PC 81-83RESOL!ITIO~l P:O. PC81-9 A RESOLUTIO~! OF THc. AiJAHEIM CITY PLANiJIN~ CO~~!11551QP! THAT PETITION FOR COPIDITIGtJAL USE PER.MIT N~, ?1~B EiF GRJtMTE~ WIIEREAS, the Anaheim City Pianninc~ Commission dld receive a verified Pe.tition for Conditional Use Permit frcm BETI! A~AMS, L7D., et al, 151i5 4lilshire Eioulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90017, ovmers, and DAVID TRAI!P,, 131 ldest Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California 92i3~2, agent, of certaln real property situated in the City of Anahein, County of Orange, State of California, described as: THE WEST 200.00 F[ET OF THE EAST 44n,0~ FEET OF TNE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUFlRTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUAP,TER OF SECTION 22, TObiP1SHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 1~ WEST, It! THF RA"lCHO SAPI JUAt! CAJOr~ DE SArJTl1 A^lA, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIN, COUNTY OF OPFr~!;E, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECOP.DED Itl !30t1Y, 51 P,q~F i!1 OF i11SCELLkNE0U5 ~~HYJ, IN 1'HE OFFICF OF THE CDUNTY (tECOR~Fi; OF ;AID COUMTY, EXCEPT THE 1JORTH 410 FEET THEREO'r. 4lHEREAS, the City Planning Cormission c'id hold a puhlic hea-ina at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on April 2~, l~i3i, a[ 1:3~ p,ri,, notice of said public hearing having heen duly qivrn as required by lati•, and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, ~hapter iP.(13, to hear and consider evidencP for and against s~1d proposed conditi~nal use permit and to investi~ate ano make findings and recomr~endations in connection ther~~•rith; anri WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, invnsti~ation and study made ~'; ; ts~ ~`:.r;.: ;,, ; C, ;,c~~a i i, anu a i ~Cr due cons i cierat ion of a i i ev: dence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the folloa~inn racts: 1, That the proposed use is properly one `or which a conditional use permi~ ts zuthorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 1q,~i.03^.~1~ to wit: to permit r°tafl antique sales in tiie F1L (industrial, Limitee) 'on~ ~•iith .~aiver of: SECTION 13.OE,.06~.~22 - Minimum number of par;<!nq soaces. 75 spaces require~i; +. prooosed) 2. That the proposed use is hereby grar.ted suhject to the petitioner~s stipula*ion at the puhlic hearing that auctions a~il! not be conducted on the premises. 3. That the requested ~•~aiver is herehy aranted on thr basis that denial would deprive subject propcrty of a privilege enjoyed by other prop~rt~es ir. the same zone and vicinity and on the basis that a variance ~,as prr_viously ~ anted for a similar retail acti~~ity on suhject prnnerty and that there has been no resultant parl;ing ~roblems, 4, That the proposed use ~•~ill nnt adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the 9rooith and deveiopment of the arca in which it is pronosed to be located. PC81-8~ 5. That the s i ze and sFiaoc of tiic s i te f~r~nosed fr~r th~ iise is adequate to alloti~ the full de~vclopment oT the prnposecl us~ in a r~anner n~>t detrimental to the particular area n~ir to the ~cacc, hcalth, safety, and ~~neral airlfare nf the Citizens of the City of Ar,ahcim. ~. 'ihat t`~c ~lranting of thc i;onditional !lsc P~rmit undcr thc conditions imposed, if any, ~•~ill not he detrimental to the peace, heaith, safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 7. ihat the tra`fic 9enerated hy t'~e nrnposed us~ ~•rill not impose an undue burden upon the streets and hi9h~•~ays dc~si~ned and improved to carry the tra`fic in the area. 3. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence iyas received in opp~sition to the subject pet i t to~,. ENVIRONMENTAL IHPACT FI;1pIPi;: That the Anaheim City P!annin~ Commission has revievred the proposal to permit retail antique saies in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zo^e with waiver of ehe ninimum number of parkin~ spaces on a rectangutarly-shaped parcei of land c~nsisting of aoproximatelv ~.