PC 81-91_ ~ ..., RESOLUTIOPI N0. PC~i-~1 RFSOLUTIOt! OF TS;E r^,';AF!EI!1 f~TY PLA~JhIIM~ CON'11SSION THAI' PETITIO~! :=OR VARIA~lCE N0. 321(1 BE G2~NTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petitio~, fnr Variance from Of?A'1GF COU"ITY PU3LIC RELATIONS, ItIC., i?~ Fiarhor Ridge Drive, ~lewport Beach, California ~26h~, o~vner, and bIILLIA.'< J, McGEE, 1_('R2 Southeast Bristol Street, l~2Zl, Santa F,na, Califnrnia 92702, aaen[~ of certain real nro erty sttuated in the City of Anahcin, County o` Oranqe, State of California described as: The northeast quarter o~ the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 24, Toom;hip 1~ South, Range 11 ldest, in the C i ty c~f Anahe im, CoiinEy of Orange, S ta te of Ca 1 t fonr ta , i n the Rancho Los Coyotes~ as per ma~ recerded in hoc~L 51 page il nf Niscellaneous '4aps, in the officr~ o~` the county recorder of sald county, EXCEPT the 'dest 132,np feet thereof, ALSO EXCEPT the South 328.~0 f~et thereof, A~SO EXCEPT t'ie East 2F~2,3~ feet thereof, Saici land is included ~~~ithin the area s',o~m nn a man filed 1n boo4: ?5 paq~ 4 ~f Zecor~i of Surveys, in Che office of the county recorder o` said county. bIHEREAS, the City Plannina Conmission did hold a ni!hlic hearinp at thn Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on April 20, 1^81, at 1:3n p,m „ notice of said nublic hearing having heen duly qiven as required !~y la~•~ and in accordance ~•rith the provisions of the Anaheim Municipat Code, Chapter 18.~3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed variance and to investi9at,^ anrt make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and 4/NEP,EAS, said Commission, after due inspectic,n~ investiaatinn and study made by itself e3nd in its behalf, ~~,t -~f...~ .~,,, _ orrered at said hearing, does find and deterni,neuthe~foiloo-iin~lfactser.ce and reports ~. That tl~e petitioner ~roposes a~~aiver of the `ollo~-~ina to estabiish a 23••lot, 22-unit condominium subdivision: SECTIOM iR,01,130 - Cequlred lot fronta~e. rontage on pub ic street or al)ey required; 22 lots wfthout rontaqe nronosed 2. Tha~ the above requested waiver is hereby gr~nted on the hasis denial requested waiver is herehy granted on the hasts denial ~~ould deprive subject property of a privilege being enjoyed hy other properties in the same zone and vlcinity and that mutual access ~oil) be avai~ahle across the property to the puhlic street. 3. That there are exceptional or extraordinary circur~stances er condittons appiir.abie to L'he property involved or to tFe intended use of th~ property that do not apply generally to the property or class of use in the sarne ~icir.ity and zone, 1F. That the re~uested variana is nrc~ssar~• for the preservation and ~^Joy~ent of a substanfial property right possessed by ather nr~nerty in the same vicinity and zone, and denied to the property ~n questicn, PC81-~1 5, That Y.i~c re~u~~st~~d v~riance ~•ii 11 n~t be materiil ly cietrimental to *_hP puhlie ~•.elfare or injurious to the pronerty ~r imnrnvemenrs in such vicinity an~i zone in ~lhich thz property is l~cateu. 6. That no one indicated their ~I'CS?f1Cr at said pu!?lic hearinn in opposition; and that no corresponcfenc~~:~at receivnd in opnosition to the subJect petition. EtIVIROtlME."ITAL IHP/lCT FIMDI~if,: F. !~egativ~ Declaration >>as previously approved by the Planning Comnission on DecemF~er 1, 1~~~, i~ c~njunction with Reelassificatiion Nu. P~-~1-1~, Variancr_ Mo. 31?' and Tentative Tract ~~o. 113.'n, N~IbI~ THEREFORc, BE IT RF.SCLVED that 'he Anaheim City Plarnin~ Commission does hereby grant sub;ect °etition for Uariance, upon the fnllu4~inq conditions ~.~hich are hereby found to be a nec~ssary prerequisite t~ the prop~sed USP. of the subject property i~ order to preserve the safcty and general wc~lfare of the Citizens of the City of Anahein: 1. That suhject property shali be develo~ed substintially in accordance with plans ard specifications on file ~~itn the Citv nF An~S~in TarF:ed Exhihit 'Jos. 1 throuah :i. BE IT fURTHER RESOL~iFb that: t'ie Anahcim Cit~~ Piannin~ Cemnission does herehy find ~nd de~ermine that ado~tion of this Resolution is ex.nressly nrwdic.ated upon applicant's compliznce o~ith each and all of the conditions hereinahove set forth, Should any such condition, or any part thereof, he drelar~d invalid or unenforceable by thc `inal judgment of any court ~` crncpetent jurisdictinn, then this Resolution, and any approvals hercin cnntained, s!i~ll he deen~d null and void. THE FOREGQ1~7r, RFSO~.~fTl(lt' is signed ,~nd a~nrove~l hy me thic ?:lth day of Anril, ~nn~, e~/~ ~c~ CIIAIP,r+~t1, A.~V1h!Elti C TY PL~"lP7ltlr, r,n~~HI5510~1 ATTFS7: ~~..~. ,~ 1~.~ SECRETARY, A~dAHE IM C ITY PLAtI~J f t1G COMMISS IOt! -?- °C£~1-~1 ST~TE OF ;.~L i FOP,!! I!~ ) COUNTY OF ORAPIr,~ ) ss. CITY OF AHl1HEIN ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secrerary ~f t~~,e Anahrin City P;~nnin~ Ca~nission, do hereb•% certify that the foreqoinc~ resoiution ria5 passrd and ~d~pt~d ~t a meeting of the F.naheim City Plannine, Commission held cn April ?~, 1~~11, hy [he followin9 vote of the nembers thereof: AYES: COHMIS510?lERS: BARNES, EO!IAS, B!~SHORE, FRY, HFRPST, f;l~1r,, 7~LA°. NOES: CQMHISSIONERS: BUSN~2E ADSE~~T: CrMr~IS510tlER5: BARNES IN IJITtJFSS blNEREOF, I have hereunto set ny f~anci this 2~th day of April, 1~81. ~~ ~ ~~ SEC"ETARY, Ar~qHEIN CITY PL11~!*lIMG C~~IMISSIOPI -3- PCt31-91 ~ ~ ~ o: c rr O ~ Z O N ~ C'7 ~ W N i -~! •!:~ ,°`