PC 81-80RESOLUTIOM fd0. PC31-c°,0
IJHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission d'd recei~~e a verified
petition for Reclassificatton from LAUREPJCE R. LEGGETT, ET AL, ~532 41est Orangea~ood
Avenue, Anaheim, Calif~rnia 928(?2, oam ers, and THO~tAS E. SH[LTO*f OR JAMES E.
DULEE30H~1, 11622 Seacrest Drive, Garden Grove, California, 9264!1, agents oT certain
real property situated in the City of Anaheim, Coun:y of Orange, State of California,
descril~ed as:
The East 1;2.2n feet of the 'dest 257.37 feet of tt,e North 329.5
feet of the PJortheast quarter of thP Ncrtheast quarter of the
SouthU~est quarter of Section 24, in Township 1+ South, Ranye 10
West, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, in said Oranne Couniy; and
PA,RCEL 1: TFe East 13?.20 feet of the West 3F~.~7 feet of the
Plort!~ 329.5 feet of the ~Jortheast Quarter uf ttie Mortheast Ouarter
of the Southt~rest Quarter of Section 20, in Township 4 South, Range
10 West, San Bernardino Base and Merldian, in the County of
Qrange, State of Calif~rnia.
41HEREAS, the City Pianning Commission did hoid a put,lic hearinq at the Civic
Center in the City of Anaheim on April 2~, 1~E;, at 1:3i~ p.m., notice of said pubiic
hearing having been duly given as required by law and fn accordance wiih the
provisions of the Anaheim Plunicipal Code~ Chapter 18,~3, to hear and considet'
evidence for and agalnst said proposed reclassification ancl to investigate and make
findings and recommendations in connection there~•~ith; ancl
WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiaat:~n and sTudv made
4, t [
~r' ~CSr~~ anu in i~s ueiiaiT, and arter due consideration of all evidence and reports
offered at said hearing, does find and deCermlr.e the fol)ewing facts:
1. That the petitioner pr~poses reclassification oF ~uhject property from
the RS-A-43,0~0 (Residential/AgricuiCural) Zone to the RS-'2•'1~ (Resi~iential, Sinqle-
Fami v) Zone.
2. •.at the Anaheim Genera! Plan desianates subject property fo; low-
density resic_,cfal iand uses.
3. That the proposed reclassification of subject property is necessary
and/or desirable for the orderly and proper developmenr of the community.
4. That the proposed reclassification of subject property does properly
reiate to the zones and their permitted uses loca)ly estaFlished in close proximity
to subject property and to the zones and their permitteci usPS generally established
throughout the community.
5. That the Froposed reclassiffcation of subject prooerty requires the
dedication and improvement of ~h~tting streets in accordance with the Circulation
Element of the General Plan, dur to the anticipated increase in traffic ~•~hich will be
generated by the intensificat~on of lan~ use.
E. That ore person indir~te~ his nresence at said nublic hearinq in
oppositfon; and that no correspondence ~•~as received in opposition to the subject
EPJVIRONMEPJTAL Ih1P/1CT FIMpING: That the Anaheim ':ity Plannlnn Ccmmisston has
revie4~ed the proposal to reclassify suhject property from the RS-43~Op0
(Residential/Agricultural) Zone to the RS-7200 (Residential, Single-Family) Zone to
establish a 9-lot RS-7200 subdivision with araivers of required lot frontage, minimum
lot area, minimum lot ~,~idth and frontage, maximum lot coverage, minimum front yard
setback, mtnimurr rear yard setback and permitted orientation of buildings on a
rectangularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 1.52 acres, havtng a
frantage of approximately 264 feet on the south side of Orange~rood Avenue, and being
located approximately 270 feet west of the centerline of Ninth Street (1524 and t53z
West Orangewood Avenue); and does hereby approve the ~Jegative Declaration from the
requirement to ~repare an environmental impact report on the basis that there would
be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impar_t due to the
approval of this Negative Declaratlon sinr_e Che Anaheim Genera' P~an designates the
subject property for loti~~-density residential land uses commersurate with the
proposal; that no sensitive environmental im~acts are inv~lve~i in *_h~ proposal; that
the Inltiai Study submitted by the petitioner indlcates no siqniftcant individual or
cumulattve adverse environmental impacts; and that the Negative Declaration
substantiating the foregoing findinas is on file in the City of Anaheim Planning
NOId, TFIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Pianning Commission
does hereby grant subject PetEtion for Reclassification and, I~y so d~ing, that Title
18-Zorsing of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described
property from t~.e RS-A-1~3,~00 (RES~DENTIFlL/A~RICULTURAL) ZOF1F and to incorporate said
described nrc,nerr.~ ~nr~ «~,,, n~~_~~~., r.._,,,__,_,.,
"` • ~~~~.~~~~~~+i if+~, ~irltdLi_-FAHiLY) 70ME upon the
folloHing cor~ditions ti~~hich a re hereby found to be a ner_essary prereauisite to the
proposed use of subject prop~rty in order t~ preserve tlie safety and general welfare
of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1. That street lighttnq facilities along Oranqewood Avenue shall be
Installed as req;iired by the Office of Utflities General hianager, and in accordance
with spectfications on file in the Office of Utilities General Manager; and/or that
a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and form
satisfactory to the City of Anaheim shall be posted with the City to guarantee the
installation of the above-menttoned requlrements prior to occupancy~
2. That Fire hydrants shall be installed and charged as required and
determined to be necessary by tf:e Chief of the Fire Department prtor to commencement
of structural framing.
