PC 81-60RESOL'ITIO'i 'I~. PC;;I-Fil n rrsn~.~'TIOt: OF TIiE ~1flAil[!'1 CITY P~~^i~;~~~~ ~~r~~~~gSl~l'I T!I/`,'i PETITIO'I F~~ CntlDITIO'~it~. i15[ Pf_R'tIT '!0. ; 1"'~; i3~ !;~?.ql!TF!1 41N,[RF.i15, t!~e ~lnaheiri City Plann~nn Commissinn ~lid receive a verified Petition for Conditional Usc Pcrciit Yrer~ ~'1/11!EI" '1~TEL, L1'~., llt±enti~n Ed~~,ard Carl Andres, 1331 East I;atella Avenuc, AnaheimY i,a)ifornia `?230~, o~.~ner of certain real properCy situated in the City of ~lnaheiri, County of Or,~nge, State of California, descrihed ~5: PARCtL 1: THE SOUTHE~157 Qfl/1° i E.°, ~F THE SO!'THLlFST ~UAETER OF TH[ SOUTHF/;ST QUAR?ER OF SECTIGid 23, TOU~lSf'IP !+ SOIITFI, RA^1GF 1'1 'dEST, S• ~• a• G M. EXCEPT THE W~ST 1 A~'E 71~ERfOF. ALS'l EXf,[PT T~IF llEST 7_1}0 FEET OF TIIAT POP,T~p~1 T~i[nt-pF LYirlr EAST OF THE EA~T LI~lE OF SAID IdEST 1~CRE Tf;ECFGF. l1LS~ FXCEPT A!! !~y~IVI')ED 14,C,;!n7'H~ IIITER(_ST I!! THE ;lORTfI IQ FFET OF Tl;E El1S7 S~ FFET OF Tf!E ':!EST 33F, F[ET OF THE S011Tti~r,~T 2U.~^ •, E3 OF THE SO!IT!!':iEST ~1)A.P?E? OF TF~F SOUTf~[AST QI)qRTFP, OF SAID SFC~ 10'J ?3. llIIEZE!4S, thr~ City Pl~nninq Coa~mission ~ticl holc~ a ouhlie `~earinc~ ,~t t'ie Civic Ccnter Ifl t~7e i.IL~ af Anai~ein nn 1~a~C!? ?jv i~;~~~ ~C ~;J^ ~.n.~ f10i1CC Of S~ll:~ D~Jb~IC nearing fiaving been :1uly given as required hy ia~~ in<i in accor~iance ~•rith the ~rovisions of the Anaiieim ,"lunicipal Code, Ch,~pter 1^,^3, t~ hear and consider evidenee for and a~ains*_ said pro~osed conditional use permit ond to investiqate an~l makc fi,idings anJ recom^~enrlations in connection ['r~ere~.rit~~; nnd WHEREi~S, said Com~,ission, a;ter due inspe~tion, I~VCStIC~;tion and study made by itself and in its behalf, anci a~ter duc c~nsidcrition of ail evidence anci reports offered at said hearing, dnes finci and d~termir.e the fol)oi•~ing facts: , • ~~~~~ Li~c proposen use i; properi•~ one fnr ~ihich a conditinnal use permit is authorized by Anahei~ !1unicipal Code Section 1~.~1,~1~~,3np to ~vit• permit a res~aurant ~•:it'i on-saie alcoholic ~~everaqes in the HL (Industrial, Limitel) Zone ~ri th the foi lo~y~ ~q ~•ra iver: ~ SCCTIOI~ 1•"i,0(,,i)u~,.~?~~ -'linir~un numi~er of narl:inq spaces: 3~•i reauired; 2~,~ pr~nosnd ~, That the ~:rr • d:!aiver is '~nreby ararite~ ~n the hasis that the proposed restaurant is locate~ adjacent existing r,~tel and thnrF ~;•i11 be dual usage of 6oth restai.~rant and motel ~y th~ customer~. j. T~~at the ~iroposcd use is hereLY 9~'anted sul,ject *_o th~ petitioner's stipulation that the mo,t !iesterly drive~::ay shall i;e poste~l `or "riohT turns only." ~~. Tha[ ti~e pro~cse~l use ~•ii 1 i noC aclvcrscly affeef the acljoininn land uses ancl [he c~ra•rtn and eeveloprner,t of tne rire~ in ~:,nic', it is pronnsed to be locateri, Pf.i1-(n ~. That th~ ;i~e and shar,e ~~ the sitc pror,r,seci fnr the use is adenuate to allo~:~ tn? full dcvelonment oi tlic~ proposci use in a rnanner no; detrimcntal Ya the particular arc:a nor to thc pecir_~, ;~ealth, s,~f~tv, and generai ~~elfare nf the (:itizens of thr City of Anahcim, ~~. Tliat the arantinr ~f iniposed if 1 the Conclitiana~ Use Perr~it unrier the conditions ~ any, ~~~ill not he d~~trime.ntal to r.h~~ ne~=e, hc3lth, sa~c.~ty and general welfare of the Citizen, of thc Cih~ of llnahcir:. 7• That the traffic ycncrated hy the prnnosed use 4~f11 nnt imnose an undue burden upon the stre~ts and high~~ays designed and improved t~ carry thr~ traffic in thA arn~, ~- That no one indicated Cheir presence at said pubiic hearing in ~pposition; and that no correspondence i:~as received in opp~sition to the subject petition, E~d1~IR0~JMENTAL IMPl~.CT FIPl~IN;: That the Anaheim City f'lanning Commission has revierred the prop~sal to permit a restaurant ~•~ith on-sale alc~holic beveranes in the ?1L (Indu;trial, Limites) Zone ~:,it~5 tJaiver of minimum nunber of cark.in~ snares on a rectangularly-,haned parcel of land con~istinn of approxim~teiy 1; ° acres, havtng a frontar~r of aPproxinatel ~ . maximun depth of a y 3'~~ f~et on the north side of ':atella Avenue, having a l'!P_ST. of , PPrcximately ,.,5 fert and hei~n located a ~ t~ie centerline nf Sta,e Colleqc~ ;;o~i~ ,,., ~~' ~ximatP~y 1315 feet ~OFS !'