llliSOLUTION NO. 71R~.52
WHERLAS, the City Planning Cormnission.of the City of
.Anaheim did hold a public hearing in Reclassification Proceed'-
ings l:JO. 69-70-25 to consider an araendment to Ti.tle 18 of the
i\naneim l1unicipal ~ode relating to zoningr and to consider a
change irl the boundaries of the zone or zones hereinafter lnen-
tioned and described, and at said hearing did receive evidence
and reports from persons interested u~erein and from its staff,
WdEREAS, within a period of forty days following said
ilearing the Planning Cornmission did duly adopt a resolution con.-
taining a report of its findings, a slliumary of the evidence
presented at said hearing, and a reco~nendation that the proposed
amen&~ent be adopted by the City Council and that a certain zone
or zones De changed as hereinafter set forth, and
WHBilliAo, upon receipt of said resolution, summary of
evidence, report of findings and recommendation of the City
Planning CO~~is5ion the City Council did fix the 2nd day of
~ebruarYr 1971 as the time, and continued to the 9th day of
,february 1 1971! and tne Ci ty Counci 1 Cnarnbers in the City Hall
of the Ci ty of l~naheiln as the place for a public hearing upon
said. proposed arnendment to 111itle 18 of the Anaheim i'1unicipal
~oder and the e~~c1usion of said property, hereinafter described,
from the zone or zones in which it is now situated and the in-
corporation thereof in the zone or zones hereinafter set forth~
and. did ~ive notice tllereof in the manner and form as provided
in said ~itle l~ of the Ana~eim Municipal Code; and
\-vHEP~AS ~ at the tinle and place fixed for said public
nearillg: the Ci ty Council did hold and conduct such public hear-
ing and did give all persons interested therein an opportunity
to ~e heard, and did receive evidence and reports, and did
thereupon consider the 5u~~ary of evidence presented at said
pllclic hearing before the Planning- Corr~ission; its report of
findings and reco~uendation: and
'vJHEH.l:;i'i.S; tile Ci ty Council does find and determine
that tlle alaendriLent to Ti tie 18 of tile 2\naheim r~unicipal Code
should be adopted and tllat the property hereinafter described
should be excluded from the zone or zones in which it is now
situated and incorporated in the zone or zones as hereinafter
set forth.
~'~O\lJ; ::'dbH.EE'OH.L 1 B15 r:r i~SOLV~~D by the City Council of
~he City of Anaheim that ~itle 18 of the Anaheim Municipal Code
~e; and the same is hereby, amended and that the following
descriried property~ situated in the City of Anaheim, County of
Jrange, ~tate of California, to wit~
69 .... 7 0 - 2 5
J?arcel 1
All that portion of the hereinafter described parcel of
land lying Southerly of the Southerly line of the 40-foot
right of way for ~speranza Road, as said Road is described
in the deed to the County of Orangel recorded April 17,
1918: in Dook 319: page 183 of Deeds, said parcel of land
oeing described as follows:
ileginning at the ~orthwest corner of Allotment of Second
Class Land made to Ynez Yorba de Cota by Final Decree of
Partition of the ~ancho Canon de Santa Ana; thence Southerly
along the Westerly line of said Allotment, 10,753 feet, more
or less, to the Southwest corner of the land described in
the deed fronl Anahein\ Union :later COfi.lpany to Samuel Kraemer!'
