PC 81-6RESOLUTION PlO, pCa~_~ A RESOLUTION OF THE APtAHEIM CITY PLA~iNINr, ~~MMISSinr~ DFFJYINC THE DELETION OF CONDITIO~I N0, 8 OF RESOLltTION Nn, p~~c~_~~ PER7AINING TO LANDSCAPINr, IN SANTA ANA CANYO-J ROAD IN CON!JECTION WITH Cr r~ITI0FIAL USF PERMIT N~, 1ojc~ WHEREAS, the petltioner subrriitted a request for deletion of a condition of approval contained in Planning Commission Resolution No, PC7q-Fp ado ted (~ connection wtth Condttional Use Permit No, la3q per„~(tting a church and accessory school facilitles with waiver of maximum structurai heiyht on property consisting Qf aPproximate)y 6.0 acres on the southwest corner of Santa q~~ Canyon Road and Solomon Drive; and WNEREAS~ '!~e petitioner requests deletion of the following condttton contained tn ~he above-referred to resolution: ~~~• That reasonabl~ landsca~ing, including irrigation facilitles sha1) be tnstalled in the median and the unpaved portion of the south side of Santa Ana Canyon Road right-of-way in accordance wtth the requiremen~s of the Supertntendent of Parkway Maintenance. Follrnoing installattr.n 3rtd acceptance~ the City of Anaheim sRali assume the responsinilitY for malntenance of sald ~andscaping in the median onlv with the avners of subject property malntaintng the parkway on the south side of Santa Ana Canyon Road,~~ WtIEREqg~ the An3heim Ctty P)anntng commissi~n dtd hoid a public hearing at the Civtc Center in the City of Anaheim on January 12, 1~31~ at 1:3q p,m,~ notice of said public hearing havtng been duly gtven as required by iaw and tn accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, to hear and eonci~i~f eviclence for and a9ainst satd or~~~sat LQ ~n~nd tt1z conditions of aporoval of Conditional Use Permit No, ~93g~ and to investigate and make ftndings and recommendattons in connectton therewich; and WHEREqg, said Commission~ after due inspection, investigatlon ~,~d study made bY itself and in its behalf, and after due consideratton of all evtdence and reports offered at said hearing, DOES HERFBY FIND: ~• That one person appeared at sald pubiic heari~g in favor of the request; and that no correspondence was received In favor of the subject request; and that no correspondence was rece(ved in oppositton to the subject request. z• 7'hat the deletion of said requirement to pro~jdP rea;onable landscaping and irrtgation facilities in Santa Aia Canyon Road wou)d set an imdesirable fo~ future deve~opmrnt of entire h:ll and canyon aea and the entfre Cit fpAecedent ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDiNG: aPP~oved on March 2, 1979 n connection further act~on is necessary. Y o naheim. That a Negative Declaratton was previously wtth Conditional Use Permit No, 1939 and no PC81-6 ~;~~. . - -_ . .._ . NOW~ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny the request to delete Condition No. ~ of Resolution ~~o. PC79-60. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 12th day of January, ~~81 • ~ ~ 7~ CHAIRMAN, CIfY QF ARAHEIM PLANNINR COMMISSION ATTEST: SECRE AR , NAHE M C T~PL N~! G.MMISS ON STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF aRANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannina Commission, da hereby certif~ that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on JanuarY 12, 1Q91, at 1:3~ p.m.~by the following ~ote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS~ BUSHQRE, FRY, KING, TOLAR NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NOPl~ ABSENT: COM!'!ISSIONERS: EARNES, HERBST IN WITNES~ !~'~EREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of January 1981. ~ .~. ~~ SECRETHRY, AN~E H ITY LAFiiJi~3G COt4~~ SS1Gf7 -2- PC81-6 ~tFSOi_uriori rm, ~r?~_~ Fl RESOLUTIO~' OF TH[ .