=r^-t•Y approv~ the Negativ~ ~eclarati~n F vard (1,;1 Fast Y,~trlla Avenue) ' environmental r~~. the re~uireme~t to re ~re an~ impact report ~n the hasis that tnnre ~;p~i~~{ ~ p` ~n i~lividual or cumulative adverse environnental impact Jue to tJegative Declaration since the Anahei~ ;eneral p hP nn significant ~`'" a^prcval of this for general (ndustrlal land uses commensurate 471Cf1,thC~q~np~~a~5 thn suhj~ct property environmen*_al impacts are involved in the ~roposa); that the Initia)'Stu~iy Submstted~ bY the petitioner indic~tes no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental inpacts; and [hat the Negative Declaration substantiattn findings is on file in t~ie City of P.naheim Pinn~r~. ~....__,... 9 t!~e foreao t na .:...~ ,.~,~,~~. IJOW, THE:REFORE, P,E IT P,ESULI~ED t does hereby yrant suhject Petition for r that he Anaheim Cit~~ Planning foTmi55ipR conditions t~rhich are here~~ f ondit(anal !)se Permit, u of Y ound to he a neces=. ~on the folirn•~ing the subjeCt property i~ ~r,~e~ ~~Y ?rr~reouisite to thP Citizens of the City of Anaheim; t~ nreservc the s~f~ty ~~~{ Pr~'P~sed use gencra 1 ~.,e 1 fare o` the ~. That the o~,mer(;) of suhject prnperty shali pay t'~e *_ assessment fee (Ordinance ilo. 3~~~(,) i~ ~~ a~~i~~t a~ ~etermined t;y the City Council, for commcrcial bulldi~ S raffic sinna) 9 prior to the issur~nce of ~ h~~~~~~n permit. 2. That trash storagr areos shall he provideri in aecordan~e ~.~ith a plans on file wich tfie Office .f the Executive ~irF,-tor n' Pi~hlic lJorl<s, pproved 3. That the ot•mer(s) of SuhJect p~o~erty shali p~iv to the Ci ~ frz, in an amoii~t ~5 d~t~rmined f~y [he Clty Council, f, hat~) l~ Avenuc, tY ~f .An~hei~n rr streAt linhtinn alonq i~. Tii~[ t~ic~ mest ~,>s~,tr:rly driv~tiav shal l he poste~l °nr ~~•ic;ht ~urns only~~. -2- PC~°,l-~0 5. That subject property ;hall I~e ~i!~velo~ed s~~hst~ntial i in aecordanee ~aith plan= ancl specifieations un file v;ith the City of Anaheim rnarl<er Exhihit !~~. ~. 6. That Condition No. ~, ~bove-mentioned, sh~ll he cor+~li~d ~•~ith prior to the commencement of the activity authorized under this r~soluti~n, or ori~r [o the time that the buildin9 permit is issucJ, or ~oithin a oeri~d o` ~ne vear fron da*.e hereof, ~•ihichever occurs first, or such furCher time as the Planninp Commission may grant. 7. That Cor.dition tlos. 2, f!, ,~nd S, ahove-mentioned, shall he comp?ied with prior to final huiidiny ancl zoninn inspeetions. BE IT FU°7fiER RESOLVED rhat the ,4n~heim City Plannin~ Comnission !~OPS h^reby find and determine that adoption of r.his Resoiution is e•xnressiY precltca±ed upon applicant's compliance ti•;ith each and ail nf the conditions hPref~anove set `orth, Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared irvalid or u~en~orr_eabie by the final jud9ment of an'y courC of comoetent jurisdiction, then Y.his ResolutEon, and any approvals herein contained, snall ~e deened null ar,d ~~~id. THF. F~R~r,~l;:~ RESOLUTI~~! is siqned and apnrevef hy me CF`IS 23rd day of March, 1'?31. ~ , /~/,~ r~~,C~ ~~1~. C}I~~ I Rryt,f~, "~ifi+NF I'~ C I TY ^L'~'1', t ~~~ C`t""! ~` 10`1 ATTEST: ~ ~~~ SEC~.ETA.",Y~ A~!F11iEIM C1TY PLA'.!.'!I~iG C.^..".'11551~'~ STATE OF CAL I FORI! IA ) COU~!TY OF ORA"l~[ ) ss. C ITY OF ~1:JatiE I`t ) I, Edith ~.. Harris, Secret~ry oP thc An~hcir~ Citv Plar,ninn Conr!ission, ~fo hereby certify that the fore9oing resolution ~ras passed and a~onted at a meetinn of the Ananeim City Planninn Comnission hetd on ~~arch 2?, 1~31, h•y the `ollo~•rin~ vote ~~ the a~erihers thereoP: AYES: C6."1'11$$ION~ZS: BARt1ES~ ROI~AS~ F?.Y~ H[R~ST~ KII;~~ ?~LA^ NOES: COMMISSIQFlFRS: [3USHORE AP,SErdT: CQhtM;SSIONEpS: t10~1E 1~31. IN blITNE55 l•1HEREOF, 1 have hereur sek my hand this '_'ir~' ~iav ~` ~lareh, ~ ~ ~ ~ 'a~ SEC"ETARY, Ai14NFl`~ CIT'f PL~~~it!{'I" CO~~HISSIOPI -~- prg~_C,~