~S, the Anaheim Cit~,~ Planning Cornmission rlid rec~ive a verified
petition for Reclas;ific~tion irrr; CIT1' Of' /l!!A!;EI"1, ?2:~ South Anaheim Eioulevard,
Anahcim , California y2S~)5, oamcr, and CAq~i~~l L. JOfIES, G~L~RICFI, Y,FST £; ASSOC.,
15233 Ventura uoulevard, ~~i,1G, Sherman n?~;,, Calir~rnia ~177~, aqent, of cereain real
propertv si[uated in t'ie City of l~nahciR,, County of Oran~c, State of California,
descrit~ed as fallo~~~s:
PARC[L 1 I tl THE C ITY OF A'lP,HF I'1, Cf7!i`;TY OF p.^,/1HGF, STliTF OF
41HEREAS, the City Planninn Commissi~n Jid hoid a puhlic `~earinG ~t the Livic
Center in the City of Anaheim on Fehruary 23, 1?%;1, at 1;3n p,~,~ nntice of said
public hearing having been duly ~ivrn as re~uired ti~ la~.~ an<{ in accordar.ce eaith the
provisior.s of the Anaheim Nunicipal Co~ie, Chaoter 1•",^3. to hear and consider
eviclence Tor and against said prnposed reclassific.itinn ancl i0 ~~vCSiItl3YP and mal;e
findings and reeommencla[ion, in conneetion [hare~•,ith; .3nd
WNEREAS, said Commission, after duc inspec.tion, inva~sti~at~on and studv made
by itsel` and in its ~eha1P, and after due cnnsideraCion of all evidence anri reports
orfere~l at said hearinn, does finc! and deterr~ine the fnlloi:~inr~ facts:
1. That the petitioner prnposes reclassific~tion of suhject property from
the RS-A-43,000 (Residentlal/Agricultural) I.one t~ [he R!I-?1~~0 (Resirlential,
"1ulTinlr-F~mii.,~ ~~..~
2. That the Anahr_in ~zneral Plan desictni*es su,~ject pre,nerty for medium-
density residential land uses.
3. That [ne proposeci reclassification ~~~ suhl~'~t property is necessary
and/ur desirable for the orderly and proper ~Jeveiooment of th~ corr~unity.
4. That the proposed reclassification of su:,ject pr~~erty ~loes nroperly
reiate to the zones ~nd their nerr~itted uses locallv est~hlished in clase proximity
to suhject property anJ to the zones and their per~itted USrS gencr~ily established
throughour thc comnunity.
~. That the proooscrl r~classificati~>n of suhject nronerty r~ouires the
improverient of abui.tina streets in ace~rdanee ~~~itf~ t~ic Circiilatinn Element of the
Genera 1 P 1 an, due to t~ie ant i c i pa te~l i ncre.:isc i n t ra F~ i c~~rh i ch ~~ri 1 1 he neneratnd hy
t'ie intensificrition of land use.
~. Thai nc~ one in;lic,~tc•d th~ ir -,r~s.,~cr• ~:t ;,~i:! ~uh'ic hearing in
o~positien; and tha[ no c~~rresnonJence ~.~is rf~cf-i~-~~i in ~~~~.>sitio~ tc the subjeet
~ ~
EIlUIR0Ilf1C~IT/1L 111PACT FIIIDI'!G: Tl~~;t the ~naheim f.ity Planning Commi,sion has
revie~~~ed the prop.~sal to recl~ssify subject property frnm the RS-A-A3,p00
(Residr_rtial/P,gricultur~l) 7_one tc~ the RH-Z~~~O (Resjdential, !1i.iltipl~~-Family) ?one to
construet a~+~-unit apartment project on an irreqularly-shaperl pareel of land
consisting of approximatel~ 3.G acres locared north an~ r~est of Ytie north~:~est corner
of Orangethorpe hvenue and Inperial !li9hway, havina a fr~ntac~e of aporr,ximately GO
feet on the north side of 0~-angcthorpe /lvenue and ~0^ feet on the west side of
Imperial Hi9ii~-~ay; and does hereby anprove thP Negative Declaration from the
requirement to prepare an environmr-_ntal im~act reporT. o,i the hasis that there o-iould
be no significant individual or cuewlati~ie adverse environm^ntal impact due to the
approval of this IJegative Decliration sin.r.~ ti~e Anah~im General Plan d~~signates the
subject property for nedium•-density residential land uses commensurate ~•iith the
proposal; that no sensitive emrironmental im~acts are involved in the proposal; that
the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates n~ signlficant individual or
cunulative adverse environmental impacts; and th?t tlie Negative Declaration
substantiating the foregoing findin9s is on filc in the City of Anaheim Planning
NOIJ, THEREFORE, BE IT P,[SOLUED thc~t the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission
does hereby grant suhject Petition f~.~r Reclassification and, t;y so doing, that Title
13-Zoning of the Anaheim hiunicipal Code he amended t~ exclude the abcve-described
property from the RS-N-4;,00~ (RESIDEtdTIAL/AGRICULTUR~.L) 70PIF. ~nd to incoroorate said
described property into the R~1-2~t~0 (R[SIDFtITiAL, ~f!ILTIPLF-F!1!~ILY) 7_OME upon the
follo~iing conditions ~~lhich are herel~y found to be a necessary prereGuicl*_~ to the
proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety anrl penerat ~~~elfare
of the C i t i zens of t~ie C i ty of ,'lnafie i m:
1. That trash storage areas _hall be pravided in accordance i•rith approved
pians on fi ie ~•~ith the Office of the Fxecutive Dir~ctor of Puhi ic 41or4:s.
