PC 82-16RESOLUTION r~o. Pf.82-iC A P,ESOLUTI ON OF THE A~lAHE IM C I TY PLA~dM I ~~~ Cn~1M I SS I OPJ THAT PETITIOP! FOR CONDITIONFlL USE PEP,~qiT ~JO. 2?f~$ DE GR,qFJTED IJHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Permit from TNE CITY OF ANAIIEI'1 and C-D III, a general partnership, on certaln real property o~vned by the City of Anaheim situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, StatP of California, more particularly described as set forth on Exhibit "A" actached hereto and incorporated herein I~y this reference as if set forth in full; and WfiEREAS~ the Ctty Planning Commission did sch~dule a public hearing at the City Hall in the City of Anaheim on January 7_5, 1982, at 1;3`~ p.m., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as required by tao-~ and in accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim f4unicipal Code, Chapter 13.u3, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit and to investigate and malce findings and recomriendations in connection therewith; satd p~blic hearing having been continued to the Planning Commission meeting of Februarv B, 1982; and tlft[REAS, said Comml=sion after due inspection, tnvr_stigati~n and study made by itself ~nd in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the foilo~ving facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for t~hich a conditional use permit ~s authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Sections 1£~,8~,,'t,n~ ~g,/~g,r~r,~.p3~ and ~a•~Eg•~~~•070 t~ wit: To permit an 11-story, 1~0-foot h(gh, tf..~~-room convention hotel witli accessory uses and on-sale alcoholic beverages and ~~rith a~aiver of: SECTIO~lS 18,06.050 ~;r~~ 1~3,Q(,06p - Minimum number and design of parking soaces. 3~ spaces required; 32~~ spaces proposed as follows: inS4 stan~iard snac~s ($-1/2~xlo~)~ .Li small car spaces (7-1/?_'x1;'), '~ tandem standard spaces and 611r tandem small car spaces). 2. That the proposed use ~aill not adversely affect the ad_joining land uses and the gro~ath and development of the area in which it is proposed to be located in that the ad.joining land uses cons(st of the Anaheim Convention Center, the Jolly Roger Inn, the Inn-at-the-Park Hotel~ the Marriott liotel and other commerctal recreational, public recreational and tourist-oriented uses ~lhich are compatible with the proposed project. 3. That the requested i,~aiver is hereby granted on the following basis: (a) That the petitioner stipulated to entertna into an agreement ~~ith the City of Anaiieim that additional parl<ing will be provided by the petitioner in the event pari<ing deficfenctes arise or if the proposed parkino proves to be inadequate; and that the developer ~atll provide, at no cost to the City, appro~riately desioned, engineered, and constructed footings anri columns which PC82-16 -~., -~ will support two additional floors on top of the proposed three-story parl<Ing structure. (b) Tliat tlie draft Parking Code Revision Study r~cently prepared for thc City of Anaheim by Linscott, Latv and Greenspan, Inc, discusses the special circumstances represented by convention hotels and otlier uses in the commercial recreational areas and a~idresses the overlapping use of parl<ing in multi-functi~n hotel complexes; and that the study also addr~sses the issue of small csr spaces; and that the petitioner stipulated that their tandem parking plan is feasibir. and efficient and has worked very successfully to serve the parking needs of many of their other major and similar developments. (c) That there are special circumstances applicahle to the property such as size, sha~e, topography, location or surrounCings, r~hich do not applv to otlier identially z~ned properties in the vicinity, as follotas: (1) That the project ~vill be the only hotel lacated tvithin tl~e "PR" Puhlic Recre~tional Zone of the City of Anaheim and will he located immedtately adjacent to, and upon the same property as, the Anaheii~ Convention Center. (2) That a substantial number of the hotel guests wili arrtve and depart by means of puh)tc transit or by rental cars, and that from 30o to ~t~~ of the available rentals are small cars. (d) That strict application of the zoning code deprives the property of privileges enjoyed hy other property under identical zoning classification tn th~ vtcinity in that simiiar or more stgnificant parE:ing ~•~ai~~ers have been granted by the City of Anaheim for other properties in the commercial-recreation area as folloa~s: (1) Conditional Use Perm(t No. zt3n permitted a 10~n- room hotel project (!Jrather/Hilton; adjacent to the Anaheim Convention Center with a waiver of 32~ of the minimum number of parl;ing