PC 81-95R~SOI_UTIOd ~;n, PC~:1-~
A nESOLUTIG;! ~F THE ,q'IAHEI!1 CITY PLA'~'ll~;^ C~11~11SS1~~1
TNAT PETITIOI! Fi?R R~=CL,'1~SIFIC!',TIOrI ;l0. ;'?-;31-;', Br r,nn~ITEn.
WIIF.^Ei1S, t» Anahcim Citv Pl,~nnin~ Corr.iission did r~c~ive a verified
P~'tition for Rcclassific:atiqn frcn~ Rr,;~qL:~ TI?1nTIlY SHORT ,4'iD ~{!T!II !1`;~! SF1~R7, 51;
Valeneia ~[reet, rullerton, Calif~rnia ~?2„~?~ o~~~ners or certain rn.a) nr~perty
situated in Che City of Anaheim, County ~f Oranne, State of Caiir~rnia, rt~serl5ed as
Lot (i of Tract tdo, 255, as ~er rap recorded in !:onk 1!~, p~~~. ~r ~f
~1iseellaneous Maps, reeorJs of said county.
EXCEPTIMG THEREFRppi the bies[~rly ~ f~et of said land a; Conveynd
to the City of A.naheim by c'eed recorded ~ecemh.~r Z, 1~+~~, in tin~:;
Z!;2~, page 37_4, pffieial Record,.
WHEnF/1S, thc Cit~ Planning Cor.nissior. d~d hnl~i ~ ~~ih1~~ h,.,~:~
Center 1n t!ie City of Ana`,eim on ~1ay ~~, il;;l, a[ i:"' 7;~ ihe Civic
hearir9 having heen duly ~iven as renuired ~,J '~.r~., notice nf sai~i public
provisions o` t'ie Ana'~,eira ! , Y ~~l" ~^`~ ~~ ~cc~rdance :•~ith the
lunicipal Cod^, C,~apter 1~.~3, tn hear and eonsider
evidence fnr and against sai l~ronose:! r~classifir_ation an' t~• invc~sii~ate anri mal:~=
f ind i nc~s and recoru:i,~nuat ions i n ennnect ion th~re~:: i t', • and
611iEP,[115, said ~onr,iission, after due inspectior,, investigation and study made
by itself and in its hehalf, and after due considerati~n of all evidence anr' reports
offered at said hr_aring, rioes find and drterriine the folln~:~inq facts:
the RS-77_)~ (Residentli~alPe5inqleeFamily)Sl.oneeto~thef°c''A~~ ~~ subiect property from
Famiiy) Zone. ~ esidential, "lultiple-
2. Tfiat the Anaheiri Gen~ral Plan rlesign~t~s suhject arnnerty for lpw-
mediw~ density residential land uses.
3. That the proposed reclassification of suFject property is n~cessary
and/or desirable for the urdcrl,v and pmper devclonmert nf th^ corriunity.
~~. That the proposed reclassification ef sul,jer.t prooerty does properly
relate to the zones and their permitted uses l:~cally estahlished in ciose proxini[y
to subject property ~nd to the zor~es ind their pernitted u;es genera!ly estah)ished
throuqhout the community.
>• That the proposed reclas,ificati~n o~ subj~c; ~rc,perty requires th~
dedication and improvement ef a`~uttinq strcets ;n ~crordance i•~it'~ th~ Circulatior
Element of t'ie General Pl~r., d~.i^ to th~ anticipat~d incrcace in traffic a~hich ~~iili be
yeneratrcl ~~y t~~~ in~r,r;ification of land 'JSC.
~~. That s persons ii~dicated t`ieir presence at said publ ic hear~ng in
opposition; and that no corre;pnndence ~:~as recr_iveu in onposition to the subject
E`I`/IRuNMENT~iL INPACT FIt1DING; That thc /lnahein City Planning Comc~ission has
revie~::ed the ~,roposal to reclassify Su~jCCL nro;~~rT~~ fron the RS-77_~~ (P,esid~~ntial,
Sin91e-Family) Zone to th~ R~~-24~0 (Reside~~tial, ~lultiple-Family) Zone to construct a
't-unit aoartment conplex ~aith t-raivers of minimum `,uildinq site a~ea and maximum
st~uctural heiglit on a rec[ar,guiarly-shaped par~el of land consisting of
apNroxirnately ~.27 acre, having a frontaG~ of approximately 61 feet on the east sid~
o~ Coffman Street, F~eing located approximatel; 31^ feet n~rth of tiie centerline of
Center Street (1?4 tJorth Coffman Street); and does nereby a~prove ~he `Jegative
Deelaration from the require~~ent to prepare an environmencal impact report on the
basis tnat there ~.~uid be no si9nitic~nt i~•~dividual or cumulative adverse
environmental impact due to the approval o` this Negative Declaratien since the
Anahe~m Generai Plan designates the suhject proncrty for lo•,~-medium density land uses
conmensurate ~rith the pr~posal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are involved
~^ th~ propes~l; :nnt the 4niti~l Study =ub~itted ;~y the petitEonr_r i~dicates no
sianificant individu~l or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the
Negative Deelaration substantiatinr, the f~.rec~oin~ findirgs is on fiie in the City of
Anaheim Planning Department.
