PC 81-86R[soi.~iTio~i >~o. Pc3~-£.~r A RFSOLUTI~~! OF TfIE 1~lAI'EI" Ci'fY PL~^I~JI"!r C~~+~11SSIOU IIiAT PETiT10.'~I FO? CO!IDITIO~i,~L IISF PF~HIT tl~. ?1^% '?[ ~R/~.'~TF~ WHEREAS, the Anaheir~ City Planning Cor~mission did receive a verified Pet i t f on for Cond i t i ona l Use Permi t from L!I ~dST01J I P1DIiST? IAL °~'!1pERT I ES , 27.r 1-q Fast Winston Road, P.naheim, California, '128i)~, oti,mer, and DA~~ID C. WO~L~FY A~ln n,q~~RT E. CAIIPBFLL, 227.1-1 [ast Winston Road, Anaheim, California ~2~3~~;, a~ents, of certain reai property situated in the City of An~heim, County of Or~nne, State ~f California, descrihed as: THE EASTERLY 33^..'.25 FEET QF Tf!F Sn~~TN HALF OF THF N~P,TH',l~ST QU.4RTER OF THF FIOP,'iHlJEST QUARTFR (1F SECTir,N 2!!, BEI~I~ A PORTI(~~! OF LOT 41 IPI TO':;WSHIP 4 S(IUTH, RAPIfF 1~ IJEST, IN TfIE RAh(CN~ snri JI)qN CAJO~d DE 5.4MTA At1A, Ir! THE C!TY OF AP1/1HEIM, CnIiNTY OF OPqr,~1E~ STATE Or C/1LIFORNIFI, AS FER MAP REC~~RDF~ IPl DOr1K 7, P{~,rFS 25~ qM~ 257 ~r PA7F?~TS qF L~S AP7GEL~S COUNTY, CALIF~R~lIP., A!ID AS PER MAP RECORpED IR B;;~I; 51 PAGF 10 OF MISCELL4HEOIIS .MAPS, IN THF (1FFIf,E OF THE ~:~)UN1Y P,FCORD[R OF Si11D COI1"JTY. WHEREAS, the City Plannin~ Commissior. did hold a ouhlic hearinq at the Civic Center in the Cit~~ of Anahclm on April 20, i~"S, at 1:3i~ ~.m., notice of sairl public hearing having been duly given as reyuired hy lav an~i in accordance ~aith the provisions of the Anaheim 1lunicipai Code, Chapter 1°.n3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use rermit a~d to investigate and make findinGs and recommendations in connection therewith; and 4/HERFAS, said Commission, after due inspect~~n, investiaation and study made by lts~lf and in its behal`, and after due consideraCEon o` all evide~ice and reports offered at said hearinq, does find and de*_erntne the f~llo~~iing facts: i• ihat the propcsed use is properly one for ~•:hich a conditienal use permlt is authorized by Anahelm Municipal Code Section 18.~1,0~^,27~ to wtt• to permit a metal foundry. • 2. That the proposed use is hereby nra~tecl suhject to the peti[ioner's stipulation that all worl; will be conducted inside the huilding, and the groo-rthTand developmPntdofstheiarea~ina~hicheit isfor~posedato~beilocated,USes 4. That the size and shape of the site proposed f~r the use is adequate to a11ow the fuli development of the proposed usF in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. imposed, if anyha~vi~~heot96endetrimenta'leto~thctneace,')Shealth(t s~pPt tha^~°nditions welfare of [he Citizens of the City of Anahcim. Y 9eneral PC81-Bl G. "fhat the traffic generated hy the propos~~d use will not i~pose an undue burden upon the streets and high~•iays designed and ir~prove~i to carry the traffic in the area. 7. That no one indicated their presencF at saic' oubiic hearinp tn ooposition; ar,d rhat no corres~ondence ~~~as recPived in oppn5ltlor to the subteet Petition. EWVIRO~dMEMTAL I?1PACT FI~~DItI~: That the pnaheim City Piannine Commission has reviev~e.d tha proposa to permit a metai foundrv in the ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone on a rectan~ularly-shaned parcel of land conststing of approximatelv 1+.7 acres havinq a frontage of approxinately 33~ feet on the north sidr, of Winston Road (22~1 East Winston Road); and does herehy approve the !Je~ative Declaration frorn the requirement to prepare an environmental impact rep~rt on the hasis that there o-~ould be no significant individual or cumulative a~lvPr;e environmental im~act due to the aooroval of this Plegative Declaration since thP Anaheim General Plan desiqnates the subject property for general industrial land uses commensurate with the nroposal; that no sensitive environmental imoacts are involved in the oroposal; that tlie Initial 5tudy subnitted by th•>_ petitioner indi~ates no sionificant individuai or cumulati•,~e adverse environme.ntal impacts; and that the ~legative Declaration substantiatfng the foregoing findings ~s on file ir. the City of Anaheim Planninc~ Deoartment. NOW, THEP.FFORE, ~E IT RESOLVFD that the Anaheim Citv Plannina Commisston does hereby grant subjECt Petitio~ for Conditiom 1 Usc Permft, uoon the follov~in9 conditions whici, are hereby ~ound to he a necessary prerequisite to the prono~ed use of the subject pr~pe rty in order to preserve the ~~fety and 9eneral welfare of the Citizens of [he City of Anaheim: That subject property shall be develo~ed substantially in accordance 1•/1:~. nl~~c ,~~1 r `iFT_~~~ ~.~ .... F~~C ..~~~1 :~'~. ~I :.r ~~~~.;~iC.~,~ „u~~~i.~ v~~ii ~~ ~vn ~ - . ~'j . . , l . through 3. BE IT FUP,THER RESOLVED that the Anaheim f,ity Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that adoption of tnis Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance a~ith each and ail of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Shoulc! any such conditton, or any part thereof, be decl~red invali~i or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and void, THE FQREGnIPlG RESnLUTIOr~ is signed and arnroved by me this 20th day of April, 1~31. , / ~~~~'' ~~- CNAtR"~I, Ar1AliFiW CITY PLArIN D1G Ci1MNIS5lON ATTEST: ~ i~F~.~ SECRFTARY, A!JANf f M C I Y PLAtJtJ I N~ CQ~4"11 SS 10'1 -z- pr_8i-86 STATE OF CqLIFORF!'A ) COUMTY OF ORA"!f,E ) ss. CITY OF AN~HE1~1 ) ~, Ldith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commiss(on, do hereby certify that the foregoing reso)u[ion was p~ssed ancl ~dopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plannfng Comrnission held on April 2~, 1~31, h~~ the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMiSSIb~JERS: BO~qS, P,USHQ~E, F?Y, HERRST, Klt~~, T~LAR NOES: COMMISSIO~JERS: NOHE A6SENT: COMFiIS510i~EP,S: BAP,NES ~~~ blITt1ESS WHERE~F, I have here~mto set my hanrl this ?_nfh day of April, 1981. --_____`~~-~. ~~ ~ SEC~E'(ARY, ANqHEIM Ci?Y~a~~~~~p~r, ~~~SSI(1N -3- PC81-A6