spaces. The project was never constructed, (2) Conditional Use Permit No. 2265 perm~tted a 3~n- room hotel expansion (Marriott) v~ith a waiver of 25~6 of the minimum number of parkTng s~aces. ~3) Cond;tional Use Permit No. 22'1.. permitted a~0-room hotel expansion (Hoa~ar~i Johnson Motor Lodge) with a waiver of lOm of th~ minimu~ nu~nher of pari<ing spaces. -2- PC82-16 ~ , 4. That tne size and shape of the site proposed for the use is adequate to allow ~he full development of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to Yne peace, health, safety and general welfare of the Citizens o` the City of Anaheim in that the proposed hotel ~•rill have a favorahle tmpact on the adJacent Anaheim Convention Center and the general welfare by providing a large number of guest rooms and support facillties in proximity to *_he Convention Center which should improve tl~e abllity of tlie Conventton Center to attract maJor conventions to the C1ty and the pr~posed project ~~ill providr economic benefits to the surrounding restaurants, financtal institutions, service stattons, retail facilities and the Anaheim Convention Center. 5. That the granting of the conditional use permit under thP conditions imposed will not be detrimental to the oeace, health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That the tra`fic c~enerated by the proposed use ~•rill not impose an undue burden upon the streets and hfghways designed and improved to carry the traffic in the area. 7. That approximately three persons indicated thetr presence at the January 25 and February u, 1987_, publtc hearings in ~ppositfon; and that correspondence iaas received in opposition to the subject petttion. ENVlRO~J~IENTAL IMPACT FINDIN~; That after considering EIR N0, 251 for the proposed develupment o a 1 00-room convention hotei ivith ancillary uses and reviewing evidence, both wrttten and orai, to supplement Draft EIR N0. 251, the Planning Commission finds: (1) DraPt EIR td0, 251 is in compliance ~~~ith the California Envlronmental Quality Act and City and State EIR Guidelines. (2) The following envtronmental impacts have been identified as beinq associated with the ~ropose~l prnject: (a) There ivill be temporary inconvPntence to surroundtng properties as a result of noise, dust, lighr, and trucks during construction. !b) The project will cause an incremental tncrease in air pollution. (c) There 4ei11 be additional vtsual and noise intrusion to surroundfng land uses adjacent to the project. (d) The project may contribute to the need for addttional sewage treatment plant capacity in the future. (e) The increased number of hotei employees may cause further pr~ssure on the supplv of low and moderate income housing in the area. (f) The prcject a~ill generate substantial Increases in vol~mes to the existing traffic control system. (g) The project ~aill incrementally decrease ~•~ater main pressure during periods of peal: demand, (h) Cumulatlve traffic from tiie attractions surrounding the project area could severely imp~ct the Fire Department response time. -3- PC82-16 (i) The current level of police service is expected to decrease, though an increase in manno~•ier ~!ould not be necessary. ~3) The follo~ai~g mitigation measures ~•~tll he ~mployed to reduce these environmental impacts: (a) Complfance with city cades, policies, and procedures. (b) An on-site secondary water system shall be revie~~ied and approved by the city. (C) The developer will 4~orF: i~ith the city to construr,t the necessary se~~~er )tne improvements. (d) The intersection of Harl~or 6oulevard/Katella Avenue wili be improved to include turn lane storaoe facilities, signing, channeltzation and parl<ing rem~val on Katella Avenue. (e) The City ~~ill pursue financing improvements at the Harbor/Ball intersection with the state, prtvate developers and the city's Signal Assessment Fund. (f) The ~ity ~aiil continue to pursue mass transit improvements s•~ith the Oran9e County Transit District in order to maintain acceptable traffic conditions in /~naheim's Conmercial-Recreation llrea. (g) The hotel's parl;ing activity U~ill be visually monitored by the city to assure that changes in use characteristics and/or hotel operations do not create parking deficie~cies for tlie hotel patrons. The developer will covenant in the lease agreement to provide additional parkin~ in the event such parking defictencies arise as a result of the hotel parking waiver and/or use of tandem parking. (h) As a part of final ~IPSinn ~f thQ pro_j~ct, comprehensive progran of guide signing arill be included as approved by the CiCy's Traffic Engineer, (i) A parking security and control program, to be approved