PC 82-1; ~. RESOLUTI~M ~I~. PC32-1 A RESOLUTI0~1 OF TIIE ANAH[IM CITY PLANMItJf Cn~~MISS10'1 THAT PFTITIOM FOR COPIDITIO~iAL USE PERMIT N~. ?7_84 !3F GRANTFD WHFREAS, the Anaheim City Plannin~ Commission did recrlve a verified Petition f~r f,onditional Use Pernit from Joseph Di Ruqgiero, et al, ~~~~~ Spencer Street, Torrance, California, ~OSQ3, rn•mer, of certain real property sltuat~d in the City of Anahein, County of Orange, S*ate of Califnrnia, dcscribed as: THE LAF1D REFERRF.D TO I~d TFIIS REPORT IS SITIIATE~ I~! Tf!F STl1TF OF CALIFORFIIA, CnUtt'fY OF ORAilr,E AND IS DESC?IRFq AS FOI.LOl15: LOTS 1, 2, 3 A+!fJ 4 OF TRACT 27~1 , I tl T~iE C 1 TY OF !1~'.4NF I'1, AS PFR MAP RECORDED Itl BOOK 115, rAGE 5 A~lD h OF MISCFLLANE~U~ ~1APS, It•! THE OFFiCE OF THE COU"!TY RECOP,DER OF SAID CO1I~JTY, 1~lHEREAS, the City Plannino Cor~mission did f-,old a puhlic hearinp at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on becemher 2~, 1931, at 1:3!1 p.m., notice of said puhl ic iiearing having 5een duly given as required by lai•~ and in accordance ~dith the provisions of the Anaheirr Municipai Code, Chapter 13.'13, to heir and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit and to investigate and make findings and recommendations in connection there~•!ith; said public hearina having been continued to the Planning Commission meeting of January 11, 1pO,2; and IJHERFAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiaation and study made by itselF and in its beha)f, and after di.ie c~nsideration of all evidPnce and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the folloa~in~ facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for ~rhich a c~nditional use permit is authorized hy Anaheim Municipal Code Section 1~'.~EA,~50.~tn to wit: To permit a cocl;taii ioun9e in the CL (Commerciaf, Limited} zone ~~rith ~,~aiver of; SFCT10~1 i°.OC;.~b0.0232 - Minimum numher of parking spaces 1~0 spaces required; (1 snaces proposed) 2. That the proposed use is nerehy granted f~r a period of one (1) year, subject to review by the Planning Commission upon ~•iritten renuest from the pet~tioner for possThle extension of time, 3. That because of nearby residences, the use is granted subject to the petitioner's stipulation at the public hearing that any live music shall he limited to a ptanist. !~. That the requested waiver is hereby granted on the basis that the petitioner indicated at the puhlTc hearing that many of the patrons are expected to be walic-in custaners from the surrounding neighborhood and on the basis of the location and surroundings of subject property. PC32-1 5. That the proposed use, as granted, wilt nr,t adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the gro~•~th and dE~velo~ment of the area in ~~~hich it is proposed to be locate~l. 5. That the size and shane of the site prooosed for the iise, as granted, is adequate to allo~~~ the full development of the orop~sP; use in a manner rsot detrimental to the particular area nor t~ the peace, h~~~lth, sa.`ety, and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 7. That the granting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, ~ti~ill r,et he detrimental to the peace, health, safety and neneral welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. B. That the traffic genPrated hy the prc+nosed use ~rill not impose an undue burden upcn the streets and highways desi~ned and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 9. That no one indicated their presence ~t said puhlic hearinq in opposition; and that no correspondence ~•~as received in opoosition to the subject petition. EN1,~IR~NNENTAL INPACT FINDI~lG: That the Anaheim City Pl~nninn Commisston has revie~•~ed the proposal to oermit a cocktail loiinge in the CI_ (Commercial, Limited) zone witii waiver ~f minimum numt,er of parking spaces on a re~tangularly-shaped parcet o` land consistinn of approximatrly 0,~ acre located at th~ southeast corner of Colchester Drive and Colony