PC 81-44~:,SOLUTiO`~ ~I~. Pr,~1-t+!! l\ R~SC~I_~:TIO~! OF THE ~IU~L~I'1 f'll-Y Pf_!`r';II'I~ C'~"'11~51~~~! TI'/17 P~TI`I I~)'! F~R COi!I11TI,~.;P~ :ISE PE'?~iiT ~;0. :'1]'? °,F G~^+~'TF~ 4111[REA~, ti,e Ana!icim Cit•~~ Pl;innir~~ Commission ii~: receiw~ i verified Pet~:ion for Conditional Usc Perriit from R.~LPIi M. YO'!~1;, E7 /~L, ~Z^ '~orth °ioneer Drive, ~n~helm, ~'alifc>rnia, ~2~~~;, ~~~~ners af cert~in r:^~1 ~~r:~~~.rty situatec~ in th~ City of Anaheim, County oF ~ran9e, State r` f.,~lifornia, efescrii,ec! ~s: That portion o~ Lot 1 of Tract PI~. °7, Sinclair 4anch, as ner map recorded in hool: 11 at i~<~~a~- 3~ of 'liscellaneous '1ans, Records of Orange County, more particularly d~seri^ed as feilrnis: ?e~innin~ at a point 1"~~ feet South fron [he ~lortheast cnrrer ~,f said Tract Plo. `17; tnence ~outh !~~ fret alon~ the ':lesterl~~ 1 ine of Lemon Street; th:nce ''.1est 1;5.~<' fect more or less -ara11e1 ~~~ith the tlorth 1 ine of said tract; thenc^ ~!orth !<< `._~.t parat 1~1 ~•~i rh th~ 41est lin~ of Lemon Street, thence East 13~.37 feet to th~ true p~int or ~e~inninn. [xcept that p~rT.ien iyirn ~:~ithin Lemon Str~^t, b!NEREAS, the Cit~ °lanninc; Cor-,missi~n di~l hol~! a ouhlic hr:arina at the Civic Cent~r in the City of Anaheim en Fei~ruar~~ ~3, i~31, at 1:'~ p.^~•, notice of said pubi ic hearin~ having been d~.ily giv~n as reauired hy lat~ an-1 in acc~riance ~•~ith the provfsions of the Anaheic~ Municioal Code, Chanter 1~'.^;, r~ ~iear ~nd co~sider evidence for and aqainst saici proposed cenditior.al use per~i± and to investinate and maLe finciings anci recoc,mendar.ions in connection therrn~ith; an~i 41HEREP,S, saici Commission, after ~iue ins~ection, investi~ation and stu~ly made i... _ t F .. ~ i...i..l F .,1 ~Fr~~ -7~~-. . i~I.,r-.r7nn nF o i 1 nvirl..nrr+ nnr~ f~n~~tG ~~ ~ offered atusaicl1 hearinq, does~find and cieterr~,ine the fol loi~~ine facts: 1. That. the proposed use is properly on~ for a~l~ich a conditional use permit is autnorized hy ,4na,ieiin h;unicipal Code Section 1~."'?.^3'~.C~i'1 tc+ ~-~it: to permit ^ contractor's storaq~ anci office f~cility `acility in t'~e C~ ~Commercial, General) Zone. 2. That the proposed use ~~~i'i not adversely a~"ect th~ adioinin~ land uses anel tiie gro~-~th and dc~velo(~rnent of [he area in ~.~~hich it i~ pmno;r_d t~ hr. located. 3. That the size and shar,e of thc site pror~,er~ for the ~~se is adeq~.iate to allo~•r tiie full uevclopmcnt of the nrop~>sed use in a m,inner not ~!e*_rimen*_al to th~^ partieular -~rea nnr to the ~eace, h<:alth, safetv, ~nd (~r`f7Cl"-9~ L'P.~`~re o~ th^ Cirizens of the City o` Ana~cim. ~F. lhat the nrantinn oF t'~c Cnndition~l ~~s~ Pernit un~ier t':r c~n~litions impr>se~i, if .iny, ~:i11 noC !e dctrin~~nt~il t~~ thc ~,ence, hc~lth, SiFrtv :~,id qeneral t~~nlf~r^ of t'ir C.itizr-ns ~>f thr• ':ity ~~~ ~.nahejn~, c• ~. Tii<~[ tii~ U"~( i ic ~Jenera!ecl by Clic proposc:cJ use ~:~i 11 nc~C iu;t~ose ~n uuJue burden u~on ri~e s trects ond 'n i qhi•~ays ues i ~neri and i n~proved tc~ ca rry the~ t raf f i c i n tne area. pr$~ _1~L G. That one intere~tcc; ~crson indir_~te~i ',is nresene~ ,it said ~ubiic hearin~ in opposition; and tl;at n:~ cnrrespnndencc ~,•a5 frCeived in op~osition to the subjeet petition. EIIUIR0~1!1F'!T!11_ 1`1PACT FI!ID;;1G: Tha*_ th~~ Anaheic, Cit~~ Plannir.c Commission has revie~:~ed the pro~~sal to perrnit ~ contract~r~s st~~ra~e .