PC 81-94RfSnLUTI~ti ;l0. PC;31-~!.
A RESOLUTlOri OF Tt~E Ari/1flE!"1 CITY PLA~,~~itl~ Cn~t~~ISSipN
T!IlhT PETITfQ~! FOP. C~~1GIT10!;/`.L I1~E PER"+IT tl~. 2?^'; er S~qH?F~
LIIIER~AS, the lln~heim Citv Planninr Comnission did receive a verified
Petition for Conditional Usc Permit from P!IILFNS S. K, IV11! A!iil JI~LI!; TA'" !Cq!d, S31~
South Crest Vista Drive, Monterey Parl;, Californ(a ~17r,/,~ oWners, and tR•"IFST C.
ROSSF!',, ;~]~_~ West Lincoln Avenue, /lnaheim, California 92~;'11, agent, of certatn real
property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oran~7F, State of California,
described as:
That portion ef [he l~lest haif of the tJortheast quarter of the Northeast
quarter of Section 14, To4mship !E South, Range 11 West, in the Rancho
Los Coyotes, as shoo-m on a map recorded in hook, >t, page 11 of
14iscellaneous Maps, records of Oran_ye County, shoam as Par~~~ ~,~~ ~
map filed in book 33, nage 7_ of Parcel tlaps, records ~f
County, ~~hich is included in the land descrihed in Parcel ~fsaid Oran9e
t~ Paul fS. Treat, recorded !1ay 19 ;n;,~ t~ie ~eed
~ecords of said Orange Count;~. ' -~n hooEr :;~71 oa~e 78~~ Official
k'HEREAS, the City Planninc7 Commission eiid ho)d a puhlic hearing at the Civic
Center ln the City of Anaheim on May ~~, 1~31, at 1;3n P,~,,~ notice of said public
haaring having been duly ~iven a; required Fy lat~ and in accorriance riith the
provisions of the Anaheim i~
evidence for and against sald'proposed conditior,alruse.~nermittandhtorinvesti9ateland
mat;e findings and rec~mmendatlons in connection there~.vith; anr{
WHEREAS, said Commission after due insn~ction, invrstiaati~n a~~+ ~r~~~+„ .~,.~_
by itself and in its h~t,~if ,..~ '~. _
oftered at said }13r~~ '"'~ ""'' ""= ~~nsiaerati~n of ail evidence and reports
9, does find and determine the folloo-~in9 facts:
1• 7hat the proposed us~ is p;ope~~y one for ~~ihich a conditional use
permit is authorized by Anaheim 1luniciool Code cection 12.1~1~.~r,~ ~~~ t~ 4~it•
permit on-sale beer and ~iine in an existing restaurant aiith i•~aiver of the following~
SECTIOPJ 18.~6,0(,'1,p231 - Minimum number of parl;inq soaces.
~`1 rPquired; 3 existing
Z. That the requested ~oaiver is herehy ~ranted on the basis that the
request is minima),
3. That the nroposed use ~~iil not adversel~- ;~ffect the a~ijoininq land uses
and the growth and development of the area in ~vhtch it is proposed to he located,
~~• That the size ard sha~e of the site
alloti~: the full development of the ornposed us,~ in armanier rn~tthd~trimentale~toTeth~
particular orea nor to thc peacn, health, safety, and general o-~elFare of tFe fitizens
of the City of Anaheim,
~. That the granting of Chc Conditional iJse Perriit un~ier tlie conditions
imposed, if any, ~~~ill not he detrimental to the pr_ace, he.-ilth, safety and general
welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim,
G, That the traffic ncnerated hy the pr~nosed use ~~Ill not inpose an undue
burden upor the street, and hiq~io:~ays desic~ned and imoroved t~ carry the traffic in
the area.
7. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in
opposition; and that no correspondence a~as receiv~;d in opposition to the subject
EtJVIRO~!ME[!TAL IMPACT FI~JDI!1G: Th~ Pianning Director or his authorized
representative has determin~d that the proposed pr~ject falis i~~i!hin the deffnition
of Cate9orical Exemptions, Class 1, as defined in the Stare EI° Gu;delines an~i is,
therefore, categorically exempt from the rer~uireme~t to prenare an EIP.
MOtJ, THERF.F02E, EE IT RES01_l'ED that the Anaheim City Planninn Commisslon
does heret•y gr~nt suhject Petirinn f~r f.onditional l~se P~rmit, ur.on thc follos~;inq
conditions ~~~I~ich are herehy found to he a neces~ary prereauisite to th~ nroposed iise
of the subject property in order to nreserve the safcty and ~eneral ~~elfare of the
Citizens of the City of Anaheim:
1. That the oi•m er(s) of suhjcr_t ~roper*_y sh~l) submit a letter to the
Planning Depar'tm~nt renuestir.g tl~e Cermination of Variance Id~~. 2~~~3 anrl Con~!itional
Use Permit No. 121~.
2. That subject property shall h~ developed substantial~y in aceor~iance
w~Liil~i~n5 anu specirications on tile :~:ith the CiCv of Anaheim mark.ed ExhlF,it Nos. i
and 2.
3. That Cor~dition PJo. 1, ahove-men*_iened, sha~ 1 he cor~el ied t~~ith prior to
the commencement ef the activit~~ authorized under r~~s resoiution, or ~rior to the
time that the building permik is issued, ur ~•~ithin a period of one~ year from date
hereof, a~hichever occcrs first, or such further time ~s the Piar.ning Commisston may
BE IT FI~R?HEP, RESOLVED that the Anaheim City °lanning Commission does hereby
find ard deterr~iin~ that adontion of tliis Resolution is e;;~ressly oredicated upon
applicant's compliance ti~rith each and all o~ the conditto~s heretnabove set forth.
Should any such condit3on, or any part thereof, be declared inva)fd ~r unenforceable
by the final judgmant of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution,
and any approvals herein contained, shall h~ de^med null and void.
THE FCRFGOING 2FSOL~IT10!~ :s signed ~.nd approved b~~ m~ this 1:tL day of h1ay~
_ ~~' ,~~ ~/ ~~L
CH~ I RMA~ I, ,~!lANE I!1 C I TY PLANPI !!J~; C0~!H I SS I O~a
~ !1'.(,r~ .C ,,~.ca,
'2' PCBt-94
C ITY OF At7AlIF 1~1 )
I, Edith L. liarris, Secretary of the llnaheie~ City Plannin9 Commission, do
hereby certify that the i.~reooiny resolution wa, passe~i an~ ado~ted at a meeting of
the Anaheim City Plarning Conmission helc' on hiay !i, 1'?`ll, L~ the folio~•:in~ vote of
the members thereof:
P70ES: C0~1t11SS10:`IERS: NONE
II~ 4lITNESS 4lHERFOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~~th day of May, 19"1.
`~~ k° ~~,~ ~
SEC°.FTPPY, A~lANE I M C ITY PLA"1N I ~7~ COM~1155 i~N
-3- pC81-94