PC 82-111RESOLUTIO;! N0. Pf,u?-111 A R[SOLUT I 0'I OF Ti I[ A~'lA~IF I 11 C I7Y PLAtlid I Plr: CO!1~" I SS I O~J TI1/17 PETITIO~! F~3 C~:JJITI0LIL US[ PERFIIT FI~. 23~!t (lF. C,F.A!lTE~ WHEREAS, tfie Anahr.im Lity Planning Commissinn di~i rr_cr_ivr_ a verified Petition for Condition~l Use Permit fmn CITY OF A~lANEIN, 20~ Sou*.h An~heim Boulevard, Anaiieim, Calif~rnia, 92ii')3, rnmer, ~nd A'IAiIFI'1 MF~1Q'?-AL HOSPITAL, 1111 b/est La Palma Avenue, /1nah~im, (,~1 ifornia 92;~~3, a~ent, ~f certain real property situated in the City of An~h~im, County of Qrangn, St~te nf f,alif~rnia, J~scribe~i as: THA'f PORTIOfi OF TIIE E~1ST HALF OF TNE ^J~RTHII[ST QUAR'(~R OF SF.CTIOH 9, TO'~.J;ISH I P!; SOUTH, RA~~GE 1 ~ l1~ST, 5. B, a. , H. , DFSCR i DF~ AS FOLLOlJS : QEG I NIJ I'IG I W TiIE SOU7iIt.lEST C~RWER OF LOT 1'~ i rl TRACT t~n, Z53~, AS SNO!~l:d 0;7 A t1AP RECORDE~ lil 300Y, 1~2, PA~FS 11 E 12, MISCFLL/1NEOU5 11I1PS, RECORDS OF URA;lGf CQU~ITY; THE~CE FOLLt)bfI~IG ALOid~ THE SOUTIIFRLY AilD SOUTHEASTERLY 30UtJUi1RY OF SAID TRACT !J~. 2i3'~, THE FOLLOWING COURSES A!!D DISTA~lCES: S 3~ G5' 22" E, 311.0~ FFET, ~~ 5~.° 27' 3J" E, 141 .00 FEET, .d 2y~ 3~ ~ 19" E, 126.')'1 FEET, S 8~~ 4$' 22" E~ 1JJ.;10 FCET~ t~ Vj~ 4~' 1~I" E. $6.~~ FFfT, ~! 31io ~3~ 19" E, 111.49 f[ET, N J° J5' 23" E, `i'1.~~ FFFT TO THF ~~ORTiiEASTERLY C~RIJER QF LOT 1 I:! S/11 ~ TRACT 253'1, SA I D ~J~RTHEASTE2LY CDRilER ALSO BE I t!G A P~i ~aT I N T~IE SOCTiiFRLY 3~l!.'lDA4Y L!iJE OF TRACT !J~. 15`17, AS SH~'.JFI 0'J A 11AP RF.C~P,7FD IN 9~OK, 5'), PAGES 1 E 2, MISCFLLA~JEOUS F1APS, R~C~P,~S OF 02A'!GE Cf1U!JTY, CALIFOR:~IA; TIfE:~CE LEAVIUG TtIE BOU'~7ARY I.I?~F OF SAIn TRACT ~J~. 253O A'r1U FOLLOWI~~G ALOtIG A PORTIO'J OF TIIE SOUTt~ERLY 201H~DARY OF SAIu TRACT IJO. 1~97, S!;)° 45' 22" E, 21~1.3i FFF7, MORF. OR IESS TO AH INTERSFCTIQ~! IJITH THC '.JFST LI'IE OF THAT f,FRTAI'~ PA?f.FL OF LAF~~ SfIO~Jid AS PARCEL 2 0'1 A ~Hnr FIL~D I^t PO~Y, 123, PA~E 19, PP.RCEL ~1APS, RECORDS OF ORA'JGE COU`~TY, CALIF~R'JIA; THEtlCE 5 ~° !15' ~1~" W, 103. 19 FEET TO TNE SO~JTH:•/EST COR'JER OF SA I~ PARCEL 2, SA f ~ SOUTIi!JEST COR!lER E3EING A P01'!T I^! TN[ y!1RTHERLY RISHT OF IJAY LINE OF THE ORAiJGE CQUNTY FLOOD DISTRICT EAS!"ME~~lT; THFHCG F~LLQ~.JING ALOwG THE tJORTHERLY RIGNT OF 41AY IIWF OF SAIn FLnO~ CO"~T°OL D I STR I CT E/',SEME;~T S 5j~~ 13' 12" '.J, 1, 145.00 FEET, MORE ~R LESS ~ TO AN INTERSECTIOtI WITH A LI~dE PARALLEL WITH AIJD 32 F[ET EASTERLY OF 7NE CENTERLItdE OF L~ARA S'fP,EET; THENCF PJORT!IERLY AL~'1~; TFIE LAST PARALLFL LI~~E 34; FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO TlIE P~I~JT QF I!:TERSECTIO!•I 411TH THE SOUTHERLY LINF OF T,I[ AFORESP.I~-h1EtJTIOrIED LoT 1`i IP: SAIn TRACT h70. 2530~ TIIEidCE 'J 39'~ ~F5' 22" IJ, 2 FEET TO THE P!11HT OF I3[G I N~d I tJG OF TiIE HERE I ii DFSCR I EED PARC[L OF IAiJD. 