PC 81-46`tESOLUTIOI! '10, PC~I-~t', E~ R[SOLUT I ON OF THE AllAIIE I~1 C i TY PLA,Pihl I tlf; CO!±~1 I~5 I ~~I TH~T PETIT17rl F~R CO~IDIT10~.1/1L USE P[R~tIT td0. %17? GE G"^1~TED i•~~{E~EAS, the lnaheim City Planninn Commission clid receive a vcrified Petition for Conditional Use Pcrr,it from TfIF TAPPA'I ~n~qpquy~ t~~l~~ East La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California, ~2%nj, o~mer, and SN/1~:.' Ar!p TALF'OT, 13!~' Avocado Street, tJ~~•i~~rt L3eaci~, ~aiifornia 9266~, anent, of certain real property ~ituated in the City of Flnaheim, County of Orange, Statc of California, describerl ~S: Parcel 2, in the City of Anaheirn, Ce~nt~~ o` Oran~e, StaCe of California, as shoofn on a map in booi: 25, naqe 1~ of Farcel Ma~s, records of Oran~~ County, Caiifornia. ~JH[REAS, the City P)anning f,ommission did hoid a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of ~lnaheim on February 23, 1~1~31, at 1;3~ p.~ „ notice of said pubiic hearing havinq been duly given as reGuired hy 1a~., and in accordance ~•~ith the provisions of the Anaheim ~1unic;pal Code, Ch~pter 1~,n3, to hear and consider ev~dence for and against said proposed conditionai ucP ner^+it and t~ investi~ate and iaake findings and recommendations in connection there~.aith; ~ncl 41HERE/1S, said Commission, after due inspection, investi9ation and study made bY itse]f and in its ~ehalf, and after due cc,nsideration c,f ~11 ?vidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the fol'ot•~inn facts: 1, That the proposed use is pronerly one for ~•rhfch a conditional use permiL is authorized hy Anaheim Municipai Code Section 1R,n3,n~~,~1~' to wit: to permit a 13-lot, 12-unit industrial complex ti~ith a ~•raiver of: SECTIOt! ~?,~1,1j~ - f;equired lot frontaae. (f111 lots required to front on a puhlic street or ailey; private street frontane orc~oosA~ij ?., That the proposed use is hereby granted s~ahject to the petitioner's St~P~latio~ at the public hearing that there shall be no retail or office uses in this industrial complex. 3. That the requested ~-~aiver is hereby gr~nted on the basis th~t deni<1 would deprive subJe~t pronerty ef a ~rivilege enjoyed by other properties in the same zone and vicinity. 4. That the pronosed use ~•~ill not adverscly affer_t tFe adioininq land uses and the grot•rth ~~d ~~velopment of the area in ~•~hich ~t is pro~osed to be loeate~l. 5, That the size and slia~e of the site prooosed fnr the us~ is adequate to a>>~ti'+ the full development of the oro~~o;ed use in a rr~anner not detrimental to tne particular area nor to the Feice, health, safety, and general t•,elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim, PC ° 1-li,~, ~>. That thc c;ran t i r~i r~f thc ~ond i t i ~n,~ 1 Ilsc Pern;; t und~r t`i~ eond i t ions imposr,rl, if any, i-rill nor be detrimcnl~l tc, t'ic ~r,,~cc, hc~~lt:h, s~fety and general welf.~re ~~f the Citizen, of tne City of nn~lir_im, 7. That t:ic tr~ffic ~en~rated ~~y the nrnposed iise ~.~ill not imposc a^ undue burden upon the streets and high~:~ays desi~ned and irnproved t~ carry the traf,°ie in the are~. ~. That r,n one inriicated t'~eir pres~nce at said ~uhlic hearing in opposition; and th.~t no c~rrespondence ~ias receiv~:l in ~npo,ition to the suhjeet petition• E~11tIROtJPIE~ITAL 1~1PFlCT FI~lDI~IS: Tha~ the Anaheim Cit~~ Plannina Conmission has reviewed the proposal to permit a l;-lot, 1~-unit industrial r.