~7 acre located at the northeast corner of Katelta Avenue and 7_eyn Street ~131 West Katella Avenue); and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration from the requirement to prr_pare an environmertal impact report on the basis tliat there ~•iould be no significant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this tleg~tive Declaration since the Anaheim ~eneral Plan designates the suhject prooarty for commercial-recreation land uses commensurate ti•~ith the proposai; that no sensitive environnental impacts are i-.volved in the prnposal; that the initial Study submitted by the petitioner indicates no significant individuai or cumulative adverse environmental im~acts; and that the Negative Declaration substantiatinq the foreqoing finclinqs is on file in the City ot Hnaheim Planning uepartmrnt. NOId, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Lhat the Anahein City Plannin~ Commission does F~ereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the followinq conditions which are herehy found to he a necessary prerequisite to the proaosed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and c~eneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the owner(s) of subject property sh~ll deed to the City ..~ •lnaheim a strip of land 15 feet in radius alnna Katella ~venue and Zeyn Street. 2. That street lighting facilities along Katella AvPnue and Zeyn Street sliall be installed as required hy the Office of Utilities General tdanager, a~d in accordance with specifications on file in the Office of U_ilities General Manager; and/or that a bond, certificate of deposii, letter of credit, or r_ash, in an amount and form satisfacto ry Lo the City of Anaheim shall he posted a~ith the City T.o guarantee the installation of the ahevc-mentioned renuir~men*_s prior commencement of the activity herein approved. 3. That sidet:~~ll;s shail bc inst~llecl alen9 7eyn Street ~s re~nired hy the City Engineer and in accordance ~•~ith stanclard pl~ins and snecificaCions on ffle in the Offiee of the Ci[y Engir~er. -2- PC91-83 ~ ``. That the existin~ str~~r_ture s'ia11 `,e hrouc~ht up T.o the minimum standards of the City of Anahein, incluJina the Uni`orm 3uildinq, Plumbina, Flectrical, Mechanical and Fire Codes as a.1o~•.ed by the City of qnaheim. S. That the o~mer(s? of subject nr~~,erty sha11 pay tl~e traffic slgnal assessment fee (Ordinance Ilo. 389E) ;n an amount as determined hy the City Council, t'or comnercial huildings prior to the issuance o` a huilding permit or commencemeni of Che ~ctivity herein approved, vrhichever occurs fir;t, E. That trash s[orac~e area, shali be provided in accordance o~ith approved plans on file ~~ith the Office of the Exec~iti~e Director o` Fublic 41or{:s. 7. That the existing easteriv drive~:iay on I;a~~ella Fl~~enuc sha)1 be removed a~d replaced a~ith st~ndard curh, gutr.er and landscapino. ~. That the proposed art and anti~ue sa)es facility shall comply with all Si9~i~9 ~eauiremenr; of the '1L (Industr~al, Limited) Zone. 9. That subject prnperty shall ~e develooed su!,stantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file :•~ith the Citv aF Anaheim mnrked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 7, »• That Condition ?los. 1 and ? ahove-mentioned, shall he complied with Prior to the commencement of t,ie activlty authorized under this resoiution, or nrinr to the time that the huilcing perr^it is issued, nr i~,ithin a period of one year from date herr.of, whiche~er occurs first, or such f~~rther time a; Lhe Planning Ccxnmisslon may grant. 11. That Condition 'lu~. 's, 4, 6, 7, and 9, ahove-mentioned, shall be ~~P~~e~ ~~~th prior to final building ~nd zoninn inspections. BE IT FURTHER P,ESOLVED ~hat t~•~, Anaheim City Planning Commission dors hereby find anr+ determine that adoptio•, of thi~, Resolution is expressly predicat~d upon applicant~s compliance ~oith each an~ all of the c~nditions hereinabove set fort;i. Should ary such conditfon, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment o` any court of competent jurisdictton, then this Resolutlon, and any apprcrvals herein contained, shali be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOIP~G R[SOLUTI0~1 is sig~P~ and 3pproved by me this 20ch day of April, 198i. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ ,C`' 7~,,t.u, S[CF<ETARY, A^JAHEIM CITY PLA"~~~IPIR C(1M'11SSIO~I ~ ~ ~~~ ~nA I Rr1A.P1, AplANE I Pi C I TY PLA!;r! ~ y~ ~pMH I SS I ON -3- P~q~_R3 STATE OF CALIF~RtIIA ) CQUNTY OF ORAtJGF ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIH j I, Edith L. Narris, Secretary of the Anahein City Planninc7 Commission, do hereby certify that the fore9oing resclution ~•~as ra,sed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Canmission helri nn Aprii 2~, 1~s1, hy thc follnwing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COHMiSSIO~IERS: BAR~iES, BO!1115. BUSHORF, FRY, NEP.BST, F;IN~, T(1LAR NOES: COMhiIS510f~ER5: tlOIJE AE35EIdT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE itl IJITIlFSS t!HEREOF, i have h~r~~unto set m~• han~1 this 2~th day of April, ~9a~. ~~.~~ .~ 7~ SEC?ET.4?.Y, !1^!AH~ f M C ITY PL"':`11'I•^, C~;Y115S 10'1 -1~- PC3t-II3