recorded December 3, 1906! in rlook 139, page 144 of Deeds;
tl1ence ~asterly along the Southerly line of the land des-
cribed in said deed the following courses and distances:
South 890 20' East 274.8 feet, ~orth 810 45i East 2l4.5
feet, South 770 50i ~ast 278.5 feet, South 660 501 East 378.8
feet, North 860 40; Last 455.4 feet, more or less! to a
point in the Basterly line of aforementioned allotment to
said Ynez Yorba de Cota; thence leaving said Southerly line
South along the Last line of aforementioned allotment to
said Ynez Yorba de Cota, 1061.63 feet, more or less! to a
point in the L~ortherly line of B. Yorba Vineyard as shown
on I. Diagram it'.' referred to and made a part of the said
Final Decree of the Partition of said Rancho Canon de Santa
.:~na, said point being- also Station 11 of said Ynez Yorba de
~ota Allo~~ent; thence Souu1erly 442.38 feet along a direct
line (from said Station 11 of Ynez Yorba de Cota Allotment
to Station 10 on the line between the allotments of It'irs"t
and Third Class :Land to \volf ~'alisner and Henry Wartenberg
in the Partition of said Rancho) to the Southerly line of
said ti. Yorba Vineyard, thence Easterly along the Southerly
line of said .a. "iorba Vinei'.ard the following courses and
distances; i~orth 790 45' :8ast 84..50 feet, hIorth 690 15'
~~ast 193.20 feet to a point in the Westerly line of ~~e
Alloonents of Second and Ii'hird Class Land made to Tomas
Yorba by said Final Decree of Partition of said Rancho
Canon de Santa ,Ana, thence Sout.herly ~ .Westerly and Southerly
along the .'.ivesterly, ~Jortherly and Westerly lines of said
Tomas Yorba i~llo~~ent the following courses and distances;
South 290 45J West 198 feetF 30uth 429 feet: South 860 455
West 165 feet~ South 1240.2 feet to a point in the Northerly
line of Lot 6 as shown on a map of land owned by E. Walter
Pyne, filed in Jook 2, page 19 of Record of Surveys in the
office of t~e County Recorder of Orange County, California~
t.11ence along the i'iort.l~erly line of Lots 6 and 5 of said
land of E. vlalter pyne, J.~.ort.i'1 690 East 524.9 feet to an
angle point in the i;orth line of said Lot 5, thence still
along the i;Jortherly line of said :':"ot 5 and the Easterly
extension thereof 120.8 feet~ thence South l76 feet to the
cOillpromise line as s110wn on a :'lap filed in Book 1 ~ page 38
of Hecorti of Surveys in the office of the County Recorder
of Orange County 1 California f thence along said line l~orth
670 East 1258 feet, .thence ~~ortii 750 East 400 feet; tllence
dartll 460 East 404.1 feet -to t~le end of said compronlise
lille; thence ...Jorth 390 :8a3t 510 feet to a point in the East-
erly line of the land described in the deed from Angelina Y.
Kraemer to S~nuel Araemer, recorded September 18, 1915, in
rlook 270, page 7 of Deeds~ tnence Northerly along the East-
erly line of the land described in said last mentioned deed
12!B32 feet: Inore or less, to the ~ortherly boundary of
said Rancho Canon de Santa Ana; thence Westerly along the
said ~'.Iortherly iJoundary line 4306. 4 feet, more or less, to
the point of be~inning.
~XCBPTING TaEREFROM L~e portion included within the right
of way of toe Atchison, ~opeka & Santa Fe Railway Company.
be excluded from Orange County A-I, AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT, and
incorporated in the City of Anaheim R-2-S,OOO, ONE FAMILY ZONE,
subject to the following conditions~
1. That a final tract map of subject property shall be
submitted to and approved by the City Council and then be recorded
in the Office of the Orange County Recorder.
2. Prior to the introduction of an ordinance rezoning
subject property, Condition No. 1 above mentioned shall be
completed. 1'he provisions or rights granted by this resolution
shall become null and void by action of the City Council unless
said conditions are complied with within one year from the date
hereof, or such further tine as the City Council may grant.
3. That the owner{s} of subject property shall pay to the
City of lUlaheim the appropriate park and recreation in-lieu fees
as determined to be appropriate by the City Council, said fees
to be paid at the tilne the building permit is issued.
4. Tnat these reclassification proceedings are granted
subject to the completion of annexation of subject property to
the City of Anaheim.
5. That suoject property s~all be developed in accordance
with standards as follows;
1) ~hat prior to the introduction of an ordinance reclassi-
fying suoject property, a specific plan shall be required
for any use, subdivision. site design or the construc.-
tion of any building, fence, sign or structure, or the
removal or deposit of natural material. Plans shall be
submitted indicating front, side and rear elevations,
plan view and a cross section through the proposal and
througn sufficient adjacent properties to indicate the
relationship of the proposal to those properties. Plans
or drawings should also show proposed building or struc-
ture locations, and in reasonable detail walls, walks,
topography. existing vegetation: proposed parking lay-
out and location: landscape and irrigation proposals~
buildin9 and roofing materials.
2) All buildings or mobilehoffie coaches along La Palma
Avenue, A.T. & S.F. Railroad right-of-way and Fairmont
Boulevard, shall maintain a landscaped setback area
having a minimum deptil of 50 feet. Said setbacks
shall be measured horizontally from the planned highway
ri9'l1t"-of-~way lines as indicated 011 the Circulation
~lenlent of the General Plan to tl1.e building" The 50--
foot setback inay be reduced to 40 feet where variations
in wall designs are provided. Variations in the re-
quired solid wall that are designed to include such
decorative materials as wrought iron, wood, stone or
landscaping are encouraged, provided that no more than
ten percent of the required wall length consist of
variations and ulat no variation have a width greater
than 5 feet.
