PC 81-89RESOLUTIO!1 r~n. Pc~t-3~ A RESOLUTI(1'd OF THE AhIAHEl~1 CITY PLFlPRdING COH~1ISS1~~1 TNAT P[TITIOPI FOR CO~IDITIOP;AL USE FEa"1~T Nn, 7_1~'~ ~F. r,~,n.n~TFD lJH"cRFAS, the Anaheim City Planninq Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Perr~it from DAVID /1LAF71, "23 Soutti Eeach P.oulev:,rd, Anaheim, California, 92801~, oamer, and Dnti~ ALA~JI, •`.??3 South ~each Boulevard, Anaheim, California 92805, aqent, of ccrtain real orooerty situated in the City of Anaheim, County o` Orange, State of California, described as: P~IRCEL 1: THE SOUTH 192.0~ FEET OF TfiE P~ORTH 3QS.flO FEET OF TNE EAST HALF OF TNE EAST HALF OF TH[ SOUTHEAST QU/1RTEp OF THE SOUTHEAST 2UAItTEP. OF SECTIO~I 14, TOI~NSHIP 4 Sol~?H, RArdr,E 11 YlEST, IN THE RP.tJCHO LOS COYOTES, /15 PER MAP RECOP,DE~ IP~ eoei: 51, PAr.F 11 OF r11SCELLAMEOUS MAPS, ItJ THE OFFICE OF THE C(!i!~ITY RFf.OP.~FR OF SAID COUPITY. EXCEPT TfiE EAST 40.00 FEET THERFOF, AI_S6 EXCEPT THE WEST 27,00 FEET OF TFIE SOUTH I'1.~Q FEFT OF THE NORTH 211;.nn FEFT OF SAID EAST HA! F Of- THE E.AST HALF, PARCFL 2: Ti!E EA57 a.00 FEET OF THE SOU7H 1Q2.~'10 FFFT OF TNE NORTH 385.00 FEET OF THE WEST HAL~ OF THE ~AST FIALF OF' THE SOUTNEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST OUARTER OF SECTI(1N 14, TOWMSFIiP 4 SOU7H, RAPJ6E 11 41EST, IM THF RAMCHO LOS C~YOT[S, AS PFR MAP RECOR~ED IN DOOY, 51, PAG~ 11 OF MISCELLAFIEOUS MAPS, IM THE OFFICF OF THE COI.1t~TY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission d(d hold a puhlic hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on April 20, 1~81, at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as rer~uirPd hy la~•~ anci in accordance ~•+ith the ore~~icions f)f Yf?~ n~,hc.T~n M~..i~i~,?1 P~aC~ ~~ij.~C~ '.~;.~~r ~G iiCu'i diiu CCfi~~ilt:l evidence for and agalnst said proposed conditional use permtT. and ta investigate and make findings and recommendations in co~nection therewith; and Y/HEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after c!ue consideration of all evidence and reports offered at sai~i hearing, does find and determine the follo~~ring facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permlt is author?zed by Anaheim Plunic(pal Code Section 1$.~~4.050.~1~ to permit a cocktail lounge in an existing mote] ~•rith waiver of: SECTIOP! 18,OL.o6o,0232 - Minimum number of perl;ing spaces. 9 required; 9 existin~ 2. That the requcsted ~~~aiver is hereby granted on the hasis that the proposed use is being developed in conjunction Y~tth ar existing motel anJ c~me motel guests ~•rill be cocl.tail iounge customers, and that the reque,t is minimai, 3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoinfng lan~i u=es and the growth and de~•elopment of the area in ~~hich it is proposed to be lacated. PC81-£3~ 4• That the size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to ailow the full development of the pro~osed usc in a minne~ not detrimenta] to the particular area nor to the neace, health, safety, and genera! ~•~elfare nf the Citizens af the City of Anaheim, imposed, jf a~That the granting of the Conditiona) Use Permit under the conditions ~•+elfare of theYCitizens~of~theeC'ity~ofaqnahelme ~ea~e' ~~Pa1C~', safety and general burden upon thefistreetstanlfhic~heaysadc~siynedhandrto'mprovedsto`/carry~rthPn~Yr an ~.indue the drea, afflc in 7. That no o,~e indicated