PC 81-43RESOLUTIn,~ N0. ~~'1-1~;
A RESOLUTICI! OF TI?:? AliAll=1'1 CIT" PLr,!i!~I!!r, Cnr1~qlSSl~'I
TII/1T PFTITIO~I F~R +~nr,i~.~r.r '.'. 37~1 3E G~~~~TF'1
1•1HE'tE~1S, the Anaheim City Plannin% Cor~mission di~! receive a verified
P~tition for Variance frnm fEOR~E r,n~cin, ET ~1L, 9!~7 South Canlan Street, Anaheim,
Ca) i Fornia '~ZB~)2, ot~mers, and RngERT ?i, H~.YES, 1'i?7 Oal:da)e, Corona, f,a1 ifornia
~1721, agcnt, of certain rral prnperty situated in the City nf f,n~heim, County of
Oran~e, State of California described as:
Lot 35 of Tract !do. 1>.~, as shot~m en a map there~f recorded in
[3ook 53, pares 2~ and 3~) inclusive of ~tiscellaneous '1ap=, records
of Orange Courty, California.
4lHF.°EC~S, the City Plsnning Co^i~ission d~:i hold a pu!>lic h=aring at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim on February 23, i^.1, af 1:3^ p.m., narir_e of said
public hearing having beer duly given as required hy la~~~ and in accordance ~;iith the
provisions of the ~naheim Municipal Code, Chaot~r 1".Q3, te hear and censider
evidence for and against said pro~osed variance nnd to investiga*r. and mal<e findings
and recommendations in connection th~re~•rith; anr,
1~lFlER[AS, said Coramission, afYer due ins-~ction, inv.r.stigation :~nd study made
by itselt' anJ in its behalf, and aft°r du~ cnnsi ~ration ~f all evidence ~nd reports
offered at said t~earing, does find and det^rr~ine t:he fn1ln~.iinn facts:
1. That the petitioner proposes r ~~~iver of the `ol!otiiine. t~ construct a
room addition:
SECTIOt! 1~3.26.063,(1;0 -!iinimum rear yard sethacl;,
~ i ~ ~ cu~ i"c_,.~U~ i-cu ~ J ~ i:t:l I~YVPV~Ctij
Z. That the above-mentioned o-iaiver is h~rehy c;ranterl on t~~ hasis that the
petittoner demonstrated that a h~rdship exists in that denial ~~ould deprive subiect
property of a privilege enjoyed by other pronerty o~,mers in the same zone and
vicinity and that subject proi~erty is irregularly-shaped Leing lncated on a cui-de-
3. That there are exceptional or extraordinarv circumstances or conditions
applicable to the property involved or to the intendad use o` the property that do
not apply generally ta the propr_rty or ciass of use in the same vicinity and zone.
~;. That the requested variance is nece,sar~ for the preservation and
enjoyment of a substantial property right posse>scd by otf~er pro^erty in the same
vicinity and zone, and d~nied to the property in question.
5. That the requcsted variancr. i:ill n~~t be matcri~lly detrimental to the
pub)ic ~velfare or injurious to the property or irnrovenent~ ir. such vicinity an~1 zone
in which the pro~~erty is located.
G. Ttiat no on~~ indicated their oresenr_<~ at snid pubiic hearinq in
opposition; and that no correspondcncc :~as receiv~:d in oppr~,ition to the subjeet
GJVIROIIPiE~dTAL ItiPFlCT FIPl~lllr,: The Plannin~ Director or his authorized
~cpresentative has determined that the prr~p~;-,~] ~roject fa11s t•iithin the definition
of Cat~gorieal Exemptions, Class 5, ~s defined in t`ie State F(^ Guidelines and is,
therefore, categorically er.emnt fron ti~e requirenent to prepare an EI?,
ilOl1, TIiE~EFOf?E, (3E 17 RC50LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission
does iiereby yrant subject Petition for Variance, upon the folloi-~inc~ con~!itions ~•ihich
are herehy found to be a neccssary prerequis:te to the nr~nose~l ~se of the subje,t
property in ordcr to pr~serve the safety and general ~rel`are of thr Cit(zens of the
City or Anah~in:
~• T•`iat suhject pronerty S~IOI~ be developed suh,tantially in accordance
with plans and specifications on fil~> ~•~ith the City of Anahein marked Exhibit Pao. 1,
BE It FUP,T~IER RESOLVCD that the l~nahcin City Plannin~ f,o~~issi~n does herehy
find and determinn_ that adoption of this Re;olution 1s exnressly nrnriicate~l ~!n^n
applicant's com~liance ~~ith each and all of t;ie cnnditions hereinabove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part tner~of, he declared invalid ~r unenforceable
~y the final judgment uf any c~urt of c~mnetent juris~licti~n, then this Resolution,
and any approvals herein contained, sh~ll be d~ene~i null anc: void,
TIiE FOREGOIi1G RESOL:1T10,1 is sinned aod an~rnverl hy ne this 7_3rd day of
rebruary, 19~1,
2 ~-~ ~
..~,:~~..'~~~t:, ~~fi~~ritir l;(IT" YLHNn;IU!; C0~1F;ISS10~1
~~ 1 ~~' ~ rx.~.~.~...~
I, Fdith L. Harris, Secretary of the ~r~aheim City Piannine Commissi~n, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~•ras passed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Plannin9 Commission held on February 7.';, 1~';1, '~y the fo1)rn.~inq vote
of the memhers thereof: -
AYES: COIIHISSIONERS: 3/1R~dE;, [30U45, E~USHnnF~ Fny~ Firnpci, i:lr.ir,~ Trl~^n
FIOES: CQ11~115510~![2S: ti~;PlE
I~! WITFlESS 41HERFOF, I have !,err_unt~ ~~t riy !~~nd this ''3rc1 day of February,
t y 31 . r, " .
~ ~ ~~
~~ET.nr , riari _ i r~ Ti', ~nr ;. , . ~M ~"
-2- PC81-~~3