PC 81-45~ rsoi_~_~~ i~~~! ~;n. Pc3~-~;~;
1 i;CSOL~1TI01i OF THE /11!AIICI~! CIiY p~~.~r;~r~r Cn~"~~~~~~~~~
T!1~1T P~TITIO'; F~R CO~1fiITl'1."i1L I1S~ P~^,'11T ''^. '1?> C~ ;^,rti"TE~
ldf~F~,[/~j~ tf;~ ;'~;~a!ieim Sity Pl:~nnin~ Co~7r.iissi~n riid recr_iv~ a verified
Petition for Cenditional Use Permit rron ~UTII FEU~.2~TE1';, FT /1L, 22'1? ':Iest Hall Road,
Anaheim, California, ~7_;;'~•+, o~•mcrs, and !~OL~1'IT[E~ CAPITP.L G!EST, I'IC.,, 1`i1i;;1 :'lmistad
Street, Fountain Valley, Californie~ '~7.?~<"~, aacnt, of certain real nrooerty situated
in the City of F~nahein~, County o` Orarg~, St~t~ o` Calif~rnia, ~'escriherl as~
The East 1"0 ;eet of t:~e South 2~0 fect of th~ Soi~t!~ ~~ ,-~cres of
the Southeast c~uarter of the Souttieast ~uarter of Secti~n 1~~, ie
Township 1i South, ?ange 1~ !/est, in thc Ranch~ Los Co~~otes, in the
Ci ty o` Anal~e im, as shoim on a r~an thcreof r~cord~ i i n bool: ;1 ,
pege 10, I1iseellandous ~la~s, recor:ls of ,aid Orann~ C~imt/.
blHER~~S, the City Planning Conmission dirl F~1d a puh~ic hearin~ at the !ivic
Center in thc City of .Anaheim en Fehruary 23, 1^~1, ~t 1:3~ ~.~., notice o` said
pub 1 i c iiear i n; hav i ng be~n du 1 y g i ven as recu i red by iai;~ an~! i n acc~rrianre r~ i th the
provisions of the /lnaheim Hunicipal Code, Chapter 1~,^3~ to hear anrl consider
evidence for and against said pro~osed conditional use ~crmit and to investi~ate a~d
ma;:e findings and rr_connendations in connection there:iith; an,!
Wf(ERFl15, said Commission, after due insnecti,n, investigati~n ind study made
by itself and in its hehalf, and after due vnsi:l~ra*i~n n~ ,11 ~••,;~~„~„ ,,,,,
orrered at said hearing, docs find and deterriinr the folla.iinn f~~cts:
1. That the pronosed use is oroperly _~ne `or~~rhich a conditional use
permit is authorized hy Ananeir~ Hunicin~l Co:le Sectio, 1°,~1~,^,5~,;^~ rc ~•rit: to
pernit a drive-throuoh restai~r~nt t,~ith a i•~aiver of:
ScCTIC'! i^,:7(,0;~,'1233 - rtinimiur number of parl:in~ snaces.
3 on-site spaces required;
?7 on-site spaces pronosed)
2. That the requi~sted a~aiver is hereby qranted suhj~ct *.o tFe petitioner's
stipulation at tne puhlic hearing that a recipr~cal parkinn ag~eement shall he
provided ti~iith the o~-mer of thc (3roo~:hurst Shoppin~ Cc~nt~r locate~l immeciiately
adjaeant to subject property to the a~est and north,
3. That the proposed use, is granted, rrill not adversely affect the
adjoininr, land uses ~rj [he gror~th ar~d develonr.~c.nt of the ar~,a in ~vhich it is
proposed to ~e located.
~.. That th~ 5izc ancl si~ape of che site nroposed for the use, as granted,
is adequ~tc to alloi~r the full devclooment of the pronosed use in a manner no[
detrimental to [iie particular are~ nor to the pcace, health, safeLy, anci qr.neral
~~+elfar•~ of [ne Citizens of th~> f.ity of Anaheim.
P('& 1-f~,
i. 71~at thc c~r~intinn ot" th~ Conciitinn~l ils~z Pr,t'nit un~l~r the con~litions
imnosc~, iii 11 not he detriricntal tc> thc pr~~ce, ie;ilth, s~~fetv and ~en~rat ~mlfare ~f
the C i t i zc~ns of tiie C i t'y of Anahc i r~.