3. That draina~e of suhject property shall be disposed of in a manner
satisfactory tc the City Engineer.
! In the event ti~at sub.ject prnpNrty is to bc dtv~ded 1"or the purpose of
sale, ~ease, or flnancing, a parcel map, to record the aporoved divtsion of sub_jeci
property shall be submitted to ~nd approved t>y thc City of ,~nahei^~, then recordzd in
the office of the Orange County .°,ec~rder.
-1- PC81-8Q
5. That the o~:si~.r of ,uhject ~rn!~~rt;i shall ~ay t~ the City of (lnahr..lm the
approoiiate nar!: and recreation in-lieu fees a~ drt~r ined tn be anproorfate by the
City Council, said f~es t~ he paid a~ t~e timc the buil~fin~ permit is issued.
6. That an ordinance rezoning the subject prnnerty shall in no event
become eTfective except upon or follor~ing the recordation of Finai Trac:t '1ap No.
llit8? ~,~ithin the time specified in Government Code Srctinn « 4~3.~ or such further
time as the advisory a~ency or City Council may granT..
7. That the oo~ner(s) of suhject property shall pay the tr:~ffic sigr~al
assessment `ee (Ordinance No, 3~9f) in an amount as deternined by the City Cour.cil,
for each ne~, dt•.elling unit prior to th~ issuance of a huilding permit.
b. fhat appropriate water assess^~.nt fees as determined by the Office of
Utilities General Manager shall be paid to *_he City of Anahein prior to tF~e issuance
of a building perrnit.
9. That subject property shall he developed suhstantially in accordance
~~ith plans and specifications on file v~ith the Citv of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos, i
thrcugh 9, provided, ho~•rever, that a 6-foot hi~h masonry block ~rall shall be
constructed along thP east, vrest and south property lines; and that no access shall
be allowed to Ora~ge~~~ood Avenue except for the approved private street.
i~, That the existing drive~•ray ror the nortneasterly parcri shall be
realigned to taNe access from the praposed private street (',!averly Court) as
recor*imended by the C~ty Traffic En9ineer.
11. That ccxnpletion of these r~classification proceedinas is contingent
upon the g~anting of Variance "Jo. 32~4.
72. Prior to tlie intr~duction ef an ordinance rezoning subject property,
Condition Nos. 1, 4, 6 and il, ahove-mentioneu, shall be cnmplete.i, The provisions
OY riahts (1~~ntre~ hv thi~, rnStil~ititin ehall he.rnm~ n~~ll .,r~ vn7.1 V.v ~rie~~ nf rV.r.
Planninn Commission unless said conditions are complied ~•~ith'within one year from the
date hereof, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant.
13. That Cendition Nos. 3, 9, and 10, above-mentioned, shall be complied
with prior to final building and zoninc~ inspa.ctions.
BE IT FURTHF.R RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commission does hereby
find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is exnressly predicated upon
applicant's comptiance wlth each and all of the condiiions hereinabove set forth.
Should any such condition, or any uart thereof, be declared invalld or unenforceable
by the final judgment of any c t of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution,
and any approvals herein contained, shall h~ deemed null and void,
TFIE F~)REGOING RESOLUTIOtI is signed and approved by me this 7~th day of
Aprii, 19u1.
CHA I R'tA`J, ANRN~ 1~1 C I TY PLA"~"J I ~1C Cf1MH i SS I ON
_ ~~ ~ ~~~
->- PC8~-80
I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of tlie Anaheim City Plannin~ Cormission, do
hereby certify that the foregoing resolution a~as passed and adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on April 2~, 1931, by the following vote of
the mem6ers thereof:
i~l WITDJESS 41HEREOF, i have hereunto set my hanci this 20th day of April,
`~~ - . ~° r~a.t.t.~.