2. That fire hydrants shall be installed an~l charqed as rr,nuired and
determined to be necessary by the Chief of the Fire Deoartment prior to commencement
of structural framing.
3. That subjecC property shall be served hy und2rgroun~i utilities.
lE. That drainage of sub.ject pr~perty shall he disposed of in a manner
satisfactory to the City Engineer.
5. That the oti•m er of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim the
appropriate pari; and recreation in-lieu fees as determined to be appropriate by the
City Council, said fee~ to be paid at the ti~e the buildinn permit is issued.
G. That the o~-nier(s) of suhject ~roperty shall pay the traffic siy~al
assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3896) in an amount as determined hy the City Council,
for eacfi new d~•~elling unit prior to the issuance of <i building permit.
7. That buiidinas more than 1,0 feet `rom ap~roved vehicular access~lays
shall b~ ful'•~ sprinl:lcred as required by the Fire Departrt~~nt.
~. That the ~roperty oi•mer shall maint~in t~ie landscaoinp in the parl<ways
of the pubiic street ~vhich provides access to the prnject `rnm Oranqethnrne Flvenue.
-~- PC31-~~7
9. That appropriate 'o-~~ter assessment Fees ns rJ~tcrmined by the Offiee of
Utilities General :`lanager siiall ~e paicl t~ thr City of Anaheim prior to the issuance
of a bui)ding pernit.
~~. That prior to introduction of an orclinance rezoning subject property,
street lighting faciliti~s along thatpuhlic street U~hich provides access to the
project fr m Orangethorpe ~1venue shall be installed as required by the Office of
Utilities Geieral Manager, and in ace~rdance wiLh specifications on file in the
Office of Liilities General "lanager; ~nd/r..r that a bond, ce.rtificate of deposit,
letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form satisfactory Lo the City of AnaFeim
shall be posted ti•~ith tlie CiLy to guarantee the installation of the above-mentioned
requirements prior to occupancy,
~1. That prior to the issuance of building pernits, th~ appiicant shall
present evidence that the sound ottenuation conditions specified in Council Policy
tdo. 5~~2 have been satisfied.
~Z. That suhject property shall i~e developed suhstantially fn accordanc~
with plans and specifications on file w.ith the City of Anaheim marl;ed Exhi6it Nos. 1
through 5,
13. That Cordition Nos, 1, 3~ '~~
complied ~~ith prior to final buiiding and zoninn ~nspectionsa''ove-mentioned, ;ha11 he
BE IT FIJRThiER R[SOLVE6 th~t the flnaheim City Planninc~ Commission does hereby
find and determine that aduption of this Res~lu2ion is expressly predicated upon
applicant's compliance irith each and al1 of the canditions hereinahove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable
by the final judgment of any cuurt of competent jurisdiction, thPn this ~esolution,
and any approvals herein contained, ,hall be deemed null and void,
reoruary, 19b1, --, `~ ~~~~ ~uNroveci ny me this ?3rd day of
~"r.,~Q,+~' ~, ~~.
~ .
~ 1 C ITY PL/1NN I P!G COr~~~ ~;S I O~J
-3- PC&1-~E2
COU~lTY OF OR/1!dGE ) ss,
I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of ti~e i.naheim Cit~~ Planninq Commission, do
hereby certify that thc foregoin9 resolution ~:~as passed and aclnpted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planninp Commission held o~i Februa~•~.~ 23, l~il, by the following vote
o` tiie mc-mbers *_hereof:
IN W'ITtJESS ~df!F~EOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ?3rd day of February,
(O ~%~-~G.- ~ /`~A~t..ti.~
' ECRFTA?Y, AFJAHE I'! C ITY PLl1N`I i tl~ COt1M 1 SS 10~!
-i+- PC31-l~2