~,ndominium complex tvith waiver ~f requir~d lot fr~nta~e on a rectanqulariy-sh~ped parcel of ~and consistin9 of appror.imately ~+.G acres located at the seutheast r_~rnPr of La Palma ~venue and Richfield Road; and does nereby apprr~ve the tlegativ~ Declaration fron the requirement to prepare ar, environmental impact report on the hasis t~~at t'iere ~rould be no significant individual or cumulative ac!vcrse environr~entai impact due to the approval of this Fleaative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the subject property fer aeneral industrial land uses commensurate ~:~ith the proposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are imiolved in thc orn~osal; that the Initial Stu~y subnitted b~ thc petiticner indicaCes n~~ sianiricant inriividual or eumulative adverse ~nvirnnmental inpacts: and thar. the iJegat:ive ~eclaration substantiating tFe foregoi~g findinqs is on fiie in thc City of lnaheim PlanninR ^epartmr_nt. ~J(141, TNERFF~~R[, CE IT RESOt_l'E:7 tiiat tiie A~~heim City Plannin, Commission does herehy grant suhject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upor, the following conditions •~vhich are hereby found to be ~ necessary prnrequisite tn the proposed use of the subject property in order t:, preserve the sc,fetv and general ~•~elfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the o~rner(s) of ~uhject propert}~ shali dFed to the City ~f Anaheim a strip of land 32 feet in v~idth fror~ the centerline nf the street along Richfield Road, and a strip of land 53 Feet in o-ridth from the centerlinn of the street along La Palrr;a Avenue for street ~•~idenin9 purposes. ?. That all engineering requirements of the City of ~naheim along Richfield Road and La Palrna Avenue, including preparitien of impr~vem~nt Pians ind ir.stallation of all improvenents such as c~~rhs and gutters, sidFti•~a)I:s, street gradin9 and paving, drainag.~ facilities or other appurtenant o-~orE;, shall I~e complied ~•~ith ~s reGuired bY the City Engineer ~r~ in accordance ~ii±!~ specifications on fi)e in the Offiee of the City [nc~ineer; that street lightin9 facilitics along RichfiPld Road and La Palma Flvenu~ shall be instalied as required hy t'~e ~ff~~~ ~r ~It(lities Gencral '1ana9er, ~~~d in accordancc ~•~ith specificati~ns on file in th~ Offic~ of Utillties General ~~a~ager; and/or that a'~ond, certificr~te o` deposit, letter ~f crndit, or cash, in ~n a~ount and forn sati;factory to the Citv of ^,naheim shall ~e pnsted vrith the City rr~ 9uarante~ the installation of the ~b~~.i~-;nenti~~-~e~! r~nuirements prior to oCCUpancY• '. That trcish storaqr, are~s sl,ai l he ~rnvider~ in ~ccordance ~.~i th apnrove~i pl~,is on F~1e 1•lith the Orficc~ or t'ie Fxccutive ~irrct~r of Puhlic 4lorks, _'_ ~r. ~ t -!~~ lE• That firc iiydrants =.hal) ',e in;rillecl and charged ~s reauired and det'errnined to be necess~ry hy the f.hief nf t,ic Fire ~e~artm~n~ ~ri~r to c~nmencement of structural frarr,inq. 7• That ;uhj^~t property sha?1 he se;vcd ',y imcl~r~rc~unrl utilities, ~~. That driina~c of suhjert ~rn~erty ;hall f~n ~lisno;c-_d of in a manner satisfactory to the City Engin~cr, ~. In the event tfiat suhjeet property is t:o he r~ivide~i fr.,r the purpo~~ of sale, lease, or financing, a parcel map, to recor~i t!ie approved division of subjeet Property si~all be suhmitted to .ind approved !;y t'~c Citv of Anah~im and then re recorded in the office of the Orange Coimty ~iec~rJer. ~. That the original docum~nts or the covenants, conditions, and ~estrietions, and a letter addressed to devel~per's tirle eom~any authorizing recordation thereof, shail he submittad to the City llttorney's off;ce and approved F.y thie City Attorney's Offic~ and [ngin~ering Division, prior to final parc.el man approval. Said doeuments, as approved, shatl.be filed and recordAd in the Office ~f tl~~ Orange County Recorder. 