~nd officA ficility in the CG (Co~mercial, ~ener~.l) Zon^ on a r~ctin~ularlv-shaped parr_el of land con,isting of approximately 52')0 square feet, havin9 a fronta~e of annrox.imately 1!5 fect on the l^/fSL side of Lenon Street, anpro:cimately 120 feet >~uth of the centerline of Romneya Drive (11~~7 ^Jorth Lemr,n Street); and dnes herehy a~~rove the !Jrn:3tlve Geclaration from the re~uirement to prepare an envir~nmental imr.ac*. r~port on the basis that there o-~ould be no significant individual or cunulative a!~verse environr~ental ir~pac~ due to the approval of t!:is ~legative Declaration since the Ana!ieim ~eneral Plar desianates tlie suhject property for general cornnercial 1~n~1 uses conmen<urate ~•~ith thr_ proposal; ti~at no sensitive environmental impacts ar~ involve-l in the proposal; that the lnitial Study suhmitteci by the petitioner inc!icates no signifir.ant individual er eunuiative adverse environnrntal ir.m~cts; and t'~at the ^legative Declar~tion substantiating the foreq~~ng findings is on fi1P in the City ~f Anaheim °lan~ing Departricnt. tJ0'.!, TIIEREFORE, E3E 17 R[SOL~!ED that the An7hein City Planning Conmission ~oes herehy grant subject F~tition for Conditional Use ParT.it, up~n the follo~•ring cor.Jitions o-~hich are hereby found to Le a necessary prerequisite t~ the ~roposed use of the subject pro~crty in order to preserve the safety ~nd cir.nrral ~~~clfare of Che Citizens of the City of Anaheim: i. That the ot,ncr(s) of s~ihjcct property shall deerl tc the City of Anaheim a strip of land 4~ feet in 4'idth fron the center~line of the street along Lemon Street for street ~-;idering purnoses. Z, That all engineering requirements of the City ~f Anaheim along Lemon Street inclilding pre~aration of imprnvemr.n[ pla~s and installation of all improvenents such as curhs and gutters, sicle~:~alks, street grading and oaving, drainage `acilities or other appurtenant ~•~ork, shali he comolied w~th as required by t:he City Engi7eer and in accordance tJi*h specificitions on file in the Office of the City Enyineer;or t`~at a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an 3mount and form satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall he pnst~d o-~it`~ the City to guarantee the instailation of the above-mentioned requirenents ~rior to occ~ipancy. 3. That t'~e o!•:ner(s) of suhject or~nerty shall pay t~ the City of Anaheim a fee, in an anount a:; d~tcrmined :~y the City Council, fnr str~et liahting alona Lemon Street. !t. That ±tie ovmcr(s) of suhject ~ronerty shall :,av to the City of Anaheim a fee, in an amoun~ as de[er~^innd '•y t!~e City Couneil, r~r tree nlantin9 Purnoses alonq ~c~nn Street. 