by the C(ty Police Department, shall be lnstituted for the operation of the parking structures. (J) A1l taxi, bus and truck loading and unloadinq areas shall he subject to revie~o and approval of the Ctty Traffic Engineer. (k) A construction truck routing plan identifying the routes to be used during peak and non-peal: traffic conditions shall be submitted to the City Traffic ~ngineer for revie4r and approvai. (1) A detailed traffic and par4;ing operations plan shal) be developed and approved prior tn construction. Said plans shall address location of construction fencing, haul routes, parl;ing access, traffic restrictions, temporary median access and 1~;,C closu;es, modification of bus routes, er~ergency acc~ss, and location of flanmen and construction signing and markings. -4- PC82-16 (m) T'he hotel i•~i11 be developed in comol~ance ~•~ith energy conservation measures as set forth in Title 7_1+ of the California Administrative Code. (n) lmplementation of a double-shift t~ork period for construction of the Conventfon Center replacement parking structure. (o) An emergency access plan ~~~ill be submitted for review and approval by the City Fire Marshall, ~p) The City of Anahelm and Hilton Hotel Corporation ~vi11 preF~re and adopt an agressive market plan for the proposed project and Anaheim Convention Center. Therefore, the Planning Commtssion hereby certifies that EIR tdo. 251 has been completed in compliance ~vitli CEQA and State EIR Guidelines and that the Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the information contained therein prior to approval of the project and adopts tl~e following Statement of Overrlding Considerations: 1. The approval of Conditional Use Permtt No. 22£;g and ~aatver of off-street parking requirernents for the proposed development of a 16r1~-room hotel wtth ancillary uses cou)d result in the significant envtronmental impacts whir.h have been identified a6ove and whtch may be reduced to an acceptable level by the mitigation measures hereinabove indfcated, 2. That the Planning Commtssion of the City of Anaheim does hereby further find that the specffic econonic, social or other considerations as set forth hereafter make infeasible further mitigation measures or pro.ject alternatives identified in the Final EIR for the follo+,~ing slgntficant environmenta) effects: a. Increased traffic congestlon on nearby streets and highways, b• Increased noise and atr pollution resultino fr~~ the increased traffic, ~. Increased requirement= for water, electrlr_ity~ ses•~age and solid waste disposal facilities. d. Increased requirements for affordable housing and public services for employees of the facilities. e. Temporary disruption to the surroundtnq area caused by construction activlty during an approximate 3-year period, f. Proposed structures ~•~tll permanently obstruct views from surrounding tand uses, 9. Proposed structures wtll pertodically cast shada~~s onto surrounding land uses. h. Adequate funding to improve the in±ersection of Narbor doulevard/ [ial) Road cannot be guaranteed. i• Periodic increases in demand for parl;ing at the Anaheim Convention Center ~•~ill not be fully met. J. Temporary drop Pn occupancy to hotel/mntel facilities servin~ 2he Anaheim Commercial-Recreation Area, '" 3. That the Planning Commissia;t of the City of Anahr_ir~ has balanced the benefits of the proposed project against its unavoidabl~ environmental rtsks in determtning ~,~hether to approve said project, The Planning Commission of the City of Anahei^~ does hereny further fi~~{~ r~~termTne and state, pursuant to the provisions of Sectton 150~3!~ of the State Guidclines, that the -5- Pc82-16 /~\ occurrence of those certain significant environmental effects identifted in the Final EIR and set forth ahove ~•iill be permitted a~tthout further miti7ation due to the follo~ying overridin~ considerations: a. The project will result in the follo~•~ing suhstantial economic and social benef(ts to the City of Anaheim and surrounding a rea : (1) 7he city's net revenue for the ne~~~ 1600 rooms is estimated at $6,(1~+9,270 annually. (2) The project will create additional employment for 7~i8 people and additional tourist trade. (3) '1a.jor city revenues pro,jected to he generated by this project include annual ground lease payments of approxinately $1,57~,~0~; annual transient occupancy tax of approximately $3,z52,413; and annual sales tax of approximately $221, 737 (all dollar value re.presentation for first year of full liotel operation as measured in 1987 dollars.) (4) The city taill attain a hote.l with a full range of ancillary facflities to serve as the ~rincipal host facility for the Anaheim