PC 82-28REiSOLUTI QI! FIQ. PCu7.-7_i; A RES(1LUTI~t! OF TfIE AIIAIIEII: f.ITY PLl~tttll~l~ r,nr~N~s~Inr~ TER~tit!/1TI~I~ ALL PftOC[EDI~I~S It! Cnt!!IEf.TI~I!'~IITH CO!lDlTlnlt,~l. USE PFPF~IT ;1~. 1?7?. '~JIIER[AS, on IJ~ivent~cr 1, 1~;11 , Condi tion~l Use I ermi t tlo. 1272 aras granted b the Anaheim Cit~~ Plannin Corvni,sion t~ Y ~J ~ernit husiness and professional ~ffices servinc~ c~mrierce ~nd industry a~ith , o~aiver nf minimum required front setback l~ndsca~inq alonn an irteri~l hiqhtiday, on rroperty Jescribed as a rectan~~ulirly-shaped ~arcel o,` land consistinn ~f approximately 1•3G acres, having a front.u~e of a~~roxinately 37.2 feet on thc east side of State College [3oulevard, having a maximum denth of an~roximately 1E~5 feet and bein~ located ap~roximatelp 2~n feet south of the centerline of E3a11 Road, llll[REAS, thc app) icant, Ivy Y.. Ong, property a•mer, has submi tted a letter requestinr terminiti~n of Conclition~l Use f'ermit tlo. 1777. in satisfaction of a condition of the ~rantin~ of Concliti~nal Use Permit Ilo. ?11iS, ~ranted ~n December 1, ~~~~, to pernit on-s~le beer and a~ine in a rroposed restaurant ~•iith waiver of the minimum numher of parF:in9 sp~ces on suhject property. t10'J, TIiER[FQRE, EE IT P,ES(1L~~FD that the llnaheim City Planning Cormissio~ does hereby terminate al) procee.dinc~s in connection ~aith Conditional Use °ermit No. 127?_ on the basis of thc feregoinct finJinqs. TtiE FOREr,q~,~r, {?E~pLL'TIQI! is si~neJ anJ ap~rove~i hy ne th?; 22nd day of February, rn^2, AiTEST: ~a~ ~.'$~.R.r,,~, cti i a-,n~, !1!J~IIFI11 CITY PL~tIMI1fG CnMt!ISSI,~M . ~ cr ,~y . SECRETlIRY ANAFIE111 CITY pI.ANtllt~f, C~!1~IISS1011 STA'fE OF C/1LIFOZ~IIA ) COUNTY OF OP,ANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANANL"Ihl ) ~, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commissian, do hereby certify thaC the foregoinp re,oiution a~as passed and ado~ted at a meetinn of the Anahcim City Planning Commission held on t'ebruary 22, 1~22, hy the follc~~ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COHMISSI~HERS: E3AR1lES, DO!IAS, E3t15110R[, Fny~ 1(ERI3ST, nll!~, Nc[3UR;lGY tdOGS: C0~1~11SSIO~lERS: N011E ABSEt1T: COMF1155I(1NER5: t10h1E IP~ IJITFlESS tltIERCOf , I have hereunto set my hand this 22nd day of February, t9BZ. ~/iw~ SFCRETARY„ ANAHCI~1 CITY PLAF1NI~aR COMMISSION PC82-28