PC 81-74 RE~OLi!TIO'! 'd!!. FC:iI-7~' ^I=SOL~_~?101' !7~- ji;r. .~iir,'~EI!1 C(?Y ?l.i'.';~ll'ic ~~~~~,ISSI~`I T~il~i P~'i (l"!0'! F(1^, 1~n.R1,1'ICr "1~. ;.'.~7 BE G°~~~Tr.n l•.'iIFRFAS, the Anahrin Cit~~ Pl~~nninq Cormi.=.sion ;1id receive a verifiec! °etition for Variance frnm LAP.RY R, StilTil, 17~'i' "tarina i ay f)riv~, Nuntington Harhor, California '12(;1i"', o:m~~r, and CtIA~.LES t_. H~t!l., i47~1 ~olden ~•le>t Strr.et, Ifestninster, Califo~•nia 91~;:;?, a~ent, oF ccrtain r~al pr~~n~rty siti,atc~) in the City of Anaheim, County c>f Orange, State o` California, described ~s: TI~!1T PORTIOPI OF T!~E SOUTHE,/1~T QUA~'TFR OF SECTIO'! 1~~ T~1L!'!SHIF 1' ~OUTH, RANGE 11 41EST, I!! T'iE RI;P1Cf10 LOS COYOTCS, AS S!101:'PI 0~I A ~14P ReCGROED It•! B001: ~1, P,'1GF 11 pF t1iSCFLI_A~![OU5 "S!1P5, RFCOPDS OF ORAPIGE COU!1TY, CALIFOR"!Il1, D~SCRIFE~ AS F~LL~;IS: BE~I~1'lltlG AT THF ItlT[qSECTIOP! OF TlIE SOUTiI LIi~E OF SAID SECTIOPI 1~ IdITH THF NORTHEAST6RLY RIGHT OF 4JAY LIPlE OF TH[ PACIFIC ELECT.;IC, RAILRn~~~ 100.0~ FEEi 411D[, AS DESCRIRED IPJ DEED T~ TIiE L~; A~~IGELES INTER URCiAtJ RAlIItAY COF1PAfJY R[CORDED PIOV[~1~ER 1•'~, 1~0~ IF! B001; 172, PAGE 27c3 OF ~EEDS, RECOR~5 OF S41D OP,AtJGE CnUrlTY; TNF~lCF l1L~i:G 5,41D RIGHT OF 41AY LI,dE ~lORTH 53 DEGRFES 2~i' GO" IJEST 521.~1 FEET; THE~JCE ilORTI~ 0 DFGREES 13' 00" bJEST ; 2.~j FFET; THENCE iJnc?T~I 3~3 DEGREES 3~' 00" EAST 2?2. 30 FEET TO A L I ME ~F~+3. ~!? FEET 4!E57ERLY AllD PARALLC-.L SdITH TFIF EAS'i LiflE OF S~ID SECTI~"; l;; TF~E"!f,E AL~^i~ SAIU PARALLkL L~tJE SOUTH 0 DF.GRE[S 15' 45" F.~!ST 17~1.~10 FEF.T; TNENCE NORTN 3~ DEGP,EES 3C' ~0" EF,ST 24r1.n~ FFFT; THFNCE SO~1TH 0 DFr,?~ES 1;' 1,5" EAST TO TIlE SOUTH LIIJE OF S;11D SF.CTIO~J; THFNCE bJESTFr^,LY ALONG SFlIU SOUTH I_I'JE TO THE POIIdT OF t3E~!""II'!~. EXCEPTI^1G THE2EFR0"i THF SOUTfIERLY 3~.~0 FEET F~r-. (;~qp plirp~,FS. E;;C[PTIP~G TFIEP,EFRQM APIY PORTIG~! LYI~I~ LJEST OF THE l~!fST ~I~IF OF T~!E EAST 20.~!) ACRES OF THE SOUTHEAS? QUARTER OF THF SOlITHFAST (lUl1RTE~ OF SAID SECTION 1>; APlD uEGiididli•~G AI Ttit SUUiHEA~I CO~F~ER OF SAID SECTIOfd; Tf;ENCE 50~1'TH 3a 36 ~ 1JEST 243, 02 FEET; TNEP!CE MORTH 53° 24' 4lEST ALOIIG TH[ PAC I F I C 6LFCTRIC RAILROAi~ RIrf;T-OF-t1AY 5.'-1, ~Z FEET; THENCE NORTI~ 0° 13' WEST 72.°5 FFET; TNENCE N~RTFI o~?° 3(,' EAST 2??.,3 FEFT T~ TH~ IF!TERSECTI(?t•1 WITfi A LIP~E PAP,/1LLFl !dITH THF EAST I_IPlF OF S/11D SECTICrI A~JD UISTl1P~T WESTERLY 4G3,00 FFET FRnM SAID EAS?ERLY Lit~!t OF SAID SECTIO~J, SAID IIdTERSECTI0P1 BEI~I~ THF TP.!IF POIh17 ~F BEGIClfIING~ THENCE PARALLEL bllTli SAID EAST LIP1E~ SOUTH 0~ 15~ ~45" EAST 17~~.~)0 F[ET; TfIEIICE tJORTN 8~° 36' EAST 240,~~ FFET; TNEM~c PA,°,ALLEL 411 TFI SA I D EAST L I P~E SOUTN 0° i S' ~~5" EAST 163, 7<< FEFT T~ A L I IJE PAf?~1LL[L WI TH A"JD D I STAIlT 53. ~0 FEE? NORTIIERLY FR.OM THE COU~SE HEREIhlBEFOR[ DESCRI6ED FlS "SOUTH 39a ;6~ WEST 2~~3.!?2 FFE7"; THENCC PARALLtL IJITH SAID COU~2SE, PdORTh! 