NOk~, THERL'F~RE, Gf. IT RESOI_VED that thc f~nahcim City Plannin9 Commission
does hereby grant suF,ject Fetition for Reclassi`ica*_ion and, 6y so doing, that Titla
13-Zoning of the Anaheim ~iunicipal Code be anended to exclude the above-described
property from the P,H-7200 (RESfUEt1T1AL, SItJGLE-FAFIILY) ZOME and to incorporate said
uescribed uroperty into the R'1-2400 (RESID[tI7iAL, 'tULTIPLE-FA~IILY) .'_O~JF upon the
fo 1 lo~~i ng eond i t ions ~:n i ch are herF:by found to he a necessary prerequ i s i te to the
proncsed use or' subjec[ p~operty in o;der to preserve the safety ~nd general v~elfare
of the Citizens of thc City of Anaheim:
t. That side~::alks s~all be installed alon9 Coffnan Street as required by
the City Engineer and in accordance i~itti standard plans and specifications on file in
the Offiee of the City tnqineer.
2. That *_he o~•mer(s) r,f subject property shall pay to *he City of ~naheim
a fee, in en amount as determined hy Lhe Citv Council, for street liqhtin9 along
C~ffman SLreet.
3. That th~ o~:r~r(s) of suhject ~rnperty shall p~y to the Citv or 4naheim
a f~e, in an amount as determi~~<i by tlie City Co~~ncil, for tree nlantinc, purpcses
along Cuff~an St;ect.
1+, That tr,~sh storiq~~ ~ireas sh~il he nr~vid~~d in accurdancc ~~ith aprroved
plans on filc ~•~ith t!i~ Offic~~ of t~ie Fxrcutivr ~ircctc+r :~f Puhlic '.lori~,
-2- FC.c~ 1-95
5. That fire hydrants shall be ir~stalled and charged as required and
determined ta be necess~ry by tlie Chief of the Fire Department prior to commencemenC
of structural framing,
G, Thht subject property shall be served hy ~~nder~7round utilSties.
7. That dra?nage of subject preperty shall be disposed of in a manner
satisfactory to the City Erigineer.
8. That tiie owner of subjec*_ property si~all pay t~ the City of Anaheim the
appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees as determined tn be appropriate by the
City Council, said fees to be paid at the time the buildinq ~ermit is issued.
9. That the owner(s) of subject property shall pay the traffic. signal
assessment fee (Ordinance "~o, 3896) ~n an amount as determined by the City Council,
for each new draelling unit prior to the issuance of a building pErmit.
10. Prior to the introduccion of an ordinance rezonin~ subject property,
Condition Nos. 2 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be completed. The provisions or
rights granted by this rESOlutEon shall become null and void by a~tion of the
Planning Commission unless said cond;tions are complied with within one year from *he
date hereof, or such further t~me as the Planning Commission may grant.
11. That Conditior tlos. 1, ~+, u, and 7, abeve-mentioned, shall be complied
~a!th prior to final building and zoning inspections.
BE IT FURTHER R[SOLVED that the Anaheim i.ity Piannincl Commission does hereby
find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon
applicant's compltance ~•~ith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth.
Shoul~ any such condition, or any part thereof, be deciared invalid or unenforceable
by the final judgment of any c~urt of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution,
end a~y app^ova!s he~ ci ~ cont~ir~~d, s~~al i bc cieemeJ nui i anti void.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOFJ is signed and approved by me this ~;th day of t4ay~
_~~~~P7 ~ ~'~
~~ ,~ ~~.~.,~:~
-3- ~C81-95
I, Edith L. Harris, Secreta ry of the ~+naheim City Planni~g Commission, do
hereby certify that the faregoing resolution ~-ras passed a~d adopted at a meeting of
the Anaheim Gity Planning Commission held on May 4, 1~81, i~y the followtng vote of
ihe members thereof:
IN b11TD1ESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~!th day of '1ay, 19$1.
~ ~ ~~~
'4' PC~1-95