4JfIEREl1S, the City Planning Commis.ton did hold a public hearing at thP City fiall in tlie Ci[y of Anal~eim on June 2, 1)32, at 1:3'~ p.m., nntice c+f said public hearing having been duly given as requiro~i by law an~! in nr_cnrd~nce with the provisions of thc ~~nahcim ~lunicipal Codc, Ch~pter 13,03, to he-~r and ennsidn.r eviden~e for an~ against said proposed conditional use perr~it and tn investtgatn and make findings and recommen~,ations in connection th^re~~~ith; in,l PC32-111 WHERE~S, siid Com^~ission, aftcr dur_ insp~c[ion, inv~stiaati~n ~n~f st~~~ly made by its~lf anJ in its !~ehalf, anJ aftcr Juo cnns;~inrati~n ~f .~)1 rVl~InnC~'_ 9n~ rr_~orts offcrecl ~[ said he~ring, dn~s find amJ det~rminr the fnll~ti•~in~ firts: 1. Th~t [he prnposed us~ is nron^.rl~r onr f~r ~:~hich a c~nrli!tonal use permit is autliorizr.~l by An,ihr_im ilunicioal f,o-ir. Section i't.34.~5~~.'17~ to wit to permit ~ 10~-unit senior citizr_ns housinn com~lex ~•+ith ~~r~ivers nF th~ fnilrn•~inn: SECTI011 13.3~i. )G2.712 - 1laximum Structural Hei~ht 1 storv prrmittn~f ~.~ithin li~ f~~t c,f sirgl~-family residenti~l zoning; 2 storir.s orn~o_•I) 5[CTIO't 13,3~+.)G2.032 -'linimum Floor Ar~a ner DlY~llinq ~Jnit 77) squ.~re foot requirAd; 5+~ s~uarr f~ot proposed) SECTIO~! 13.34.0(i6.01^_ - tlinimum number and ty r_ of narl:in~ s aces 15J spaces;l~'l0 r_overed and 50 o~en r^quired; S~~ coverr_d and ~0 open spaces prnposed) 2. That thc requested waivers are herr_by gr.~nted ~n the basis that ~lenial would deprive sub_iect property ~f privileges ~njoye~i by oth~r pr~perties in the same zone and vieinity and on the basis of the unusual sh~pe of subject property, and on the basis of the use which is a residential p mject for sr_ni~~r citizens. 3. That the pro~snd use will not adversely a`fect the adi~ining land uses and thr_ gro~•~th and d~velopment of the ~rea in which it is p mn~sed to be locat?d. ~~. That the size and shape of the site n mpos~d f~r the use is adequate to allow the full development of the proposed use in a mannr.r n~t detrimental to thn particular area nor to the peace, health, safety, in~i general welfarP of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5. That t'~e gran[ing of the Conditional Use Permit un~er th~ conditions impnse~i, if a~y, will not be detrim~ntal to the neacn, h~+alCft, safPty '~nd qeneral weifare of tfie Citizens of the City of /lnaheim. G. That the traffic generated by the proposr.i nse ~vill not impose an undue burc'en upon the streets anJ high~•~ays designed and improvr_d to c~rry the traffic in the area. 7. Th~t no onc indlcated their presence at saicf public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was receivecl in opp~sition to the subject petition. ENVIROtIMENTAL 1;1PACT FINDI;IG: Th~t the Anaheim Cir.v Planning Commission has revie~ued the proposal to reclassify subject pro~erty from th~: RS-1J,U00 (Residential~ Single-Family) Zone to the RI1-12)~ ~Residential, ~1ultiplr.-Family) Zoneto permit a I~U-unit senior citizr_ns housin9 complex ~aitli waivers of maximum structural height, minimun floor area per diuelling unii ~nd minimum nur~ber and type of p~r{;ing spaces on an irreyularly-shi~ed parcel of land consisting of approxtmately 5.G acres, having a frontage of approximatcly 3'~~ feet on the east sirlr_ oF Loara Street, and being locate~ approximately $~~ feet n~rth ~~f tiir_ centerline ~f Nor*h Strn~t (730-~1~1 North Loara S[reet); and ~ioes hereby approve chr.