8~° 3G' El1ST 20,00 FEET TO TNE l~lESiERI.Y LlNE OF THE EASTERLY i33.~o FFET OF SAID SECTION; THE"1CE FlLO~If., S1 I D 4dESTf_R~Y L I NE, FIORTH ~° 15' ~E5" IJCST 1 G3.74 FEET TO A LIPIE PARALL[L WITH AND DISTAtJT SOUTI-IFRLY 170,~'1!1 FEET FZf?M THF EASTERLY PROLGVr,Ar~p;l CF 711(~T CFRT/11N COURSE DESCRIBE~ ARf?VE AS ~~iJORTH 8~i~ 3(; ~ EAST 2.,'_2, i FEET~~; THE`~CE AL~f•!S SA I ~ PAR/il_LEL L I t!E ~~~'~T" ~~° 3~' EI1ST 13~.~0 FEET TO A LihlE PAR?~LLEL WITH A!!D DIST'1"!T P~31-7~f ;•IESTERLY ;3. ~0 Ff:ET FROIt S/1 I D FASTERLY L I~iE nF S~ I D SFCT I n?~; TIIE'JCf_ ALOtIG SA 10 LAST ~iESC^ I~[~ PA~l1LLEL L I!IF N~r,TI! ~i° 1$' tF5" IJEST 17~.00 FGET i0 ~ LIPlE IdHICI! 3EP~,R~ f;n3Tl' ;~o ;/,' EP,~T A'!~ WIIICH P~SSES T!140UG!' THE TR~IF POUdT 0~ (~EGIII'Jlllr, T{ar:'ICE ALO'lf' S,~ID LAS'f ~1~~lTIO~JFD LINF, S~IITH L'_l~ 3i~' !•lEST 3~1;.~~~ FEFT TQ THE T2IlE P01'dT OF BEGI'71JING. 1lFIER£AS, Y.he City Planning Commission did h~ld a nuhiic hearinG at the Civic Center in the City of /lnaheiri on Flpril 6, 19u1, at t:3~ p•m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as re~uired hy la~•~ and in accerdance i~irh the provisions of the Anaheim Hunicipal Code, Chaoter 18.03, to hear and r_onsider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investiaate and ma4;e findings and recommendations i~ connection therei•~ith; an~i WHERE/15, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its t;ehalf, and after due consideration of all evi~lence and reports offered at said heari~g, does `ind and deternine the follo~•~in~ facts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a~•~aiver of the follo~~iino to establish three parcels: SECTI0~1 13,p1.13J - Required iot frontage. (all lots required to ahut a puh)ic street or alley; 1 lot~,~ithout frontaae pro~osed 2. That the above-mentioned ~•raiver is hcrehy granted on the basis that the petitioner demonstrated tliat a hardship exists clue to the irr~gular shape of suhject property and that reciprocal easements oii11 be established for vehicle circulation purposes. 3. That there are exceptional or extraordinar, circiimstances or conditions ap~,licable to ~he prop?rty involved or to the intended use of the pro~erty that ~io ~nt An~~v n~nor~?1" r.. r~:C ~„'C^C" .~~ -~.._ .. . ~'r' ~~~,s or usC ~n ine same viclnity and zone. 4, That the requested variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantiai property riglit oossessed by other ~roperty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property in question. 