PC 81-54RESOLUTIOtJ f10, PCf31_5L
'fH/1T FETITIO~! FOR VARIF~NCE M0, 3,'.~~ f3E GR/1~1TED
WHEREAS, the Anaheii*~ City Planning Commission did receive a veriried
Petition for Variance from Ml1nIA VALDEZ SFlLA7AR, ET AL, 1'~1G NortF Patt Street,
Anahelm, California 92u'11, o~;mers of certain real property situaterl in the City of
Anahcim, County of Orange; State of California, c(escrined ~s:
Lot 13 of the Schaffer-Osa~ald Resubdivision, as F;er map thereof
recorded in Bc,ok 7, page !~t of !liscellaneous !1aps, Records of
Orange Coi~nty, California.
WHEREAS, the City Piannin~ Commission did holci a puhlic hearing at the Civic
Center i~ the City of Anaheim on March 9, 1?31, at 1;;~~ p,m,, not?ce of said public
hearing having been duly given as required hy la~•i anrl in accorciance vrith ihe
provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter IR,n3, to hear and consider
evidence for and against sai~ proposed variance and to investigate and make findings
and recommendations in connection there~~ith; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, after duc inspectian, investigation and study made
by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearino, d~es find and dc.errine [he ~nliowing racts:
1. That the petitioner proposes a~~aiver of the following to construct a
detached do-~ellin4 unit in the RM-12~~J Zone:
(a) SECTION 1'.31,,qh2,n32 - Minimum floor area.
25 s uare eet per unit required;
7_ and 75 square feet existing)
(b) SECTIOt~ 18,34,063.011 - Minimum landsc,~~~i ~~+ti,.-i•
(15'20 eet requfred; 5 eet existinq
(c) SECTIOt! 10.34,~G3,p2p - M~nimum di;tance between buildin c
1 eeL required; ~ •eet existing)
(d) SECTIO'J 1E.34,003.022 - Minimum sir_yard setback
9 eet required; 2,5 and 7,5 feet existing)
(e) SECTIO~! 17,34,06F,n~? - Minimum numher of narking spaces.
_ required; E proposed
2. That the pro~osed ~~aivers are herehy granted on the basis that the
existin~ develc,pment consists of four legal nonconformfnq restdences, t~v~ of vrhich
will be removed ard replaced ti•rith one conforming residence; and that the oroposed
constructian will not increase the deg:ee of nonconformity.
3. That there are e>:ceptionai or extraord~nary circums*ances or conditlons
applicable to the property invoiveu or *.o the intended use of the ~roperty that c!o
not -pp1y generaliy to the pronerty or class af use in the sane vicinity and znne,
~{^ That the requested variancc is necessary for thc preservation and
enjoyment of a substantial propcrty riqht DOSSeSSP[I'.~y oth~r prooerty i~ the
vicinity and zone, and denied to thr prr,perty in questi~n,
~. That tne requested vari~nce ~,ill not be rnaterialiY dr_trim~r,
puh)ic ~relfare or injurious to the prapertv or im~rovements in su
in which the t~1 to the
property is locateJ, c5 vicinity and zone
opPosttio~; andhthatn~o corresponcfenc~ ~,~as~receDVedrni~ ot "'id public hearing in
Petition, pnosirion to the subject
~eV1e1'~ed the } That the Anaheim Cit~~ Pianning Commissl~n has
pro~osal to permit construction uf a detached d~~e)ling unit in the RM-
~Z~~ Z°~e with v~aiv~r5 of minimum floor area, minimun lanrfscaped setbacl<, minimum
distance between buildings, minimum sideyard sethac~, and minimum number of
sPaces on a rectangularly-shaped parcei of )~~d consistin~ or a o
square feet, having a frontage of approximat~) Parking
Street and Y~7 feet on [he east~r,~ideatory Patt
. betng )ocated approximately 1?~ feet narth of the centerline of ~a Palma
Avenue (lnl~ tJorth Patt Street); and does herehY a~nrovF r
~'~' Ne9~tive Declaration
fror^ the requireme~t to prepare an environmenta' inoact rep~rt on the basis that
there ~lould be no significant individual or cu~ulative adverse environmental impact
