PC 81-88RES~LIITIO'I ~!(?. Pf,81-~`: A RESOLUTIO~I 0~ T~!E A~IANEi~! C;TY PLA~!?II!'f, Cf1'1'!I`SI~PJ THAT PFTITI~'~ ~^''• P.FCL~SSIFI~l~Tln~~ !1~~. ~:~-S1^?? f~F GR~~ITEf). WFIEPEAS, the An~heir~ f,i*.y P1.3nrin~ Commis~i~n did rrceive a verified petition for Reclassification fro~^ ~~."~" nLAll!, ~i:'.', Soirtti ~eoch ~oulevard, ~naheim, Caltfornia ^2?n4, o~~mer ard f1nUr, n,;.~•~~~~ °?'i South ~ea~h Coulevarrl, ~nahcim, .r.a~ i fornia ^2~i7<<~ BqCnC ~~F C~''.!"C:il n ~~71 nr~ncrtv ~ I C~I?f~r! I f; iF-c ~ i ty ~1f /~~]hE IRI~ County of Oranac, St:,te of Calir~rnia, ~1~scrihed a~: PARCEL 1: T!IE S(1UTI1 1~7..~`1 FEET QF THE ~'C2TI! 3~~,nn FE~T OF THF EAST HALF OF ?I~E EAST HAI_F ('~ THE 501~?NFl~ST Q~I~n?F~ OF THE SOIITHEAST QUARTE ; 7F SECTIO'J 1~! ~ T04;iVSH I P ~. S7!ITF! ~ R411GF 11 LIE~T ~ IN TIIE Ri~NCHO L0~ L!1Yr1TE5, A~ PE~ M1P R~COPDEO I'I BOnY. 51, PP.f-F 11 OF MISC~LLA~JEOUS ~'~'1P5, I!1 THE OFFICE OF THf CO'1~lTY R[C~"•DFP. OF SAIQ C~UtlTY. EXCEPT ?:.E EAST ~f~.'~0 FECT Tf'c'•E!1F. ~1L5~ E`!i,FPT THF WEST 2].~^ FE~T OF Tf![ SOUTH 1').~J FFET OF T'{E !l~~~'TN 2^?.^Q FF[? OF SAID EAST HALF OF THE EAST II~LF. PARCEL 2: THE En,ST u.~~7 FFET nF T~~,F S~?~!Tf! 1~2.n:, FEFT OF TtiE i70RTii 3~~.~0 cccT nr Ti{~ WFST HA!.F f1~ Tf!E EAcT hf~LF OF THE SOLTfI[~,_`T OIIARTER ~F TIIE SO'1T1:[~ST ni,IARTE~ 0~ Sf~Ti~~i 1~~, Tn4!ySNIF ~; SOUTH, RF.~lGE 11 1•;EST, IH TNE RANC~`0 L~S C~Y~TES, A` pE2 '1r,P RECORDED IN 8001; ~1, P~1G: 11 CF '11SCELLII'~E(1"5 H~~S, I"' TI!F l1FFICF 6F T'IE C01!~1TY REC~'DER ~F S.AI~~ f~U`:TY, 41HEREAS, the City Planninn C~r~mission -iir! holr{ a au``1 ic he~ring at the C~vie Center in the Citv of Anaheim on ~pril 20, 1~31, at 1:3^ r..^., nntice of said pubiic hearin9 having been duly qiven as re~uired hy 1i~~ anrl ir, accordancr_ ~•:ith the nr~visions of the Ar,~heim F?unicipal C,~rlc, Cha~ter 1°~.'~~, ?~ hear an~l consider _~ _~. ev i dence fnr ~"~ a9a inst 581 C~ proposed fPC I BS5 1 r I CdC 10f1 .f~l~~ ~~~ ~~~veo ~~ y.+~~- ~^- ~~~•~ findings and , ~endations in conneci~on there~,~ith; and WHERF.AS, said Cor~xnission, after d~ie insvecti~n, investiclation and stu~ty made by itself and in its hehalf, and after due c~nsideration of ill evidence and repor[s offered at said hearing, does find and determine the f~llovrinn facts: 1. That the petitioner propcses reclassification o` subject orop=rty from the RS-A-43,;`~0 (•°.esidential/Agricultural) Zone to the CL (Cornr~ercial, Limited) Zone. 2, That the Anaheim General °1an designates siihject propcrty for qeneral commercial tand uses. 3, That the proposed r~classific~ti~n of subjec[ nrnperty is necessary a~d/or desiraF,le for the erd~riy ,~d pinn~tr d~vrlonm~nt of the cornmunitY• 1+, ThaC che pr~posed r~classiFfc~tion o` suhi~ct m m~erty d~es oroperly relate t~ the zones and t~cir perroitt~,d u;es locnllv ~~statlis;,ed in cl~se Proximity to subjeet ~ronerty anci [o t`i~ zc~nes ~n.: t;•,eir ,,ernitt~;'. ..~e~ ccner~llv es[?hl!ched throughouc cne ccn~~~~~,~~iLY• PC~1-?B 5. That the proposed reclassification of suhject property renuires the improvement o` abutting streets in accordance a~ith the Circulation Element of the General Plan, due to *_he anticipated increase in traffic wh?ch will be generated by the intensification cf land use. G. That no one indicated their presence at said public hear9ng in opposition; and that no correspondence ti~~as received in opposition to the subject petition. ENVIROMIIE~JTAL IMPACT FINDING; 7hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal to reclassify suhject property from the RS-A-43,00~ ~Residential/Agrlculturai) Zone to tfie CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone to permit a cocktai] lounye in an existing motel with,~•~aiver of minimum nurnber of parking spaces on a rectangularly-shaped parcel ef iand consisting of approximately 1.3 acres having a frontage of approximately 190 feet on the west