Street, (223~1 West Colr.hester Drive); and does hereby approve the PJenative Declaration from the requirement to preoare an envirnnmental impact report on the basis that there ~~ould be no .igni`icant individual or cunulative advers: environmental impact due to the aopr~val of this Negative Declaration since the Anaheim General Plan designates the suhject pr~pertv for n?dium density resident~al la~d uses commFnsurate ~~~ith rh~ nr~no~~1; t~a* n~ sensftive environmental impacts are tnvolved in tlie proposal; that the Initial Study submittect by the petitioner indicates no signlficant individual ~r cumulative adverse environmentai impacts; and that t`ie tdegative Declaration suhstantiating the foregoing findings is on file in tiie City of Anal~eim Planninc~ Department. ?IC~I,I, TNFREF~RE, BE IT RFSOLVCD that the Anaheim City °lanning Commission does hereby grant suf~ject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisitc to the propo,ed u~e of the subject prnperty in order to preserve the safety and general ~•ielfare of the Citize~s of the City cf Anaheim: 1. That trash storage areas shall he rrovid~d in accordance ~•rith aporoved plans on f i 1 e~~~i th the Off i ce of the Execut i ve D i rector of Pub 1 1 c lJori;s. 2. That the o4m er(s) of sub~e~t property shall submit a letter reauPSting the termination of Conditional Ilse Permit Pio, 16(2 to the Planning 7epartment. 3. That suhject ~roperty shall be develo~ed suhstantially in accordance ~vith plans and speciflcatlons on file ~~ith the City of llnaheim marl;ed Fxhtbit Nos. 1 a~d 2. 4, Tliat C-1 deed restrictions limiting uses on suhject rroperty to commerctal and professional business offices shall be rescinded, The owner(s) of subject prnperty shall suhmit any necessary documentation to the city to process the recision. -2- PC82-1 /~' . S. That Condition tJ~~s. 2 and ~E, abov~-mentionecJ, shall be comnliecl with pr(or to the comnencement of the ~ctivity authorized undr,r this resolutian, or prior to the time that thc building permit is issued, or ~•~ithin a period of one year from date hereof, ~•rhichever occurs f(rst, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 6. That Condition Nos. 1 and 3, above-mentioned, sha11 be complied with ~rior to fi~ial I~uildino and zonino inspections. 7. That ir, order to d~ternine ti•rhether any adverse effect ~•~ill result from the granting of the proposed use, the Planning Comnission qrants satd use fc~r a period of one year, after ~•ihich [ime and up~n t•~ritten re~uest hy the petitioner, consideration may be given ]S to whether or not the use should be axtended. 8. That any livn nusic shall be limited to a pianist. EiE IT ~'(tRTHER P,FSQ~I+F~ that the Anaheim City Plannino Comnisstrn does hereby find and deterMine that adoption of this Resolution is e>:~rrssly predtcated upon applicant's compliance ~•~ith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such cor,r~ition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final juogment of any court of comoetenr. jurtsdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein contained, shall he deemed null and void. Tt~E FOP,EGOINr, RcSOL!iT10"1 is signed and anproved by me this 11th day of ~anuary, t~ih?, ATTEST• ~p^ ~~1I „~~ ~~5~ CHA I RMAN, A~lAHE 111 C I TY PLAPiN I iir CO"1M I SS I QFt ~ a~/~, (4 ,Q/ l~ + /~L~in_ ~ SECRET!1R f, AIlAHE I!1 C ITY PLAt1Pd I rIG C(1t1r11 SS I OM STATE OF CAL I FORPI IA ) COUFJTY OF ORAP~f;E ) ss. C ITY OF A~lAf1E I H ) i, Edtth L. Flarris, Secretary of the Anaheim Citv Planning Commissicsn, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Januarv 11, 1~£~?, hy the foliowinq vote of tiie memhers thereof: AYES: COMHISSIO~IERS: EiARF1FS, BOIIpS, FRY, HERPS7, KIPl~, h1C BUR'iEY NOES: CDMMISSIONERS: I3USHORE ADSENT: COMMISSIOPIERS: PlONE ~~~ WITIIESS 4lf1ERE0F, i have hereunto set ny hand tl~is ltth day of January 1982. (~n ~C.~",~ ,~~ ~ ~.~ , ~ SECRETARY', ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -3- PC32-t