5. That the requested variance aiili not he materlaily detrimental to the public ~•reitare or injurfous to the property or imprnvements in such vfcinity and zone in wiiich the property is located, ~. That no one inclicated their presence at said pubiic hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence o-~as received in opp~sition to the subject petition. ENVIROtINEiQT~L IMPACT FINDIIlG: The Plannino Director ar hIs authorized representative nas det~rm(ned that the proposed pro,ject falls riithin the definition of Categor(c31 Exemptions, Class 5, as defined in tha State EI° Guidelines and is, therefore, categorically exenpt from the requiremen2 to ~reparF an EI~Z. M041, ThIERF.FORE, L~E IT R[SOLVED that the Anah~~im City °l~nning Comnission does hereby grant subject Petition for Variance, upon the f~lloo-~ing condttior.s which -2- Pc3~-74 are hereby found to be a necessary prere~uisit~ to the pr~posed use of the suhject property in ord~r to prescrve thc safet:y and general a~elfarr ~f the Citizens of the City of /lnalieim: 1. In tho evenc that suhject pronertv is to he divided `~r the purp~~se of sale, lease, or financing, a parcel map, to record the apprc,ved division of subject property shall be suhmitt~d to anc approved hy the City or Anaheir~ and then he recorded in the office of the Oranye Cou~ty Recorder. 7_. That a reciprocal parking and access easement <~~reemen*, ~r~~vidin~ for circulation of vehicles and trash trucks fron one parcel to th~ ~ther, shall be submitted to the City Attorney's Office for reviet•i and approval, then be recorded in the Office ef the Orange County Recorder in conjunction ~~~ith or prior to approval ~f th~ final pareel map. BE IT FURTtIER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Ccmmission dnes hereby flnd ard determ~ne that adoption of t!~is Resoiution is expressly ~redicated upon applicant's compliance ~-~ith each and all of t`~e conditions hereinahove set forth. Shoulcl any such condition, or any part thereof, he declared invalid or ur,enforceable by the final judgment of any court of cornpetrnt jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals he;ein contained, shail he deemed null and void. t93t. THE FOREGOIidG RESOLUTIOPI is signed and approved by me tnis ~-th day of Apri~, //C.~ (.: ~1~ / ~!~/ . CHAIRMAPl, /1HAHE1~1 CITY PLA~ITIING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~cec.~. ~ 7~~~~ SECP,ETARY, ANAHEIM CITY FLA~JNIfiG COMHISSION STF,TE OF Cr1L1f•ORtl~A ) COl1tJTY OF ORA,~GE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Edtth L, iiarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Co~~r~ission, do hereby certify that the foregotng resolution was passed and ado~te~1 at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on April 6, 19F1, hy the following vote of the members Chereof: AYES; Cc1.MHISSIC~lERS: BARNES, E30UAS, BUSNOP,F, FRY, HERRST, KI"1^, T~LA? NOES: COM'•1lSSIOiJFRS: PIOtJE Al35EPJT: COMMISSIO"lE~S: tl~FlE IPi 411T'JESS 4!HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this (th day of ~lpril, 1~?1, ~~~ ~ ~,~~ s~cr,rT~!~~, n~inuEi~~ ciiv ~~~~~~ii~is r,~~a~Aissi~~, -3- Fr.31-7l;