side of Beach Boulevard, and being located approximately 975 ~eet north of the centeriine of Eiall Road (823 South Eeach Boulevarci); and does liereby apprc,ve the PJegative Declaration from the renuirement to prepare an environmental impact report on the basis that there wcruld be no s!gni~;"icant individual or cumulative adverse environmental impact due to the approval of this Plegative Deciaration since the Artaheim General Plan dAsigna*_es the subject property for general commerc~al land uses conmensurate ~vith tfie proposal; that no sen~itive environmental impacts are involved in the nroposai; that the initial Study si~bmitted by the petitioner indtcates no significant incllvidual or cumuiatlve adverse environmental impacts; and that the Megative Declaration substantiattng the foregoing finoings is on f;le in the City of Anaheim Planning Denartment. NOIJ, THERFFOF',E, QE IT RES(1LVFD that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for P.eclassification and, i~y so doino, that Title 13-Zoning of the Anaheim Municipal Code be amended to exclude the above-described property from the RS-A-43,000 (RESIDEPJTIFlL/AGRiCULTURFlL) ZONF and to incorporate said described property into the RP1-1200 (RESIDE~JTIAL, t1ULTiPLK-FAM1~_v) 7~nic ~,;,~r `4;: fc''1^';~tn; eendit;crs ~~1~icii are iiereby round to be a necessary prerequfsite to the proposed use of subject property in order to preserve the safety and ge.neral ~aeifare of Yhe Cittzens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That the ovm er(s) of suF.jett property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee, in an amount as determined by the City Counc;l, f~r *ree planttno purposes along Beach Boulevard, 2. That the o~•mer(s) of subject property ~!~=_il suhmit a le,t,_r requesting the termination of Variance No, 2234 to tl~e Planning Department. 3. That subject property shall be developed :uhstantially tn accordance ~•+tth plans and spectfications on file a;ith the Citv of Anahetr~ marked Exhihit Nes. 1 and 2, 4. Prior to the introduction uf ~~ ordinance rezc,nin9 sub_ject propErty, Condition Mos. 1 and 2p ahove-menticned, shall be cnmpleted, The pr~visions or rights granted by this resolutian sha11 ~~comP null and votd by action of the Planninq Commission unless said conditions are complied ~•~(th withir one year from the date hereof, or such further time as the Plan~iny C mmission may nrant. -2- PC31-88 5. That Condition fJo. 3 ahove-men`ioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspec.tions. BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVFD that the ~anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that a~option oT this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance v~ith eacli and all of the conditions hereinahove set forth. Should any such condition, or any oart thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of cornpetent jurisdiction, then thts Resolution, and any approvals herein con*_alned, shall he deemed null and void, THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOP! is signed and apnroved hy me this 70th day of April, 1~81. ATTEST: ~ ~" ~~ CIiA I°MAPI, APIAHE I 11 C I TY PLAPlN I PJG CbMM I SS ~ Otd ~~1 ~ ~ ~~ . SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLA~dPJING COMMISSIO~! STATE OF CALIFOR~IIA ) COUFITY OF ORAtdGE ) ss. CITY OF AC.4HEIM ) I, Edi*_h L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~:~as passed and adopted at a meetir,g of the Anahe(m City Planning Commission held on Aprtl 7..~, 1q81, by the followina vote of the members thereof: ~ AYES: f,OMMIS510NERS: BOUAS, BUSNORE, FRYs HERP.ST, KIPIG, TOLA.° pi~r.c. rn~~~~i~ci~.~`~~. ~~~,~.- -. . .. ., . . ~..:.c ABSEt1T: COMI!ISS;O~dERS: BARPIES IFd 4lIT19ESS !dHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 2~th day of April, i9$1. `~'~ ,~ ~ a SECRETARY, ANAHE 1 r~ C I TY PLA~I~I I M6 COMr~ I SS I ~M -3- PCII1-88