9• That strect names shaii he ~ppr~ved ~~~~ the City Planninn Deo~rtment prior to approval or a final parcel man, 10. That all private str~ets shall h~ devcloned in acc~rdanc~ !•iith the City of Anaheim's Standard Detail No. 1?"l. fnr private streets, inclur!in~ installation of street tlame siqns. plar,s f~r the private street lighting, as r~quirecl by the standard detail, shall 6e suhmltted to thc 6uildin9 Divisinn for approval 3nd inelusion ~~iith the :,uilding plans prior to the issuance of hull~'i~n permits. (Private streets are those ~•ihich provid~ prirnary access and/~r circ~ilati~n ~•iirh~~ rhn F~ uJG~.~. - 11• If pernanent street n~re signs havc n~t heen install~d, temporary street name signs shall he instalied prior *_o any occunancv. 17., That the o~,~ner(s) of suhiect pro~erty shall pay ~npropriite drainaye assessment fees to the Cit•;~ of Anaheim as determined by the City En~ineer ~rior to approval of a parcel map. 13. ihat the orm er(s) of su!,ject nro~erty shall pay the tra`ftc signal assessment fee (Ordinance No, 3596) in an amount as deter-~ined by the City Counci;, for industrfal huildings ~rior tc th~ issuance of a buildin9 ~ermit. 14. That this Conditional Use Permit is granted subject to the ~ompletion of P,eelassification IJo. G5-~~6-24, no~.i pending. 15. That suhject pr~~erty :hall be rievelone~i suhstantially in accordance. ~'+ith plans and sp~eifications on filc ~iith Chc City of ~1nahrin raarl:ed E;<`~ihit "los. t through ~• 16. That Condition Mos. 1, .'., 7, ~nd 1-'~, above-mentinnec+, shall be complied ~vst~i prior to the Commencement of the activity <iuthorized under this resolution, or Prior to the time that the builc!ing permit is issued, or o-rithin a period of one year ' 3" PC 3 t -l~E~ from d~te hr;reof, ~:rhieF~ever oceurs first, ~r suci, further time ~s the Hl~nnin~ Commission may r;rant. 17- That Can:Jition P1o;. 3, 5, G and 15, ahqv~-m~ntinnc~i, shall i~e eomplied v~irh ^ri~:r to final buildinc~ an~! zoninq inspcctions. ~~~. Thar. nn retail or office uses shall he p~rnitted on suhject r~ropF;ty, L'E IT FURTNER. P,~SOLt/Ep Cha[ the Ana'iein Citv Plannir,p Con~fssion does hereby fin~1 and uetermine that adoptian of this P,es~l~iti~n is er.nressly ~r~dicatAC1 i~p~~ applicant's compliance o-~ith ~ach and ali of the c~n~litions her~in~,hove set forth. Should any such eondition, or any ~art thereof, he declared invalid or unenfore~~h1~, by t`ie final judonent of any rnurt of cnmpetent jurisdicti~n, then this Resolution and any ap~rovals !ierein c~rtained, ,hail be rieemed null and ~~~id. > THE F~RE ;01!1G RFSOl.~1T10;! i s s i~necl ~nd a~nrove;i hv me th i s'?rd day ~p February~ '"?21• !~~~ v'- ~i~~~ ~ii.~~,,,r~~~ qrinG,rl'~ CITY'n~A~~,i~~~r. ~~~~.eISSIn~I ~1TT~ST: ~~ n !/ ~ / la ~' - J~a~t~t~.... SEC"FTARY, A':AHFI!1 CITY PL,1N~,1"Ir r;~~;~.~,~c,~~~,i STATE OF CALIFOI;IIIA ) COUIdTY OF OP,A'1GE ) ss. C ITY OF /1tlAI{E I!1 ) I, Edith L. Ilarris, Secret~ry of the Anah~ir•i Citv Planninn Cnmmis~in~ i ~~~r~:.y .:_r:+`y L;~~~ ~~~~ ~ur;:y~~in the llnaheim City Planning Commis , „ u resoluti~n ~~as passecf and ,~~ioptcd at ~~ meeting of sion held c~n Febr 2 '~%; of the members th~reof: uary i, 1 1, bv the follo~;~in~ vote AY[S: CO'ih11$510•'lEfS: GAR~JtS~ ~01)q$~ [3USHO~F, F!'Y~ IiER~ST I'I~!~ LI1^ T^ ~ ~lOES: C!?~1~tISSIO~~ERS: tdO;~E ~ ~ . ABSEr!T: CO!1'tISSIOtdERS: ~IOWF. ~t! ~JIT'IESS IJIIE",CQP, I 1 3 havc hereuntn se t r,v hand this ??rd c~ay of Fehr~ar - 9 1. y, ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SFC'ET!`~2Y, P1A!!rl~? CITY PL,n,`I~!It!!: C~MMISSIOh~ Pf°1-!i~