Convr_ntion Center. b. Each of the feasible alternatives to the project, except for double-shift constiruction of parking structure, a~ould prod~ce significantly less economic and social benefits to the City of Anaheim than a~ill be produced hy the pronosed project, to wit: (1) The no-project alternative would remave this potential revenue source of $G million annually to tlie City. of Anaheim and v~ould alirn•~ a high-occupancy rate to oresist in the Anahe(m Commerctal-Recreation Area i•~hich could negatively impact ti~e scheduling of events at the Ananeim Convention Center, (2) The alternative sire offered at the Anaheim Convention Center could potentlally produce tl~e same revenue as the proposed project. Primary dis~dvantages relate to access, the site's relationshin to surroundinn land uses, and the fact that thts location ~rould hloc!< the most logical site for any further expanston of the convention exhibit space. ~3) The 4frather Corporation fiad offered the ctty a f.-acre parcel of land near the Oisneyland Ilotel as an alternative to proceedin~ ti•~itl~ the proposed project. The city could sell the parcel far approximat~ly S4 million. The primary disadvantage to that alternative is that such action v~ould not be as econom(cally viable to the city as securing the proposed project a~d a S6 million annual revenue stream, tdithout dtspos(ng of the -6- PC82-16 ~_......... .. . _ ---~ parcel, the city coull lease the land to a hotel developer. The primary disadvantages to such action relate to the length of time a~hich arould he involved in securing a nea~ pro.ject, loss of a Convention Center hotel and resulting ground-lease ~ayments, potential loss of the Hilton liotel's ~•~orldo~ide reservations and convention experience, and creatinn a need for more vehic]e transportation to and from the Convention Center, ~~~) Reduced size alternative ~•iould significantly decrease the annual r•evenue stream to the city. In additi~n to revEnue tmpacts, a smaller hotel would generate proportionatPly lower area employment and resultin9 revenues to the community. ~5) The LJrather Corporatian has proposed expanding its Inn-at- the-Park by approximately 500 rooms in lteu of the proposed projecL. Primary dtsadvantages relate to significantly less revenue to the city; loss of approximately 11~0 additional rooms ~•~ith a full range of ancTllary faciltties; and the alternative project would not fulfill tlie city's desire for a host hotel facility to serve ti~e Anaheim Convention Center. ~~) The increased sized hotel alrernative is subject to supportive mar~:et conditions 4~htch are presently lacking in the Anahetn Commercial-Recreation Area. City revenue from a larger pro_ject iaould increase generally in prop~rtion to the size of the increase. c. It is not economically feasible to further mitigate or avoid the environmental effects identified above. d. The aforesaid economic and social constderations make it infeasib'te to eliminate enttrelv the sianificant environmentai impacts ~~rhich have been identified in the F!nal Environmental Impact Report. ~dOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED that the Anahein City Planning Commission does hereby grant subject Petition for Conditional Use Permit, upon the following cond(tions which are hereby found to be a necessary prcrequisite to the proposed use of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That a qualified archeologist and/or paleontologist shall be retained on-s1te, as needed, to monitor grading operations on subject property. 2. That the traffic slgnal assessment fee for commercial buildin9s sha11 be paid in an amount determined by the City Council (0 rd i nance No, 3A~36) , 3. That a bond, certiflcate of dep~sit, letter of crrdit or cash in the amount of forty-thousand dollars ($40,ODD) shall he nosted -7- PC82-16 i~. witi~ the City of Anaheim to guarantee improvements at the intr_rsection of I;atella Avenue and Harbor goulevard. Sair1 improvements shall include turn lane storage facilities, signing, ehanneli~ation and removal of on-street parl<ing on I:atella Avenue. 4. That the number, type, and location of replacement parl:in9 spaces for the Anaheim Convention Center shall be subject to the revie~•~ and approval of tlie Anaheim City Council, 5. That a Development Phasing Plan shall be submitted for revie~.ti and approval hy the Convention Center Authority. Said plan shall set forth an acceptablr_ scliedule interfacing construction activities with Convention Center activities. 6. That a Parking Security and Control Program for operation of ~he proposed parking struc*_ures (proposed hotel and Convention Center replacement parking) shall be submltted to thr City Police Department for revie~•r and anproval. 