~1;~NE1"1 CIT" PL,~~~~II"!r ~n>~,q~c;~~~l LF;JYI~I~ TFIF pELFTI~!I ~)F C~rIUITI~"i ilf1, `? ~F RFS~~I~TI~I! iln. p~7n-~~ PFR1'AIWI'IG T~ LAtlDSCAPI~dG I~1 S,?~lTA, q";q Cp!!y~tJ Rnn~ I'I CJ"I'lf-CTIOF! 4rITF' C~!1DIT10`!!1(_ IISF PFn,~.~~r rin. t^;.~ WH~REAS, the oetition~r suf,mitted a request f~~r ~lel~[inn nf aPproval contained in Planninn Cor~rnission P,esoluti~n ;~~, ~~nnection ~•~i ~ condi~inn ~p th Cond i t iona 1 !Ise Perm i t ~~~. 1•~ n P(; 7n_(n arl~ptP~{ in schooi `~cilities svith waiver of maximum Structur~~ p~rr~iT.tincl a churrh and accessory aPPrnxim~teiv 6.~ acres on the scu heiql~t on prnpA~~y c~nsistinn Drive- a~~{ t5~~~est cnrncr of Santa Ann C.3nyn °F n Road and Soi~m~~ l1HEREl~S, the pe* i t i r,n~r r~.~u~s ts d~~ let i~n of the fol lol•ii r~n containe;I in thc abovP-ref~rr~d ~e r~;ojution: ~~ndition "~ • Tha t reasonab 1 ~ shall he " landscaoina, includinn irrioation `acili[i~~ installed in the ne~lian an~i the unnaved onrtion of th~ south thede~~of S,nta Ana^Canyon ~oad rieht-~f-~,,a„ :~~ith uir~^~~n[s ~- ~~,~ ., in ~~,cr,~riance Maintenance. Fnllo~•:in~ install~tion"anilacceptanr_e,~f~, Park~:i~y Anaheim shall assume the rt,pon5ihi)itv f~r t.c City ~f landsca~ing in t.tie median on)v wit!~ the n~.,~er~~~Ften,~nc.,~ of sald maintainin~ the par~iva~ on the south sirle ~p '~~'jert ~rp~ert% °oad," Santa F!na Canynn I~FIEREAS, the Anaheim Cit% Pianninn co~i>sinn did ~~~1~ i~~h~. the Civic Center in the City of ll~ahein ~~ ~anuary 12, 1~~~~ ;,t ~;.~n „ h said public hearfn ~~ hearina ~t r~~ 9 havtna heen d~~l~. `''r~`''°"iu~~~ ~r the Anaheim '1unicip~l1C~~eu~ 'r'luiren h)' la:•~ an~i in iccordance~4iith ~9ainst said proposal to amend thP > t~ he~r and ~~~si;~er evidence for and No. i9'~ cond(tions of anoroval of Condition~l Use Permit j, and to investigate a~d make `indin~s i~r~ rrcomm~~~,,tions therewitn; and in connection WHERE~1g, said Commission, after rlu~ by itself and In its hehalf, and after due considerati~on ofV~)1'PVt~P~cenandtUreports offered at said hear~nc~, DOES HERFftI' FI~I~; 1. That one person anpeared request; and that no correspondencp ~,~as received in f. 3t said puF11c heartng in fivor of the 3vor of thP suhiect re~i~~St~ ~~~ that no correspondence ~:~as received in op~o~it~o~ ~~ the suhject renuest. an~1 irrigationTfacilhtidPl~~~Santa Ana~Can~onrPo~dt,~.~ nrnv' for future developm~nt of entire hi~l ~~~{' ~ t.ould set('anrenlesir.ahl~l~ndscapinq cinvon a~a and thr, entire PCnCCCIPf1L ENV~Rp;;piF!dT/1L IMPACT ,, ~~tv nf ,qnaheim, aoprc+v~d on ^1ar~ti 2~~ q in Fl~l~lt7r:; T~~~* ~; 7 e~nnection ;i ~`e~`ti~„ ~~~~~r~tion ~vas nrevi~usly further ~ctt~~ jg ~` ~~ th f„n,~iticmi Use. Permit PJ~, ~q3q cessa ry. and n~ P~~l-( F104l, THFRFFOP,E BE I'i R[SOLVE~ that t'~e Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby deny the request to drlete Condition f1o, ~ of R^_solution No. PCi~-6~, THE FQRE~~lPlG RFSOUiT10!i is siqned and appreve~~ by me this 12th day of Jani~ary, 19E1. , ~~x~~ ~ ~~~-~._ C~~AIRMA~I, f,17Y f1F A"1/1H~~H PLANtd;N~ C~~1MItiSI~M ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~~~ SECP,ETARY, ANAHEIPt CITY PLl1HtlIN~ C~'~1!tI551~~I STATE OF CALIFOP,~IIA ) COJ`1TY Of ORAP~GE ) ss. CITY OF AilAHEI'1 ) 1, ~dit`~ !. Flarris, Sec~etary of thA Anaheim ~it~~ Fia~ninn Cnr.,missinn, dn hereby certi`y that thr_ f~re9oin~ resolution ~•~as passed ard a~!opt~d at a meetin9 of the Anaheiri City Planninq Commission hr1~ nn J.=.^~~~ry 1?, i~'?1, at ':";'1 ~.n.,bY the folla•11ng vote of the members thereof: AYES: COPIMISSIO~IERS: F~OUAS, BUSH~~F, F?Y, I;I'I;, T'?LA° IJOES: f.OMM1SSI0NER~: NONE AQSE~JT: COMMISSIONERS: BARPIES, HF~45T ItJ W;TMFSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th dav of January 1~1~~1. ~~J~L. ~ ~it,~tr~~ SECR~TA~Y, At111HEIF' CITY P~A~INI!!r ~nr.,, 5~~n~i -2- PC3'-C,