G. That tlie tr,~ffic aeneraCed hy t`ie ~ro~osed u,r_~, as grantr_ri, ~.ii11 not
~mpose an unc;uc hurden upon thc strc.:ts •-~nd hig!n:~iys dr~si~ned an' innroved tn carry
the traffic in the ~r~^a.
1. That no one indieated their nresence ~t sair! nuf~lir. he~rin~ in
oppos i t ion; and tha t no c~rrespondertce l•!JS rece i ver.l i n ~o~,r~s i t i r,~ to the sub ject
E!IUIROt~`iF'!TAL IFiPACT FII1[)I~1~: T!iat the Anaheim Citv Plannino f.ommission has
reviewed the propusai to pe~•mit a drivc-t`irrn~nh restaurant ~;~ith iraiv,~r of minimum
numher of parkirg spaces on a rectangularly-,h~peri parcei of lanri consistino of
approximately ~,!t4 acre located at the n~rth~.~est corner nf Ba11 3o.~d and 6rookhurst
Strer_t (99^ Scuth [3roo4;hurst STrret); nnd Joes here5~~ apnrovc the '~egati~~e
Jeclaration fror~ the requirem~>nt to prep,~re an environmental inp~ct rnport on ti~e
5asis that there ~•ioul~i !,e no si~nificant individu~l or cur~ulative adverse
environmental im~~ct due tn r!~e ,~~nrovnl of t'~is tlenative ~eclaration sinCe the
Anaheim General Plan design~tes the suhject prnpr_rty for nener~l cnnnerci~l 1an~1 uses
comnensurate arith the proposal; ttiat n~ sensitive envirnnmental impocts are involved
in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted hy thc ~etitioner in~!icates no
signifieant individuai or cunulativ~ o~iverse environmental imnacts; and that the
~+e9ativ~ Oeelaratior, subst;ntiat~n:i t'~e fnre~~inn findings i~ ~n file in the City of
Anaheim Planning ~epartment.
NO~~, THE°FFQRE, BE !T i,ESOL!'E~ t'~at tie Anaheim Cit/ Planning Commission
does hereby grant subject Petiti~n for Conditional use P~rnit, iinon t5e followlnq
cond i t i ons t•rh i eh a rc he ref~y fuund to be a ner_essa rv prerequ i s i t~ tn the nroposed use
of rti,. ~~~FJ..,-~ .-,;:" :;' :; y,~ ;- ~~ ~.r~,o~ v,_ i~~~, y~;eCy anci qeneral ~•relfare c{ th~
Citizens of the Cit, o~ .4naheim:
1. That trash stor~ge areas snali be pr~;~ided in BCCO~CIlf7C!'_ t~,iY.h apor~ve~i
plans on file ~vith thc Office of the Exccutive ~irect~r r,f Piihlic';lor~s.
2. That suhject property s!7a11 bc ser~~ed I~y underground utilities.
3. That the ot•mer(s) of suhject ~roperty sh~li pay to the City of ~naheim
a Pee, in an arount as detcrriined hy t!~e Cit~~ Council, for street lighting along
arooG;hurst Street and Rall Road.
~i. That the oa:ner(s) of subject ~r~;,ertY sh~ll ,r.ay t'ie traffic signal
assessnent fer (Ordinance tlo. 3;«G) in an amount as determinr.~i by the City Couneil,
for commercial builrlinqs prior tn the issuanr_e of a I~uil~linn nerm~t,
~. That thc existinn driveira~is ~~n Ball Road ind 3r~n~hur~t Street stiall he
rer.ioved and replaee~l ~:i th stand~rd c!n~'~ gutter .~n<I SI~M•/l~I:.
6. That anv er.istinn und~ror~nn~i n,,s.,~~nr. .~tor^qc ;nnl;s shall i~e removed
or filled as required by th~ Fire ~~epartment.