their prese~ce at said puhlic hearing in ~F~Position; and that no correspondence was received in oppo5ition to the subject petition. ENVI?OPl1•tENTAL IMPACT FINDitI~: That the /lnahein Citv Piannino Commission has reviewed the proposal to rec assif~ ~Residential/Agricultural) Zone to thc~sU~~e~t property from the RS-A-<<3,000 coc{:tail lounge in an existi~g motel ~•iith waiverCofmminimum nunh~~~~fZone to on a ~ectangular) Permit a having a fronta Y shaped parcel of land consistinn nf Parlcing spaces 9e of approximateiy 190 feet on the a~est side of~8eachaftouleva~~~acrand being loc~ted approximately 97~ fe~t nort`i of the centerline of Ba)1 P,oad (R23 South Beacii Boulevard); and does requlrement t~ hereby approve the Nenative Declaration from be no significantpindavedualeor'cumula[aveladverse~envirenmentalaimpact~tdueertow~the aPP~o~~al of this Plegative Declaration since the Anaheim General P~~~ ~esignates the subject property for general comrnercial land uses commensurate with the that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved in the proposal; that the Init(al Study submitted ~ Proposal; Y the petitioner indicates no siynif-cant incli~~t~~„t cumulative adverse envtronmPnt=) • ~u"'~°~'~'~'~~ng the foregoing fi~idings is^on~fi le~~j~ that the Negative Declaration Department, the City of Anaheim Planning fJQ4/, THEREF'ORE, [iE IT RESULNED that the linaheim City P?anning Commission does herehy grant suhject Petition for Conditional Use Permft, u~on the folloaiing conditions ~ahlch are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the of the subject property in order to preserve the safet•~ a~c1 Citizens of the City of Anaheim: P~oposed use ~7Pnera 1 ~,ie 1 fare of the 1. Th3t thls Conditional llse Permtt is qranted subject to the compietion of Reclassification No. d0-81-32, ~o~., pending. z. That suhject property shal) be developed suhstantially i~ accordance and 2, with p)ans and specifications on file Y~ith the City of Anaheim markerf Exhibit ~Jos, ~ t3E IT FURTHER RFS~LVE'J that the Anaheim CiCy Planninn Conmisslon ~loes herebv find and determine that adoption of this Res~lution is expressl aPPlicant's compliance with eacli and al) of the conditions liereinabove~setdforth.~ Should any such condition, or any part ttiereof, be dr~lared invalid or unenfc,rceaole -7_- PCE31-8~ by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdicCi~n, then this Resolution, and any ap~rovais herein contafned, shall he deemed null and vnid. THE FOREGOIFJ~ P.[SOLUTIDr~ is signed and approved by me this 70Yh day of April, 198). ;~'~~~' ~~~ CNAIP,IAPI, APIANEit1 CITY PLPNHIM~ COMMISSION AT7EST: ( /~i ~ ~ ~ ~ i.a. SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAHNIhJf, COMt11SSI0N STATE OF CAL I FORPI IFl COUNTY OF ORAPJGE ) ss. CITY OF APIAHEIM } I~ Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commission, da hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~ias passed and aduptPd at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on llpril ?.0, 1~1L~1, by the follnwing vute of the members thereof: A7ES: COMMISSIOqERS: BOt145, FP,Y, HERBST, KIN4, TOLAR NOES: COPIMISS~ONERS: BUSHORE ABSEhIT: CONMISSIONERS: BARNES IN ~lITNESS 4fHERFOF, ! have hereunto set my hand this 2f?th day of F,~ril, 19R1. ~~ ~ ~. ~~Crt 111hY , A~JAHE ~ ~t C ITY PLANhI I PI^~C(1N~11 SS I!1N -3- PCIIt-8~