due to the aPPr~val of
des{gnates the this Plegative Declaration since the ~nahein ;eneral Pian
subJect proPerty for medium density rASidential Ianc1 uses cor,!mensurate
with the prnposal; that no
pro osal• serrsitive environr,ental ir~~acts are involved in the
P , that the Initia) Stud
siynificant individual o~ Y suhmitted hy tlie petitioner
~~e9atlve Declaration substantiati~~ative adverse environmental imnacts;Iandcthat the
Anaheim Planning Department. ~ the fcre~oin~ fincJings is on `ile in the City of
~~~'~r, TH~REFORE, DE IT RESOLVED tliat Che Anaheim City Pianninq Commission
does herehy grant suhject Petition for Variance, up~~ th~ `~~~pw~n
propertyei~n o~derd to be a necessary prerequisite to tlie
g cordi[ions o-~hich
to preservP th.. ,a`... P~-onnced ~~~~. ,,. .~__
~t~'r' o` ~,n~aneim: ~: ~r,~ yeneral o-~zlfare of i .,,` "'~jec~
t ie C i t i zens of t~e
~• That the e~•rner(s) of suhject property sha11 deed t~
a strip uf land 30 feet in ~•~idth from the centerline of the street alo~ p
for street ~videnin the City of Anaheim
g purposes, 9 att Street
2. That sidewalks sha11 be insCalled along patt Street as reqi~irP~ b
City Engineer and in accordance ~vith standard plans and speciftcations on file In the
Office of the City Engineer, v t~P
3. That the aoner(s) of suhject property shall pay to the Ci
a fee, in an amount as determ(ned by the City Council, for
along PaCt Street. ~y ~f A~aheim
tree planting purposes
4• ThaC dralnage of suhject prope~t~ shall be disposed of in a manner
satisfactory to the City Enpineer.
5. That the o~~ner of suhject proprr~y Sh~~~ p~y t~ the Cit of
appropriate parl; anJ recreation in-lieu fee as deternincJ to be a
~~tY ~~~ancil, satd fee to be at~ a y ~naheim the
P t th~ [lme the huildin~ permit Psrtssu~le ny the
~. That the oo-m~r(s) of subject ~roperty shai', ~ay the traffic signai
assessment fee (Ordinance No. 3?96) in an amount as determined by the City Council,
for each ne~.v dwellinn unit prior to [he issuance of a building permit.
7, That subject pronerty shali he developed substantial!y in accordance
,y'th plans and specifications on file ~rit'h the City oF Anaheim martce~! Exhibit `Jo, 1,
g. 7hat Condition tJos. 1 and 3, ahove-mentioned, shali he cemplled o-~ith
prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this resolutlon, or pri~i-
to the time that the huilding permit is issue~l, or i~ithin a period of one year frorn
date her~of, ~•~hichever or_curs first, or such further time as the Planning Commission
may grant,
9. That Condition 'dos, ?_, ~~, and ], above-mentioneri, shall be complied
with prior to final building anJ zoninq inspections.
BE IT Ft~RTHER RESCLVED that the dlnaheim City Planning Commission does hereby
find and deterrnine that adoption af this Resolution is ex~ressiy predicated upon
applicant's compliance +.•ritL ~ach and all of the conditions here(nabove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable
by Y.he final judgm~nt of any cour[ of competent jurisdictian, then this Resolution,
and any approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and voici,
TNE FOREr,~~p;~ P~cpLUT10'! is sinned an~ a~proveu hy nc this ~th day ef March,
1~~1. -
/o i~-~ ~~ r`XCJ~-~
SEt,RETA^Y, ANAHEi11 CITY PLA~iNiNG COF1"~ ~~- Ss~p•~
GOuWi r GF ORA~aGE ) ss.
~, Edith L. flarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Comnission, do
hereby certify tnat the foregoing resolution ~;as pa;sed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Harch ~t, 1~31, hy the folloaiino vote of
the members thereof;
It~ WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto s~t my hand this ?th day of Harch, ln~~,
~~ >
SECRETARY, A'1,1 11NE ~1 C~ P~1tIiM!; CO'1~ ~
1155 10~.
,~1~.~-~~v ~~~
-3- PC81-51E