-..- p~~l-l,r,
%• That ~ ,icrpet~~<~l easernent anreemcnt ~•~i th the <rmcr of th~~ oroprrty to
th~ north, ?r~vidinn "or r_irr_ulati~~n of trash trucls frr,:n on~ ~arc~l tn the ~ther,
shall be suhmitted to tL~ City ~ttnrnc~~'~ Of`icc fnr rrvi~~~ ~n~! ipprovai; then be
Piled an~l record~d in thr: Off;e~ of Che Oran~e f.ourty ,ec~rdr.r.
~. That a reciprc~ral p~rl:inr~ .,~~reemr.nt ~:~~ th t!ie ~~~:~ner e~r th~ property to
thc ti~re~t and north (:)rool;hur;t Shopning Cr_nter) sh,~il '~c :uL.^.itt~d to t?ie Ci*_y
Attorney's Uffice for revie~,: ~nd :~prn:•n;; th~n I~e fil•:~~i ~n-I r~c~r~led in the ~f`iee
of the Orang^ County Recorder.
~. That th~ oamer~s) cF suhjrct pr~~crty shall snhnit a letter requesting
the termination of Variance ~los. ~~~? anu 3)~~~ to tl;e Plnnninn `1ca.~rrrnent.
1~. That suhj~ct oronerty ~!~ail be develnne~i suhst~ntially in accordance
t~1it`, nlans and speeifien±ions on file ~.riti tiie City of Mah~in ^~ar~•ed Fxhihit "los. 1
tliroug!~ 4.
il. T:~~t C~nditicn !los. ~, 7, ~ ~.^•~ ~ ~~~~'^-mPntinned, ;hall ~e compl ied
~.~ith prior to the eon-~encem~nt of t5e ~ctivity aut'~orized un<I~r t~~is res~~ution, or
prior to tl~e timc t'iat t'~c Fuilrlinr; prrnit is iss:reri, c,r •:,ik'~in a i~erind ofi ~ne year
from clatc hereof, ~.~hic~~evr.r occurs first, or such further ~ime as the Planninq
Conmissi~n may qrant.
1,^.. That Condition tlo~. 1, "L, ~, ' ~nd 1^, :ih~v^-~cntinnecl, shall be
eonplie~' ~~~it'i nrior to final builclinn and zoninq in>~ecti~ns.
3E IT FURTHEf< r;E50LV~D tiiat t~ic ~nohcim City Pl.~nn+n~ Comnissi~n ~+oes hereby
find and determinc that 3~J~ption of t~~i; Resolution is ex~ressly predieated uoon
_i .1,- .,1 it'. :~- ~nrl ~11 n( t~~r .nnr~itinn[ h~~~.ln'1~i1~Vn SPf f~rth.
~Y~.~~....... .. ...~ ~ ,._..._ . . _
Shoulr; any suchr,condition, or any ~~rt ther.~o=, I~e :!ecl~rer! immli•1 ~~r imen`orceable
by the final judgnent of any court of comnetent i~~ris~~~etinn, then this Resolution,
and ,~ny approvals herein c~ntaineci, shal' hr cic~~me~l nul l an:! void.
TiiE FOft~GC I t!G i,ESOLU i IG': i s s i ~;ner' irn! ,~nnrnvc~:1 `~v t'; i s "`?rd ~lay of
February, 1'~~1.
./~~~ ~ E~•c-
c~iniT~i, nna.~!E i n C I TY ~PLA'ir; ~ r;r, cn•+~~ i;s i ori
SEC"ETARY, A'L1NE I'1 C ITY t'LA`7`~ I!1 ~ C^"1'1155 I'l'!
-3- Pr'~i -~F~;
ClTY OF A~!l1HE111 )
1, Fdith L. Harris, Secretary of the Flnahei^~ City Planning Commission, do
hereby certify that the forego~nq resolution ~.•~as passed and arf~~pted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Flanning Commission held on Febr~~ary 23, 1~~;1, hy the follo~•~ing vote
of the members thereor':
AYES: C~~if115SI0tJERS: BFiR,lES, DOI1P~5, ~,USfIORF, F^,Y, HFRf?;T, I;It!G~ TOLAR
>BSE~lT: C0~4h115S10?lERS: tJOfJE
I'! IIIT~lESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 23rd day of February,
~ ~ ~~
SFC4f_TA~Y, A~IRHEi'1 CITI' PL~t!'!IF:G CO~~'+.ISS10+1
-~~~ PC31-1~;