~degative Dr_cl~ration fror~ the rcquirr_ment to prepare an environmental lmpact report on thc basls tha*. therr_ would be no significan[ individual or cumulative adverse environment~l impact due to th~ aoprova) -z- resz->>i of this idegative Declaration since the Anaheim General Pl~n ~fesiqnates the subject property for lo~v-density residential lan~l USP.S commensura*~ s•~ith the oroposal; that no sensitive environmental impacts are ~nvolved in the proposal; that thc Initlal Study submitted by the petiti~~er indicates no significant indivi~iual or cumulative adverse environmental impacts; and that the ~Jegative Declaration substantiating the foregoing findings is on file in the City of Anaheim Plannin~ Dep~rtment. PIOI•!, THERE'FORE, DE IT R[SOLVf_D tliat the Analieim City Planning Commission does hereby grant sul~ject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, u~on tf~F follot•~ing conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerrquisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserv~ the safety and general aielfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That this Conditon~l Use Permit is gr~nted subject to the completiort of Reclassification No. 31-32-21, no~~ pencling. 2. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance ivith plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim niarked Exhibit tJos. 1 through 7; provided, however, that ttie minim~~m dwelling size shall be 540 square feet and tiie parking shall minimally consist of 50 covered and 50 open parking spaces. 3. That Condition Plo. 2, above-mentioned, shall he comptied w;th ~rior to final building and zoning inspections. BE IT FURT~IER RESOL'JED that the Anaheim City Planniny Commission does hereby find and determine that tlie adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance ivith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any condition or any part thereof, he declared inv~li~i or unr_nforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein con;ained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESQLUTIO~J is signed and approved by me this 2nd day of June, 1933. i I idG CHA I RI•tAN ANAHEIM CITY PL/1N?JI~1G C011MISSION ATTEST: C~ d~-~. ' SECRETAkY, AIJAIiE IM C ITY PLAIJ~J i~lG COM!11 SS I OIJ -3- PC3?-111 , ,.: ,.~ .-. STA'fE OF CALIFORIdIA ) COUPJTY OF ORA~dG[ ) ss. C ITY UF ANAHE 111 ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Citv Plannin~ Commission, do hereby certify that tiie foregoing resolution aras passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission lirid on June 2, 1'j'37_, at 1:30 p.m., by the following ~~ote of the members thereof: AYES: COt1MISSIOWERS: BARNES, IiER(3ST, IUNf,, 11C [3URNEY NOES: COMP115SIO~dERS: PlOfJE ABSEMT: C011h11SSi0NERS: t30UA5, BUSHQR[, FRY IIJ W171dESS lJI1ERFOF, I h3ve hereunto set my hand ti~i , 2nci day of June, 19t~2 ~.C~.. o~ ~- %~it~t~. SECRETARY, A`lAHE 1 P1 C I TY Pi, hIP~ I NG COf1M I SS I ON ,~ ~ .: ., ... . _~_ PCS2-111 ... . _ __. ...,~' '~~