3) 'fne entire required setback area except where drivet,rays
cross said areas, shall be landscaped as follows~
landscaping shall consist of lawn, trees, shrubs: ground
cover and certain architectural features as listed
below. All landscaped areas shall be permanently rnain--
tained in a neat and orderly manner as a condition of
use and shall De provided with hose bibbs, sprinklers~
or siillilar permanent irrigation facilities.
~he following architectural features, structures, and
accessways faay De pernli tted in the required setback
a. Fountains! ponds, pools; sculpture; planters and
open or covered walkways where 't.L~ey are an integ~-
ral part of a landscaping scheme comprised prim-
arily of plant materials.
b. Decorative screen type walls.
Flag poles.
(Maximum of 25 feet in height)
4) Where a ~ui1ding site is adjacent to the A.T. & S.F.
Railroad rigrlt-'of'-way, a solid decorative masonry wall..
an earthen berm or combination of the two shall be pro-
vided parallel to the risrut--of-vlay line. The wall or
berm shall be at least six (6) feet high as measured
from the high grade side of the property line. In
order to insure privacy to the dwelling units, a wall
or oernl in excess of six (6) feet in height may be
approved. Adequate landscaping to fully screen to a
height of ten (10) feet the subject property from the
railroad within two (2) years, shall be provided adja-
cent to the right-'.of".vlay line.
5) Where a prospective building site and/or subdivision
contains a Eucalyptus tree windbreak, the developer
shall either, (1) leave the windbreak in its natural
state; (2) prune the trees to a height of not less than
25 feet, or; (3) remove the existing trees and replace
thenl, one tree for every three trees (not necessarily
in the same location) with windbreak substitute trees.
Trees shall be at least eight (9) feet 1n height at the
tinte of planting. l^l:nere a prospective building site
and/or subdivision does not contain a Eucalyptus tree
windOreak, the developer shall plant trees in windbreak
fashion along a convenient property line at the rate
of ten (10) trees per gross acre. Trees shall be
selected from the list of windbreak substitute trees at
the end of this chapter and must oe at least eight (8)
feet nigh at the time of planting.
Any prospective building site and/or subdivision shall
not be required to have more than ten (10) windbreak
trees per gross acre.
6) All natural terrain or areas left in an undisturbed
state shall contain or shall be planted with adequate
native plant material. An irrigation system shall not
be required for these natural areas.
7) All cut or fill slopes shall be planted with adequate
plant materials and irrigated with an irrigation system
to protect the slopes against erosion. Said planting
shall consist of at least one (1) tree per 300 square
feet and one (1) shrub per 150 square feet of actual
bank slope area and a ground cover to completely cover
the bank within two (2) years from the time of planting.
8) The maximum overall height of any building shall be
25 feet measured from the highest portion of structure
to the highest finished grade level at the foundation.
9) Roof mounted equipment including exterior mounted and
ground mounted radio and television antennas shall not
be permitted.
6. That with the exception of Condition No. 5(1), above
mentioned, all other elements of Condition No. 5 shall be complied
with prior to final building and zoning inspection.
7. That ordinances reclassifying the property shall be
adopted as each parcel is ready to comply with conditions pertain-
ing to such parcel, provided, however, that the word "parcel" shall
mean presently existing parcels of record and any parcel of parcels
approved by the City Council for a lot split.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Attorney be, and
he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare and submit to
the City Council an ordinance amending Title 18 of the Anaheim
Municipal Code to accomplish the objects herein found and deter-
mined to be necessary and proper.
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION is approved and signed by me
this 9th day of February, 1971.
~ ~ ]~..--..
X J - .
- , U~~~
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim,
do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 71R-52 was
passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City
Council held on the 9th day of Februarv. 1971, by the following
vote of the members thereof: ~
AYES: COUNCILMEN: Roth, ~~ Pebley, Them and
AND I FURTHER CERTIFY that the Mayor of the City of Anaheim
approved and signed said resolution on the 9th day of Februarv,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the seal of the City of Anaheim this 9th day of Februarv, 1971.
~ );r 1)~
I, DENE M. WILLIAMS, City Clerk of the City of Anaheim, do hereby
certify that the foregoing is the original of Resolution No. 71R-52 duly
passed and adopted by the Anaheim City Council on February 9, 1971.
~ ) ~~. .
~- ~( A_2~/g;.~ ",..~
City Clerk