7. That an Emergency Access Plan shall be submitted to the Fire Chtef for review and approval. 8. That a detailed Traffic and Parking Operations Plan shall be submitted to the City Traffic Engineer for revie~.a and approvat. Said plan shall addrass location of construction fencin~, haul routes, parking access, traffic restrictions, tempnrary median access and lane closures, modificatton of bus routes, emerqency access, location of fla9men and construction signing and marking. 9. That a construction truck routing plan for the construction phase of the hotel, hotel parktn9 and ConventTon Center replacement parl;ing shall be suhmitted to th~ City Engineer for revieo~ and app~oval. 10. That a comprehensive Signing Plan for vehicul~r and pEdestrian circuiation shall be submitted to the City Tra`fic Enqiner for revie~d and approval. 11. That the destgn and location of all taxi and b~~s loading ar.d - loading areas shall he suhject to review and approval by the `:~ty Traffic Engtneer, 11., fhat an on-site secondary water system shall I~e revie~~e~ and aprroved by the Public UtilFtes Department. 13. That trash storage areas sliail be provided in accordance ~aith approved plans on file a~itli the Office of t~~e Executive Dlrector of Public Works. 14. That the developer shall confer ~~~ith the City to construct the necessary sewer line tmprovements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. -8- PC82-16 ~~.. _,.... . 15. That subject property shall be developeci substantially in accordance ~~~ith plans and specifications on file with the Citv of Anaheim marl:ed Exhibits Plo, 1 through 21 provided, however, that all parking spaces designated as "standard" s~iall have min(mum dimensions of 3 1/2' x lQ~. 16. That the the proposed hotel shall conply ~•~ith all siqning requirements of the CR (Commercial, Recreation) Zone. ~!o sTgn or other advertising devices shall he placed so as to exceed the height permitted by the Height Standard Gutd~lfne for such zo~e ~15( feet at subject location). 17. That appropriate water assessment fees as de*.ermined by the Office of Utilities General !lanager shall he paid by the develooer to the City of Anaheim prior to the issuance of a building permit. 13. That prior to the issuance of huilding permits t'ie developer of subject property shall submit a l~tter requesting termination of Cond i t i ona 1 Use Perm i t PJo. 21 3!1. 19. Tliat Conditions PJo, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 3, ?, 11. and 12, above- mentioned, shall be complied wit'~ prior to the commrncement ofi the activity authorized under this resolution, or prior to the tfine that the bullding permit is issued, or within a ~eriod of one year from date hereof, whichever occurs first, or such further time as the Planning Commission may grant. 20. Tliat Condition No. 10, 13, 14, 15, and 1F above-mentioned, shall be complied with prior to final building and zoning inspections. 21. That the developer shall provide and maintain a television antenna or cable system, without charue to the resid~nts, to assure satisfactory television reception to any residences which are unable to receive a satisfactory level of television stgnats as a result of interference caused by the ~ro.ject structures. BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ctty Planning Commisston does hereby find and determine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance roith each and all of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such condttion, or any part the~•eof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any court of competent jurtsdiction~ then thls Resolution~ and any approvals herein contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOINr, RESOLUTIOtd is signed and a~proved hy me this ~th day of F~ebruary, 1982. ~c-ss~SL (,~ ~~- CIiAIRHAN, AMAHE111 C1TY PLAhININf; COMMISSION ATTEST: ~d~ ~ SECRETARY, AMAIIE iFl C iT PLAilN I P! ; COMM ~ SS I O~J -9- PCF~2-16 STATE OF Cl1LIFORNIA ) COU~ITY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF APIANEIM ) I, Edith L. Ilarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolutton a~ac ~assed and adopte~! at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on Fehruary 'i, i~~i?_, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES; COMMISSIOMERS: BARPJES, 60Ul1S, FRY, HERB5T, KI~J~, MC BURNEY fd0E5: COMNISSIONERS: ~JOPdE ABS[P1T: COMMISSIONERS: IlOME ADSTAIP~: COMMISSIONERS: EiUS1i0RE I~I WITNESS WIfERCOF, I have hereunto seC my liand this 9th day of February,t932, ~.~~, ~ ~,, - SECRETARY, A4JAHEIN CIT PLAP1taINr, CO!1-41SSIO~J -10- PC82-16