PC 81-53R[so~_uTiora r~o. Pr,8i-53 A N[SCLUTIO~I OF TH[ AP1Flf',EI'1 CITY PL/1M~JINr Cl?~1~11SSl0~7 THF.I P[TITIOiJ FCR CorIDIT10r1nL ~JSC PFRHIT F10, 21°.'. I;E G~4PlTED WHEREAS, the Anahe(m City Planning Commission ciid receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from RO(3ERT ~1, TEPPER, ET /1L, P. 0. E3ox ?1!i, Northrid~e, California, 91324, o~:~ners, and DFRRiCY, NEWTON, ;121F, park 5treet, Cer~itos, Calffornia 907~1, agent, of certain real property situated in the CiLy of Anahaim, County of Orange, State of California, descrihcd as: PARCEL i: TNAT PORT~OM OF TNE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TFIE ri0!?TN4IEST QUARTER OF SECT1011 14, TOblMSH I P ~E SOUTH, R4"! ~F 11 4fEST II! THE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, AS S401•Rd A; P/1RCFL 2, 0; !1 p1AP FILE~ ihl [i00K 22, PAGE 5 OF PARCEL MAPS II~ THE ~rFiCE OF THE COUIITY RECQRD[R OF SAID COUPJTY, WfIEREAS, the City Planning f,ommission did hold a puhlic hearing at the ~ivic Center in the City of Ana'ieim on !tarch 9, iq~l, at 1;3"1 p.m., notice of sa(d public hearing having been duly given as required hy la~•i anci in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Munic;pal Code, Chapter 1~i,03, to hear and consider evidence for and against sa(d proposed ccnd~tional use permit ano' t~~ investigaY.e and make findings and recommendations in connection thereo-~itii; a~~i WHEREAS, sai<I Commission, after due inspection, inv~stiaation and study made by ltself and in its behalf, and after due c~nsiderition of all evidence and re~orts offered at said hearing, does find and dercrminP the follewinc~ facts: 1. That the proposed use is nroperiy one for ~•~hich a conciiCional use permtt is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sectior, 1A,41~,~5p.O1C to o-~it: to permit a cocktai 1 lounge ~•rith a~aiver or: SECT(OP! 13.06.~60,~232 - Flinimum numher of carkinn sna~~~ lti3> spaces required; +Ot spaces existingj 2. That tne requested waiver is hereby granted on the bas;s that the petitioner has submitted documentation, which is on file ti:~ith thF City of Anaheim, that a reciprocal parking agreement exists with the surroimdinn commercial com~lex for mutual access to and use of a11 404 on-site parking spaces, and that the deviance from Code is minimal, amounting to about 7~. 3. That the proposed use o-iill not adversely affect che adjoining land ~ses and the growth and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located. 4. That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow the full development of [he proposed use ir a manner not detrlrnental to the particular area nor to the peace, I~ealth, ,afety, and ~eneral a,elfr,re of the Citizens of the Clty of Anaheim. 5. That the _qranting of the Conditionat Use °ermit un~1~r the con~litions imposed, if any, ~ai1l not he dAtrimenta~ to the peace, hFalth, safety and qe~eral ~.eifare of the Citizens of the City of An~heirn, PC3t-53 G. That the *_raffic generaYed hy the proposecl use ~.~ill not impose an undue 5urden upon the streets and highv;ays desiuned and improved tci carr~; the traffic in the area. 7. That no one indicated their preser,~e at said puhlic hear?ng in opposition; and tliat no correspondence ~:rac receivPd in opposition to the subject petition. EPiVIP,QpIME~JTAL It1PACT FINDIIJG: That the llnaheim City Plannin~ Commission has reviewed the proposal [o permit a cocl:tail lounge w.ith r~aiver of minimum number of parking spaces on an ?~regularly-shaped parcel of lancl consisting of approximately 1.2 acres, having a frontage of approximately 7_53 feet on the east side of Knott Street, heing located approximaCely 1~1 feei south of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue (3u3~ Lincoln Rvenue); and does herehy approve the Paegative Declaration `rnm the requirement to prepare an enviranme~ital impact rc~port on the basis that there woulci be no significant individual or cumul~tive adverse environmental impact due to the aporoval of thts Negative Declaration since the Anaheir~ Gerteral P1an designates the svbject property for generai corrmercial land u;es commensurate ~•~ith the aroposal; that no sensitive environmental im~acts are involved in the proposal; that the Initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no si~nificant individual or cumulativ~ adverse environmentai im~acts; and that the Ne9ative Deciaration substantfating the foregoinr ffndings is on file in the City of Analieim Planning Department. NOW, THEREF'~1RE, 6E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City ?lanning Commission does herehy g;ant subject Peti[ion for Conditional Use Perrnit, upon the f~llowing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to thc proposed u;e of tlie subject property in order to preserve the safe[y and ~~eneral ~~elf~re of the Citizens of tlie City of Anaheim: ~ 1. That subject property shall be develooed suhst~ntial'y in accordance with plans and specifications on file ~~lith the Citv of Anahrim ma~I~,.~l F.,ti;tif« ~~,,.. ~ tl~rouy~~ ~,. . ..,... , BE IT FUP,THER R~SOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby find and de*_ermine that adoption of this Resolution is e;cpressly predEcated upon applicant's compliance with each a~d a11 of the conditlons Fiereinabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of cempetent jurlsdictlon, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein cuntained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTI0~1 is signed and approved by me this ~ith day of ~1arch, 19r?1. ATTEST: ~~~~ ~ ~ CHAIRMAN~ AP!AHEIM CITY PLAPINING COMMISSION / ~~ ,>~ /~~, <:_ SECRET.4RY, A~J~HE I ht C ITY PLAt~N I ~~G C014111 SS I 0!J -2- PC~31~53 ~ ~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) CQUNTY OF ORAPlGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Edith L. fiarris, Secretary of the Ar.aheim City Plannin~ Commiss~on, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution v~as passed a;id adopteci at a meetin9 of the Anahefm City Planning Commission held on Ptarch 9, 1n^?, f,.~ thc following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISS!ONERS: BAP,NES, QOU~S, BUSHORE, FRY, HER[~ST, KIr1s, TOi.AR NOES: C011MISSlONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMi11SSI0NER5: NOP:E IP! WITGESS WKEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ?th rlay of 1larch, 1'1"1, I ~~~. ~ ~~, SECRETARY, AMAHElH CITY PLAPI~IIP!G C~MMISSION -3- PC31-53