5. ihat dr~in~9~ o` suLjc-ct {~ro~crty s•`i~ll bc :iisposcd ot in ~,^anner satisfactory to ttie City Enginccr. G. That th~ o~•mer(s) of subject property shall ray the traffic signal assessment f~e (Ord i nanee iJo. 3~~1G) i n an am~unt ~s deterr~i ned I~~y the C i ty '~oimei i, for commercial huildings prior to the issuance of a builr'in~ rerr,it. -?- PC.81-hi~ 7. TIiaC tras!i stora~~c areas s,~,il l ~,e ~rn~•iclerl in ,icc~rd,nce o-~i th approved plans on file ~~ith, the Offiee of the [x~cutivc~ ~ireetor nf PuLlie !~!orls, ~-. Th,~t this Con~liticnal lise Perr;it 1~ ~r~ntecl ;ul~j~ct to thr_ eompletion of Reclassification rJo. '~~-5~-1!~, nn~.i pendin~. ~. Tiiat ;uhject ~ro~erty ;ha11 he drveloDed suh,tanti-,Ily in aecordance ~•~ith plans and specifications on filr. ~:rith the City of Anahein m.,rl;ed Exhibit ~los. 1 and ~. »• That Condition Ilos. 1, '', ;, ~i~ and ~;, ahr,ve-mentinned, shall he conplied ~•iith prior to the commencenent of the activity au*_horized undcr this resoiution, or prior to the tinr_ tha~ the building rermit is issueci, or aiithin a period of one year from date iiereof, ~ihichever occurs first, or such further time as the Pianning Connission may grant. 11. That Condition Plos. 5, 7 and ~, above-mentionerl, shall he complied ~~ith prior to f;nal buildinn and zoninc= inspections. 12. That tne City of Anahein grants ~ermission to use the alley betv,een Parry and L~mon Streets subject to the condition that befc,re such use may be made, the oo-rner of SuhjeCt nrpnefC% shall impr~ve or Cn~v~~ii. f~imSel~ t~ inprova said ~lley in aecordance ~iith the plans on `ile in t'ie office of the Cit~~ Ennineer, BE IT FURTHf~ RFSOLVFD tnat thc Anahei^i City Planninn CoaMission does hereby find and det~rnine that adoption of this °es~lution is expresslv pr~dieated upon applicant's compliance ~rith eac!~ ind all o` the conditions hereinab~vP set forth, Should any such condition, or any parC thereof, he declared invalici ~r inenforceable by the final judqr~ent of any court of comretent ;urisrlictinn, then this Pesolution, and any aPProv~l, herein contained, shall he cieer~~~l null and void, lhe FOftCGO!tli; ~tFSOLUTIO'! is si9ned .~nd »oravrd by iie this 2~rd day of Fehruary, 1931, CHAIR"tAtI,,A~f~~ IT`( PLA~I';I~p!1"+.1551!liJ ATTEST: ~ ~'~ SECRETf1RY, A`IAHE I!1 C ITY PLl1tIN I tl!; COMM I Sc ~ n>~ -3- PC? ~ _t,~t STATE OF CAL I F~';;d 1A. ) COUNTY OF OR;1~!GF ) ss. CITY ~F AiIAH[~N ) ~, Edit~ L. :larris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planriinn Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoinq r~~~~ution 1:~d5 p~ssed and ario~c~d ~t a meetinn of thc Anah~im City Planninq f,ommissicn he1rl on Febru~ry 23~ ~qt;~~ by the following vote uf the nemhers thereof: AYES: COt1HISSIO~JERS: 3AR;;[S, OCiJ.45, EUS!IpRE~ F~y, HFR,^;ST, I:I~Jf, T~L,4R NOES: C,')I11tI5S10~lERS: ~!0!!E ABSENT: C(`H!11SSIONERS: NOt1E I'I lliT~IESS LdNEREpF, ~ ha~~ hereunto set ny !~an~i this 2?rd day of February, 1°81. n ._L 1~ ~/ SECRETARY, A!!l1HEI'~ CITY PLq~I!~~plr,~CqMMI55ION -f~- p~~~_~~~~